36 research outputs found

    CIO Performance Measurement

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    Over the last decades, the academy and the community of practice have described the differences in CIO profiles recognizing that the challenges posed by the technological development and the evolution of business models require a wide array of abilities and skills that not always match companies and individuals. If the classic idea of ‘what you measure is what you get’ is also true in IT, then a possible explanation of the misalignments of IS/IT units may lie in the wrong measurement of the expected performances and results of CIOs. This conceptual article explores and describes the effects of performance management and analyzes how it could affect the performance of the CIO

    User Empowerment during a Coercive Organizational Transformation Enabled by Information Systems Change

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    Examines the effects of a small empowerment during the information system conversion phase of a directively managed transformation. Motivational benefits of employee empowerment in facilitating organizational change and promoting organization effectiveness; Use of a participative, collaborative or consultative change-management strategy; Important objective of information system development; Details on the study and its findings

    What Is Process Standardization?

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    Standards and standardization have played an important role in the evolution of information and communication technology. In parts of the literature on standardization and especially among practitioners we see a new theme emerge: business process standards. While there seems to be a consensus on the desirability of process standards, the concept has not yet been fully developed, and there is even less of a clear definition let alone a systematic understanding of the how and why of its value impact than with data and communication standards. In this paper, we suggest a process standardization construct and the associated value dimensions and report on a process standardization effort in a large multinational services firm that reveals how the theoretical considerations translate into concrete business value

    DLT-based sustainable business models for the shipping industry

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    This paper explores how distributed ledger technology (DLT), aka blockchain, might function as the technological basis for sustainable business models (SBM) in the shipping industry. More specifically, it examines the role that DLT can have in generating circular economies for information resources as well as inter-firm collaboration inside shipping.Postprint (author's final draft

    Комплексний підхід до управління корпоративним інформаційним контентом

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    Enterprise content management (ECM) includes numerous software developers, consultants and information management professionals around growing market potential. Though, there are only few extended reports concerning ECM implementation results. This article examines the practice-oriented, case summaries of ECM projects and major problems structures. The main areas that make up the structure are: ECM-related purposes, enterprise model, content model, technological infrastructure, administrational resources and change management problems. Issues that have been defined in this structure facilitate ECM development from enterprise viewpoint. Comparing the ECM concept to related researches in information resources management, document automation and knowledge management areas prove that ECM can represent modern integrated approach regarding information management.Управление корпоративным информационным контентом (ECM) насчитывает многочисленное количество разработчиков программного обеспечения, консультантов и специалистов по управлению информацией вокруг растущего рыночного потенциала. Однако на данный момент существует мало расширенных отчетов по результатам внедрения ECM. В данной статье анализируются практико-ориентированные, тематические изложения о ECM-проектах и структурах главных проблем. Основными сферами, входящими в структуру являются: цели связаны с ЕСМ, модель предприятия, модель контента, технологическая инфраструктура, административные ресурсы и проблемы управления изменениями. Определенные в этой структуре проблемы способствуют развитию ECM с точки зрения предприятия. Сравнивая концепцию ЕСМ со связанными исследованиями в области управления информационными ресурсами, электронного документооборота и управления знаниями, можно утверждать, что ЕСМ представляет современный комплексный подход к управлению информацией.Управління корпоративним інформаційним контентом (ECM) налічує численну кількість розробників програмного забезпечення, консультантів і професіоналів по управлінню інформацією навколо зростаючого ринкового потенціалу. Однак, на разі існує мало розширених звітів за результатами впроваджень ECM. У даній статті аналізуються практико-орієнтовані, тематичні виклади про ECM-проекти і структури головних проблем. Основні сфери, що входять до структури є: цілі пов’язані з ЕСМ, модель підприємства, модель контенту, технологічна інфраструктура, адміністративні ресурси та проблеми управління змінами. Визначені в цій структурі проблеми сприяють розвитку ECM з точки зору підприємства. Порівнюючи концепцію ЕСМ з пов’язаними дослідженнями у галузях управління інформаційними ресурсами, електронного документообігу та управління знаннями, можна стверджувати, що ЕСМ представляє сучасний комплексний підхід до управління інформацією

    Current State of Information Security Research In IS

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    The importance of information security in a pervasive networked environment is undeniable, yet there is a lack of research in this area. In this study we conduct a comprehensive survey of the information security articles published in leading IS journals. We then compared the research themes with those of the IBM Information Security Capability Reference Model

    Structural Equation Modeling in Information Systems Research Using Partial Least Squares

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    Empirical studies that use structural equation modeling (SEM) are widespread in information systems research. During the last few years, the component-based approach partial least squares (PLS) for testing structural models has become increasingly popular. At the same time, this approach’s limitations have become a greater concern. Some researchers even suggest using alternative approaches that are considered superior to PLS. However, we believe that PLS is an adequate choice if the research problem meets certain characteristics and the technique is properly used. Thus, the intention of this article is to resolve potential uncertainties that researchers intending to use PLS might have. Consequently, we provide a nontechnical overview of PLS and outline the ongoing discourses on SEM in general and the PLS approach in particular. Furthermore, we present a basic framework for empirical research applying PLS as well as a detailed explanation of the different process steps. Finally, examples of information systems research using PLS are summarized to demonstrate its beneficial application and the appropriateness of the proposed framework. This article can serve as a helpful guide for inexperienced researchers applying PLS for the first time, but also as a reference guide for researchers with a better understanding of the field

    Whose Information Is It Anyway? An Argument for Information Stewardship

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    Information is an important resource for businesses and government, with information quality influencing decision quality, and highlighting our need to manage our information well: as a resource. Information Resource Management (IRM) has as its goal the management of information as a resource, but has not been implemented with the level of success expected. Problems with the implementation of IRM are indicated by the presence of redundant or inconsistent data, inability to share information across systems, and difficulty finding the information on systems. We propose that these difficulties are related to behaviours linked to perceived ownership of corporate information by organisational sub-units. To evaluate the proposition, we performed a case study on an organisation to see if we could identify the presence of problems, and the presence of the ownership behaviours. The case study revealed the presence of both problems with information management and behaviours related to ownership. To improve the management of information in organisations, we recommend that organisations take ownership of the information resource at the corporate executive level, and educate users of the information on the benefits of stewardship of the information they use. This will encourage staff at all levels to see information as a resource, not merely a cost of doing business