200 research outputs found

    PRINCIPLES OF METADESIGN Processes and Levels of Co-Creation in the New Design Space

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    In the tight of the material and cultural conditions of the present world and within the context of current design theories, this research aims to provide an understanding of Metadesign as emerging design cutture, and to integrate and advance its conceptual framework and principles through a tra nsdisci pli nary dialogue with the aesthetics and practice of Net Art. By rejecting the notion of Metadesign as an established design approach and practice, the creation of an etymological hypothesis based on the meanings of the prefix "-meta" (behind, together, between) becomes possible. Following this historical and cultural path, the research describes theories, frameworks and practices of Metadesign that have occurred in art, culture and media since the 1980s, in fields, such as, graphic design, industrial design, software engineering, information design, interaction design, biotechnotogical design, telecommunication art, experimental aesthetics, and architecture. The comparison and integration of all these approaches and viewpoints attows the identification of some design trends. More significantly, however, such an analysis enables the deconstruction of clusters of concepts and the production of a map of coherent etements. The anticipatory, participatory and sociotechnical issues raised 4 by the emerging and interconnected concepts that underlie Metadesign can be articulated and summarized in a three-fotd path based on the initial epistemological hypothesis. This can be characterized by three specific terms: 1) behind (designing design); 2) with (designing together); 3) betweenlamon3 (designing the "inbetween "). Interactive Art practitioners and theorists, both at an aesthetic and practical level, also share concerns about interaction, participation and co-creation. Compared to more financially oriented fields, Interactive Art, and collaborative practices of Net Art specificalty, have been We to answer to the new materiat and existentiat condition outlined by interconnectivity with a more dismantling experimentalism. The insights and advances they have produced in relation to the embodied and intersubjective dimension of human experience and creativity are stilt to be fully explored. Such insights can significantly fortify the three-fold path elaborated by this research, particutarty the third fo(d, which is concerned with the design of the 0rinbetween ". Focusing on collaborative systems for graphical interaction, as more suitable to the goal of understanding basic embodied and intersubjective processes of co-creation, the research identifies and analyses three projects of Net Art as case studies (GL&n6rateur Po*i 6tique, Open Studio, SITO Synergy Gridcosm). The results of these case studies provide an understanding of the experience of co-creation, a grasp of motivationat paths to co-creation, and a description of the features of the computationat environment which can sustain co-creation

    Evaluating mobile health applications as digital therapeutical products

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    The emergence of new technological advancements and the unprecedented expansion of mobile phone usage has led to the exponential growth of Mobile Health Applications (mHealth apps) development and implementation in the global markets. mHealth apps have created innovative channels to diagnose, treat, monitor, and engage with patients in various healthcare settings, and therefore, it is an important exploration in the fields of information technology, healthcare, and cognitive behavioural sciences. However, a significant portion of mHealth apps has been identified to be developed without scientific or clinical evidence. The objective of implementing the proposed “mHealth App Evaluation Tool” and its validation of the perceived usefulness of the tool from clinicians, mHealth app developers and end-users is to provide a solution for addressing the current gap in evaluating the efficacy of unregulated mHealth apps. An extensive review of the literature from 2010 to 2022 was conducted in three separate phases, gathering and synthesising the core concepts of the mHealth app landscape, proposed frameworks and parameters, the evolution and construction of unidimensional and multidimensional scales and the use of multi-stakeholder participation for a holistic evaluation process. The proposed mHealth app evaluation tool was developed on the foundation of six design drivers: modifiability, scalability, multi-stakeholder involvement, simultaneous management of multiple evaluation projects, ease of use and accessibility. The development of the tool utilised the RestFul API pattern, leveraging Laravel PHP and Vue.js frameworks. The data collection process was completed in two separate phases. The first phase involved the data obtained from the participant’s evaluation of the WYSA app using the proposed mHealth App Evaluation Tool. The system auto-generated an associated average score out of 5 against each evaluation. The second phase involved the data collection during the 30 minutes interview session. Due to the ever-changing nature of software applications, it is inevitable that the elements of mHealth app evaluation will continue to evolve and change over time. What is deemed to be necessary and critical in evaluating mHealth apps today may not be so in years to come. The mHealth App Evaluation tool addresses the need for future criteria modifications, scalability, and the necessity to obtain expert knowledge from multiple stakeholders for a holistic mHealth app evaluation

    Brain data:Scanning, scraping and sculpting the plastic learning brain through neurotechnology

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    Neurotechnology is an advancing field of research and development with significant implications for education. As 'postdigital' hybrids of biological and informational codes, novel neurotechnologies combine neuroscience insights into the human brain with advanced technical development in brain imaging, brain-computer interfaces, neurofeedback platforms, brain stimulation and other neuroenhancement applications. Merging neurobiological knowledge about human life with computational technologies, neurotechnology exemplifies how postdigital science will play a significant role in societies and education in decades to come. As neurotechnology developments are being extended to education, they present potential for businesses and governments to enact new techniques of 'neurogovernance' by 'scanning' the brain, 'scraping' it for data and then 'sculpting' the brain toward particular capacities. The aim of this article is to critically review neurotechnology developments and implications for education. It examines the purposes to which neurotechnology development is being put in education, interrogating the commercial and governmental objectives associated with it and the neuroscientific concepts and expertise that underpin it. Finally, the article raises significant ethical and governance issues related to neurotechnology development and postdigital science that require concerted attention from education researchers

    Leveraging the web as a ubiquitous platform for adaptive multi-device applications

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    Absorptive, adopted and agile: A study of the digital transformation of Africa carriers

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    My thesis explores the cultural, social and management context of digital transformation for African carriers, and discusses the elements of social-cultural barriers, obstacles of digital adoption, innovation, organisation change, ecosystem and their influences. Existing studies are mainly based on the presumed conditions in developed markets, including the free market, rule by law, human capital without considering the social and historical obstacles, absorptive capacities of organisations and the influences of foreign ICT enablers. Using a qualitative research paradigm privileges the insiders’ perspective. I have examined the different backgrounds of digital transformation in Africa. Path dependence is a significant negative consequence of post-colonial social net and western knowledge dominant environment. Vested interest plus corruption slowed down the process of digital adoption while arbitrary administration causes unnecessary concerns for participants. Traditionalism of Africa is a trade-off between customs of tribes and influence of colonial power. The priority for carriers is reshaping the organisation to take advantage of existing strategic assets, while the improvement of value creation efficiency is carried out by activating the ability of individuals. The new value net breaks the previous development model of low interdependence, maximising the use of external resources based on complementary advantages and sharing. The value net inherits the advantages of flexibility, innovation, quick response, and risk reduction advantages of organisations. Meanwhile, it has 4 following unique characteristics in Africa: Extremely Various Needs of Customers, Cross-industry, Locally Adopted Business Model and High Sensitivity in Costs. Four aspects are examined in value proposition, core competence, incubation and co-value creation to enable value net synergies. My research contributes to the theory of the digital transformation in undeveloped countries, in particular how social relationships and cultural norms are inextricably linked with insiders’ understandings of digital transformation. It also contributes to emerging debate about digital maturity research paradigms and methodologies

    Interoperability Gap Challenges for Learning Object Repositories & Learning Management Systems

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    An interoperability gap exists between Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and Learning Object Repositories (LORs). Learning Objects (LOs) and the associated Learning Object Metadata (LOM) that is stored within LORs adhere to a variety of LOM standards. A common LOM standard found in LORs is the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) Content Aggregation Model (CAM). In contrast, LMSs are independent computer systems that manage and deliver course content to students via a web interface. This research addressed three important issues related to the interoperability gap: (a) a lack of a metadata standard that defined the format of how student assessment data should be communicated from LMSs to LORs, (b) a lack of an architectural standard for the movement of data from LMSs to LORs, and (c) a lack of middleware that facilitated the movement of the student assessment data from the LMSs to LORs. This research achieved the following objectives: (a) the SCORM CAM LOM standard was extended to facilitate the storage of student assessment data, (b) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) was identified as the best architecture to resolve the interoperability gap between LMSs and LORs, (c) a panel of Computer Information Systems (CIS) experts participated in a five-stage, web-based, anonymous Delphi process that approved and ranked 28 functional requirements for a proposed middleware application, and (d) the functional requirements were verified via the development of a prototype that transferred student assessment data from a LMSs into the LOM of LOs that are stored within a LOR. In conclusion, the research demonstrated that there are three acceptable approaches to extending the SCORM LOM standard: (a) new metadata elements, (b) new vocabulary values, and (c) the reference of an internal or external XML file using a location element. The main accomplishments of the research were the gathering of SOA functional requirements and the development of a prototype that provided an approach for the resolution of the interoperability gap that exists between LMSs and LORs

    Intelligent Mobile Learning Interaction System (IMLIS): A Personalized Learning System for People with Mental Disabilities

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    The domain of learning context for people with special needs is a big challenge for digi- tal media in education. This thesis describes the main ideas and the architecture of a system called Intelligent Mobile Learning Interaction System (IMLIS) that provides a mobile learning environment for people with mental disabilities. The design of IMLIS aims to enhance personalization aspects by using a decision engine, which makes deci- sions based on the user s abilities, learning history and reactions to processes. It allows for adaptation, adjustment and personalization of content, learning activities, and the user interface on different levels in a context where learners and teachers are targeting autonomous learning by personalized lessons and feedback. Due to IMLIS dynamic structure and flexible patterns, it is able to meet the specific needs of individuals and to engage them in learning activities with new learning motivations. In addition to support- ing learning material and educational aspects, mobile learning fosters learning across context and provides more social communication and collaboration for its users. The suggested methodology defines a comprehensive learning process for the mentally disabled to support them in formal and informal learning. We apply knowledge from the field of research and practice to people with mental disabilities, as well as discuss the pedagogical and didactical aspects of the design

    Architectural stability of self-adaptive software systems

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    This thesis studies the notion of stability in software engineering with the aim of understanding its dimensions, facets and aspects, as well as characterising it. The thesis further investigates the aspect of behavioural stability at the architectural level, as a property concerned with the architecture's capability in maintaining the achievement of expected quality of service and accommodating runtime changes, in order to delay the architecture drifting and phasing-out as a consequence of the continuous unsuccessful provision of quality requirements. The research aims to provide a systematic and methodological support for analysing, modelling, designing and evaluating architectural stability. The novelty of this research is the consideration of stability during runtime operation, by focusing on the stable provision of quality of service without violations. As the runtime dimension is associated with adaptations, the research investigates stability in the context of self-adaptive software architectures, where runtime stability is challenged by the quality of adaptation, which in turn affects the quality of service. The research evaluation focuses on the effectiveness, scale and accuracy in handling runtime dynamics, using the self-adaptive cloud architectures