155 research outputs found

    Security Methods in Internet of vehicles

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    The emerging wireless communication technology known as vehicle ad hoc networks (VANETs) has the potential to both lower the risk of auto accidents caused by drivers and offer a wide range of entertainment amenities. The messages broadcast by a vehicle may be impacted by security threats due to the open-access nature of VANETs. Because of this, VANET is susceptible to security and privacy problems. In order to go beyond the obstacle, we investigate and review some existing researches to secure communication in VANET. Additionally, we provide overview, components in VANET in details

    Certificate Based Scheme and Expedite Message Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    VANET security is major issue for researcher. Thus Ad-Hoc Networks embrace the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) for their security purpose. EMAP was presented to overcome the problem of the long delay incurred in checking the revocation status of a certificate using a CRL. From the experimental analysis it was observed that it is resistant to common attacks while performing the authentication techniques. Therefore, EMAP can significantly decrease the message-loss ratio due to message verification delay as compared to the conventional authentication methods employing CRL checking. Thus to further address these issues along with EMAP protocol, new EMAP method is presented called as CEMAP (certificate based EMAP) which is intended to overcome the authentication delay in message processing by reducing the complexity in Authentication process. CEMAP authentication protocol is constructed based on the combination of the new signature scheme and EMAP. The proposed algorithm reduces the delay by 10% than EMAP. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15023

    A Review of Research on Privacy Protection of Internet of Vehicles Based on Blockchain

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    Numerous academic and industrial fields, such as healthcare, banking, and supply chain management, are rapidly adopting and relying on blockchain technology. It has also been suggested for application in the internet of vehicles (IoV) ecosystem as a way to improve service availability and reliability. Blockchain offers decentralized, distributed and tamper-proof solutions that bring innovation to data sharing and management, but do not themselves protect privacy and data confidentiality. Therefore, solutions using blockchain technology must take user privacy concerns into account. This article reviews the proposed solutions that use blockchain technology to provide different vehicle services while overcoming the privacy leakage problem which inherently exists in blockchain and vehicle services. We analyze the key features and attributes of prior schemes and identify their contributions to provide a comprehensive and critical overview. In addition, we highlight prospective future research topics and present research problems

    State-of-the-art authentication and verification schemes in VANETs:A survey

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    Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs), a subset of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs), are wireless networks formed around moving vehicles, enabling communication between vehicles, roadside infrastructure, and servers. With the rise of autonomous and connected vehicles, security concerns surrounding VANETs have grown. VANETs still face challenges related to privacy with full-scale deployment due to a lack of user trust. Critical factors shaping VANETs include their dynamic topology and high mobility characteristics. Authentication protocols emerge as the cornerstone of enabling the secure transmission of entities within a VANET. Despite concerted efforts, there remains a need to incorporate verification approaches for refining authentication protocols. Formal verification constitutes a mathematical approach enabling developers to validate protocols and rectify design errors with precision. Therefore, this review focuses on authentication protocols as a pivotal element for securing entity transmission within VANETs. It presents a comparative analysis of existing protocols, identifies research gaps, and introduces a novel framework that incorporates formal verification and threat modeling. The review considers key factors influencing security, sheds light on ongoing challenges, and emphasises the significance of user trust. The proposed framework not only enhances VANET security but also contributes to the growing field of formal verification in the automotive domain. As the outcomes of this study, several research gaps, challenges, and future research directions are identified. These insights would offer valuable guidance for researchers to establish secure authentication communication within VANETs

    Proposal: An Efficient Security and Privacy Scheme based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET)

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    Vehicles in a vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) broadcast information about the driving environment in the road. Due to the open-access environment, this means that the VANET is susceptible to security and privacy issues. However, none of the related works satisfies all security and privacy requirements. Besides, their proposed has huge overhead in terms of computation and communication. To address the above issues, we will propose the security and privacy scheme based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and one secure hash function. Hence the reliability of each message being signed and checked has been improved. The main aim of this work is to satisfy all aspect requirements of security and privacy and reduce the computational complexity of the system

    Vehicle Authentication in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network using RSU Based Approach

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a pervasive network where vehicles communicate with nearby vehicles and infrastructure nodes, such as Road-side unit (RSU). VANET is the subclass of Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) in which nodes move randomly and are connected wirelessly. Information sharing among vehicles is an essential component of an intelligent traffic system (ITS), but security and privacy concerns must be taken into consideration. Security of the network can be improved by granting access only to authenticated vehicles. This research proposes an RSU based approach to authenticate vehicles and notify vehicles about unauthorized messages/vehicles. It helps in preventing other vehicles in the network from being influenced by the malicious vehicle. In this approach, Blockchain has been used to securely maintain the identity of all vehicles in the network. The use of this RSU based approach helps to reduce the computational overhead on the On-board unit (OBU) of individual vehicles and reduces the processing delay

    Secure Authentication and Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs)

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    In the last decade, there has been growing interest in Vehicular Ad Hoc NETworks (VANETs). Today car manufacturers have already started to equip vehicles with sophisticated sensors that can provide many assistive features such as front collision avoidance, automatic lane tracking, partial autonomous driving, suggestive lane changing, and so on. Such technological advancements are enabling the adoption of VANETs not only to provide safer and more comfortable driving experience but also provide many other useful services to the driver as well as passengers of a vehicle. However, privacy, authentication and secure message dissemination are some of the main issues that need to be thoroughly addressed and solved for the widespread adoption/deployment of VANETs. Given the importance of these issues, researchers have spent a lot of effort in these areas over the last decade. We present an overview of the following issues that arise in VANETs: privacy, authentication, and secure message dissemination. Then we present a comprehensive review of various solutions proposed in the last 10 years which address these issues. Our survey sheds light on some open issues that need to be addressed in the future

    Protocols and Architecture for Privacy-preserving Authentication and Secure Message Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    The rapid development in the automotive industry and wireless communication technologies have enhanced the popularity of Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Today, the automobile industry is developing sophisticated sensors that can provide a wide range of assistive features, including accident avoidance, automatic lane tracking, semi-autonomous driving, suggested lane changes, and more. VANETs can provide drivers a safer and more comfortable driving experience, as well as many other useful services by leveraging such technological advancements. Even though this networking technology enables smart and autonomous driving, it also introduces a plethora of attack vectors. However, the main issues to be sorted out and addressed for the widespread deployment/adoption of VANETs are privacy, authenticating users, and the distribution of secure messages. These issues have been addressed in this dissertation, and the contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows: Secure and privacy-preserving authentication and message dissemination in VANETs: Attackers can compromise the messages disseminated within VANETs by tampering with the message content or sending malicious messages. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure the legitimacy of the vehicles participating in the VANETs as well as the integrity and authenticity of the messages transmitted in VANETs. In VANET communication, the vehicle uses pseudonyms instead of its real identity to protect its privacy. However, the real identity of a vehicle must be revealed when it is determined to be malicious. This dissertation presents a distributed and scalable privacy-preserving authentication and message dissemination scheme in VANET. Low overhead privacy-preserving authentication scheme in VANETs: The traditional pseudonym-based authentication scheme uses Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) to store the certificates of revoked and malicious entities in VANETs. However, the size of CRL increases significantly with the increased number of revoked entities. Therefore, the overhead involved in maintaining the revoked certificates is overwhelming in CRL-based solutions. This dissertation presents a lightweight privacy-preserving authentication scheme that reduces the overhead associated with maintaining CRLs in VANETs. Our scheme also provides an efficient look-up operation for CRLs. Efficient management of pseudonyms for privacy-preserving authentication in VANETs: In VANETs, vehicles change pseudonyms frequently to avoid the traceability of attackers. However, if only one vehicle out of 100 vehicles changes its pseudonym, an intruder can easily breach the privacy of the vehicle by linking the old and new pseudonym. This dissertation presents an efficient method for managing pseudonyms of vehicles. In our scheme, vehicles within the same region simultaneously change their pseudonyms to reduce the chance of linking two pseudonyms to the same vehicle

    Software engineering based self-checking process for cyber security system in VANET

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    Newly, the cyber security of Vehicle Ad hoc Network (VANET) includes two practicable: Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I), that have been considered due to importance. It has become possible to keep pace with the development in the world. The people safety is a priority in the development of technology in general and particular in of VANET for police vehicles. In this paper, we propose a software engineering based self-checking process to ensure the high redundancy of the generated keys. These keys are used in underlying cyber security system for VANET. The proposed self-checking process emploies a set of NIST tests including frequency, block and runs as a threshold for accepting the generated keys. The introduced cyber security system includes three levels: Firstly, the registration phase that asks vehicles to register in the system, in which the network excludes the unregistered ones. In this phase, the proposed software engineeringbased self-checking process is adopted. Secondly, the authentication phase that checks of the vehicles after the registration phase. Thirdly, the proposed system that is able to detect the DOS attack. The obtained results show the efficient performance of the proposed system in managing the security of the VANET network. The self-checking process increased the randomness of the generated keys, in which the security factor is increased

    A trust-driven privacy architecture for vehicular ad-hoc networks

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    Vehicular Ad-Hoc NETworks (VANETs) are an emerging technology which aims to improve road safety by preventing and reducing traffic accidents. While VANETs offer a great variety of promising applications, such as, safety-related and infotainment applications, they remain a number of security and privacy related research challenges that must be addressed. A common approach to security issues widely adopted in VANETs is the use of Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) and digital certificates in order to enable authentication, authorization and confidentiality. These approaches usually rely on a large set of regional Certification Authorities (CAs). Despite the advantages of PKI-based approaches, there are two main problems that arise, i) the secure interoperability among the different and usually unknown- issuing CAs, and ii) the sole use of PKI in a VANET environment cannot prevent privacy related attacks, such as, linking a vehicle with an identifier, tracking vehicles ¿big brother scenario" and user profiling. Additionally, since vehicles in VANETs will be able to store great amounts of information including private information, unauthorized access to such information should be carefully considered. This thesis addresses authentication and interoperability issues in vehicular communications, considering an inter-regional scenario where mutual authentication between nodes is needed. To provide interoperability between vehicles and services among different domains, an Inter-domain Authentication System (AS) is proposed. The AS supplies vehicles with a trusted set of authentication credentials by implementing a near real-time certificate status service. The proposed AS also implements a mechanism to quantitatively evaluate the trust level of a CA, in order to decide on-the-y if an interoperability relationship can be created. This research work also contributes with a Privacy Enhancing Model (PEM) to deal with important privacy issues in VANETs. The PEM consists of two PKI-based privacy protocols: i) the Attribute-Based Privacy (ABP) protocol, and ii) the Anonymous Information Retrieval (AIR) protocol. The ABP introduces Attribute-Based Credentials (ABC) to provide conditional anonymity and minimal information disclosure, which overcome with the privacy issues related to linkability (linking a vehicle with an identifier) and vehicle tracking (big brother scenario). The AIR protocol addresses user profiling when querying Service Providers (SPs), by relying in a user collaboration privacy protocol based on query forgery and permutation; and assuming that neither participant nodes nor SPs could be completely trusted. Finally, the Trust Validation Model (TVM) is proposed. The TVM supports decision making by evaluating entities trust based on context information, in order to provide i) access control to driver and vehicle's private information, and ii) public information trust validation
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