47 research outputs found

    Improving the Statistical Qualities of Pseudo Random Number Generators

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    Pseudo random and true random sequence generators are important components in many scientific and technical fields, playing a fundamental role in the application of the Monte Carlo methods and stochastic simulation. Unfortunately, the quality of the sequences produced by these generators are not always ideal in terms of randomness for many applications. We present a new nonlinear filter design that improves the output sequences of common pseudo random generators in terms of statistical randomness. Taking inspiration from techniques employed in symmetric ciphers, it is based on four seed-dependent substitution boxes, an evolving internal state register, and the combination of different types of operations with the aim of diffusing nonrandom patterns in the input sequence. For statistical analysis we employ a custom initial battery of tests and well-regarded comprehensive packages such as TestU01 and PractRand. Analysis results show that our proposal achieves excellent randomness characteristics and can even transform nonrandom sources (such as a simple counter generator) into perfectly usable pseudo random sequences. Furthermore, performance is excellent while storage consumption is moderate, enabling its implementation in embedded or low power computational platforms.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), the State Research Agency (AEI), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under project RTI2018-097263-B-I00 (ACTIS)

    An Innovative Design of Substitution Box Using Trigonometric Transformation

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    As the number of hacking events and cyber threats keeps going up, it is getting harder and harder to communicate securely and keep personal information safe on the Internet. Cryptography is a very important way to deal with these problems because it can secure data by changing it from one form to another. In this study, we show a new, lightweight algorithm that is based on trigonometric ideas and offers a lot of security by making it less likely that cryptanalysis will work. The performance of our suggested algorithm is better than that of older methods like the Hill cipher, Blowfish, and DES. Even though traditional methods offer good security, they may have more work to do, which slows them down. The suggested algorithm tries to close this gap by offering a solution based on trigonometric ideas that are both fast and safe. The main goal of this study is to come up with a small but strong encryption algorithm that cannot be broken by cryptanalysis and keeps Internet communication safe. We want to speed up the coding process without making it less secure by using trigonometric principles. The suggested algorithm uses trigonometric functions and operations to create non-linearity and confusion, making it resistant to both differential and linear cryptanalysis. We show that the suggested algorithm is more secure and faster than traditional methods like the Hill cipher, Blowfish, and DES by doing a lot of research and testing. Combining trigonometric ideas with a simple design makes it workable for real world uses and offers a promising way to protect data on the Internet

    Chaotic image encryption using hopfield and hindmarsh–rose neurons implemented on FPGA

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    Chaotic systems implemented by artificial neural networks are good candidates for data encryption. In this manner, this paper introduces the cryptographic application of the Hopfield and the Hindmarsh–Rose neurons. The contribution is focused on finding suitable coefficient values of the neurons to generate robust random binary sequences that can be used in image encryption. This task is performed by evaluating the bifurcation diagrams from which one chooses appropriate coefficient values of the mathematical models that produce high positive Lyapunov exponent and Kaplan–Yorke dimension values, which are computed using TISEAN. The randomness of both the Hopfield and the Hindmarsh–Rose neurons is evaluated from chaotic time series data by performing National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) tests. The implementation of both neurons is done using field-programmable gate arrays whose architectures are used to develop an encryption system for RGB images. The success of the encryption system is confirmed by performing correlation, histogram, variance, entropy, and Number of Pixel Change Rate (NPCR) tests

    Distinguishing Lightweight Block Ciphers in Encrypted Images

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    Modern day lightweight block ciphers provide powerful encryption methods for securing IoT communication data. Tiny digital devices exchange private data which the individual users might not be willing to get disclosed. On the other hand, the adversaries try their level best to capture this private data. The first step towards this is to identify the encryption scheme. This work is an effort to construct a distinguisher to identify the cipher used in encrypting the traffic data. We try to establish a deep learning based method to identify the encryption scheme used from a set of three lightweight block ciphers viz. LBlock, PRESENT and SPECK. We make use of images from MNIST and fashion MNIST data sets for establishing the cryptographic distinguisher. Our results show that the overall classification accuracy depends firstly on the type of key used in encryption and secondly on how frequently the pixel values change in original input image

    DNA and Plaintext Dependent Chaotic Visual Selective Image Encryption

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    Visual selective image encryption can both improve the efficiency of the image encryption algorithm and reduce the frequency and severity of attacks against data. In this article, a new form of encryption is proposed based on keys derived from Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and plaintext image. The proposed scheme results in chaotic visual selective encryption of image data. In order to make and ensure that this new scheme is robust and secure against various kinds of attacks, the initial conditions of the chaotic maps utilized are generated from a random DNA sequence as well as plaintext image via an SHA-512 hash function. To increase the key space, three different single dimension chaotic maps are used. In the proposed scheme, these maps introduce diffusion in a plain image by selecting a block that have greater correlation and then it is bitwise XORed with the random matrix. The other two chaotic maps break the correlation among adjacent pixels via confusion (row and column shuffling). Once the ciphertext image has been divided into the respective units of Most Significant Bits (MSBs) and Least Significant Bit (LSBs), the host image is passed through lifting wavelet transformation, which replaces the low-frequency blocks of the host image (i.e., HL and HH) with the aforementioned MSBs and LSBs of ciphertext. This produces a final visual selective encrypted image and all security measures proves the robustness of the proposed scheme

    A novel symmetric image cryptosystem resistant to noise perturbation based on S8 elliptic curve S-boxes and chaotic maps

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    The recent decade has seen a tremendous escalation of multimedia and its applications. These modern applications demand diverse security requirements and innovative security platforms. In this manuscript, we proposed an algorithm for image encryption applications. The core structure of this algorithm relies on confusion and diffusion operations. The confusion is mainly done through the application of the elliptic curve and S8 symmetric group. The proposed work incorporates three distinct chaotic maps. A detailed investigation is presented to analyze the behavior of chaos for secure communication. The chaotic sequences are then accordingly applied to the proposed algorithm. The modular approach followed in the design framework and integration of chaotic maps into the system makes the algorithm viable for a variety of image encryption applications. The resiliency of the algorithm can further be enhanced by increasing the number of rounds and S-boxes deployed. The statistical findings and simulation results imply that the algorithm is resistant to various attacks. Moreover, the algorithm satisfies all major performance and quality metrics. The encryption scheme can also resist channel noise as well as noise-induced by a malicious user. The decryption is successfully done for noisy data with minor distortions. The overall results determine that the proposed algorithm contains good cryptographic properties and low computational complexity makes it viable to low profile applications

    Design and implementation of Threefish cipher algorithm in PNG file

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    This paper is presenting design and implementation of Threefish block cipher on grayscale images. Despite the fact that Threefish block cipher is one of the best secure algorithms, most studies concerning Threefish have focused on hardware implementation and have not commonly been applied on image encryption due to huge amount of data. The main contribution here was to reduce the time and the amount of data to be encrypted while maintaining encryption performance. This objective was achieved by encrypting just the most significant bits of image pixels. A 256-bit plain text blocks of the Threefish was constructed from 2n most significant bits of the pixels, where 0<n<3. Furthermore, Threefish block cipher was applied when n=3 to analyze the impact of uninvolving some bits in encryption process on the encryption performance. The results indicated that the encryption achieved good encryption quality when n=1, but it might cause some loss in decryption. In contrast, the encryption achieved high encryption quality when n=2, almost as good as the encryption of the whole pixel bits. Furthermore, the encryption time and the amount of data to be encrypted were decreased 50% as n decreased by 1. It was concluded that encrypting half of the pixel bits reduces both time and data, as well as significantly preserves the encryption quality. Finally, although the proposed method passed the statistical analysis, further work is needed to find a method resistant to the differential analysis

    A fusion of machine learning and cryptography for fast data encryption through the encoding of high and moderate plaintext information blocks

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    Within the domain of image encryption, an intrinsic trade-off emerges between computational complexity and the integrity of data transmission security. Protecting digital images often requires extensive mathematical operations for robust security. However, this computational burden makes real-time applications unfeasible. The proposed research addresses this challenge by leveraging machine learning algorithms to optimize efficiency while maintaining high security. This methodology involves categorizing image pixel blocks into three classes: high-information, moderate-information, and low-information blocks using a support vector machine (SVM). Encryption is selectively applied to high and moderate information blocks, leaving low-information blocks untouched, significantly reducing computational time. To evaluate the proposed methodology, parameters like precision, recall, and F1-score are used for the machine learning component, and security is assessed using metrics like correlation, peak signal-to-noise ratio, mean square error, entropy, energy, and contrast. The results are exceptional, with accuracy, entropy, correlation, and energy values all at 97.4%, 7.9991, 0.0001, and 0.0153, respectively. Furthermore, this encryption scheme is highly efficient, completed in less than one second, as validated by a MATLAB tool. These findings emphasize the potential for efficient and secure image encryption, crucial for secure data transmission in real-time applications