123 research outputs found

    Compressed basis GMRES on high-performance graphics processing units

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    Krylov methods provide a fast and highly parallel numerical tool for the iterative solution of many large-scale sparse linear systems. To a large extent, the performance of practical realizations of these methods is constrained by the communication bandwidth in current computer architectures, motivating the investigation of sophisticated techniques to avoid, reduce, and/or hide the message-passing costs (in distributed platforms) and the memory accesses (in all architectures). This article leverages Ginkgo’s memory accessor in order to integrate a communication-reduction strategy into the (Krylov) GMRES solver that decouples the storage format (i.e., the data representation in memory) of the orthogonal basis from the arithmetic precision that is employed during the operations with that basis. Given that the execution time of the GMRES solver is largely determined by the memory accesses, the cost of the datatype transforms can be mostly hidden, resulting in the acceleration of the iterative step via a decrease in the volume of bits being retrieved from memory. Together with the special properties of the orthonormal basis (whose elements are all bounded by 1), this paves the road toward the aggressive customization of the storage format, which includes some floating-point as well as fixed-point formats with mild impact on the convergence of the iterative process. We develop a high-performance implementation of the “compressed basis GMRES” solver in the Ginkgo sparse linear algebra library using a large set of test problems from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. We demonstrate robustness and performance advantages on a modern NVIDIA V100 graphics processing unit (GPU) of up to 50% over the standard GMRES solver that stores all data in IEEE double-precision

    Using GPU to Accelerate Linear Computations in Power System Applications

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    With the development of advanced power system controls, the industrial and research community is becoming more interested in simulating larger interconnected power grids. It is always critical to incorporate advanced computing technologies to accelerate these power system computations. Power flow, one of the most fundamental computations in power system analysis, converts the solution of non-linear systems to that of a set of linear systems via the Newton method or one of its variants. An efficient solution to these linear equations is the key to improving the performance of power flow computation, and hence to accelerating other power system applications based on power flow computation, such as optimal power flow, contingency analysis, etc. This dissertation focuses on the exploration of iterative linear solvers and applicable preconditioners, with graphic processing unit (GPU) implementations to achieve performance improvement on the linear computations in power flow computations. An iterative conjugate gradient solver with Chebyshev preconditioner is studied first, and then the preconditioner is extended to a two-step preconditioner. At last, the conjugate gradient solver and the two-step preconditioner are integrated with MATPOWER to solve the practical fast decoupled load flow (FDPF), and an inexact linear solution method is proposed to further save the runtime of FDPF. Performance improvement is reported by applying these methods and GPU-implementation. The final complete GPU-based FDPF with inexact linear solving can achieve nearly 3x performance improvement over the MATPOWER implementation for a test system with 11,624 buses. A supporting study including a quick estimation of the largest eigenvalue of the linear system which is required by the Chebyshev preconditioner is presented as well. This dissertation demonstrates the potential of using GPU with scalable methods in power flow computation

    Adaptive Precision Block-Jacobi for High Performance Preconditioning in the Ginkgo Linear Algebra Software

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    © ACM, 2021. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 47, Issue , June 2021, http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3441850[EN] The use of mixed precision in numerical algorithms is a promising strategy for accelerating scientific applications. In particular, the adoption of specialized hardware and data formats for low-precision arithmetic in high-end GPUs (graphics processing units) has motivated numerous efforts aiming at carefully reducing the working precision in order to speed up the computations. For algorithms whose performance is bound by the memory bandwidth, the idea of compressing its data before (and after) memory accesses has received considerable attention. One idea is to store an approximate operator-like a preconditioner-in lower than working precision hopefully without impacting the algorithm output. We realize the first high-performance implementation of an adaptive precision block-Jacobi preconditioner which selects the precision format used to store the preconditioner data on-the-fly, taking into account the numerical properties of the individual preconditioner blocks. We implement the adaptive block-Jacobi preconditioner as production-ready functionality in the Ginkgo linear algebra library, considering not only the precision formats that are part of the IEEE standard, but also customized formats which optimize the length of the exponent and significand to the characteristics of the preconditioner blocks. Experiments run on a state-of-the-art GPU accelerator show that our implementation offers attractive runtime savings.H. Anzt and T. Cojean were supported by the "Impuls und Vernetzungsfond of the Helmholtz Association" under grant VH-NG-1241. G. Flegar and E. S. Quintana-Orti were supported by project TIN2017-82972-R of the MINECO and FEDER and the H2020 EU FETHPC Project 732631 "OPRECOMP". This research was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration. The authors want to acknowledge the access to the Piz Daint supercomputer at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) granted under the project #d100 and the Summit supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL).Flegar, G.; Anzt, H.; Cojean, T.; Quintana-Ortí, ES. (2021). Adaptive Precision Block-Jacobi for High Performance Preconditioning in the Ginkgo Linear Algebra Software. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 47(2):1-28. https://doi.org/10.1145/3441850S12847

    An Experimental Study of Two-Level Schwarz Domain Decomposition Preconditioners on GPUs

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    The generalized Dryja--Smith--Widlund (GDSW) preconditioner is a two-level overlapping Schwarz domain decomposition (DD) preconditioner that couples a classical one-level overlapping Schwarz preconditioner with an energy-minimizing coarse space. When used to accelerate the convergence rate of Krylov subspace iterative methods, the GDSW preconditioner provides robustness and scalability for the solution of sparse linear systems arising from the discretization of a wide range of partial different equations. In this paper, we present FROSch (Fast and Robust Schwarz), a domain decomposition solver package which implements GDSW-type preconditioners for both CPU and GPU clusters. To improve the solver performance on GPUs, we use a novel decomposition to run multiple MPI processes on each GPU, reducing both solver's computational and storage costs and potentially improving the convergence rate. This allowed us to obtain competitive or faster performance using GPUs compared to using CPUs alone. We demonstrate the performance of FROSch on the Summit supercomputer with NVIDIA V100 GPUs, where we used NVIDIA Multi-Process Service (MPS) to implement our decomposition strategy. The solver has a wide variety of algorithmic and implementation choices, which poses both opportunities and challenges for its GPU implementation. We conduct a thorough experimental study with different solver options including the exact or inexact solution of the local overlapping subdomain problems on a GPU. We also discuss the effect of using the iterative variant of the incomplete LU factorization and sparse-triangular solve as the approximate local solver, and using lower precision for computing the whole FROSch preconditioner. Overall, the solve time was reduced by factors of about 2×2\times using GPUs, while the GPU acceleration of the numerical setup time depend on the solver options and the local matrix sizes.Comment: Accepted for publication in IPDPS'2

    Iterative solution of linear systems with improved arithmetic and result verification [online]

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    Composable code generation for high order, compatible finite element methods

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    It has been widely recognised in the HPC communities across the world, that exploiting modern computer architectures, including exascale machines, to a full extent requires software commu- nities to adapt their algorithms. Computational methods with a high ratio of floating point op- erations to bandwidth are favorable. For solving partial differential equations, which can model many physical problems, high order finite element methods can calculate approximations with a high efficiency when a good solver is employed. Matrix-free algorithms solve the corresponding equations with a high arithmetic intensity. Vectorisation speeds up the operations by calculating one instruction on multiple data elements. Another recent development for solving partial differential are compatible (mimetic) finite ele- ment methods. In particular with application to geophysical flows, compatible discretisations ex- hibit desired numerical properties required for accurate approximations. Among others, this has been recognised by the UK Met office and their new dynamical core for weather and climate fore- casting is built on a compatible discretisation. Hybridisation has been proven to be an efficient solver for the corresponding equation systems, because it removes some inter-elemental coupling and localises expensive operations. This thesis combines the recent advances on vectorised, matrix-free, high order finite element methods in the HPC community on the one hand and hybridised, compatible discretisations in the geophysical community on the other. In previous work, a code generation framework has been developed to support the localised linear algebra required for hybridisation. First, the framework is adapted to support vectorisation and further, extended so that the equations can be solved fully matrix-free. Promising performance results are completing the thesis.Open Acces

    Heterogeneous parallel algorithms for computational fluid dynamics on unstructured meshes

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    Frontiers of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are constantly expanding and eagerly demanding more computational resources. Currently, we are experiencing an rapid evolution in the high performance computing systems driven by power consumption constraints. New HPC nodes incorporate accelerators that are used as math co-processors for increasing the throughput and the FLOP per watt ratio. On the other hand, multi-core CPUs have turned into energy efficient system-on-chip architectures. By doing so, the main components of the node are fused and integrated into a single chip reducing the energy costs. Nowadays, several institutions and governments are investing in the research and development of different aspects of HPC that could lead to the next generations of supercomputers. This initiatives have entitled the problem as the exascale challenge. This goal can only be achieved by incorporating major changes in computer architecture, memory design and network interfaces. The CFD community faces an important challenge: keep the pace at the rapid changes in the HPC resources. The codes and formulations need to be re-design in other to exploit the different levels of parallelism and complex memory hierarchies of the new heterogeneous systems. The main characteristics demanded to the new CFD software are: memory awareness, extreme concurrency, modularity and portability. This thesis is devoted to the study of a CFD algorithm re-factoring for the adoption of new technologies. Our application context is the solution of incompressible flows (DNS or LES) on unstructured meshes. The first approach was using GPUs for accelerating the Poisson solver, that is the most computational intensive part of our application. The positive results obtained in this first step motivated us to port the complete time integration phase of our application. This requires a major redesign of the code. We propose a portable implementation model for CFD applications. The main idea was substituting stencil data structures and kernels by algebraic storage formats and operators. By doing so, the algorithm was restructured into a minimal set of algebraic operations. The implementation strategy consisted in the creation of a low-level algebraic layer for computations on CPUs and GPUs, and a high-level user-friendly discretization layer for CPUs that is fully localized at the preprocessing stage where performance does not play an important role. As a result, at the time-integration phase the code relies only on three algebraic kernels: sparse-matrix-vector product (SpMV), linear combination of two vectors (AXPY) and dot product (DOT). Such a simple set of basic linear algebra operations naturally provides the desired portability to any computing architecture. Special attention was paid at the development of data structures compatibles with the stream processing model. A detailed performance analysis was studied in both sequential and parallel execution engaging up to 128 GPUs in a hybrid CPU/GPU supercomputer. Moreover, we tested the portable implementation model of TermoFluids code in the Mont-Blanc mobile-based supercomputer. The re-design of the kernels exploits a heterogeneous execution model using both computing devices CPU and GPU of the ARM-based nodes. The load balancing between the two computing devices exploits a tabu search strategy that tunes the workload distribution during the preprocessing stage. A comparison of the Mont-Blanc prototypes with high-end supercomputers in terms of the achieved net performance and energy consumption provided some guidelines of the behavior of CFD applications in ARM-based architectures. Finally, we present a memory aware auto-tuned Poisson solver for problems with one Fourier diagonalizable direction. This work was developed and tested in the BlueGene/Q Vesta supercomputer, and aims at demonstrating the relevance of vectorization and memory awareness for fully exploiting the modern energy efficient CPUs.Las fronteras de la dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD) están en constante expansión y demandan más y más recursos computacionales. Actualmente, estamos experimentando una evolución en los sistemas de computación de alto rendimiento (HPC) impulsado por restricciones de consumo de energía. Los nuevos nodos HPC incorporan aceleradores que se utilizan como co-procesadores para incrementar el rendimiento y la relación FLOP por vatio. Por otro lado, CPUs multi-core se han convertido en arquitecturas system-on-chip. Hoy en día, varias instituciones y gobiernos están invirtiendo en la investigación y desarrollo de los diferentes aspectos de HPC que podrían llevar a las próximas generaciones de superordenadores. Estas iniciativas han titulado el problema como el "exascale challenge". Este objetivo sólo puede lograrse mediante la incorporación de cambios importantes en: la arquitectura de ordenador, diseño de la memoria y las interfaces de red. La comunidad de CFD se enfrenta a un reto importante: mantener el ritmo a los rápidos cambios en las infraestructuras de HPC. Los códigos y formulaciones necesitan ser rediseñados para explotar los diferentes niveles de paralelismo y complejas jerarquías de memoria de los nuevos sistemas heterogéneos. Las principales características exigidas al nuevo software CFD son: estructuras de datos, la concurrencia extrema, modularidad y portabilidad. Esta tesis está dedicada al estudio de un modelo de implementation CFD para la adopción de nuevas tecnologías. Nuestro contexto de aplicación es la solución de los flujos incompresibles (DNS o LES) en mallas no estructuradas. El primer enfoque se basó en utilizar GPUs para acelerar el solver de Poisson. Los resultados positivos obtenidos en este primer paso nos motivaron a la portabilidad completa de la fase de integración temporal de nuestra aplicación. Esto requiere un importante rediseño del código. Proponemos un modelo de implementacion portable para aplicaciones de CFD. La idea principal es sustituir las estructuras de datos de los stencils y kernels por formatos de almacenamiento algebraicos y operadores. La estrategia de implementación consistió en la creación de una capa algebraica de bajo nivel para los cálculos de CPU y GPU, y una capa de discretización fácil de usar de alto nivel para las CPU. Como resultado, la fase de integración temporal del código se basa sólo en tres funciones algebraicas: producto de una matriz dispersa con un vector (SPMV), combinación lineal de dos vectores (AXPY) y producto escalar (DOT). Además, se prestó especial atención en el desarrollo de estructuras de datos compatibles con el modelo stream processing. Un análisis detallado de rendimiento se ha estudiado tanto en ejecución secuencial y paralela utilizando hasta 128 GPUs en un superordenador híbrido CPU / GPU. Por otra parte, hemos probado el nuevo modelo de TermoFluids en el superordenador Mont-Blanc basado en tecnología móvil. El rediseño de las funciones explota un modelo de ejecución heterogénea utilizando tanto la CPU y la GPU de los nodos basados en arquitectura ARM. El equilibrio de carga entre las dos unidades de cálculo aprovecha una estrategia de búsqueda tabú que sintoniza la distribución de carga de trabajo durante la etapa de preprocesamiento. Una comparación de los prototipos Mont-Blanc con superordenadores de alta gama en términos de rendimiento y consumo de energía nos proporcionó algunas pautas del comportamiento de las aplicaciones CFD en arquitecturas basadas en ARM. Por último, se presenta una estructura de datos auto-sintonizada para el solver de Poisson en problemas con una dirección diagonalizable mediante una descomposicion de Fourier. Este trabajo fue desarrollado y probado en la superordenador BlueGene / Q Vesta, y tiene por objeto demostrar la relevancia de vectorización y las estructuras de datos para aprovechar plenamente las CPUs de los superodenadores modernos

    Asynchronous and Multiprecision Linear Solvers - Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Numerics for Energy Efficient High Performance Computing

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    Asynchronous methods minimize idle times by removing synchronization barriers, and therefore allow the efficient usage of computer systems. The implied high tolerance with respect to communication latencies improves the fault tolerance. As asynchronous methods also enable the usage of the power and energy saving mechanisms provided by the hardware, they are suitable candidates for the highly parallel and heterogeneous hardware platforms that are expected for the near future

    A factored sparse approximate inverse preconditioned conjugate gradient solver on graphics processing units

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) exhibit significantly higher peak performance than conventional CPUs. However, in general only highly parallel algorithms can exploit their potential. In this scenario, the iterative solution to sparse linear systems of equations could be carried out quite efficiently on a GPU as it requires only matrix-by-vector products, dot products, and vector updates. However, to be really effective, any iterative solver needs to be properly preconditioned and this represents a major bottleneck for a successful GPU implementation. Due to its inherent parallelism, the factored sparse approximate inverse (FSAI) preconditioner represents an optimal candidate for the conjugate gradient-like solution of sparse linear systems. However, its GPU implementation requires a nontrivial recasting of multiple computational steps. We present our GPU version of the FSAI preconditioner along with a set of results that show how a noticeable speedup with respect to a highly tuned CPU counterpart is obtained