35 research outputs found

    Hardware-assisted instruction profiling and latency detection

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    Debugging and profiling tools can alter the execution flow or timing, can induce heisenbugs and are thus marginally useful for debugging time critical systems. Software tracing, however advanced it may be, depends on consuming precious computing resources. In this study, the authors analyse state-of-the-art hardware-tracing support, as provided in modern Intel processors and propose a new technique which uses the processor hardware for tracing without any code instrumentation or tracepoints. They demonstrate the utility of their approach with contributions in three areas - syscall latency profiling, instruction profiling and software-tracer impact detection. They present improvements in performance and the granularity of data gathered with hardware-assisted approach, as compared with traditional software only tracing and profiling. The performance impact on the target system – measured as time overhead – is on average 2–3%, with the worst case being 22%. They also define a way to measure and quantify the time resolution provided by hardware tracers for trace events, and observe the effect of finetuning hardware tracing for optimum utilisation. As compared with other in-kernel tracers, they observed that hardware-based tracing has a much reduced overhead, while achieving greater precision. Moreover, the other tracing techniques are ineffective in certain tracing scenarios

    RepComp - replicated software components for improved performance

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    Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThe current trend of evolution in CPU architectures favours increasing the number of processing cores in lieu of improving the clock speed of an individual core. While improving clock rates automatically benefits any software executing on that processor, the same is not valid for adding new cores. To take advantage of an increased number of cores, software must include explicit support for parallel execution. This work explores a solution based on diverse replication which allows applications to transparently explore parallel processing power: macro-components. Applications typically make use of components with well-defined interfaces that have a number of possible underlying implementations with different characteristic. A macro-component is a component which encloses several of these implementations while offering the same interface as a regular implementation. Inside the macro-component,the implementations are used as replicas, and used to process any incoming operations. Using the best replica for each incoming operation, the macro-component is able to improve global performance. This dissertation provides an initial research on the use of these macro-components,detailing the technical challenges faced and proposing a design for the macro-component support system. Additionally, an implementation and subsequent validation of the proposed system are presented. These examples show that macro-components can achieve improved performance versus simple component implementations

    Memory Subsystems for Security, Consistency, and Scalability

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    In response to the continuous demand for the ability to process ever larger datasets, as well as discoveries in next-generation memory technologies, researchers have been vigorously studying memory-driven computing architectures that shall allow data-intensive applications to access enormous amounts of pooled non-volatile memory. As applications continue to interact with increasing amounts of components and datasets, existing systems struggle to eÿciently enforce the principle of least privilege for security. While non-volatile memory can retain data even after a power loss and allow for large main memory capacity, programmers have to bear the burdens of maintaining the consistency of program memory for fault tolerance as well as handling huge datasets with traditional yet expensive memory management interfaces for scalability. Today’s computer systems have become too sophisticated for existing memory subsystems to handle many design requirements. In this dissertation, we introduce three memory subsystems to address challenges in terms of security, consistency, and scalability. Specifcally, we propose SMVs to provide threads with fne-grained control over access privileges for a partially shared address space for security, NVthreads to allow programmers to easily leverage nonvolatile memory with automatic persistence for consistency, and PetaMem to enable memory-centric applications to freely access memory beyond the traditional process boundary with support for memory isolation and crash recovery for security, consistency, and scalability

    Dynamic analysis for concurrent modern C/C++ applications

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    Concurrent programs are executed by multiple threads that run simultaneously. While this allows programs to run more efficiently by utilising multiple processors, it brings with it numerous complications. For example, a program may behave unpredictably or erroneously when multiple threads modify the same memory location in an uncoordinated manner. Issues such as this are difficult to avoid, and when introduced, can break the program in unpredictable ways. Programmers will therefore often turn towards automated tools to aide in the detection of concurrency bugs. The work presented in this thesis aims to provide methods to aid in the creation of tools for the purpose of finding and explaining concurrency bugs. In particular, the following studies have been conducted: Dynamic Race Detection for C/C++11 With the introduction of a weak memory model in C++, many tools that provide dynamic race detection have become outdated, and are unable to adequately identify data races. This work updates an existing data race detection algorithm such that it can identify data races according to this new definition. A method for allowing programs to explore many of the weak behaviours that this new memory model permits is also provided. Record and Replay Much work has gone into record and replay, however, most of this work is focussed on whole system replay, whereby a tool will aim to record as much of the program execution as possible. Contrasting this, the work presented here aims to record as little as possible. This sparse approach has many interesting implications: some programs that were previously out of reach for record and reply become tractable, and vice versa. To back this up, controlled scheduling is introduced that is capable of applying different scheduling strategies, which combined with the record and replay is beneficial for helping to root out bugs. Tool Support Both of the above techniques have been implemented in a tool, tsan11rec, that builds on the tsan dynamic race detection tool. A large experimental evaluation is presented investigating the effectiveness of the enhanced data race detection algorithm when applied to the Firefox and Chromium web browsers, and of the novel approach to record and replay when applied to a diverse set of concurrent applications.Open Acces

    Enhancing the efficiency and practicality of software transactional memory on massively multithreaded systems

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    Chip Multithreading (CMT) processors promise to deliver higher performance by running more than one stream of instructions in parallel. To exploit CMT's capabilities, programmers have to parallelize their applications, which is not a trivial task. Transactional Memory (TM) is one of parallel programming models that aims at simplifying synchronization by raising the level of abstraction between semantic atomicity and the means by which that atomicity is achieved. TM is a promising programming model but there are still important challenges that must be addressed to make it more practical and efficient in mainstream parallel programming. The first challenge addressed in this dissertation is that of making the evaluation of TM proposals more solid with realistic TM benchmarks and being able to run the same benchmarks on different STM systems. We first introduce a benchmark suite, RMS-TM, a comprehensive benchmark suite to evaluate HTMs and STMs. RMS-TM consists of seven applications from the Recognition, Mining and Synthesis (RMS) domain that are representative of future workloads. RMS-TM features current TM research issues such as nesting and I/O inside transactions, while also providing various TM characteristics. Most STM systems are implemented as user-level libraries: the programmer is expected to manually instrument not only transaction boundaries, but also individual loads and stores within transactions. This library-based approach is increasingly tedious and error prone and also makes it difficult to make reliable performance comparisons. To enable an "apples-to-apples" performance comparison, we then develop a software layer that allows researchers to test the same applications with interchangeable STM back ends. The second challenge addressed is that of enhancing performance and scalability of TM applications running on aggressive multi-core/multi-threaded processors. Performance and scalability of current TM designs, in particular STM desings, do not always meet the programmer's expectation, especially at scale. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new STM design, STM2, based on an assisted execution model in which time-consuming TM operations are offloaded to auxiliary threads while application threads optimistically perform computation. Surprisingly, our results show that STM2 provides, on average, speedups between 1.8x and 5.2x over state-of-the-art STM systems. On the other hand, we notice that assisted-execution systems may show low processor utilization. To alleviate this problem and to increase the efficiency of STM2, we enriched STM2 with a runtime mechanism that automatically and adaptively detects application and auxiliary threads' computing demands and dynamically partition hardware resources between the pair through the hardware thread prioritization mechanism implemented in POWER machines. The third challenge is to define a notion of what it means for a TM program to be correctly synchronized. The current definition of transactional data race requires all transactions to be totally ordered "as if'' serialized by a global lock, which limits the scalability of TM designs. To remove this constraint, we first propose to relax the current definition of transactional data race to allow a higher level of concurrency. Based on this definition we propose the first practical race detection algorithm for C/C++ applications (TRADE) and implement the corresponding race detection tool. Then, we introduce a new definition of transactional data race that is more intuitive, transparent to the underlying TM implementation, can be used for a broad set of C/C++ TM programs. Based on this new definition, we proposed T-Rex, an efficient and scalable race detection tool for C/C++ TM applications. Using TRADE and T-Rex, we have discovered subtle transactional data races in widely-used STAMP applications which have not been reported in the past

    Tailoring Transactional Memory to Real-World Applications

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    Transactional Memory (TM) promises to provide a scalable mechanism for synchronizationin concurrent programs, and to offer ease-of-use benefits to programmers. Since multiprocessorarchitectures have dominated CPU design, exploiting parallelism in program

    Mechanisms for Unbounded, Conflict-Robust Hardware Transactional Memory

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    Conventional lock implementations serialize access to critical sections guarded by the same lock, presenting programmers with a difficult tradeoff between granularity of synchronization and amount of parallelism realized. Recently, researchers have been investigating an emerging synchronization mechanism called transactional memory as an alternative to such conventional lock-based synchronization. Memory transactions have the semantics of executing in isolation from one another while in reality executing speculatively in parallel, aborting when necessary to maintain the appearance of isolation. This combination of coarse-grained isolation and optimistic parallelism has the potential to ease the tradeoff presented by lock-based programming. This dissertation studies the hardware implementation of transactional memory, making three main contributions. First, we propose the permissions-only cache, a mechanism that efficiently increases the size of transactions that can be handled in the local cache hierarchy to optimize performance. Second, we propose OneTM, an unbounded hardware transactional memory system that serializes transactions that escape the local cache hierarchy. Finally, we propose RetCon, a novel mechanism for detecting conflicts that reduces conflicts by allowing transactions to commit with different values than those with which they executed as long as dataflow and control-flow constraints are maintained

    Concurrent Copying Garbage Collection with Hardware Transactional Memory

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    Many applications, such as video-based or transaction-based ones, are latency-critical. Any additional latency may greatly degrade the user experience, inflicting significant financial loss on the vendor. Recently, an increasing number of these applications are written in managed languages, such as C#, Java, JavaScript, and PHP, for productivity and reliability. Garbage collection (GC) provides automatic memory management to managed languages. However, GC can also induce pauses in the application, greatly affecting the user experience. This thesis explores the challenges of minimizing GC pauses. Concurrent GC reduces pauses by working concurrently with the application (the mutator). Copying GC improves the mutator locality and reduces the heap fragmentation. Concurrent copying GC achieves both, but requires heavyweight synchronization to ensure that the concurrently executing mutator has a consistent view of the heap while the collector changes it. Existing implementations of concurrent copying GC use read barriers or page protections to prevent the mutator from using stale references. Unfortunately, these synchronization mechanisms introduce high overhead to the mutator. My thesis is that, by using hardware transactional memory (HTM), mutators can execute transactionally during concurrent copying, achieving a consistent view of the heap, but with lower overhead than read barriers or page protection. The contributions of this thesis are twofold. (1) I implement and evaluate a novel algorithm of using HTM to reduce the mutator overhead of concurrent copying GC. (2) I conduct a detailed analysis of HTM capacity, filling a significant gap in the literature, and informing the design of our HTM-based algorithm. I then use the insights on HTM capacity to implement several optimizations to improve the algorithm. Using the Intel Transactional Synchronization Extension (TSX) as a case study, I measure the transaction capacity on this popular HTM implementation, and cross-validate the results with the literature and fill a gap in the literature, resolving ostensibly contradictory results. I have also explored different factors that may affect the effective capacity of transactions, which have not yet been reported in the literature (to the best of my knowledge). I implement the algorithm in MMTk, a framework for the design and implementation of GC. The implementation is evaluated on Intel TSX using several test programs. The results suggest that performing concurrent copying GC using HTM is viable. This work deepens the understanding of HTM, its strengths and weaknesses, in the research community. Strategies using this work to fully exploit the capabilities of HTM can be generalized and applied to other applications of HTM. Finally, this work enables the design and implementation of concurrent copying GC with lower mutator overhead with similar hardware support

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith the explosion of chip transistor counts, the semiconductor industry has struggled with ways to continue scaling computing performance in line with historical trends. In recent years, the de facto solution to utilize excess transistors has been to increase the size of the on-chip data cache, allowing fast access to an increased portion of main memory. These large caches allowed the continued scaling of single thread performance, which had not yet reached the limit of instruction level parallelism (ILP). As we approach the potential limits of parallelism within a single threaded application, new approaches such as chip multiprocessors (CMP) have become popular for scaling performance utilizing thread level parallelism (TLP). This dissertation identifies the operating system as a ubiquitous area where single threaded performance and multithreaded performance have often been ignored by computer architects. We propose that novel hardware and OS co-design has the potential to significantly improve current chip multiprocessor designs, enabling increased performance and improved power efficiency. We show that the operating system contributes a nontrivial overhead to even the most computationally intense workloads and that this OS contribution grows to a significant fraction of total instructions when executing several common applications found in the datacenter. We demonstrate that architectural improvements have had little to no effect on the performance of the OS over the last 15 years, leaving ample room for improvements. We specifically consider three potential solutions to improve OS execution on modern processors. First, we consider the potential of a separate operating system processor (OSP) operating concurrently with general purpose processors (GPP) in a chip multiprocessor organization, with several specialized structures acting as efficient conduits between these processors. Second, we consider the potential of segregating existing caching structures to decrease cache interference between the OS and application. Third, we propose that there are components within the OS itself that should be refactored to be both multithreaded and cache topology aware, which in turn, improves the performance and scalability of many-threaded applications