20 research outputs found

    Toll-like receptor 3 activation is required for normal skin barrier repair following UV damage.

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    UV damage to the skin leads to the release of noncoding RNA (ncRNA) from necrotic keratinocytes that activates Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3). This release of ncRNA triggers inflammation in the skin following UV damage. Recently, TLR3 activation was also shown to aid wound repair and increase the expression of genes associated with permeability barrier repair. Here, we sought to test whether skin barrier repair after UVB damage is dependent on the activation of TLR3. We observed that multiple ncRNAs induced expression of skin barrier repair genes, that the TLR3 ligand Poly (I:C) also induced expression and function of tight junctions, and that the ncRNA U1 acts in a TLR3-dependent manner to induce expression of skin barrier repair genes. These observations were shown to have functional relevance as Tlr3-/- mice displayed a delay in skin barrier repair following UVB damage. Combined, these data further validate the conclusion that recognition of endogenous RNA by TLR3 is an important step in the program of skin barrier repair

    BRASERO: A Resource for Benchmarking RNA Secondary Structure Comparison Algorithms

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    The pairwise comparison of RNA secondary structures is a fundamental problem, with direct application in mining databases for annotating putative noncoding RNA candidates in newly sequenced genomes. An increasing number of software tools are available for comparing RNA secondary structures, based on different models (such as ordered trees or forests, arc annotated sequences, and multilevel trees) and computational principles (edit distance, alignment). We describe here the website BRASERO that offers tools for evaluating such software tools on real and synthetic datasets

    Web-Beagle: a web server for the alignment of RNA secondary structures

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    Web-Beagle (http://beagle.bio.uniroma2.it) is a web server for the pairwise global or local alignment of RNA secondary structures. The server exploits a new encoding for RNA secondary structure and a substitution matrix of RNA structural elements to perform RNA structural alignments. The web server allows the user to compute up to 10 000 alignments in a single run, taking as input sets of RNA sequences and structures or primary sequences alone. In the latter case, the server computes the secondary structure prediction for the RNAs on-the-fly using RNAfold (free energy minimization). The user can also compare a set of input RNAs to one of five pre-compiled RNA datasets including lncRNAs and 3' UTRs. All types of comparison produce in output the pairwise alignments along with structural similarity and statistical significance measures for each resulting alignment. A graphical color-coded representation of the alignments allows the user to easily identify structural similarities between RNAs. Web-Beagle can be used for finding structurally related regions in two or more RNAs, for the identification of homologous regions or for functional annotation. Benchmark tests show that Web-Beagle has lower computational complexity, running time and better performances than other available methods

    The super-n-motifs model : a novel alignment-free approach for representing and comparing RNA secondary structures

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    Abstract : Motivation: Comparing ribonucleic acid (RNA) secondary structures of arbitrary size uncovers structural patterns that can provide a better understanding of RNA functions. However, performing fast and accurate secondary structure comparisons is challenging when we take into account the RNA configuration (i.e. linear or circular), the presence of pseudoknot and G-quadruplex (G4) motifs and the increasing number of secondary structures generated by high-throughput probing techniques. To address this challenge, we propose the super-n-motifs model based on a latent analysis of enhanced motifs comprising not only basic motifs but also adjacency relations. The super-n-motifs model computes a vector representation of secondary structures as linear combinations of these motifs. Results: We demonstrate the accuracy of our model for comparison of secondary structures from linear and circular RNA while also considering pseudoknot and G4 motifs. We show that the supern- motifs representation effectively captures the most important structural features of secondary structures, as compared to other representations such as ordered tree, arc-annotated and string representations. Finally, we demonstrate the time efficiency of our model, which is alignment free and capable of performing large-scale comparisons of 10 000 secondary structures with an efficiency up to 4 orders of magnitude faster than existing approaches

    An exact mathematical programming approach to multiple RNA sequence-structure alignment

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    One of the main tasks in computational biology is the computation of alignments of genomic sequences to reveal their commonalities. In case of DNA or protein sequences, sequence information alone is usually sufficient to compute reliable alignments. RNA molecules, however, build spatial conformations—the secondary structure—that are more conserved than the actual sequence. Hence, computing reliable alignments of RNA molecules has to take into account the secondary structure. We present a novel framework for the computation of exact multiple sequence-structure alignments: We give a graph- theoretic representation of the sequence-structure alignment problem and phrase it as an integer linear program. We identify a class of constraints that make the problem easier to solve and relax the original integer linear program in a Lagrangian manner. Experiments on a recently published benchmark show that our algorithms has a comparable performance than more costly dynamic programming algorithms, and outperforms all other approaches in terms of solution quality with an increasing number of input sequences

    A novel approach to represent and compare RNA secondary structures

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    Structural information is crucial in ribonucleic acid (RNA) analysis and functional annotation; nevertheless, how to include such structural data is still a debated problem. Dot-bracket notation is the most common and simple representation for RNA secondary structures but its simplicity leads also to ambiguity requiring further processing steps to dissolve. Here we present BEAR (Brand nEw Alphabet for RNA), a new context-aware structural encoding represented by a string of characters. Each character in BEAR encodes for a specific secondary structure element (loop, stem, bulge and internal loop) with specific length. Furthermore, exploiting this informative and yet simple encoding in multiple alignments of related RNAs, we captured how much structural variation is tolerated in RNA families and convert it into transition rates among secondary structure elements. This allowed us to compute a substitution matrix for secondary structure elements called MBR (Matrix of BEAR-encoded RNA secondary structures), of which we tested the ability in aligning RNA secondary structures. We propose BEAR and the MBR as powerful resources for the RNA secondary structure analysis, comparison and classification, motif finding and phylogeny

    Maximum expected accuracy structural neighbors of an RNA secondary structure

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Since RNA molecules regulate genes and control alternative splicing by allostery, it is important to develop algorithms to predict RNA conformational switches. Some tools, such as paRNAss, RNAshapes and RNAbor, can be used to predict potential conformational switches; nevertheless, no existent tool can detect general (i.e., not family specific) entire riboswitches (both aptamer and expression platform) with accuracy. Thus, the development of additional algorithms to detect conformational switches seems important, especially since the difference in free energy between the two metastable secondary structures may be as large as 15-20 kcal/mol. It has recently emerged that RNA secondary structure can be more accurately predicted by computing the maximum expected accuracy (MEA) structure, rather than the minimum free energy (MFE) structure. RESULTS: Given an arbitrary RNA secondary structure S₀ for an RNA nucleotide sequence a = a₁,..., a(n), we say that another secondary structure S of a is a k-neighbor of S₀, if the base pair distance between S₀ and S is k. In this paper, we prove that the Boltzmann probability of all k-neighbors of the minimum free energy structure S₀ can be approximated with accuracy Δ and confidence 1 - p, simultaneously for all 0 ≀ k N(Δ,p,K)=Ί⁻Âč(p/2K)ÂČ/4ΔÂČ, where Ί(z) is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the standard normal distribution. We go on to describe the algorithm RNAborMEA, which for an arbitrary initial structure S₀ and for all values 0 ≀ k < K, computes the secondary structure MEA(k), having maximum expected accuracy over all k-neighbors of S₀. Computation time is O(nÂł * KÂČ), and memory requirements are O(nÂČ * K). We analyze a sample TPP riboswitch, and apply our algorithm to the class of purine riboswitches. CONCLUSIONS: The approximation of RNAbor by sampling, with rigorous bound on accuracy, together with the computation of maximum expected accuracy k-neighbors by RNAborMEA, provide additional tools toward conformational switch detection. Results from RNAborMEA are quite distinct from other tools, such as RNAbor, RNAshapes and paRNAss, hence may provide orthogonal information when looking for suboptimal structures or conformational switches. Source code for RNAborMEA can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/rnabormea/ or http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/RNAborMEA/

    Accelerated probabilistic inference of RNA structure evolution

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    BACKGROUND: Pairwise stochastic context-free grammars (Pair SCFGs) are powerful tools for evolutionary analysis of RNA, including simultaneous RNA sequence alignment and secondary structure prediction, but the associated algorithms are intensive in both CPU and memory usage. The same problem is faced by other RNA alignment-and-folding algorithms based on Sankoff's 1985 algorithm. It is therefore desirable to constrain such algorithms, by pre-processing the sequences and using this first pass to limit the range of structures and/or alignments that can be considered. RESULTS: We demonstrate how flexible classes of constraint can be imposed, greatly reducing the computational costs while maintaining a high quality of structural homology prediction. Any score-attributed context-free grammar (e.g. energy-based scoring schemes, or conditionally normalized Pair SCFGs) is amenable to this treatment. It is now possible to combine independent structural and alignment constraints of unprecedented general flexibility in Pair SCFG alignment algorithms. We outline several applications to the bioinformatics of RNA sequence and structure, including Waterman-Eggert N-best alignments and progressive multiple alignment. We evaluate the performance of the algorithm on test examples from the RFAM database. CONCLUSION: A program, Stemloc, that implements these algorithms for efficient RNA sequence alignment and structure prediction is available under the GNU General Public License

    Automatic generation of pseudoknotted RNAs taxonomy

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    Background: The ability to compare RNA secondary structures is important in understanding their biological function and for grouping similar organisms into families by looking at evolutionarily conserved sequences such as 16S rRNA. Most comparison methods and benchmarks in the literature focus on pseudoknot-free structures due to the difficulty of mapping pseudoknots in classical tree representations. Some approaches exist that permit to cluster pseudoknotted RNAs but there is not a general framework for evaluating their performance. Results: We introduce an evaluation framework based on a similarity/dissimilarity measure obtained by a comparison method and agglomerative clustering. Their combination automatically partition a set of molecules into groups. To illustrate the framework we define and make available a benchmark of pseudoknotted (16S and 23S) and pseudoknot-free (5S) rRNA secondary structures belonging to Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryota. We also consider five different comparison methods from the literature that are able to manage pseudoknots. For each method we clusterize the molecules in the benchmark to obtain the taxa at the rank phylum according to the European Nucleotide Archive curated taxonomy. We compute appropriate metrics for each method and we compare their suitability to reconstruct the taxa

    Scaling Similarity Joins over Tree-Structured Data

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    Given a large collection of tree-structured objects (e.g., XML documents), the similarity join finds the pairs of objects that are similar to each other, based on a similarity threshold and a tree edit distance measure. The state-of-the-art similarity join methods compare simpler approximations of the objects (e.g., strings), in order to prune pairs that cannot be part of the similarity join result based on distance bounds derived by the approximations. In this paper, we propose a novel similarity join approach, which is based on the dynamic decomposition of the tree objects into subgraphs, according to the similarity threshold. Our technique avoids computing the exact distance between two tree objects, if the objects do not share at least one common subgraph. In order to scale up the join, the computed subgraphs are managed in a two-layer index. Our experimental results on real and synthetic data collections show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by up to an order of magnitude.published_or_final_versio