15 research outputs found

    Aglepristone efficiency with and without the canine pyometra cloprostenol

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    ABSTRACT Objective. Evaluate the effectiveness of aglepristone with and without cloprostenol for treating canine pyometra. Materials and methods. Ten female French Bulldogs between 3-8 years of age diagnosed with pyometra were divided into two groups, one receiving a 10 mg/kg dose of aglepristone subcutaneously on days 1, 2, 8, 14 and 28, and the other an equal dose on days 1, 3, 8 and 15, as well as a 1 μg/kg dose of cloprostenol subcutaneously on days 3 and 8. Both groups received 5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin orally every 12 hours for 28 days. Hematic profiles were generated on days 1 and 28 and counted days until the next heat, expelling purulent material and of clinical recuperation. Results. There was no statistical difference in the variables of the line red blood cells between times and protocols. The line of white blood cells showed a statistical difference between days of treatment but not between the two groups. Both treatments were effective resulting in complete clinical recuperation. The combination of aglepristone with cloprostenol acted more quickly, decreasing the number of days of secretion, abdominal pain, and the recuperation of normal activity and appetite. All 10 females were bred during their first heat. Three females from the aglepristone group and one from the combined aglepristone with cloprostenol group were impregnated. Conclusions. Both protocols, combined with enrofloxacin, produced complete clinical recuperation in bitches with pyometra, but it was achieved more rapidly when given the combination of both aglepristone and cloprostenol. RESUMEN Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad del aglepristone con y sin el cloprostenol en el tratamiento del piómetra canino. Materiales y métodos. Diez hembras Bulldog Francés entre 3–8 años de edad con diagnóstico de piómetra, se dividieron en dos grupos, uno recibió aglepristone a la dosis de 10 mg/kg subcutáneo los días 1, 2, 8, 14 y 28, y otro una dosis igual los días 1, 3, 8 y 15, más cloprostenol a dosis de 1 μg/kg subcutáneo los días 3 y 8. Ambos grupos recibieron enrofloxacina 5 mg/kg oral cada 12 horas por 28 días. Se realizaron perfiles hemáticos los días 1 y 28, y se valoraron días de retorno al celo, expulsión del material purulento y de recuperación clínica. Resultados. No hubo diferencia estadística en las variables de la línea roja sanguínea entre tiempos y protocolos. La línea de glóbulos blancos mostró diferencia estadística entre los días de tratamiento pero no entre los dos grupos. Ambos tratamientos fueron eficaces en la recuperación clínica completa, siendo el aglepristone más cloprostenol más rápido en disminuir los días de secreción, dolor abdominal, recuperación de la actividad normal y apetito. Las 10 hembras fueron servidas en el primer celo y quedaron preñadas tres hembras del grupo del aglepristone y una del grupo aglepristone con cloprostenol respectivamente. Conclusiones. Ambos protocolos combinados con enrofloxacina, produjeron la recuperación clínica completa en perras con piómetra, pero se consiguió más rápidamente en el grupo de aglepristone con cloprostenol

    Pyometra in Small Animals 2.0

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    Aglepristone efficiency with and without the canine pyometra cloprostenol

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    ABSTRACTObjective. Evaluate the effectiveness of aglepristone with and without cloprostenol for treating canine pyometra. Materials and methods. Ten female French Bulldogs between 3-8 years of age diagnosed with pyometra were divided into two groups, one receiving a 10 mg/kg dose of aglepristone subcutaneously on days 1, 2, 8, 14 and 28, and the other an equal dose on days 1, 3, 8 and 15, as well as a 1 μg/kg dose of cloprostenol subcutaneously on days 3 and 8. Both groups received 5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin orally every 12 hours for 28 days. Hematic profiles were generated on days 1 and 28 and counted days until the next heat, expelling purulent material and of clinical recuperation. Results. There was no statistical difference in the variables of the line red blood cells between times and protocols. The line of white blood cells showed a statistical difference between days of treatment but not between the two groups. Both treatments were effective resulting in complete clinical recuperation. The combination of aglepristone with cloprostenol acted more quickly, decreasing the number of days of secretion, abdominal pain, and the recuperation of normal activity and appetite. All 10 females were bred during their first heat. Three females from the aglepristone group and one from the combined aglepristone with cloprostenol group were impregnated. Conclusions. Both protocols, combined with enrofloxacin, produced complete clinical recuperation in bitches with pyometra, but it was achieved more rapidly when given the combination of both aglepristone and cloprostenol.RESUMENObjetivo. Evaluar la efectividad del aglepristone con y sin el cloprostenol en el tratamiento del piómetra canino. Materiales y métodos. Diez hembras Bulldog Francés entre 3–8 años de edad con diagnóstico de piómetra, se dividieron en dos grupos, uno recibió aglepristone a la dosis de 10 mg/kg subcutáneo los días 1, 2, 8, 14 y 28, y otro una dosis igual los días 1, 3, 8 y 15, más cloprostenol a dosis de 1 μg/kg subcutáneo los días 3 y 8. Ambos grupos recibieron enrofloxacina 5 mg/kg oral cada 12 horas por 28 días. Se realizaron perfiles hemáticos los días 1 y 28, y se valoraron días de retorno al celo, expulsión del material purulento y de recuperación clínica. Resultados. No hubo diferencia estadística en las variables de la línea roja sanguínea entre tiempos y protocolos. La línea de glóbulos blancos mostró diferencia estadística entre los días de tratamiento pero no entre los dos grupos. Ambos tratamientos fueron eficaces en la recuperación clínica completa, siendo el aglepristone más cloprostenol más rápido en disminuir los días de secreción, dolor abdominal, recuperación de la actividad normal y apetito. Las 10 hembras fueron servidas en el primer celo y quedaron preñadas tres hembras del grupo del aglepristone y una del grupo aglepristone con cloprostenol respectivamente. Conclusiones. Ambos protocolos combinados con enrofloxacina, produjeron la recuperación clínica completa en perras con piómetra, pero se consiguió más rápidamente en el grupo de aglepristone con cloprostenol

    Pharmacological treatment of canine pyometra

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    Pyometra är en vanlig sjukdom som förekommer främst hos medelålders och äldre tikar. Sjukdomen innebär en inflammerad livmoder där var har ansamlats. Infektionen är bakterieorsakad och ofta är infektinsagens Escherichia coli. Kliniskt ses bland annat nedsatt allmäntillstånd, diarré, ökad törst och illaluktande flytningar. Traditionellt har förstahandsvalet av behandling varit ovariehysterektomi. Det är en operation där äggstockar, äggledare och den infekterade livmodern avlägsnas. I de flesta fall är operationen lyckad men ett stort bukingrepp är alltid riskfyllt och tikens reproduktionsförmåga går förlorad. Därför finns det tillfällen där en annan behandling eftersöks och farmakologisk behandling kan vara ett alternativ. Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt är att beskriva de läkemedel som används vid behandlingen samt deras respektive för- och nackdelar. Vid en farmakologisk behandling ger man tiken läkemedel som framför allt motverkar progesteronets inflytande på endometriet, men även kontraherar uterus och gör att cervix öppnas, på så sätt töms livmodern på var och tiken kan återhämta sig. Samtidig behandling med antibiotika brukar rekommenderas i internationell litteratur. De läkemedel för behandling av pyometra som främst förekommer i litteraturen är prostaglandiner, antiprogesteroner och dopaminagonister. Alla dessa har en godtagbar klinisk effekt på kort sikt. Den främsta skillnaden i behandlingsresultat är hur många av tikarna som uppvisar biverkningar och hur många som får återfall. Det är dock svårt att jämföra de olika studierna inom ämnet med varandra då de har studerat tikar av olika ålder och ras, olika doser av läkemedlen och olika antibiotika. Därför går det i nuläget inte att säga vilken av de föreslagna behandlingsstrategierna som ger bäst resultat utan mer forskning inom ämnet efterfrågas. Prostaglandiner är dock det läkemedel som ger både flest biverkningar och flest återfall och bör med tanke på detta inte väljas som ensam behandling. Däremot kan prostaglandiner i låga doser kombineras med både antiprogesteroner och dopaminagonister. Antiprogesteroner kan även användas som ensam behandling.Pyometra is a disease that is commonly seen in middle-aged and older bitches. The cause of the disease is an inflamed uterus that has filled up with pus. The bacterium Escherichia coli is the most common source of the infection. Symptoms of the disease are often decreased general condition, diarrhoea, increased drinking and malodourous vaginal discharge. The first option for treatment has traditionally been ovariohysterectomy. The ovary, oviducts and the infected uterus are removed during this procedure. The operation is often successful but major surgery in the abdomen is always associated with a risk of complications and it also renders the bitch sterile for the rest of her life. Therefore, an alternative treatment is sometimes requested and pharmacological treatment might be an option. The aim of this literature review is to describe these substances and their respective advantages and disadvantages. During the medical treatment of pyometra the bitch is given drugs that primarily counteract the effect of progesterone on the endometrium. The drugs also cause the uterus to contract and the cervix to open up so that the pus can be evacuated from the uterus and the bitch can recover. International literature usually recommends that the bitch is simultaneously treated with antibiotics. The most commonly used drugs for the treatment of pyometra are prostaglandins, anti-progesterones and dopamine agonists. All of these have an acceptable clinical effect on a short term basis. The main difference between them is how many of the treated bitches that show signs of side effects and how often the disease recurs. It is hard to compare the published studies within this subject to each other due to the fact that bitches of different ages and breeds have been studied, the drugs have been given in different doses and different types of antibiotics have been used. Therefore, it is impossible to say which one of the treatments that gives the best result. More research within the subject is required. Prostaglandin does however seem to be the drug that give both the most side effects and the highest rate of recurrences and should therefore not be chosen as a single drug for the treatment of pyometra. Nevertheless, prostaglandines in lower doses can be given in combination with either anti-progesterones or dopamine agonists. Anti-progesterones may also be given as a single drug

    A safe, fast and successful induction of parturition in a bitch: a case report

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    We report the first case of using an intravenous nitroglycerine administration for cervical dilation and oxytocin to induce whelping in a bitch in safe, fast with a good outcome

    Trächtigkeit, Geburt und Puerperium bei der Hündin

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    Amaç: Sunulan tez çalışmasında kistik endometriyal hiperplazi (KEH)-pyometra kompleksi bulunan köpeklerde kısırlaştırma operasyonu sonrası infrared termografi (IRT) uygulamalarının postoperatif izlemde kullanılabilirliği araştırıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma toplamda 14 dişi köpekte olmak üzere, KEH-Pyometra tanısı konulmuş (Grup 1, n=7) ve elektif kısırlaştırma operasyonu uygulanan sağlıklı hayvanlar (Grup 2, n=7) üzerinde yürütüldü. Hastalardan operasyon öncesi ve postoperatif 1, 4 ve 7. günlerde serum CRP düzeyi ölçüldü. Göz ve ensizyon bölgesinden termografik görüntüler kaydedilerek sonuçlar istatistikî yönden incelendi. Bulgular: Her iki çalışma grubunda da intraoperatif ve postoperatif komplikasyon gelişmedi ve Grup 1 içindeki tüm köpekler sorunsuz şekilde iyileşti. Serum CRP düzeyleri Grup 1’de 0, 4 v 7. günlerde daha yüksekti (P0,05), 4. ve 7. günlerde azalma görüldü (P0,05). Sonuç: Sağlıklı ve hasta gruplarda cerrahi sonrasında serum CRP değerleri 1. günde maksimum düzeye ulaşırken, bu artış KEH-Pyometra grubunda var olan yangısal reaksiyona bağlı olarak daha hafif bir artış şeklinde görüldü. Çalışmanın komplikasyonsuz tamamlanması nedeniyle 4. günde CRP değerleri azalma eğilimine girmiş ve termografik görüntülerde belirgin bir farklılık görülmemiştir. İstatiksel verilere yansımasa da KEH-Pyometra grubunda 1. ve 4. günlerde göz; diğer tüm günlerde abdomen sıcaklığı kontrol grubuna kıyasla yüksek seyretti. Gelecekte daha büyük popülasyonlarda uygulanacak benzer çalışmalarda ovaryohisterektomi sonrası serum CRP ölçümüne ek olarak, non-invaziv ve pratik bir uygulama olan termografi kullanımının prognozun belirlenmesinde yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir.KABUL VE ONAY i TEŞEKKÜR ii İÇİNDEKİLER iii SİMGELER VE KISALTMALAR DİZİNİ v ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ vii RESİMLER DİZİNİ viii TABLOLAR DİZİNİ ix ÖZET x ABSTRACT xii 1. GİRİŞ 1 2. GENEL BİLGİLER 2 2.1. Kistik Endometriyal Hiperplazi-Pyometra Kompleksi 2 2.1.1. Etiyolojik Faktörler 2 2.1.2. Patogenezis 3 2.1.3. Hastalığın Evreleri 6 2.1.4. Klinik Belirtiler 7 2.1.5. Laboratuvar Bulguları 8 2.1.6. Ultrasonografi 10 2.1.7. Vajinal Sitoloji 11 2.2. Sağaltım 11 2.2.1. Medikal Sağaltım Yöntemleri 12 Antibakteriyel Uygulamalar 12 Hormonal Uygulamalar 13 2.2.2. Operatif Sağaltım Teknikleri 15 2.2.3. Postoperatif Süreçte CRP kullanımı 17 2.3. Termografinin Tarihi ve Uygulama Prensibi 18 2.4. Infrared Termografinin (IRT) Hayvanlarda Kullanımı 19 3. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM 22 3.1. Gereç 22 3.2. Yöntem 22 3.2.1. Çalışma Grupların Oluşturulması ve Preoperatif Uygulamalar 22 3.2.2. Termal Görüntü Örneklerinin Alınması 26 3.2.3. İstatiksel Analizler 27 4. BULGULAR 30 4.1. CRP Bulguları 31 4.2. Infrared Termografi (IRT) Ölçüm Sonuçları 32 5. TARTIŞMA 35 6. SONUÇ VE ÖNERİLER 39 KAYNAKLAR 40 EKLER 60 Ek 1. Hayvan Deneyleri Yerel Etik Kurul Onayı (Aydın ADÜ-HADYEK) 60 BİLİMSEL ETİK BEYANI 61 ÖZ GEÇMİŞ 6

    Cytokines as diagnostic biomarkers in canine pyometra and sepsis

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    Sepsis is a syndrome with high morbidity, mortality and astronomical health care costs and it is challenging to diagnose both in humans and animals due to the lack of suitable diagnostic biomarkers. Although several types of proteins have been suggested as diagnostic biomarkers of sepsis, none of them were shown to be reliable for routine use in the clinical practice. Dogs with uterine bacterial infection called pyometra often develop sepsis and have been suggested as a natural model of sepsis. To investigate whether there is a pattern of biomarkers that can be useful to diagnose bacterial sepsis on early stages in addition to existing clinical criteria, we measured both local gene expression and serum levels of cytokines in dogs with pyometra and compared these levels with known inflammatory markers and blood clotting parameters. Serum concentrations of keratinocyte-derived chemokine (KC)-like protein and the global clot strength were significantly increased both in dogs with pyometra compared to healthy dogs and in dogs with sepsis compared to dogs without sepsis in pyometra. Moreover, the expression levels of the chemokines interleukin (IL)-8 and C-X-C motif ligand 5 (CXCL5) mRNA were significantly higher in uteri from dogs with pyometra compared to healthy dogs and in cultured stromal endometrial cells derived from uteri of healthy dogs and cocultured with LPS or pathogenic Escherichia coli compared to unstimulated cells. Although serum concentrations of IL-8, high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), prostaglandin F2α, IL-2, IL-15, IL-18, interferon (IFN)-γ and monocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (MG-CSF) were not different between dogs with or without sepsis in the presence of pyometra, some of these cytokines correlated significantly with clinical parameters such as total white blood cell count (correlated with HMGB1) and KC-like (correlated with IL-8). Measurements of serum IL-10, CXCL10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-6 and IL-4 will require a more sensitive method in dogs with pyometra. Our findings suggest that KC-like, CXCL5 and IL-8 may be useful as early diagnostic biomarkers of sepsis in dogs with pyometra. Further investigation of these chemokines in sepsis may help to improve routines in sepsis diagnosis in dogs and possibly also humans

    Manual de reproducción de animales de producción y compañía

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    Este libro presenta los conocimientos básicos de fisiología reproductiva y fisiopatología de los animales de producción y compañía con el fin de introducir al lector en la reproducción animal en Medicina Veterinaria. La obra se encuentra dividida en secciones utilizando una sección para cada especie. Se presentan los contenidos básicos a partir de los cuales el lector podrá construir los conocimientos necesarios para la práctica reproductiva diaria.Fil: Stornelli, María Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Teriogenología. Cátedra de Reproducción Animal; ArgentinaFil: de la Sota, Rodolfo Luzbel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Teriogenología. Cátedra de Reproducción Animal; Argentin

    Insights from Animal Reproduction

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    The chapters in this volume of "Insights from Animal Reproduction" address several, particular hot topics in the field of reproduction. The book begins with a comprehensive overview of the cryopreservation of sheep-produced embryos. The following chapter revises the assisted reproductive techniques available for South American wild mammals. Chapter 3 presents the technical procedures necessary to produce transgenic goats. Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive revision of the major molecular determinants of litter size in prolific species. Chapter 5 examines the germ cell determinant transmission, segregation, and function using the zebrafish as a model for germ cell specification in the embryo. Chapter 6 summarizes the current understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating the early stages of folliculogenesis. Chapter 7 examines the sperm motility regulatory proteins as a tool to enhance sperm quality in cryopreservation processes. Chapter 8 discusses contemporary knowledge on the effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) on male reproductive function in rodents. Chapter 9 highlights the importance of the cytogenetic evaluation in searching for causes of infertility of phenotypically normal animals, as well as individuals with an abnormal sex development. The last chapter provides evidence that other uterine diseases may be hidden behind the clinical diagnosis of pyometra that in some case may have a poor outcome