9 research outputs found

    Automated Model Driven Testing Using AndroMDA and UML2 Testing Profile in Scrum Process

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    AbstractSoftware testing is an important step in the life cycle of agile development; it represents an efficient way to ensure the good functioning of the product. But as the complexity of a system increases, the effort and expertise to test it also increases. To significantly reduce these efforts, and reduce the cost and time; several studies have been carried out and various tools and test automation techniques have been proposed. In this paper, we present an approach to automatic generation of test cases from UML 2 Models at the Scrum agile process. This approach automates two important steps: the transformation of design models into test models and generating test cases, based on an open source MDA framework

    Model based functional testing using pattern directed filmstrips.

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    Model driven functional system testing generates test scenarios from behavioral and structural models. In order to automatically generate tests, conditions such as invariants and pre-/post-conditions must be precisely defined. UML provides the Object Constraint Language (OCL) for this purpose; however OCL expressions can become very complex. This paper describes an approach that allows many commonly found OCL patterns to be expressed as snapshot patterns that correspond directly to the information model diagrams. Behaviour is constructed as chains of snapshots, or filmstrips. Snapshots and filmstrips are as expressive as UML behaviour models and OCL but it is argued that they are more accessible and more modular

    Factors influence novice programmers toward test first approach

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    Test First is one of the Agile development approaches. In practice, Test First needs a developer to design test cases followed by the development of actual codes. The previous study on Test First has been covering the quality of the codes, either internal quality of codes, external quality of codes, or productivity of codes. Also, research on the behavior of the developers toward Test First based on the developers experiences implementing the Test First approach. This research is looking into the behavior of developers, which focus on finding the factors that influence novice programmers’ to execute Test First by using the Theory of Planned Behavior as the theoretical framework. The Theory of Planned Behavior framework is used to identify the factors that contribute to the Intention of novice programmers’ to implement Test First. The factors were identified quantitatively using a set of questionnaire. The results indicated that Behavioral Beliefs, Attitude towards Behavior, Normative Beliefs, and Subjective Norms are the factors that influenced novice programmers to implement Test First. © 2019, World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering. All rights reserved

    Model based functional testing using pattern directed filmstrips.

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    Model driven functional system testing generates test scenarios from behavioral and structural models. In order to automatically generate tests, conditions such as invariants and pre-/post-conditions must be precisely defined. UML provides the Object Constraint Language (OCL) for this purpose; however OCL expressions can become very complex. This paper describes an approach that allows many commonly found OCL patterns to be expressed as snapshot patterns that correspond directly to the information model diagrams. Behaviour is constructed as chains of snapshots, or filmstrips. Snapshots and filmstrips are as expressive as UML behaviour models and OCL but it is argued that they are more accessible and more modular

    Crossing Model Driven Engineering and Agility: Preliminary Thought on Benefits and Challenges

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    International audienceThe constant evolution of software systems has led the software engineering to continually develop new methods and concepts to overcome their development and maintenance. Two main streams have emerged in recent years and become important in current industrial processes: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and agile methods. MDE promotes the use of models as higher-level artifacts, the separation of concerns and generative approaches. On the other hand, Agility focuses on best practices for programming of software systems and their integration within a development process. Nevertheless, these two trends have evolved independently and must now be unified to make the best of both. We investigate in this position paper the benefits and scope of such unification and we expose our preliminary thought on the challenges ahead for this. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a canvas for the study of this unification, thereby exposing the different challenges. We also hope that this paper will arise interesting discussions within the community about the combination of agile processes and model based paradigms and tools

    Testes incrementais em um desenvolvimento guiado por testes baseados em modelo

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    Orientador: Eliane MartinsDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O desenvolvimento de sistemas pode ser realizado seguindo diversos modelos de processo. Os métodos ágeis propõem realizar implementações iterativas e incrementais e testes antecipados, buscando uma validação antecipada do sistema. Algumas técnicas ágeis adicionam a característica de um desenvolvimento de sistema baseado em testes, como as técnicas de Desenvolvimento Baseado em Teste (do inglês Test Driven Development (TDD)) e Desenvolvimento Baseado em Comportamento (do inglês Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)). Recentemente algumas técnicas propõem a união de técnicas ágeis de desenvolvimento baseado em testes com técnicas consolidadas da área de testes, com o objetivo principal de auxiliar na etapa de criação de testes, que serão utilizados para guiar o desenvolvimento do sistema. Um exemplo é a técnica de Desenvolvimento Guiado por Testes Baseados em Modelo (do inglês Model-Based Test Driven Development (MBTDD)) que une os conceitos de Testes Baseados em Modelo (do inglês Model-Based Testing (MBT)) e Desenvolvimento Baseado em Teste (TDD). Portanto em MBTDD, testes são derivados de modelos que representam os comportamentos esperados do sistema, e baseado nesses testes, o desenvolvimento iterativo e incremental ocorre. Entretanto quando lidamos com processos iterativos e incrementais, surgem problemas decorrente da evolução do sistema, como por exemplo: como reutilizar os artefatos de testes, e como selecionar os testes relevantes para a codificação da nova versão do sistema. Nesse contexto, este trabalho explora um processo no qual o desenvolvimento ágil de sistema é guiado por testes baseados em modelos, com o enfoque no auxílio do reúso dos artefatos de testes e no processo de identificação de testes relevantes para o desenvolvimento de uma nova versão do sistema. Para tanto, características do processo de MBTDD são unidas com características de uma técnica que busca o reúso de artefatos de testes baseado em princípios de testes de regressão, denominada Testes de Regressão SPL Baseados em Modelo Delta (do inglês Delta-Oriented Model-Based SPL Regression Testing). Para realizar a avaliação da solução proposta, ela foi aplicada em exemplos existentes e comparada com a abordagem no qual nenhum caso de teste é reutilizadoAbstract: Systems can be developed following different process models. Agile methods propose iterative and incremental implementations and anticipating tests, in order to anticipate system validation. Some agile techniques add the characteristic of development based on tests, like in Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). Recently some techniques proposed joining the agile techniques of development based on tests with techniques consolidated in the field of testing, with the main purpose of aiding in the test creation stage, which are used to guide the development of the system. An example is Model-Based Test Driven Development (MBTDD) which joins the concepts of Model-Based Testing (MBT) and Test Driven Development (TDD). Therefore in MBTDD, tests are derived from models that represent the expected behaviour of the system, and based on those tests, iterative and incremental development is performed. However, when iterative and incremental processes are used, problems appear as the consequence of the evolution of the system, such as: how to reuse the test artefacts, and how to select the relevant tests for implementing the new version of the system. In this context, this work proposes a process in which the agile development of a system is guided by model based tests, focusing on helping with the reuse of test artefacts and on the process of identifying tests relevant to development. To achieve this goal, MBTDD process characteristics are joined with characteristics from a technique that aims to find reusability of test artefacts based on principles of regression tests, called Delta-Oriented Model-Based SPL Regression Testing. To evaluate the proposed solution, it was applied to existing examples and compared to the approach without any test case reuseMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestra em Ciência da Computação151647/2013-5CNP

    Operational analysis of sequence diagram specifications

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    This thesis is concerned with operational analysis of UML 2.x sequence diagram specifications. By operational analysis we mean analysis based on a characterization of the executions of sequence diagrams, or in other words an operational semantics for sequence diagrams. We define two methods for analysis of sequence diagram specifications – refinement verification and refinement testing – and both are implemented in an analysis tool we have named ‘Escalator’. Further, we make the first steps in the direction of extending our approach with support for availability analysis. In order to facilitate operational analysis, we define an operational semantics for UML 2.x sequence diagrams. The operational semantics is loyal to the intended semantics of UML, and is proven to be sound and complete with respect to the denotational semantics for sequence diagrams defined in STAIRS – a framework for stepwise development based on refinement of sequence diagram specifications. The operational semantics has a formalized meta-level, on which we define execution strategies. This meta-level allows us to make distinctions between positive and negative behavior, between potential and universal behavior, and between potential and mandatory choice, all of which are inherently difficult in an operational semantics. Based on the operational semantics and its formalized meta-level, we define trace generation, test generation and test execution. Further, based on a formalization of refinement in STAIRS, the trace generation is used to devise a method for refinement verification, and the test generation and the test execution are used to define a method for refinement testing. Both are methods for investigating whether or not a sequence diagram specification is a correct refinement of another sequence diagram specification. The operational semantics, the refinement verification and the refinement testing are implemented with the term rewriting language Maude, and these implementations are integrated in the Escalator tool. In addition, Escalator provides a graphical user interface for working with sequence diagram specifications and for running the analyses. In order to facilitate availability analysis, we define a conceptual model for service availability where the basic properties of availability are identified. Further, we extend the operational semantics with support for one class of these basic properties, namely real-time properties, and outline how the operation semantics extended with time can be applied to make methods for timed analysis of sequence diagram specifications

    Model Checking and Model-Based Testing : Improving Their Feasibility by Lazy Techniques, Parallelization, and Other Optimizations

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    This thesis focuses on the lightweight formal method of model-based testing for checking safety properties, and derives a new and more feasible approach. For liveness properties, dynamic testing is impossible, so feasibility is increased by specializing on an important class of properties, livelock freedom, and deriving a more feasible model checking algorithm for it. All mentioned improvements are substantiated by experiments