68 research outputs found

    Distributed aop middleware for large-scale scenarios

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    En aquesta tesi doctoral presentem una proposta de middleware distribuït pel desenvolupament d'aplicacions de gran escala. La nostra motivació principal és permetre que les responsabilitats distribuïdes d'aquestes aplicacions, com per exemple la replicació, puguin integrar-se de forma transparent i independent. El nostre enfoc es basa en la implementació d'aquestes responsabilitats mitjançant el paradigma d'aspectes distribuïts i es beneficia dels substrats de les xarxes peer-to-peer (P2P) i de la programació orientada a aspectes (AOP) per realitzar-ho de forma descentralitzada, desacoblada, eficient i transparent. La nostra arquitectura middleware es divideix en dues capes: un model de composició i una plataforma escalable de desplegament d'aspectes distribuïts. Per últim, es demostra la viabilitat i aplicabilitat del nostre model mitjançant la implementació i experimentació de prototipus en xarxes de gran escala reals.In this PhD dissertation we present a distributed middleware proposal for large-scale application development. Our main aim is to separate the distributed concerns of these applications, like replication, which can be integrated independently and transparently. Our approach is based on the implementation of these concerns using the paradigm of distributed aspects. In addition, our proposal benefits from the peer-to-peer (P2P) networks and aspect-oriented programming (AOP) substrates to provide these concerns in a decentralized, decoupled, efficient, and transparent way. Our middleware architecture is divided into two layers: a composition model and a scalable deployment platform for distributed aspects. Finally, we demonstrate the viability and applicability of our model via implementation and experimentation of prototypes in real large-scale networks

    Actas da 10ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores

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    Universidade do MinhoCCTCCentro AlgoritmiCisco SystemsIEEE Portugal Sectio

    The Lannion report on Big Data and Security Monitoring Research

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    International audienceDuring the last decade, big data management has attracted increasing interest from both the industrial and academic communities. In parallel, Cyber Security has become mandatory due to various and more intensive threats. In June 2022, a group of researchers has met to reflect on their community's impacts on current research challenges. In particular, they have considered four dimensions: (1) dedicated systems being data processing and analytic platforms or time series management systems; (2) graphs analytics and distributed computation; (3) privacy; and (4) new hardware

    Interactive Data Exploration of Distributed Raw Files: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    When exploring big amounts of data without a clear target, providing an interactive experience becomes really dif cult, since this tentative inspection usually defeats any early decision on data structures or indexing strategies. This is also true in the physics domain, speci cally in high-energy physics, where the huge volume of data generated by the detectors are normally explored via C++ code using batch processing, which introduces a considerable latency. An interactive tool, when integrated into the existing data management systems, can add a great value to the usability of these platforms. Here, we intend to review the current state-of-the-art of interactive data exploration, aiming at satisfying three requirements: access to raw data les, stored in a distributed environment, and with a reasonably low latency. This paper follows the guidelines for systematic mapping studies, which is well suited for gathering and classifying available studies.We summarize the results after classifying the 242 papers that passed our inclusion criteria. While there are many proposed solutions that tackle the problem in different manners, there is little evidence available about their implementation in practice. Almost all of the solutions found by this paper cover a subset of our requirements, with only one partially satisfying the three. The solutions for data exploration abound. It is an active research area and, considering the continuous growth of data volume and variety, is only to become harder. There is a niche for research on a solution that covers our requirements, and the required building blocks are there

    The Internet of Everything

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    In the era before IoT, the world wide web, internet, web 2.0 and social media made people’s lives comfortable by providing web services and enabling access personal data irrespective of their location. Further, to save time and improve efficiency, there is a need for machine to machine communication, automation, smart computing and ubiquitous access to personal devices. This need gave birth to the phenomenon of Internet of Things (IoT) and further to the concept of Internet of Everything (IoE)

    The Internet of Everything

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    In the era before IoT, the world wide web, internet, web 2.0 and social media made people’s lives comfortable by providing web services and enabling access personal data irrespective of their location. Further, to save time and improve efficiency, there is a need for machine to machine communication, automation, smart computing and ubiquitous access to personal devices. This need gave birth to the phenomenon of Internet of Things (IoT) and further to the concept of Internet of Everything (IoE)

    An ant-inspired, deniable routing approach in ad hoc question & answer networks

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    The ubiquity of the Internet facilitates electronic question and answering (Q&A) between real people with ease via community portals and social networking websites. It is a useful service which allows users to appeal to a broad range of answerers. In most cases however, Q&A services produce answers by presenting questions to the general public or associated digital community with little regard for the amount of time users spend examining and answering them. Ultimately, a question may receive large amounts of attention but still not be answered adequately. Several existing pieces of research investigate the reasons why questions do not receive answers on Q&A services and suggest that it may be associated with users being afraid of expressing themselves. Q&A works well for solving information needs, however, it rarely takes into account the privacy requirements of the users who form the service. This thesis was motivated by the need for a more targeted approach towards Q&A by distributing the service across ad hoc networks. The main contribution of this thesis is a novel routing technique and networking environment (distributed Q&A) which balances answer quality and user attention while protecting privacy through plausible deniability. Routing approaches are evaluated experimentally by statistics gained from peer-to-peer network simulations, composed of Q&A users modelled via features extracted from the analysis of a large Yahoo! Answers dataset. Suggestions for future directions to this work are presented from the knowledge gained from our results and conclusion

    A Survey on Routing in Anonymous Communication Protocols

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    The Internet has undergone dramatic changes in the past 2 decades and now forms a global communication platform that billions of users rely on for their daily activities. While this transformation has brought tremendous benefits to society, it has also created new threats to online privacy, such as omnipotent governmental surveillance. As a result, public interest in systems for anonymous communication has drastically increased. In this work, we survey previous research on designing, developing, and deploying systems for anonymous communication. Our taxonomy and comparative assessment provide important insights about the differences between the existing classes of anonymous communication protocols

    Enhancing data privacy and security in Internet of Things through decentralized models and services

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    exploits a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) blockchain, in order to perform collaborative and dynamic botnet detection by collecting and auditing IoT devices’ network traffic flows as blockchain transactions. Secondly, we take the challenge to decentralize IoT, and design a hybrid blockchain architecture for IoT, by proposing Hybrid-IoT. In Hybrid-IoT, subgroups of IoT devices form PoW blockchains, referred to as PoW sub-blockchains. Connection among the PoW sub-blockchains employs a BFT inter-connector framework. We focus on the PoW sub-blockchains formation, guided by a set of guidelines based on a set of dimensions, metrics and bounds