10,209 research outputs found

    Enhancing Energy Production with Exascale HPC Methods

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) resources have become the key actor for achieving more ambitious challenges in many disciplines. In this step beyond, an explosion on the available parallelism and the use of special purpose processors are crucial. With such a goal, the HPC4E project applies new exascale HPC techniques to energy industry simulations, customizing them if necessary, and going beyond the state-of-the-art in the required HPC exascale simulations for different energy sources. In this paper, a general overview of these methods is presented as well as some specific preliminary results.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) under the HPC4E Project (www.hpc4e.eu), grant agreement n° 689772, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the CODEC2 project (TIN2015-63562-R), and from the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP). Computer time on Endeavour cluster is provided by the Intel Corporation, which enabled us to obtain the presented experimental results in uncertainty quantification in seismic imagingPostprint (author's final draft

    Resource and thermal management in 3D-stacked multi-/many-core systems

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    Continuous semiconductor technology scaling and the rapid increase in computational needs have stimulated the emergence of multi-/many-core processors. While up to hundreds of cores can be placed on a single chip, the performance capacity of the cores cannot be fully exploited due to high latencies of interconnects and memory, high power consumption, and low manufacturing yield in traditional (2D) chips. 3D stacking is an emerging technology that aims to overcome these limitations of 2D designs by stacking processor dies over each other and using through-silicon-vias (TSVs) for on-chip communication, and thus, provides a large amount of on-chip resources and shortens communication latency. These benefits, however, are limited by challenges in high power densities and temperatures. 3D stacking also enables integrating heterogeneous technologies into a single chip. One example of heterogeneous integration is building many-core systems with silicon-photonic network-on-chip (PNoC), which reduces on-chip communication latency significantly and provides higher bandwidth compared to electrical links. However, silicon-photonic links are vulnerable to on-chip thermal and process variations. These variations can be countered by actively tuning the temperatures of optical devices through micro-heaters, but at the cost of substantial power overhead. This thesis claims that unearthing the energy efficiency potential of 3D-stacked systems requires intelligent and application-aware resource management. Specifically, the thesis improves energy efficiency of 3D-stacked systems via three major components of computing systems: cache, memory, and on-chip communication. We analyze characteristics of workloads in computation, memory usage, and communication, and present techniques that leverage these characteristics for energy-efficient computing. This thesis introduces 3D cache resource pooling, a cache design that allows for flexible heterogeneity in cache configuration across a 3D-stacked system and improves cache utilization and system energy efficiency. We also demonstrate the impact of resource pooling on a real prototype 3D system with scratchpad memory. At the main memory level, we claim that utilizing heterogeneous memory modules and memory object level management significantly helps with energy efficiency. This thesis proposes a memory management scheme at a finer granularity: memory object level, and a page allocation policy to leverage the heterogeneity of available memory modules and cater to the diverse memory requirements of workloads. On the on-chip communication side, we introduce an approach to limit the power overhead of PNoC in (3D) many-core systems through cross-layer thermal management. Our proposed thermally-aware workload allocation policies coupled with an adaptive thermal tuning policy minimize the required thermal tuning power for PNoC, and in this way, help broader integration of PNoC. The thesis also introduces techniques in placement and floorplanning of optical devices to reduce optical loss and, thus, laser source power consumption.2018-03-09T00:00:00

    Multi-Quality Auto-Tuning by Contract Negotiation

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    A characteristic challenge of software development is the management of omnipresent change. Classically, this constant change is driven by customers changing their requirements. The wish to optimally leverage available resources opens another source of change: the software systems environment. Software is tailored to specific platforms (e.g., hardware architectures) resulting in many variants of the same software optimized for different environments. If the environment changes, a different variant is to be used, i.e., the system has to reconfigure to the variant optimized for the arisen situation. The automation of such adjustments is subject to the research community of self-adaptive systems. The basic principle is a control loop, as known from control theory. The system (and environment) is continuously monitored, the collected data is analyzed and decisions for or against a reconfiguration are computed and realized. Central problems in this field, which are addressed in this thesis, are the management of interdependencies between non-functional properties of the system, the handling of multiple criteria subject to decision making and the scalability. In this thesis, a novel approach to self-adaptive software--Multi-Quality Auto-Tuning (MQuAT)--is presented, which provides design and operation principles for software systems which automatically provide the best possible utility to the user while producing the least possible cost. For this purpose, a component model has been developed, enabling the software developer to design and implement self-optimizing software systems in a model-driven way. This component model allows for the specification of the structure as well as the behavior of the system and is capable of covering the runtime state of the system. The notion of quality contracts is utilized to cover the non-functional behavior and, especially, the dependencies between non-functional properties of the system. At runtime the component model covers the runtime state of the system. This runtime model is used in combination with the contracts to generate optimization problems in different formalisms (Integer Linear Programming (ILP), Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Multi-Objective Integer Linear Programming (MOILP)). Standard solvers are applied to derive solutions to these problems, which represent reconfiguration decisions, if the identified configuration differs from the current. Each approach is empirically evaluated in terms of its scalability showing the feasibility of all approaches, except for ACO, the superiority of ILP over PBO and the limits of all approaches: 100 component types for ILP, 30 for PBO, 10 for ACO and 30 for 2-objective MOILP. In presence of more than two objective functions the MOILP approach is shown to be infeasible

    EXA2PRO programming environment:Architecture and applications

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    The EXA2PRO programming environment will integrate a set of tools and methodologies that will allow to systematically address many exascale computing challenges, including performance, performance portability, programmability, abstraction and reusability, fault tolerance and technical debt. The EXA2PRO tool-chain will enable the efficient deployment of applications in exascale computing systems, by integrating high-level software abstractions that offer performance portability and efficient exploitation of exascale systems' heterogeneity, tools for efficient memory management, optimizations based on trade-offs between various metrics and fault-tolerance support. Hence, by addressing various aspects of productivity challenges, EXA2PRO is expected to have significant impact in the transition to exascale computing, as well as impact from the perspective of applications. The evaluation will be based on 4 applications from 4 different domains that will be deployed in JUELICH supercomputing center. The EXA2PRO will generate exploitable results in the form of a tool-chain that support diverse exascale heterogeneous supercomputing centers and concrete improvements in various exascale computing challenges

    Multi-GPU support on the marrow algorithmic skeleton framework

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaWith the proliferation of general purpose GPUs, workload parallelization and datatransfer optimization became an increasing concern. The natural evolution from using a single GPU, is multiplying the amount of available processors, presenting new challenges, as tuning the workload decompositions and load balancing, when dealing with heterogeneous systems. Higher-level programming is a very important asset in a multi-GPU environment, due to the complexity inherent to the currently used GPGPU APIs (OpenCL and CUDA), because of their low-level and code overhead. This can be obtained by introducing an abstraction layer, which has the advantage of enabling implicit optimizations and orchestrations such as transparent load balancing mechanism and reduced explicit code overhead. Algorithmic Skeletons, previously used in cluster environments, have recently been adapted to the GPGPU context. Skeletons abstract most sources of code overhead, by defining computation patterns of commonly used algorithms. The Marrow algorithmic skeleton library is one of these, taking advantage of the abstractions to automate the orchestration needed for an efficient GPU execution. This thesis proposes the extension of Marrow to leverage the use of algorithmic skeletons in the modular and efficient programming of multiple heterogeneous GPUs, within a single machine. We were able to achieve a good balance between simplicity of the programming model and performance, obtaining good scalability when using multiple GPUs, with an efficient load distribution, although at the price of some overhead when using a single-GPU.projects PTDC/EIA-EIA/102579/2008 and PTDC/EIA-EIA/111518/200
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