2,027 research outputs found

    The accelerated spread of a neophyte introduced to Europe long ago – First occurrence of Sporobolus indicus (Poaceae) in Hungary

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    The first occurrence of Sporobolus indicus in Hungary is reported. The neotropical S. indicus is one of the oldest introduced neophytes to Europe. From the middle of the 19th century until the last decade of the 20th century, apart from a few occasional occurrences, it expanded only in the Mediterranean area. However, the number of observations has dramatically increased in the past two decades, even outside the Mediterranean region. Its recent rapid spreading is evident along roads, in lawns, trampled tourist places (e.g., campsites). Tourism certainly contributes to the very successful recent spreading of the species. Still, global warming, the increasingly mild winters in continental Europe, can certainly enhance the establishment and further dispersal of this cold sensitive species

    α 1-antitrypsin Pi phenotypes S and Z in Spain: an analysis of the published surveys

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    AbstractThe aim of the present study was to review published surveys on allelic frequencies S and Z in Spanish populations to evaluate the validity of the reported data.Thirty-four studies published since 1965 were retrieved by MEDLINE, Index Medicus and consultations with experts. The criteria for studies selection were (i) sample size ≄250 individuals; (ii) alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotyping determination performed by means of crossed antigen–antibody electrophoresis or isoelectrofocusing; (iii) S and Z reported outcomes with an upper 95% CI smaller than mean +2 SD, a lower 95% CI smaller than mean −2 SD, and the following ratio: 100× (95%CI upper limit — 95%CI lower limit)/allelic frequency, for both S and Z, included in the mean ±2 SD interval.Thirteen out of 34 surveys retrieved complied with the proposed criteria for S gene frequency analysis and 11 fulfilled the criteria for Z. The greatest frequency for S type is in the north-west of the country (149 alleles per 1000 in Galicians natives), while frequencies in the rest of the country are approximately 100 alleles per 1000. The greatest frequency for Z type has been reported in newborn infants from Valladolid (20·8) and in a randomly selected general population of Asturias (19·7). In the rest of Spain, Z frequencies range from 1·5 to 15 alleles per 1000 genes

    Internal Migration and Regional Population Dynamics in Europe: Spain Case Study

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    Internal migration has been a key component in Spain’s sub-national population dynamics over the last century, particularly during the 1960s and 1970s, when the rural exodus was at its peak. Since then, as fertility levels have declined and the economy has been restructured, internal migration has continued to play an important, albeit different, role in shaping the distribution of the population across the country. This report, which is one of a series of studies of population dynamics and internal migration in different European countries, considers some of the more recent changes in the distribution of the population and in internal migration during each of the two calendar years, 1988 and 1994, at two spatial scales, provinces and municipalities. Whilst both the natural change and residual net migration components of population change are mapped at both geographical scales, the demographic dynamism of the ‘coastal’ provinces is evident when contrasted, in aggregate terms, with changes taking place in the ‘industrial’, ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ provinces. A Webb classification demonstrates the extent to which the number of municipalities with net migration gains increased between 1988 and 1994, and a size classification suggests a shift of population expansion down the urban hierarchy. Registration data for the two annual periods are used to examine the changes in the volume, geographical distribution and demographic structure of internal migration. Whilst it is clear that the volume of migration between municipalities in the same province has increased between 1988 and 1994 more rapidly than the migration taking place between municipalities in different provinces, the efficiency with which the latter redistributes population has declined. Spatial patterns of aggregate inter-provincial net migration, net migration rates, migration efficiencies and major flows are outlined but no evidence is found of a relationship between net migration and unemployment or density at the municipality scale. Age variations in migration propensities and net migration balances give some indications of the variety of determinants that influence directional migration flows at different stages in the life course. The report presents the profiles of national migration rate schedules in 1988 and 1994 and examines the spatial patterns of net migration for five-year age groups. Provinces are classified according to their migration efficiencies in the two annual periods and age-specific efficiencies are examined for selected provinces to demonstrate major changes in more detail. Migration of those of working age accounts for the large majority of inter-provincial movements and migration efficiencies of those in three broad working age groups (young, middle and older) provide a useful summary of the main patterns. Finally, the report makes use of the information available from the registration data on place of birth as well as on place of residence before and after the move. New insights are given on the proportion of inter-provincial migration that involves return to the province of birth, the age variations in return proportions and the major flows of return migrants between provinces

    Active aging promotion: results from the Vital Aging Program

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    Active aging is one of the terms in the semantic network of aging well, together with others such as successful, productive, competent aging. All allude to the new paradigm in gerontology, where by aging is considered from a positive perspective. Most authors in the field agree active aging is a multidimensional concept, embracing health, physical and cognitive fitness, positive affect and control, social relationships and engagement. This paper describes Vital Aging, an individual active aging promotion program implemented through three modalities: Life, Multimedia, and e-Learning. The program was developed on the basis of extensive evidence about individual determinants of active aging. e different versions of Vital Aging are described, and four evaluation studies (both formative and summative) are reported. Formative evaluation reflected participants's satisfaction and expected changes; summative evaluations yielded some quite encouraging results using quasi-experimental designs: those who took part in the programs increased their physical exercise, signicantly improved their diet, reported better memory, had better emotional balance, and enjoyed more cultural, intellectual, affective, and social activities than they did before the course, thus increasing their social relationships. These results are discussed in the context of the common literature within the field and, also, taking into .account the limitations of the evaluations accomplished.Vital Aging Programs were sponsored by the Institute for Older Adults and Social Services (IMSERSO-UAM Agreements 1997-00), the Socrates Minerva Program of the European Commission (AGE-LL-C, 2001-03), and the UAM Santander Research Program for Latin America (PUM-e 2011)

    A resource-based modelling framework to assess habitat suitability for Steppe birds in semiarid Mediterranean agricultural systems

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    European agriculture is undergoing widespread changes that are likely to have profound impacts on farmland biodiversity. The development of tools that allow an assessment of the potential biodiversity effects of different land-use alternatives before changes occur is fundamental to guiding management decisions. In this study, we develop a resource-based model framework to estimate habitat suitability for target species, according to simple information on species’ key resource requirements (diet, foraging habitat and nesting site), and examine whether it can be used to link land-use and local species’ distribution. We take as a study case four steppe bird species in a lowland area of the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula. We also compare the performance of our resource-based approach to that obtained through habitat-based models relating species’ occurrence and land-cover variables. Further, we use our resource-based approach to predict the effects that change in farming systems can have on farmland bird habitat suitability and compare these predictions with those obtained using the habitat-based models. Habitat suitability estimates generated by our resource-based models performed similarly (and better for one study species) than habitat based-models when predicting current species distribution. Moderate prediction success was achieved for three out of four species considered by resource-based models and for two of four by habitat-based models. Although, there is potential for improving the performance of resource-based models, they provide a structure for using available knowledge of the functional links between agricultural practices, provision of key resources and the response of organisms to predict potential effects of changing land-uses in a variety of context or the impacts of changes such as altered management practices that are not easily incorporated into habitat-based models

    A Study of Prehistoric Art and Other Pleasures

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    ...The major focus of my sabbatical study was Paleolithic Art, although I also studied the megalithic monuments of the Neolithic era, ancient and contemporary architecture, medieval French and Spanish literature, and Middle Eastern history and culture. With extensive travel to France, Spain, and Italy, I was able to view paintings in caves that are open to the public and I was able to improve my ability to use French and Spanish in everyday conversation. My sabbatical study of rock art was a continuation of research undertaken earlier when I was a member of several small groups that located, photographed, and made measured drawings of rock art in Tanzania, Hawaii, and the Big Bend area of Texas. During a previous sabbatical, I accompanied Mary Leakey and three other researchers to Tanzania, where we located and analyzed rock paintings that are rapidly disappearing, and I photographed the images with infrared film. The recent discovery of caves with significant art and artifacts in France, Spain, and England, the excavation of new sites in Siberia and the central Russian steppes, the acknowledgement of the study of prehistoric art as a legitimate branch of anthropology and archaeology, and the development of increasingly sophisticated techniques for analyses such as dating artwork and examining skeletal remains have made this an exciting time to study prehistoric rock art. Several significant and surprising discoveries during the past twenty years have provided information that has challenged many long-held ideas concerning Paleolithic art and the people who produced it, as well as the general development of art styles. Included in this report are descriptions several decorated caves in France and Spain. A few of the paintings are reproduced in color on separate pages at the end of the report..

    Colombian Nationalism: Four Musical Perspectives for Violin and Piano

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    This paper explores the Colombian nationalistic musical movement, which was born as a search for identity that various composers undertook in order to discover the roots of Colombian musical folklore. These roots, while distinct, have all played a significant part in the formation of the culture that gave birth to a unified national identity. It is this identity that acts as a recurring motif throughout the works of the four compsers mentioned in this study, each representing a different stage in the nationalistic movement according to their respective generations, backgrounds, and ideological postures. The idea of universalism and the integration of a national identity into the sphere of the Western musical tradition is a dilemma that has caused internal struggle and strife among generations of musicians and artists in general. This paper strives to open a new path in the research of nationalistic music for violin and piano through the analysis of four works written for this type of chamber ensemble: the third movement of the Sonata Op. 7 No.1 for Violin and Piano by Guillermo Uribe HolguĂ­n; Lopeziana, piece for Violin and Piano by Adolfo MejĂ­a; Sonata for Violin and Piano No.3 by LuĂ­s Antonio Escobar; and DĂșo rapsĂłdico con aires de currulao for Violin and Piano by AndrĂ©s Posada. While the violin is not a Colombian folkloric instrument, nationalsitic composers were able to use it to express the nationalistic feeling of their works, representing an often overlooked contribution to Colombian academic music and to the universal violin repertoire

    Winter temperatures in the second half of the XVI century in the central area of the Iberian Peninsula

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    International audienceThis paper studies the winter temperatures of the second part of the XVI century in the central area of the Iberian Peninsula. A large number of historical documents that are stored in many different Spanish archives were consulted in order to carry out this research. The data was first arranged and weighted according to the intensity and significance of the meteorological phenomena described and, subsequently, these values were assigned an ordinal index ranging from +4 to ?4. The statistical treatment applied is based on the reconstruction of temperatures equivalent to this ordinal index, expressed as anomalies of the 1961?1990 period, belonging to a reference station located at the approximate geographical center of the area under study. The results show winter thermal conditions different from current ones that, for the most part, stay below the reference average and that occurred with a wide range of variability. The influence that thermal conditions had on the evolution of some environmental aspects are considered based on the forest exploitation problem information and on the wine harvest production
