15 research outputs found

    Edukasi Asertif Dan Berpikir Positif Dalam Mengatasi Trauma Akibat Bullying

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    ABSTRAKIndonesia merupakan negara dengan kasus bullying di sekolah yang paling banyak pelaporan masyarakat kekomisi perlindungan anak. KPAI mencatat 369 pelaporan terkait masalah tersebut 25 % dari jumlah tersebut merupakan pelaporan di bidang pendidikan yaitu sebanyak 1.480 kasus. Dampak yang terjadi akibat perilaku bullying ialah menyendiri, menangis, minta pindah sekolah, konsentrasi anak berkurang, prestasi belajar menurun, tidak mau bersosialisasi. Oleh sebab itu, untuk menghindari dampak psikologis akibat bullying adalah edukasi asertif dan berpikir positif. Semakin tinggi perilaku asertif siswa maka semakin rendah kecenderungan menjadi berperilaku bullying, demikian juga korban bullying, semakin rendah perilaku asertif maka semakin tinggi kecenderungan menjadi korban bullying. Peserta kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah siswa SMK Islam Sudirman Ungaran berjumlah 30 siswa. Kegiatan pengabdian ini terdiri dari empat tahap. Tahap pertama, tentang penyampaian materi konsep remaja yang mencakup definisi, perubahan fisik dan psikologis pada tahap remaja. Materi ini akan disampaikan 10 menit. Tahap kedua, penyampaian materi konsep bullying yang mencakup definisi, tanda gejala, penyebab, dampak, dan penanganan bullying selama 10 menit. Tahap ketiga, penyampaian materi cara pencegahan trauma bullying dengan teknik asertif dan berpikir positif selama 20 menit. Tahap keempat, siswa mendemonstrasikan teknik asertif dan berpikir positif secara bergantian. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa pengetahuan siswa meningkat setelah diberikan edukasi asertif dan berpikir positif yaitu 5,84 menjadi 8,63. Diharapkan setiap siswa membiasakan berpikir positif dan berperilaku asertif dalam menghadapi suatu masalah sehingga kesehatan mental remaja tetap terjaga

    Testing the validity and reliability of the cyber bullying scale

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    The purpose of this study is to test the construct validity and reliability on the cyber bullying scale and test the forms and indicators that can construct the cyber bullying variable. Cyber bullying is measured in seven forms, such as flaming, harassment, denigration, impersonation, outing and trickery, cyberstalking, and exclusion. The populations in this study were eleventh-grade students in Vocational High Schools X, Y, and Z in Yogyakarta, with a total of 505 students. The sample in this study amounted to 100 students. The sampling technique uses cluster random sampling. The data collection method uses the cyber bullying scale. Research data were analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the Smart PLS 3.2.8 program. Based on the results of data analysis, the forms and indicators that construct the cyber bullying variable are declared valid and reliable. The most dominant form that reflects cyber bullying is harassment, with a factor loading of 0.914. While the weakest form that reflects cyber bullying is cyberstalking with a factor loading value of 0.566. These results indicate that all forms and indicators are able to reflect and build cyber bullying variables. Thus, the measurement model can be accepted because the theory that describes cyber bullying variables fit with empirical data obtained from the subject

    Desain Pola Integrasi Cyber dalam Mengurangi Kejahatan Cyberbullying

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    Dampak akibat dibully adalah depresi berat oleh si remaja korban bullying makin besar bahkan ke arah bunuh diri, menyakiti diri sendiri kepada si anak hasil bully. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan desain pola integrasi untuk mengurangi kejahatan cyberbullying. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis dan studi kasus. Sasaran subyek penelitian adalah aparat sipil negera, pegawai dan staf yang pada Kepolisian Daerah, Kemenkominfo, Telkom dan Pengadilan Negeri di Nusa Tenggara Barat metode pengumpulan data menggunakan studi kepustakaan, pengamatan, wawancara, analisis dokumen. Desain formulasi pola integrasi cyber dalam penelitian ini menggunakan desain grounded theory menurut Urguhard. Data yang terkumpul baik berupa data kepustakaan maupun data lapangan akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan deskriptif analitis untuk menguraikan data lapangan dengan studi literatur dengan pendekatan deduktif dan induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  pola integrasi cyber untuk pencegahan cyberbullying menggunakan sistem siklus cyber dengan tahapan yaitu kolaborasi lembaga, pencegahan melalui penyuluhan, edukasi, kampanye dan pendampingan (PEKP), Patroli Siber, menjaga identitas, menjadi saksi ahli, mengklarifikasi berita hoax menjadi berita yang asli, dan memberikan efek jera kepada pelaku kejahatan cyberbullying.The impact of being bullied is that the teenager who is bullied suffers from severe depression, even leading to suicide, hurting himself or herself to the child who is the result of being bullied. The purpose of this study is to describe the design of integration patterns to reduce cyberbullying crimes. The method used in this research is qualitative research with descriptive analytical approach and case studies. The target subjects of the study were state civil servants, employees and staff at the Regional Police, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Telkom and the District Court in West Nusa Tenggara. The data collection methods used were library research, observation, interviews, and document analysis. The design of the cyber integration pattern formulation in this study uses a grounded theory design according to Urguhard. The data collected in the form of library data and field data will be analyzed using analytical descriptive to describe the field data by studying literature with deductive and inductive approaches. The results show that the cyber integration pattern for cyberbullying prevention uses a cyber cycle system with stages, namely institutional collaboration, prevention through counseling, education, campaigns and mentoring (PEKP), Cyber Patrol, maintaining identity, being an expert witness, clarifying hoax news into original news. , and provide a deterrent effect to perpetrators of cyberbullying crimes

    Efektivitas Pelatihan Asertif Sebagai Upaya Mengatasi Perilaku “Bullying” di SMPN A Surabaya

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    Bullying is one of the serious problems that is vulnerable to occur in adolescence as experienced by students of  9th grade SMPN A Surabaya. Bullying has a variety of negative impacts on victims and people who witness or bystander that see bullying behavior, that is including physical and psychological impacts. Bullying can be overcome by assertive behavior. Assertive behavior makes the victim and bystander able to express opinions straightforwardly and boldly without hurting the offender to stop bullying behavior. Assertive behavior can be enhanced through assertive training. This research was conducted with the aim of seeing the effectiveness of assertive training to: (1) increase students' understanding of bullying and assertive behavior; and (2) increasing assertive behavior of students to be able to overcome bullying at schools. This research is a quantitative research with experimental method. The type of experiments conducted are one group pretest-posttest design. Subjects are selected by purposive sampling. The subjects involved were 25 students in 9th grade students of SMPN A Surabaya. Assertive behavior is measured by the assertiveness scale by Robert E. Alberti and Michael L. Emmons (2002) which has been translated into Indonesian by Nabila (2015). Assertiveness scale is given before and after training for each subject. Subjects underwent 8 training sessions which were held for 2 days. The collected data was analyzed by paired sample t-test. The results show that: (1) there are significant differences in the subject's understanding of bullying and assertiveness before and after the study, where the subject's average understanding increases after training; (2) student assertiveness behavior significantly increases after training. Overall, assertive training is effective for increasing student understanding and effective for enhancing assertive behavior


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    Sexual violence in Indonesia is one of the biggest problems that must be overcome immediately, especially in the campus environment. One of the attempts that can be conducted is to afford bystander intervention programs in psychoeducation training form. This study determines the effectiveness of the bystander intervention program called Do Something to reduce rape myth acceptance and increase empathy, assertiveness, and bystander intervention behavior. This research used a within-subjects design with four times measurements (before and after the first intervention, after the second intervention, and after two weeks of follow-up). The research participants were 14 students of Indonesia University of Education aged 18-25 years who had never participated in psychoeducation activities on sexual violence. The measuring instruments used in this study consisted of 4 measuring instruments, namely Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale – Subtle Version (IRMA-S), Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), Functional Assertiveness Scale (FAS), dan Bystander Intervention Behavior Scale (BIBS). The results of the study showed that the Do Something 'bystander intervention program' was successful in having short-term effectiveness in women in reducing rape myth acceptance, increasing assertiveness, and bystander intervention behavior. It is expected that this program would be beneficial training in preventing sexual violence in the campus environment

    Development and Validation of Cyberbullying Measurement Instrument: A Mixed Method Approach

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    This research is motivated by the increasing increase in cyber bullying and the negative impacts it causes. This research aims to develop a cyberbullying measurement instrument using a mixed methods approach involving three stages. Theme exploration stage, namely the qualitative stage with open questionnaire data collection techniques to explore themes surrounding Cyberbullying. At this stage the data analysis technique applied is open coding (65 participants). The testing stage is the content validity stage where the instrument is assessed by experts using the Aiken formula. This stage also includes factor analysis with an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) approach which helps identify the factorial structure underlying the instrument, relationships between items, and grouping items based on dimensions (270 participants). Scale validation stage where at this stage confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out to test and validate the factorial model identified through EFA (789 Participants). Sampling technique uses convenience sampling technique. The results of the research show that based on the CFA test, the cyber bullying scale showed that all items had loading factor values >0.5 and construct reliability >0.7, as well as AVE results >0.5, so that all the items used were forming factors of the latent variable. The items used are valid and reliable items so they can be relied upon as research measuring tools. Reliable Cyberbullying measurement instruments can more precisely identify cyberbullying behavior and thus can assist in a better understanding of this phenomenon, so that prevention and intervention efforts can be targeted more effectively

    Analytical study of factors affecting on Cyber-bullying using Multi-groups path analysis

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    تهدف الدراسة لاستخدام أسلوب تحليل المسار بين المجموعات Multigroup path analysis كمنهجية احصائية تستخدم للتحقق من مطابقة نماذج لتحليل المسار بطريقة تنافسية بدلاً من حساب كل نموذج لكل مجموعة على حدة ثم المطابقة بين مؤشراته. وقد استخدم متغير المشراكة الوجدانية كمتغير وسيط تصنيفي. واختيرت عينة الدراسة بصورة عشوائية بسيطة من المتطوعين بلغت قيمتها 151 من طلاب البكالوريوس والليسانس والدراسات العليا وقد استجابت العينة على الصورة الالكترونية للمقاييس. واعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج السببي المقارن. وتبنى الباحث مقاييس التسلط الالكتروني والمشاركة الوجدانية (إعداد: محمود علي موسى، 2019) وتبنى مقياس روسنبرج لتقدير الذات. وتوصلت انتائج إلى تفوق نموذج ذوي المشاركة الوجدانية المرتفعة في مؤشراته. وقد كانت فروق معاملات المسار دالة للمشاعر السلبية كمنبيء بالتسلط الالكتروني. الكلمات المفتاحية: تحليل المسار عبر المجموعات، التسلط الالكتروني، التعاطف، المشاركة الوجدانية، تقدير الذات.    The study aims to use the Multi-groups Path analysis method as a statistical methodology used to verify the matching of models to analyze the path in a competitive model instead of calculating each model for each group separately, and then matching its indicators. The Moderator variable was used as a taxonomic variable. Random sample had been drawn from 151 volunteers' students in bachelor's, and post-graduate studies. The sample responded to the electronic forum of the instrument. The study was based on the comparative causal approach. The researcher adopted scales such as cyber-bullying, Empathy (prepared by Mahmoud Ali Moussa, 2019), and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The result revealed that the best fitted model was high Empathic participation in the index. Trajectory differentials were the negative emotions predicted of Cyber-bullying. Keywords: Multi-group path analysis, Cyber-Bullying, Self-esteem, Empathy.   &nbsp

    A review on emotions associated with cyberbullying in young adults

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    Este trabajo presenta la primera revisión de alcance (scoping review) sobre emociones asociadas alciberacoso en jóvenes adultos reportadas por artículos de investigación científica publicados entre 2017 y 2019. La búsqueda se realizó en nueve bases de datos. Después de aplicar los criterios de inclusión a las 923 citaciones iniciales, se obtuvo una muestra final de 32 artículos. El promedio de edad de la muestra es de 23 años. Esto indica que, más allá de su población tradicionalmente investigada -los/as adolescentes-, el ciberacoso afecta a jóvenes en sus primeros años de vida adulta. Los resultados indican que las emociones más comunes entre las víctimas son ansiedad, tristeza, ira, angustia y miedo. Estas suelen aparecer asociadas a ataques de pánico, sensaciones persecutorias, aislamiento, insomnio, depresión e ideaciones suicidas. Respecto a los agresores, se destacan la ira y la ansiedad. En cuanto a los espectadores -el tercer actor involucrado- entre las más comunes se presentan ira, piedad y empatía afectiva. Cabe señalar que el estado del arte se ha centrado en las víctimas, por lo que el análisis del rol de agresores y espectadores representa un área de vacancia.This work presents the first scoping review on emotions associated with cyberbullying in young adults reported by papers published between 2017 and 2019. The search was made in nine databases. After applying the inclusion criteria to the 923 initial citations, a final sample of 32 articles was obtained. The average age of the sample is 23 years. This indicates that, beyond its historical population (adolescents), cyberbullying affects young people in their first years of adult life. The results indicate that the most common emotions among the victims are anxiety, sadness, anger, anguish and fear. These usually appear linked to panic attacks, persecutory sensations, isolation, insomnia, depression and suicidal ideations. Regarding the aggressors, anger and anxiety stand out. As for the spectators -the third actor involvedanger, piety and emotional empathy are among the most common. It should be noted that the state of the art has focused on victims, so the analysis of the role of aggressors and spectators represents an area of vacancy.Fil: Marín Cortés, Andrés Felipe. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad de San Buenaventura; ColombiaFil: Linne, Joaquín Walter. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Departamento de Planificación y Políticas Publicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani". Estudios Culturales; Argentin

    Exploring the flaming scenario on youtube within the Malaysian context

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    One of the major acts of cyber-bullying in today’s Internet era is flaming. Flaming refers to the use of offensive language such as swearing and insulting as well as posting hateful comments through an online medium. In this study, the act of flaming was explored in the context of social media, particularly YouTube. The research aims to understand 'individuals' in posting hateful comments on YouTube and to classify ‘flaming’ comments posted on YouTube videos in Malaysia. The Uses and Gratifications theory (UGT) was used to explain the commenters' satisfaction obtained through the flaming activity and the motivation to flame on the site. The methodology in this study were in-depth interviews and content analysis. Ten flamers were interviewed to understand their motivation to flame on YouTube. As for content analysis, one video was chosen for each top five out of fifteen categories available on YouTube. The categories were entertainment, film and animation, news and politics, comedy and people and blogs, with at least 100,000 views and a minimum of 100 comments and analyzed thematically. It can be concluded that the motivation to flame in Malaysia includes anonymity, norm, aspect of entertainment, being defensive and so on. As for the comments' classifications for content analysis, the results show that the most prominent types of comments found on Malaysian videos are political attack and racial attack. Other subcategories include name calling, insult, criticism, sexual attack, sarcasm, inter-country attack, speculation, defamation, comparison, sexism, religious attack, threaten, homophobic, stereotype, inter-state attack, sedition, defensive and comments that are off-topic. This study contributes to the usage of UGT in a new perspective which is gratification sought through negativity (flaming). This study also contributes practically in the enrichment of the data on flaming for the concerning parties such as Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission and Cyber Security Malaysia

    Reação e regulação emocional de observadores a cenários de cyberbullying

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Área de Especialização em Psicologia da Educação e da Orientação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2020As novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) tornaram-se uma das partes fulcrais do quotidiano da vida de grande parte dos indivíduos, especialmente dos jovens, sendo que estes nasceram numa época em que as tecnologias lhes são acessíveis desde cedo, convivendo com elas regularmente. As vantagens do uso das TIC são inúmeras, contudo existem também diversas desvantagens e consequências negativas que advêm da utilização indevida das mesmas, sobretudo o cyberbullying. Uma das características do cyberbullying é o número ilimitado de observadores das agressões que as TIC permitem alcançar, destacando a importância do impacto das intervenções dos observadores na moderação de comportamentos agressivos. O presente estudo foca a investigação do fenómeno do cyberbullying, na perspetiva dos observadores de cenários de cyberbullying quanto às suas reações emocionais e as suas estratégias de regulação emocional. Com recurso a uma entrevista semiestruturada, aplicada a estudantes do 8º ano de escolaridade pertencentes a uma escola da região de Lisboa (N = 23), realizou-se uma análise descritiva e exploratória das respostas de observadores de situações hipotéticas de cyberbullying para responder às seguintes questões de investigação: (1) Quais as reações emocionais de observadores a cenários de cyberbullying, (2) Quais as estratégias de regulação emocional de observadores a cenários de cyberbullying. Os resultados desta investigação indicam que os observadores experienciam maioritariamente reações emocionais negativas e morais, e revelam uma maior tendência para a utilização de estratégias de coping focadas no problema, na tentativa de ajudarem a vítima e resolverem o problema.Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have become one of the central parts of the daily lives of many individuals, especially young people who were born at a time when technologies were accessible to them from an early age and, therefore, have lived with them regularly. The advantages of using technologies are numerous but there are also a number of disadvantages and negative consequences that arise from their misuse, such as cyberbullying. One of the characteristics of cyberbullying is the unlimited number of bystanders of the aggressions that technologies enable them to achieve. This highlights the importance of the impact of observer interventions in moderating aggressive behavior. This study focuses on investigating the phenomenon of cyberbullying from the perspective of bystanders of cyberbullying scenarios with regard to their emotional reactions and their strategies for emotional regulation. Using a semistructured interview, applied to 8th grade students from a school in the Lisbon region (N=23), a descriptive and exploratory analysis of bystanders’ responses to hypothetical cyberbullying situations was conducted to answer the following research questions: (1) What are the emotional reactions of bystanders to cyberbullying scenarios? (2) What are the emotion regulation strategies of bystanders to cyberbullying scenarios? The results of this research indicate that bystanders mostly experience negative and moral emotional reactions, and reveal a greater tendency to use problem-focused coping strategies in an attempt to help the victim and solve the problem