60,266 research outputs found


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    The effects of salmon recovery measures on the Northwest agricultural sector are evaluated. Relevant recovery measures, such as: modified timing for dam releases, reservoir drawdown, and flow augmentation in the Columbia River basin, on the regional agricultural sector are evaluated. Combined, these measures would increase power rates, grain transportation costs, and irrigation water costs and reduce the supply of water to irrigators. We quantify these input cost and quantity changes and combine them into seven recovery scenarios for analysis. Results suggest that drawdown and/or minor reductions in irrigation water diversions would reduce producers' profits by less than 1% of baseline levels. However, the most extreme scenario-a long drawdown period combined with a large reduction in irrigation diversions-would reduce producers' profits by 35million(2.535 million (2.5%) annually. That effect is magnified at the local level; of the 35 million decline in annual profits, more than $27 million occur in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon. The federal government would bear these costs if it acquires water via voluntary transactions.Agricultural and Food Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Entrepreneurial Human Capital, Complementary Assets, and Takeover Probability

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    Gaining access to technologies, competencies, and knowledge is observed as one of the major motives for corporate mergers and acquisitions. In this paper we show that a knowledge-based firm’s probability of being a takeover target is influenced by whether relevant specific human capital aimed for in acquisitions is directly accumulated within a specific firm or is bound to its founder or manager owner. We analyze the incentive effects of different arrangements of ownership in a firm’s assets in the spirit of the Grossman-Hart-Moore incomplete contracts theory of the firm. This approach highlights the organizational significance of ownership of complementary assets. In a small theoretical model we assume that the entrepreneur’s specific human capital, as measured by the patents they own, and the physical assets of their firm are productive only when used together. Our results show that it is not worthwhile for an acquirer to purchase the alienable assets of this firm due to weakened incentives for the initial owner. Regression analysis using a hand collected dataset of all German IPOs in the period from 1997 to 2006 subsequently provides empirical support for this prediction. This paper adds to previous research in that it puts empirical evidence to the Grossman-Hart-Moore framework of incomplete contracts or property rights respectively. Secondly, we show that relevant specific human capital that is accumulated by a firm’s founder or manager owner significantly decreases that firm’s probability of being a takeover target.ownership structure, property rights, mergers & acquisitions

    Value creation through sustainable deals : Incorporation of ESG criteria in M&A

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    This study explores the impact of ESG on mergers and acquisitions announcement returns and the subsequent financial performance in the United States. Using a dataset covering the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, the research aims to contribute to the contradictory existing literature. The study includes 429 transactions spanning from 2010 to 2023 and target companies from ten different countries. The event study methodology is applied to cover the announcement returns on a three-, five- and eleven-day window. Further, multivariate regressions are conducted to encapsulate the effect of the ESG-performance on the cumulative abnormal returns and the financial performance. The results indicate statistically significant negative abnormal returns across all ESG-levels. Moreover, the acquirers with high-ESG ratings accumulate higher abnormal returns compared to the low-ESG counterparts, especially when the target also exhibits good ESG performance. The findings are aligned with the sustainable finance principles and the stakeholder theory. However, the multivariate regressions show economic and statistical insignificance on the ESG variables, undermining the findings from the event study.TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ESG:n vaikutusta yritysjĂ€rjestelyiden julkistamisilmoitusten tuottoihin ja yrityksen myöhempÀÀn taloudelliseen suoritukseen Yhdysvalloissa. Tutkimuksessa kĂ€ytetÀÀn New Yorkin pörssin ja Nasdaqin kattavaa dataa, ja sen tavoitteena on tĂ€ydentÀÀ olemassa olevaa ristiriitaista kirjallisuutta. Tutkimuksessa on mukana 429 yrityskauppaa vuosilta 2010–2023 ja kohdeyrityksiĂ€ kymmenestĂ€ eri maasta. TapahtumatutkimusmenetelmÀÀ kĂ€ytetÀÀn analysoimaan julkistamisilmoituksen tuottoja kolmen, viiden ja yhdentoista pĂ€ivĂ€n aikajĂ€nteillĂ€. LisĂ€ksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnetÀÀn monimuuttujaregressioita, joiden avulla kartoitetaan ESG-tuloksen vaikutusta kumulatiivisiin ylituottoihin ja taloudelliseen suorituskykyyn. Tulokset osoittavat tilastollisesti merkitseviĂ€ negatiivisia epĂ€normaaleja tuottoja kaikilla ESG-tasoilla. LisĂ€ksi korkean ESG-luokituksen omaavat ostajat kerryttĂ€vĂ€t korkeampia epĂ€normaaleja tuottoja kuin matalan ESG-luokituksen omaavat ostajat, erityisesti silloin, kun myös ostokohteella on hyvĂ€ ESG-luokitus. Tulokset ovat linjassa kestĂ€vĂ€n rahoituksen periaatteiden ja sidosryhmĂ€teorian kanssa. Monimuuttujaregressiot osoittavat kuitenkin, ettĂ€ ESG-muuttujat ovat taloudellisesti ja tilastollisesti merkityksettömiĂ€, mikĂ€ heikentÀÀ tapahtumatutkimuksen tuloksia

    The Value Effects of Bank Mergers and Acquisitions

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    The banking industry has experienced an unprecedented level of consolidation on a belief that gains can accrue through expense reduction, increased market power, reduced earnings volatility, and scale and scope economies. A review of the literature suggests that the value gains that are alleged have not been verified. The paper then seeks to address alternative explanations and reconcile the data with continued merger activity.

    The impact of feed resource costs on the relative competitiveness of beef with other meats

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    End of year reportThese reforms represented a major turning point in fundamental structure of EU agricultural policy. This, at the time of implementation, created much uncertainty at both institutional and farm level in relation to future feed resource costs, cattle and beef prices and related market outlooks. However, as this report shows, the reality for Irish cattle farmers was rather different. As a result much of the research effort during the lifespan of the project was diverted to explaining the causes of the unforeseen outcomes together with the implications of policy decisions and related market developments

    Self-directedness, integration and higher cognition

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    In this paper I discuss connections between self-directedness, integration and higher cognition. I present a model of self-directedness as a basis for approaching higher cognition from a situated cognition perspective. According to this model increases in sensorimotor complexity create pressure for integrative higher order control and learning processes for acquiring information about the context in which action occurs. This generates complex articulated abstractive information processing, which forms the major basis for higher cognition. I present evidence that indicates that the same integrative characteristics found in lower cognitive process such as motor adaptation are present in a range of higher cognitive process, including conceptual learning. This account helps explain situated cognition phenomena in humans because the integrative processes by which the brain adapts to control interaction are relatively agnostic concerning the source of the structure participating in the process. Thus, from the perspective of the motor control system using a tool is not fundamentally different to simply controlling an arm

    Contractual Corporate Governance

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    Companies have the choice to deviate from their national corporate governance standards by opting into another system. They can do so via contractual devices – such as cross-border mergers and acquisitions, (re)incorporations, and cross-listings – which enable firms to choose their preferred level of investor protection and regulation. This paper reviews these three main contractual governance devices, their effect on value, and whether their adoption by firms induces a race to the bottom or a race to the top. Indeed, firms may opt for less shareholder-orientation or investor protection (shareholder-expropriation hypothesis) rather than for more stringent rules that require firms to focus on shareholder value (bonding hypothesis).Contractual corporate governance;corporate governance regulation;cross-border mergers and acquisitions;cross-listings;reincorporations;shareholder protection;creditor protection;spillover effects
