4,748 research outputs found

    Absorptive capacity and relationship learning mechanisms as complementary drivers of green innovation performance

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    This paper aims to explore in depth how internal and external knowledge-based drivers actually affect the firms\u2019 green innovation performance. Subsequently, this study analyzes the relationships between absorptive capacity (internal knowledge-based driver), relationship learning (external knowledge-based driver) and green innovation performance. This study relies on a sample of 112 firms belonging to the Spanish automotive components manufacturing sector (ACMS) and uses partial least squares path modeling to test the hypotheses proposed. The empirical results show that both absorptive capacity and relationship learning exert a significant positive effect on the dependent variable and that relationship learning moderates the link between absorptive capacity and green innovation performance. This paper presents some limitations with respect to the particular sector (i.e. the ACMS) and geographical context (Spain). For this reason, researchers must be thoughtful while generalizing these results to distinct scenarios. Managers should devote more time and resources to reinforce their absorptive capacity as an important strategic tool to generate new knowledge and hence foster green innovation performance in manufacturing industries. The paper shows the importance of encouraging decision-makers to cultivate and rely on relationship learning mechanisms with their main stakeholders and to acquire the necessary information and knowledge that might be valuable in the maturity of green innovations. This study proposes that relationship learning plays a moderating role in the relationship between absorptive capacity and green innovation performance

    Potential and realized absorptive capacity as complementary drivers of green product and process innovation performance

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    Nowadays, companies need to absorb new knowledge from external sources to grasp environmental issues. However, the internal mechanisms through which external knowledge is turned into green innovations remain scarcely addressed. Hence, this paper aims to investigate the relationships between the two dimensions of absorptive capacity (potential and realized) with green products and process innovation performance. This study contributes to the literature by disentangling how companies need to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit external environmental knowledge to develop green innovations. To this aim, this empirical study is based on a sample shaped by 112 firms belonging to the Spanish automotive components manufacturing sector. The results provide evidence to show that potential and realized absorptive capacities are positively related to both green product innovation performance and green process innovation performanc

    Firm Absorptive Capacity: Multidimensionality, Drivers, and Contextual Conditions

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    Purpose: This paper aims to enrich absorptive capacity literature by specifically highlighting and adding environmental conditions and internationalisation process to the original conceptualisation. Design/methodology/approach: The authors undertake a conceptual analysis and present an enhanced framework of absorptive capacity by integrating multiple literature streams. The authors have analysed the most relevant literature to provide underlying justifications for the proposed conceptual model. Findings: Absorptive capacity ensures the long-term survival and success of a business. To develop absorptive capacity successfully, firms should focus on its various dimensions and existing intangible assets and external environment. The multidimensionality and richness of absorptive capacity is an under-explored area in the existing literature. The authors revisit the conceptualisation of absorptive capacity and add environmental conditions and the internationalisation process to the original conceptualisation. Absorptive capacity does not lead to a competitive advantage independent of its environment. To successfully develop it, firms have to adopt a holistic approach by considering the multi-dimensions, drivers and contextual conditions of absorptive capacity. Originality/value: This study contributes by conceptualising absorptive capacity as a dynamic capability. It is one of the first studies to specifically propose a framework that combines antecedents (prior knowledge, combinative capabilities and IT capabilities), moderators (environmental conditions, namely, market and technological turbulence, competitiveness and the internationalisation process) and consequences (competitive advantage). The study offers a unique conceptualisation with implications for researchers and managers. As a result, managers will have a well-defined blueprint to create value by using firm capabilities

    Learning and technological capability building in emerging economies: the case of the biomass power equipment industry in Malaysia

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    There is increasing recognition that the transfer of foreign technology to developing countries should be considered in light of broader processes of learning, technological capability, formation and industrial development. Previous studies that have looked at this in the context of cleantech industries in emerging economies tend to overlook firm-level specifics. This paper contributes to filling this gap by utilising in-depth qualitative firm-level data to analyse the extent to which the use of different learning mechanisms can explain differences in the accumulation of technological capabilities. This is explored via an examination of eight firms in the biomass power equipment industry in Malaysia during the period 1970-2011. The paper finds that firms relying on a combination of learning from foreign technology partners and internal learning by planned experimentation make most progress in terms of technological capability. Nevertheless, local spill-over effects were found to be important for some firms who learned principally from imitation of local competitors, although significantly, firms learning from local spillovers failed to advance beyond extra basic operating technological capabilities. Those firms who proactively pursued learning from foreign partners, on the other hand, advanced further, reaching basic innovative levels of technological capabilities. These findings are relevant for a wider range of industrial sectors in emerging economies

    The co-evolutionary relationship between digitalization and organizational agility: Ongoing debates, theoretical developments and future research perspectives

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    This study is the first to provide a systematic review of the literature focused on the relationship between digitalization and organizational agility (OA). It applies the bibliographic coupling method to 171 peer-reviewed contributions published by 30 June 2021. It uses the digitalization perspective to investigate the enablers, barriers and benefits of processes aimed at providing firms with the agility required to effectively face increasingly turbulent environments. Three different, though interconnected, thematic clusters are discovered and analysed, respectively focusing on big-data analytic capabilities as crucial drivers of OA, the relationship between digitalization and agility at a supply chain level, and the role of information technology capabilities in improving OA. By adopting a dynamic capabilities perspective, this study overcomes the traditional view, which mainly considers digital capabilities enablers of OA, rather than as possible outcomes. Our findings reveal that, in addition to being complex, the relationship between digitalization and OA has a bidirectional character. This study also identifies extant research gaps and develops 13 original research propositions on possible future research pathways and new managerial solutions

    Embracing stakeholder engagement in sustainability-oriented innovation: Internal capabilities and dynamics of open innovation in the Norwegian minerals industry

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    The transition towards a sustainable minerals industry will rely on pursuing sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI), requiring continuous innovations in extraction and production processes, product offerings and the way the industry deals with its social responsibilities. Considering the breadth of SOI, mineral firms have no choice but to engage with and seek knowledge from multiple key external stakeholders. However, this stakeholder multiplicity poses significant challenges to firms, bearing in mind the diverse knowledge backgrounds and interests of these stakeholders, as well as the internal capabilities required to integrate and apply the externally acquired knowledge. Despite the growing scholarly interest in studying stakeholder engagement in SOI processes, a considerable amount of knowledge in this research field is restricted to specific types of SOI that ignore the comprehensiveness of sustainability. Therefore, the overall aim of this thesis is to answer the following question: “Under which conditions and to what extent can engaging external stakeholders improve a firm’s SOI outputs and financial performance?”. This research question is explored through four sub-research questions in three empirical papers that draw on different theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. The first and second papers provide insights into the conditions in which stakeholder engagement can be beneficial for SOI, focusing on internal and inter-organizational factors respectively. The third paper then positions SOI itself as a mediating condition that can assist firms to reap the financial benefits from stakeholder engagement practices. As far as the extent of the effect of stakeholder engagement is concerned, the second and third papers establish an empirical link between stakeholder engagement and SOI outputs. Overall, the thesis contributes to the literature and practice by uncovering the “what”, “how”, “why” and “when” of the phenomenon of stakeholder engagement in SOI

    Efeito da Capacidade de Absorção no Desempenho Verde Inovador com o Papel Modular da Aprendizagem de Comunicação (TOOSAB Consulting Engineers Company)

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    This research studies the effect of absorption capacity on green performance with the moderating role of communication learning. Data were collected through a questionnaire. The statistical population of the research is the employees of Toosab Company. The sample size was estimated to be 108. To test the hypotheses, structural equation modeling and PLS and spss software were used. In this communication learning study, the role of the main independent variable, the innovative role of green, the role of the main dependent variable and communication learning played the role of modulatory variable. Communication learning includes three dimensions of knowledge sharing, knowledge sharing and knowledge integration, and absorption capacity is considered with two dimensions: potential and real. The results of assumptions showed that absorption capacity has a significant effect on greenhouse effect. Also, results have shown that communication learning has a significant positive effect on green performance and communication learning has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between absorption capacity and inefficient green performance.Esta investigación estudia el efecto de la capacidad de absorción en el rendimiento ecológico con el papel moderador del aprendizaje de la comunicación. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de un cuestionario. La población estadística de la investigación son los empleados de la empresa Toosab. El tamaño de la muestra se estimó en 108. Para probar las hipótesis, se utilizaron modelos de ecuaciones estructurales y software PLS y spss. En este estudio de aprendizaje de la comunicación, el papel de la principal variable independiente, el rol innovador del verde, el papel de la variable dependiente principal y el aprendizaje de la comunicación desempeñaron el papel de la variable moduladora. El aprendizaje de la comunicación incluye tres dimensiones de intercambio de conocimientos, intercambio de conocimientos e integración de conocimientos, y la capacidad de absorción se considera con dos dimensiones: potencial y real. Los resultados de los supuestos mostraron que la capacidad de absorción tiene un efecto significativo en el efecto invernadero. Además, los resultados han demostrado que el aprendizaje de la comunicación tiene un efecto positivo importante en el rendimiento ecológico y el aprendizaje de la comunicación tiene un efecto moderador significativo en la relación entre la capacidad de absorción y el rendimiento ecológico ineficiente.Esta pesquisa estuda o efeito da capacidade de absorção no desempenho verde com o papel moderador da aprendizagem de comunicação. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário. A população estatística da pesquisa é composta pelos funcionários da Toosab Company. O tamanho da amostra foi estimado em 108. Para testar as hipóteses, modelagem de equações estruturais e software PLS e spss foram utilizados. Neste estudo de aprendizagem em comunicação, o papel da variável independente principal, o papel inovador do verde, o papel da variável dependente principal e a aprendizagem da comunicação desempenharam o papel de variável modulatória. A aprendizagem de comunicação inclui três dimensões de compartilhamento de conhecimento, compartilhamento de conhecimento e integração de conhecimento, e a capacidade de absorção é considerada com duas dimensões: potencial e real. Os resultados das hipóteses mostraram que a capacidade de absorção tem um efeito significativo sobre o efeito estufa. Além disso, os resultados mostraram que o aprendizado da comunicação tem um efeito positivo significativo no desempenho ecológico, e o aprendizado da comunicação tem um efeito moderador significativo na relação entre a capacidade de absorção e o desempenho verde ineficiente

    The effect of corporate venture capital investments on the investor´s eco-innovation performance

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    This paper aims at investigating the relationship between firms' corporate venture capital (CVC) investments and firms’propensity to increase corporations' eco-innovation performance. CVC investments may be instrumental in accessing innovative knowledge as well as harvesting eco-innovations from entrepreneurial ventures and, therefore, an essential part of a firm’s overall innovation strategy. Using panel data from 71 CVC investors during 2010-2018, this study investigates under which CVC investment conditions firms increase their eco-innovation performance. The empirical analysis suggests that CVC investments are a mechanism to source external knowledge from ventures allowing them to improve their eco-innovation performance. Furthermore, corporations’ eco-innovation performance benefits the most when firms' CVC investments particularly target ventures in earlyinvestment stages. Additionally, corporations should focus their CVC investments on ventures that have a moderate or even low proximity to theirowntechnological knowledge base. These findings contribute to the corporate entrepreneurship, real-option, and eco-innovation literature by showing how CVC investments improve incumbents' eco-innovation performance through external knowledge sourcing