102 research outputs found

    RFID Reader for 13.56 MHz Band

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    Cieľom tejto práce je navrhnúť RFID čítačku pre pásmo 13.56 MHz a zostaviť k nej riadiaci program. V prvej časti je najskôr práca smerovaná k oboznámeniu sa s princípom fungovania technológií RFID a NFC, spolu s tým súvisiacimi medzinárodnými štandardami a k oboznámeniu sa s rôznymi dostupnými čipmi na obsluhu týchto technológií. Keďže čip s ktorým sa bude pokračovať je jasne zadaný v návode, ich porovnanie slúži čisto oboznamovaciemu účelu. V praktickej časti je úloha navrhnúť a oživiť prototyp RFID čítačky. Základom je doska sprostredkúvajúca RFID komunikáciu, audiovizuálnu odozvu a pripojenie k OLED displeju. Táto doska je pripojená na mikrokontrolér na ktorý riadi celé ovládanie zariadenia. Súčasťou projektu je aj set rôznych antén, ktoré je možné na dosku pripojiť a zároveň ich vymieňať. Vyrobené antény sú podrobené testovaniu ako dve rozdielne metódy ladenia ovplyvnia ich chod. Testujú sa maximálna vzdialenosť čítania, úspech prevedených čítaní a hodnota prúdu, ktorá sa vznesie pri kalibračnom procese. Výstupom práce je RFID čítač s riadiacim programom.The aim of this thesis is to design an RFID reader for the 13.56 MHz band and to compile a control program. In the first part, the work is aimed at getting acquainted with the principle of operation of RFID and NFC technologies, together with the related international standard, and at getting familiarized with the various transceivers available to operate these technologies. Because the transceiver for the further evaluation is clearly specified in the assignment, their comparison serves a purely informational purpose. In the practical part, the task is to design and revive a prototype RFID reader. The base of the project is a reader board carrying out RFID communication, audiovisual response, and connection to an OLED display. This board is connected to a microcontroller, which controls the whole device. Another part of the project is set of different antennas that can be connected to the reader board and replaced at any time. The manufactured antennas are subject to a testing of how two different tuning methods affect their operation. The maximum reading distance, success of the performed readings and value of the electrical current that is a result of the calibration process are being tested. The output of the thesis is an RFID reader with a control program.


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    Nowadays near field communication are largely used in so many different applications for the convenience and ease of use they provide. They store and exchange many personal data, some of them requires more security than others, due to the value they poses, such as banking information and personal identification. And maintaining high level of security is task of the utmost priority. The main focus of this thesis is establishing a knowledge base for different NFC/RFID devices. Evaluating the different encryption algorithms used currently, based on their encryption/decryption time, their immunity to brute force attack, and the amount of power needed to execute them. The encryption algorithms will be implemented using Python programing language and tested on a windows computer in order to test their immunity against brute force attack. Encryption/decryption time and the power usage will be tested on a Raspberry Pi, for the similarities it has with modern mobile devices.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Sensor-based management systems based on RFID technology

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    Παρατηρήσεις έκδοσης: λείπουν οι σελίδες 78, 102 από το φυσικό τεκμήριο.In this diploma thesis, the RFID technology is analyzed (operating principles, readers' and tags hardware, coding, modulation, anticollision procedures, frequencies, standards, applications). Moreover, a protocol to synchronize readers working in a multi-reader multi-tag environment is proposed. The protocol is applied to the store shelf scanning application and further refined to meet the requirements of this specific application

    On the design and implementation of efficient antennas for high frequency-radio frequency identification read/write devices

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    AbstractThis article describes an in‐depth methodical approach to the development of efficient high‐frequency (HF) antennas for use in radio frequency identification (RFID) systems operating at 13.56 MHz. It presents brief theory relevant to RFID communication and sets up a framework within which features and requirements of antennas are linked to key design parameters such as antenna form‐factor and size; RF power level, material and communication protocol. Tuning circuits necessary to adjust the resonance and power matching characteristics of antennas for good transponder interrogation and response recovery are discussed. To validate the approaches outlined, a stepwise design and measurement of an HF antenna for an ISO/IEC 15693 compliant read/write device (RWD) is described. Common practical problems that are often encountered in such design processes are also commented on. The prototyped antenna was tuned, connected to the RWD via a 50 coaxial cable and tested

    Automatic student attendance registration using radio frequency identification (RFID)

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    Thesis (M. Tech.) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2010The main aim of this research was to automate student attendance registration, thereby reducing human involvement in the whole process. This was made possible using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. The Central University of Technology uses student cards that are compatible for use with RFID technology. As a result, no initial investment (except for the existing personal computer’s and the constructed RFID reader) in infrastructure was required for this project. The basic working of the project was as follows. The students belonging to a specific class had their vital educational data (Student number, Name) entered into a database table at the time of registration. A student card containing a serial number, with reference to the data contained in the database table, was given to the students after registration. The students walk into their respective classes and scan their student cards with the RFID reader. The serial number stored in the student card is transferred to the reader and from there wirelessly to the main server using ZigBee technology. In the main server, using Java programming language, the card serial number is sent to the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). In this project the Netbeans IDE (Java platform) was used. The Netbeans IDE is connected to the Apache Derby database using Java Database Connector (JDBC), so the serial number (which is referenced to the educational data of the students) from the student card is automatically compared with the original database created at the time of registration. Once a match is confirmed between the two entries, the data is entered into a separate database table which serves as the basic attendance sheet for a specific day

    Securing Deployed RFIDs by Randomizing the Modulation and the Channel

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    RFID cards are widely used today in sensitive applications such as access control, payment systems, and asset tracking. Past work shows that an eavesdropper snooping on the communication between a card and its legitimate reader can break their cryptographic protocol and obtain their secret keys. One solution for this problem is to install stronger cryptographic protocols on the cards. However, RFIDs' size, power, and cost limitations do not allow for conventional cryptographic protocols. Further, installing new protocols requires revoking billions of cards in consumers hands and facilities worldwide, which is costly and impractical. In this paper, we ask whether one can secure RFIDs from such attacks without revoking or changing the insecure cards. We propose LocRF, a solution that changes the signal used to read the RFID cards but does not require any changes to the cards themselves. LocRF introduces a new approach that randomizes the modulation of the RFID signal as well as the wireless channel. This design protects RFIDs from eavesdroppers even if they use multi-antenna MIMO receivers. We built a prototype of LocRF on software-defined radios and used it to secure the communication of off-the-shelf cards. Both our analysis and empirical evaluation demonstrate theeffectiveness of LocRF

    Near Field Communication: From theory to practice

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    This book provides the technical essentials, state-of-the-art knowledge, business ecosystem and standards of Near Field Communication (NFC)by NFC Lab - Istanbul research centre which conducts intense research on NFC technology. In this book, the authors present the contemporary research on all aspects of NFC, addressing related security aspects as well as information on various business models. In addition, the book provides comprehensive information a designer needs to design an NFC project, an analyzer needs to analyze requirements of a new NFC based system, and a programmer needs to implement an application. Furthermore, the authors introduce the technical and administrative issues related to NFC technology, standards, and global stakeholders. It also offers comprehensive information as well as use case studies for each NFC operating mode to give the usage idea behind each operating mode thoroughly. Examples of NFC application development are provided using Java technology, and security considerations are discussed in detail. Key Features: Offers a complete understanding of the NFC technology, including standards, technical essentials, operating modes, application development with Java, security and privacy, business ecosystem analysis Provides analysis, design as well as development guidance for professionals from administrative and technical perspectives Discusses methods, techniques and modelling support including UML are demonstrated with real cases Contains case studies such as payment, ticketing, social networking and remote shopping This book will be an invaluable guide for business and ecosystem analysts, project managers, mobile commerce consultants, system and application developers, mobile developers and practitioners. It will also be of interest to researchers, software engineers, computer scientists, information technology specialists including students and graduates.Publisher's Versio

    A Relay Prevention Technique for Near Field Communication

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    The use of near field communication (NFC) has expanded as rapidly as Bluetooth or similar technologies and shows no signs of slowing down. It is used in many different systems such as contactless payment processing, movie posters, security access and passport identification. NFC enabled devices include cell phones, credit cards and key chains. With the spread of any new technology come security vulnerabilities that malicious users will try to exploit. NFC is particularly vulnerable to what is known as a relay attack. The relay attack is similar to the man-in-the-middle attack but the data need not be unencrypted to be vulnerable. The relay attack is currently undetectable and unstoppable. Many solutions have been proposed but no real-world solution has been found that does not require significant changes to the NFC protocol, or even the hardware. In this work we propose a technique that uses careful timing analysis of tag communication to identify a transaction as dangerous and thus set off an alert of the potential threat. This could be built into mobile devices and readers already deployed and provide a level of security to the market not currently available while maintaining the protocols set forth by the ISO. A proof of concept has been built and tested on custom hardware as well as on an Android Nexus 4 to detect and prevent the relay attack. In this thesis we give an overview of security issues in NFC communication, describe the relay attack in detail, present our timing based countermeasures and its implementation, and give results of our evaluation of timing based relay prevention

    A Relay Prevention Technique for Near Field Communication

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    The use of near field communication (NFC) has expanded as rapidly as Bluetooth or similar technologies and shows no signs of slowing down. It is used in many different systems such as contactless payment processing, movie posters, security access and passport identification. NFC enabled devices include cell phones, credit cards and key chains. With the spread of any new technology come security vulnerabilities that malicious users will try to exploit. NFC is particularly vulnerable to what is known as a relay attack. The relay attack is similar to the man-in-the-middle attack but the data need not be unencrypted to be vulnerable. The relay attack is currently undetectable and unstoppable. Many solutions have been proposed but no real-world solution has been found that does not require significant changes to the NFC protocol, or even the hardware. In this work we propose a technique that uses careful timing analysis of tag communication to identify a transaction as dangerous and thus set off an alert of the potential threat. This could be built into mobile devices and readers already deployed and provide a level of security to the market not currently available while maintaining the protocols set forth by the ISO. A proof of concept has been built and tested on custom hardware as well as on an Android Nexus 4 to detect and prevent the relay attack. In this thesis we give an overview of security issues in NFC communication, describe the relay attack in detail, present our timing based countermeasures and its implementation, and give results of our evaluation of timing based relay prevention