56 research outputs found

    Covert Android Rootkit Detection: Evaluating Linux Kernel Level Rootkits on the Android Operating System

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    This research developed kernel level rootkits for Android mobile devices designed to avoid traditional detection methods. The rootkits use system call hooking to insert new handler functions that remove the presence of infection data. The effectiveness of the rootkit is measured with respect to its stealth against detection methods and behavior performance benchmarks. Detection method testing confirms that while detectable with proven tools, system call hooking detection is not built-in or currently available in the Google Play Android App Store. Performance behavior benchmarking showed that system call hooking affects the completion time of the targeted system calls. However, this delay\u27s magnitude may not be noticeable by users. The rootkits implemented targets Android 4.0 on the emulator available from the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. The rootkits are compiled against both Linux kernel 2.6 and 3.0, respectively. This research shows the Android\u27s Linux kernel is vulnerable to system call hooking and additional measures should be implemented before handling sensitive data with Android

    Improving the BeagleBone board with embedded Ubuntu, enhanced GPMC driver and Python for communication and graphical prototypes

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    BeagleBone is a low price, small size Linux embedded microcomputer with a full set of I/O pins and processing power for real-time applications, also expandable with cape pluggable boards. The current work has been focused on improving the performance of this board. In this case, the BeagleBone comes with a pre-installed Angstrom OS and with a cape board using a particular software “overlay” and applications. Due to a lack of support, this pre-installed OS has been replaced by Ubuntu. As a consequence, the cape software and applications need to be adapted. Another necessity that emerges from the stated changes is to improve the communications through a GPMC interface. The depicted driver has been built for the new system as well as synchronous variants, also developed and tested. Finally, a set of applications in Python using the cape functionalities have been developed. Some extra graphical features have been included as example

    Rolling Thunder

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    The purpose of this Major Qualifying Project is to assist Sun Microsystems with their current research project, called Rolling Thunder. The aim of this project is to integrate a JAVA platform inside an embedded control platform, the CompactRIO, which will be used as a robot controller in the next FIRST Robotic Competition. The CompactRIO, or CRIO, is a control/acquisition system containing a real-time processor that allows for rapid software development and an FPGA chip that can be programmed by the user for different applications. The main objective of the project is to be able to deploy a JAVA virtual machine, called Squawk, onto the CRIO, and use it to access the CRIO\u27s various peripherals including sensors, servos and actuators

    ProCom middleware

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    The goal of this thesis is to develop and implement parts of a middleware that provides necessary support for the execution of ProCom components on top of the real-time operating system FreeRTOS. The ProCom is a component model for embedded systems developed at Mälardalen University. The primary problem is finding an appropriate balance between the level of abstraction and thoughtful utilization of system resources in embedded devices. The defined target platform has limitations in comparison to general purpose computer. These include constraints in available resources such as memory, CPU or bandwidth together with strict requirements in terms of worst-case response time and reliability. We have to also face the problem of limited debugging facilities or their complete absence. In this project, we have examined differences between several real-time and non real- time operating systems. We focus on finding a common subset of core functions that the system must support in order to ensure adequate support for running designed components. We have also identified and tested the suitable libraries to support different types of communication especially TCP/IP. However, we are keenly aware of the limitations of used communication types for analysis of the behavior of real-time systems.Cílem práce je navhnout a implementovat části midlewaru, který poskytuje nut- nou podporu pro běh ProCom komponent nad real-time operačním systémem FreeRTOS. ProCom je název komponentového modelu pro vestavěné systémy vyvinutý na Mälardalen University. Primární úlohou je nalezení vhodného kompomisu mezi úrovní abstrakce a ohleduplného využívání systémových zdrojů ve vestavěných systémech. Definovaná cílová platforma má mnohé limitující faktory v porovnání s běžným počítačem. K těmto omezením patří zejména omezená paměť, procesor nebo přenosová kapacita komunikačních kanálů a zároveň strikní požadavky na spolehlivost a odezvu systému. Při řešení jsme čelili problému s limitujícími nebo chybějícími technickými prostředky pro odstraňování chyb programu. V práci jsou řešeny problémy s rozdílností operačních systémů bez a s real-time podporou. Zaměřili jsme se na nalezení společné podmnožiny funkcí systému nezbytné pro zajištění adekvátní podpory běhu navržených komponent. Rovněž jsme nalezli a otestovali vhodné knihovny pro různé druhy síťové komunikace zejména TCP/IP, i když jsme si plně vědomi jejich limitů při použití v real-time systémech a analýze jejich chování.Department of Distributed and Dependable SystemsKatedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémůMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Professional English. Fundamentals of Software Engineering

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    Посібник містить оригінальні тексти фахового змісту, які супроводжуються термінологічним тематичним вокабуляром та вправами різного методичного спрямування. Для студентів, які навчаються за напрямами підготовки: «Програмна інженерія», «Комп’ютерні науки» «Комп’ютерна інженерія»

    Tags: Augmenting Microkernel Messages with Lightweight Metadata

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    In this work, we propose Tags, an e cient mechanism that augments microkernel interprocess messages with lightweight metadata to enable the development of new, systemwide functionality without requiring the modi cation of application source code. Therefore, the technology is well suited for systems with a large legacy code base and for third-party applications such as phone and tablet applications. As examples, we detailed use cases in areas consisting of mandatory security and runtime veri cation of process interactions. In the area of mandatory security, we use tagging to assess the feasibility of implementing a mandatory integrity propagation model in the microkernel. The process interaction veri cation use case shows the utility of tagging to track and verify interaction history among system components. To demonstrate that tagging is technically feasible and practical, we implemented it in a commercial microkernel and executed multiple sets of standard benchmarks on two di erent computing architectures. The results clearly demonstrate that tagging has only negligible overhead and strong potential for many applications