2,294 research outputs found

    Non-linear estimation is easy

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    Non-linear state estimation and some related topics, like parametric estimation, fault diagnosis, and perturbation attenuation, are tackled here via a new methodology in numerical differentiation. The corresponding basic system theoretic definitions and properties are presented within the framework of differential algebra, which permits to handle system variables and their derivatives of any order. Several academic examples and their computer simulations, with on-line estimations, are illustrating our viewpoint

    Interval reliability inference for multi-component systems

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    This thesis is a collection of investigations on applications of imprecise probability theory to system reliability engineering with emphasis on using survival signatures for modelling complex systems. Survival signatures provide efficient representation of system structure and facilitate several reliability assessments by separating the computationally expensive combinatorial part from the subsequent evaluations submitted to only polynomial complexity. This proves useful for situations which also account for the statistical inference on system component lifetime distributions where Bayesian methods require repeated numerical propagation for the samples from the posterior distribution. Similarly, statistical methods involving imprecise probabilistic models composed of sets of precise probability distributions also benefit from the simplification by the signature representation. We will argue the pragmatic benefits of using statistical models based on imprecise probability models in reliability engineering from the perspective of inferential validity and provision of objective guarantees for the statistical procedures. Imprecise probability methods generally require solving an optimization problem to obtain bounds on the assessments of interest, but monotone system structures simplify them without much additional complexity. This simplification extends to survival signature models, therefore many reliability assessments with imprecise (interval) component lifetime models tend to be tractable as will be demonstrated on several examples

    Dynamic Capacity Control in Air Cargo Revenue Management

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    This book studies air cargo capacity control problems. The focus is on analyzing decision models with intuitive optimal decisions as well as on developing efficient heuristics and bounds. Three different models are studied: First, a model for steering the availability of cargo space on single legs. Second, a model that simultaneously optimizes the availability of both seats and cargo capacity. Third, a decision model that controls the availability of cargo capacity on a network of flights

    User equilibrium traffic network assignment with stochastic travel times and late arrival penalty

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    The classical Wardrop user equilibrium (UE) assignment model assumes traveller choices are based on fixed, known travel times, yet these times are known to be rather variable between trips, both within and between days; typically, then, only mean travel times are represented. Classical stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) methods allow the mean travel times to be differentially perceived across the population, yet in a conventional application neither the UE or SUE approach recognises the travel times to be inherently variable. That is to say, there is no recognition that drivers risk arriving late at their destinations, and that this risk may vary across different paths of the network and according to the arrival time flexibility of the traveller. Recent work on incorporating risky elements into the choice process is seen either to neglect the link to the arrival constraints of the traveller, or to apply only to restricted problems with parallel alternatives and inflexible travel time distributions. In the paper, an alternative approach is described based on the ‘schedule delay’ paradigm, penalising late arrival under fixed departure times. The approach allows flexible travel time densities, which can be fitted to actual surveillance data, to be incorporated. A generalised formulation of UE is proposed, termed a Late Arrival Penalised UE (LAPUE). Conditions for the existence and uniqueness of LAPUE solutions are considered, as well as methods for their computation. Two specific travel time models are then considered, one based on multivariate Normal arc travel times, and an extended model to represent arc incidents, based on mixture distributions of multivariate Normals. Several illustrative examples are used to examine the sensitivity of LAPUE solutions to various input parameters, and in particular its comparison with UE predictions. Finally, paths for further research are discussed, including the extension of the model to include elements such as distributed arrival time constraints and penalties

    A Formal Model for Trust in Dynamic Networks

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    We propose a formal model of trust informed by the Global Computing scenario and focusing on the aspects of trust formation, evolution, and propagation. The model is based on a novel notion of trust structures which, building on concepts from trust management and domain theory, feature at the same time a trust and an information partial order

    Valuing fuel diversification in optimal investment policies for electricity generation portfolios

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    Optimal capacity allocation for investments in electricity generation assets can be deterministically derived by comparing technology specific long-term and short-term marginal costs. In an uncertain market environment, Mean-Variance Portfolio (MVP) theory provides a consistent framework to valuate financial risks in power generation portfolios that allows to derive the efficient fuel mix of a system portfolio with different generation technologies from a welfare maximization perspective. Because existing literature on MVP applications in electricity generation markets uses predominantly numerical methods to characterize portfolio risks, this article presents a novel analytical approach combining conceptual elements of peak-load pricing and MVP theory to derive optimal portfolios consisting of an arbitrary number of plant technologies given uncertain fuel prices. For this purpose, we provide a static optimization model which allows to fully capture fuel price risks in a mean variance portfolio framework. The analytically derived optimality conditions contribute to a much better understanding of the optimal investment policy and its risk characteristics compared to existing numerical methods. Furthermore, we demonstrate an application of the proposed framework and results to the German electricity market which has not yet been treated in MVP literature on electricity markets.power plant investments, peak load pricing, mean-variance portfolio theory, fuel mix diversification
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