1,341 research outputs found

    Hitting is Not Manly : Domestic Violence Court and the Re-Imagination of the Patriarchal State

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    Flyer for Fall 2005 ICS Faculty Fellow Lecture by Rekha Mirchandani.https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/ics_fellow_lectures/1055/thumbnail.jp

    "A Special Kind of Exclusion": Race, Gender and Self-Employment

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    There is little exchange between those writing on "ethnic economies" and those writing on "women's entreprenueurship," symptomatic of the separation which is assumed to exist between issues of race and those of gender. Drawing on feminist anti-racist theory, 1 argue that women's experiences can be better understood by studying the ways in which self-employment is embedded within the physical context of the home, and the ways in which race, gender and class are continuously and inseparably connected.Il y a peu d'echange entre les ecrits sur les "economies ethniques" et les ecrits sur "l'esprit d'entreprise des femmes" qui est symptomatique a la separation presumee existante entre les questions de races et celle entre les sexes. Je prouve que Ton peut comprendre les experiences vecues par les femmes en etudiant les facons par lesquelles travailler a son compte est ancre dans le contexte physique du foyer et les facons dont la race le sexe et la classe sont continuellement et inseparablement relies

    The Thief

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    pages 42-5

    The GDPR-Blockchain Paradox: Exempting Permissioned Blockchains from the GDPR

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    When considering the legal landscape emerging after the General Data Protection Regulation went into effect on May 25, 2018, the uncertainty surrounding the Regulation reaches its peak when it is applied to blockchain technology. While the goals of storing personal data on permissioned blockchains may align with the goals of accuracy and transparency emulated by the GDPR, the language of the Regulation makes it likely that blockchain technology, as a whole, violates the GDPR. Permissioned blockchains have promising use cases and developments that have not only streamlined data storage, but also allowed users to have increased control over who accesses their data. Accordingly, this Note proposes that to ensure innovation and technological growth of permissioned blockchains are not stifled, the GDPR must release guidance that exempts permissioned blockchains that store personal data from the daunting violation fines of the GDPR. First, this Note discusses the background of blockchain technology, highlighting the benefits of permissioned blockchains. This Note then discusses the relevant regulations of the GDPR, focusing on the right to rectification, the right to be forgotten, and the right to data portability. Next, this Note discusses how blockchain technology violates users’ data access rights. The last part of this Note discusses why permissioned blockchains should be exempt from the GDPR and proposes solutions on how to facilitate this exemption, concluding that the most efficient way to ensure that the technological growth of permissioned blockchains is not stifled is immediate guidance from the GDPR that interprets definitions from the Regulation in a way that exempt permissioned blockchains from violations

    EAM White Paper Series: sustainability and innovation for systemic change

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    The Fit Between Business and IT Structure in Globally Competing Firms

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    Major issues in SISP: Insights into the main reason of SISP failure

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    Blogs are increasingly being used as collaboration tools in organizations. However the quality and accuracy of the posted messages in them are still causes for concern. This study proposes a research model to investigate the factors affecting trust in posted messages and the influence of such trust on knowledge use. It suggests that users’ intention to use trusted messages can act as a moderator variable in the relationship between trust and use of the collaboration tool
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