360 research outputs found


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    Almost every dry season, there are large forest/land fires in several regions in Indonesia, especially in Kalimantan and Sumatra in the dry season of August to September 2015 a forest fire in 6 provinces namely West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Riau, Jambi, and South Sumatra. Even some parties proposed that the Government of Indonesia declares them as a national disaster. The low-resolution remote sensing data have been widely used for monitoring the occurrence of forest/land fires (hotspots), and mapping of  burnt scars. The hotspot detection was done by utilizing the data of NOAA-AVHRR and MODIS data which have a lower spatial resolution (1 km). In order to increase the level of detail and accuracy of product information, this research is done by using Landsat 8 TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) band which has a greater spatial resolution of 100 m. The purpose of this research is to find and to determine the threshold value of the brightness temperature of the TIRS data to identify the source of fire smoke. The data used is the Landsat 8 of several parts of Borneo during the period of 24 August to 18 September 2015 recorded by the LAPAN's receiving station. Landsat - 8 TIRS band was converted into brightness temperature in degrees Celsius, then dots in a region that is considered the source of the smoke if the temperature of each pixel in the region > 43oC, and given the attributes with the highest temperatures of the pixels in the region. The source of the smoke was obtained through visual interpretation of the objects in the multispectral Natural Color Composite (NCC) and True Color Composite (TCC) images. Analysis of errors (commission error) is obtained by comparing the temperature detected by TIRS band with a visual appearance of the source of the smoke. The result of the experiment showed that there were detected 9 scenes with high temperatures over 43oC from the 27 scenes Kalimantan Landsat 8 data, which include 153 sites. The accuracy (commission error) of identification results using temperature ≥ 51°C is 0%, temperature ≥ 47°C is 10%, and temperature ≥ 43°C is 30.5%

    Burnt area mapping in insular Southeast Asia using medium resolution satellite imagery

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    Burnt area mapping in humid tropical insular Southeast Asia using medium resolution (250-500m) satellite imagery is characterized by persisting cloud cover, wide range of land cover types, vast amount of wetland areas and highly varying fire regimes. The objective of this study was to deepen understanding of three major aspects affecting the implementation and limits of medium resolution burnt area mapping in insular Southeast Asia: 1) fire-induced spectral changes, 2) most suitable multitemporal compositing methods and 3) burn scars patterns and size distribution. The results revealed a high variation in fire-induced spectral changes depending on the pre-fire greenness of burnt area. It was concluded that this variation needs to be taken into account in change detection based burnt area mapping algorithms in order to maximize the potential of medium resolution satellite data. Minimum near infrared (MODIS band 2, 0.86μm) compositing method was found to be the most suitable for burnt area mapping purposes using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. In general, medium resolution burnt area mapping was found to be usable in the wetlands of insular Southeast Asia, whereas in other areas the usability was seriously jeopardized by the small size of burn scars. The suitability of medium resolution data for burnt area mapping in wetlands is important since recently Southeast Asian wetlands have become a major point of interest in many fields of science due to yearly occurring wild fires that not only degrade these unique ecosystems but also create regional haze problem and release globally significant amounts of carbon into the atmosphere due to burning peat. Finally, super-resolution MODIS images were tested but the test failed to improve the detection of small scars. Therefore, super-resolution technique was not considered to be applicable to regional level burnt area mapping in insular Southeast Asia.Laaja valikoima erilaisia maankäyttöluokkia, pilvisyys ja kosteikkoalueiden suuri määrä luovat erityispiirteet paloalueiden kartoitukselle Kaakkois-Aasian saariston kostean troppisissa olosuhteissa keskiresoluutioisilla (250m-500m) satelliittikuva-aineistoilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli syventää ymmärrystä keskiresoluutioisen paloaluekartoituksen toteutukseen ja rajoituksiin Kaakkois-Aasian saaristossa vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Tutkimuksen tulokset paljastivat suurta vaihtelua tulipalojen aiheuttamissa heijastussäteilyn muutoksissa riippuen palaneen alueen vehreydestä ennen tulipaloa. Johtopäätöksenä todettiin että keskiresoluutioisten satelliittikuvien koko potentiaalin hyödyntämiseksi paloalueiden kartoituksessa tämä vaihtelu tulisi ottaa huomioon paloalueiden havainnointialgoritmeissa jotka perustuvat heijastussäteilyn muutosten seurantaan. Tähän ajatukseen perustuvaa paloalueiden kartoitusta myös kokeiltiin aineistoilla jotka oli tutkimuksissa todettu parhaiten tarkoitukseen sopiviksi. Paloalueiden muoto- ja kokojakauman analyysiin sekä käytännön testeihin perustuen keskiresoluutioinen paloalueiden kartoitus todettiin käyttökelpoiseksi Kaakkois-Aasian saariston kosteikkoalueilla. Muilla alueilla sen sijaan paloalueiden pieni koko uhkasi vakavasti sen käyttökelpoisuutta. Keskiresoluutioisten satelliittikuva-aineistojen käyttökelpoisuus paloalueiden kartoitukseen kosteikkoalueilla on kuitenkin merkittävää sillä viime aikoina Kaakkois-Aasian kosteikkoalueet ovat monilla tieteenaloilla nousseet kiinnostuksen kohteeksi vuosittain esiintyvien tulipalojen takia. Vuosittaiset tulipalot eivät ainoastaan heikennä näitä ainutlaatuisia ekosysteemejä vaan lähinnä palavan turpeen johdosta myös aiheuttavat pahoja alueellisia savusumuongelmia ja vapauttavat maailmanlaajuisesti merkittäviä määriä hiilidioksidia ilmakehään. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osaltaan luovat pohjaa yhä tarkempien alueellisten paloalueiden kartoitusmenetelmien kehittämiselle. Näillä menetelmillä kerättävä tieto paloalueiden laajuudesta ja sijainneista antaa muiden alojen tutkijoille yhä paremmat mahdollisuudet arvioida Kaakkois-Aasian saariston kosteikkoalueiden tulipalojen paikallisia, alueellisia ja maailmanlaajuisia vaikutuksia

    Sentinel-1 observation frequency significantly increases burnt area detectability in tropical SE Asia

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    Frequent cloud cover in the tropics significantly affects the observation of the surface by satellites. This has enormous implications for current approaches that estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fires or map fire scars. These mainly employ data acquired in the visible to middle infrared bands to map fire scars or thermal data to estimate fire radiative power and consequently derive emissions. The analysis here instead explores the use of microwave data from the operational Sentinel-1A (S-1A) in dual-polarisation mode (VV and VH) acquired over Central Kalimantan during the 2015 fire season. Burnt areas were mapped in three consecutive periods between August and October 2015 using the random forests machine learning algorithm. In each mapping period, the omission and commission errors of the unburnt class were always below 3%, while the omission and commission errors of the burnt class were below 20% and 5% respectively. Summing the detections from the three periods gave a total burnt area of ~1.6 million ha, but this dropped to ~1.2 million ha if using only a pair of pre- and post-fire season S-1A images. Hence the ability of Sentinel-1 to make frequent observations significantly increases fire scar detection. Comparison with burnt area estimates from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) burnt area product at 5 km scale showed poor agreement, with consistently much lower estimates produced by the MODIS data-on average 14%–51% of those obtained in this study. The method presented in this study offers a way to reduce the substantial errors likely to occur in optical-based estimates of GHG emissions from fires in tropical areas affected by substantial cloud cover

    Global burned area and biomass burning emissions from small fires

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    [1] In several biomes, including croplands, wooded savannas, and tropical forests, many small fires occur each year that are well below the detection limit of the current generation of global burned area products derived from moderate resolution surface reflectance imagery. Although these fires often generate thermal anomalies that can be detected by satellites, their contributions to burned area and carbon fluxes have not been systematically quantified across different regions and continents. Here we developed a preliminary method for combining 1-km thermal anomalies (active fires) and 500 m burned area observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to estimate the influence of these fires. In our approach, we calculated the number of active fires inside and outside of 500 m burn scars derived from reflectance data. We estimated small fire burned area by computing the difference normalized burn ratio (dNBR) for these two sets of active fires and then combining these observations with other information. In a final step, we used the Global Fire Emissions Database version 3 (GFED3) biogeochemical model to estimate the impact of these fires on biomass burning emissions. We found that the spatial distribution of active fires and 500 m burned areas were in close agreement in ecosystems that experience large fires, including savannas across southern Africa and Australia and boreal forests in North America and Eurasia. In other areas, however, we observed many active fires outside of burned area perimeters. Fire radiative power was lower for this class of active fires. Small fires substantially increased burned area in several continental-scale regions, including Equatorial Asia (157%), Central America (143%), and Southeast Asia (90%) during 2001–2010. Globally, accounting for small fires increased total burned area by approximately by 35%, from 345 Mha/yr to 464 Mha/yr. A formal quantification of uncertainties was not possible, but sensitivity analyses of key model parameters caused estimates of global burned area increases from small fires to vary between 24% and 54%. Biomass burning carbon emissions increased by 35% at a global scale when small fires were included in GFED3, from 1.9 Pg C/yr to 2.5 Pg C/yr. The contribution of tropical forest fires to year-to-year variability in carbon fluxes increased because small fires amplified emissions from Central America, South America and Southeast Asia—regions where drought stress and burned area varied considerably from year to year in response to El Nino-Southern Oscillation and other climate modes

    Global burned area and biomass burning emissions from small fires

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    In several biomes, including croplands, wooded savannas, and tropical forests, many small fires occur each year that are well below the detection limit of the current generation of global burned area products derived from moderate resolution surface reflectance imagery. Although these fires often generate thermal anomalies that can be detected by satellites, their contributions to burned area and carbon fluxes have not been systematically quantified across different regions and continents. Here we developed a preliminary method for combining 1-km thermal anomalies (active fires) and 500 m burned area observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to estimate the influence of these fires. In our approach, we calculated the number of active fires inside and outside of 500 m burn scars derived from reflectance data. We estimated small fire burned area by computing the difference normalized burn ratio (dNBR) for these two sets of active fires and then combining these observations with other information. In a final step, we used the Global Fire Emissions Database version 3 (GFED3) biogeochemical model to estimate the impact of these fires on biomass burning emissions. We found that the spatial distribution of active fires and 500 m burned areas were in close agreement in ecosystems that experience large fires, including savannas across southern Africa and Australia and boreal forests in North America and Eurasia. In other areas, however, we observed many active fires outside of burned area perimeters. Fire radiative power was lower for this class of active fires. Small fires substantially increased burned area in several continental-scale regions, including Equatorial Asia (157%), Central America (143%), and Southeast Asia (90%) during 2001–2010. Globally, accounting for small fires increased total burned area by approximately by 35%, from 345 Mha/yr to 464 Mha/yr. A formal quantification of uncertainties was not possible, but sensitivity analyses of key model parameters caused estimates of global burned area increases from small fires to vary between 24% and 54%. Biomass burning carbon emissions increased by 35% at a global scale when small fires were included in GFED3, from 1.9 Pg C/yr to 2.5 Pg C/yr. The contribution of tropical forest fires to year-to-year variability in carbon fluxes increased because small fires amplified emissions from Central America, South America and Southeast Asia—regions where drought stress and burned area varied considerably from year to year in response to El Nino-Southern Oscillation and other climate modes

    Detection and Characterization of Low Temperature Peat Fires during the 2015 Fire Catastrophe in Indonesia Using a New High-Sensitivity Fire Monitoring Satellite Sensor (FireBird)

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    Vast and disastrous fires occurred on Borneo during the 2015 dry season, pushing Indonesia into the top five carbon emitting countries. The region was affected by a very strong El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) climate phenomenon, on par with the last severe event in 1997/98. Fire dynamics in Central Kalimantan were investigated using an innovative sensor offering higher sensitivity to a wider range of fire intensities at a finer spatial resolution (160 m) than heretofore available. The sensor is onboard the TET-1 satellite, part of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) FireBird mission. TET-1 images (acquired every 2-3 days) from the middle infrared were used to detect fires continuously burning for almost three weeks in the protected peatlands of Sebangau National Park as well as surrounding areas with active logging and oil palm concessions. TET-1 detection capabilities were compared with MODIS active fire detection and Landsat burned area algorithms. Fire dynamics, including fire front propagation speed and area burned, were investigated. We show that TET-1 has improved detection capabilities over MODIS in monitoring low-intensity peatland fire fronts through thick smoke and haze. Analysis of fire dynamics revealed that the largest burned areas resulted from fire front lines started from multiple locations, and the highest propagation speeds were in excess of 500 m/day (all over peat > 2m deep). Fires were found to occur most often in concessions that contained drainage infrastructure but were not cleared prior to the fire season. Benefits of implementing this sensor system to improve current fire management techniques are discussed. Near real-time fire detection together with enhanced fire behavior monitoring capabilities would not only improve firefighting efforts, but also benefit analysis of fire impact on tropical peatlands, greenhouse gas emission estimations as well as mitigation measures to reduce severe fire events in the future

    Using New and Long-Term Multi-Scale Remotely Sensed Data to Detect Recurrent Fires and Quantify Their Relationship to Land Cover/Use in Indonesian Peatlands

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    Indonesia has committed to reducing its greenhouse gases emissions by 29% (potentially up to 41% with international assistance) by 2030. Achieving those targets requires many efforts but, in particular, controlling the fire problem in Indonesia’s peatlands is paramount, since it is unlikely to diminish on its own in the coming decades. This study was conducted in Sumatra and Kalimantan peatlands in Indonesia. Four MODIS-derived products (MCD45A1 collection 5.1, MCD64A1 (collection 5.1 and 6), FireCCI51) were initially assessed to explore long-term fire frequency and land use/cover change relationships. The results indicated the product(s) could only detect half of the fires accurately. A further study was conducted using additional moderate spatial resolution data to compare two years of different severity (2014 and 2015) (Landsat, Sentinel 2, Sentinel 1, VIIRS 375 m). The results showed that MODIS BA products poorly discriminated small fires and failed to detect many burned areas due to persistent interference from clouds and smoke that often worsens as fire seasons progress. Although there are unique fire detection capabilities associated with each sensor (MODIS, VIIRS, Landsat, Sentinel 2, Sentinel 1), no single sensor was ideal for accurate detection of peatland fires under all conditions. Multisensor approaches could advance biomass-burning detection in peatlands, improving the accuracy and comprehensive coverage of burned area maps, thereby enabling better estimation of associated fire emissions. Despite missing many burned areas, MODIS BA (MCD64A1 C6) provides the best available data for evaluating longer term (2001-2018) associations between the frequency of fire occurrence and land use/cover change across large areas. Results showed that Sumatra and Kalimantan have both experienced frequent fires since 2001. Although extensive burning was present across the entire landscape, burning in peatlands was ~5- times more frequent and strongly associated with changes of forest to other land use/cover classes. If fire frequencies since 2001 remain unchanged, remnant peat swamp forests of Sumatra and Kalimantan will likely disappear over the next few decades. The findings reported in this dissertation provide critical insights for Indonesian stakeholders that can help them to minimize impacts of environmental change, manage ecological restoration efforts, and improve fire monitoring systems within Indonesia
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