8 research outputs found

    Simulating the Software Development Lifecycle: The Waterfall Model

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    (1) Background: This study employs a simulation-based approach, adapting the waterfall model, to provides estimates for projects and individual phase completion times. Additionally, it pin-points potential efficiency issues stemming from a suboptimal resource level. It further demonstrates how one can go on to identify a resource level that effectively eliminates bottlenecks and curtails the idle time of resources. (2) Methods: We implement our software development lifecycle using SimPy, a discrete-event simulation framework written in Python. Our model is executed on 100 projects of varying sizes over three stages. The first, pre-optimization, provides insight based on the initial set of resources. This is followed by the optimization stage, which serves to identify the optimal number of resources to eliminate bottlenecks and minimize idle time. The third stage, post-optimization, evaluates the resource optimized model. (3) Results: The analysis of the simulation-generated data reveals the presence of resource bottlenecks during the pre-optimization stage, particularly in the implementation phase. These dissipate after optimization. (4) Conclusions: The findings emphasize the advantage of using simulation as a safe and effective way to experiment and plan for software development projects. Such simulations also allow those man-aging software development projects to make accurate, evidence-based projections as to phase and project completion times and identify optimal resource levels and their interplay. In particular, understanding the tradeoffs between experiencing delayed completion times and procuring additional resources to alleviate any bottlenecks

    Családivállalat-kormányzás – a nemzetközi szakirodalom kategorizálása a három kör modell tükrében

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    A szerzők a vállalatkormányzás és a családivállalat-kormányzás kapcsolatának rövid bemutatását követően a családivállalat-kormányzás nemzetközi szakirodalmát a három kör modell tükrében tekintik át. A három kör modell alapján kategorizálva a vizsgált cikkeket elmondható, hogy a vállalkozás alrendszerhez kapcsolódó témakörök feldolgozottsága magas szintű, míg a család és a tulajdon vonatkozású kérdések beható vizsgálata még várat magára. A családivállalat-kormányzás cikkek időrendi megjelenésének vizsgálata rávilágít, hogy a vállalkozás alrendszerhez kapcsolódó publikációk már egészen komoly múltra tekintenek vissza, ugyanakkor a család és a tulajdon szerepét szinte csak az elmúlt 5-10 évben kezdték mélyebben vizsgálni a téma kutatói

    Az innovációmenedzsment-kutatások térbeli és időbeli szerkezetének változása 1975 és 2021 között

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    Az innováció mára a gazdaság minden területén és az üzleti élet minden vonatkozásában megkerülhetetlenné vált. A termék- és folyamatfejlesztés, a piacbővítés és a fogyasztók hatékonyabb kielégítése mellett innovációnak tekinthető az új szabályoknak és előírásoknak való megfelelés, továbbá azok az operatív és stratégiai változtatások és fejlesztések, amelyek a szervezet és érintettjei számára bármilyen pozíciójavulással járnak. Jelen cikk témája bizonyítékok gyűjtése az innováció fogalmi bővülésére a szakirodalom minél szélesebb körű feltérképezésével és adatbányászati módszeren alapuló áttekintésével, illetve e fogalmi bővülés folyamatának a leírása. Ehhez a tudományos szakirodalomban 1975 és 2021 között megjelent mintegy 75 ezer cikket vetettek alá a szerzők az általuk kifejlesztett algoritmusnak, hogy a címekben és absztraktokban szereplő szavak, szókapcsolatok kinyerésével egyrészt időbeli tendenciákat lehessen azonosítani, másrészt a szerzők kutatóhelyi adataiból a térbeli átrendeződés trendjeit is láthatóvá lehessen tenni. A kutatás egyik fő következtetése, hogy az innováció értelmezésében egyre inkább a holisztikus megközelítések kerülnek előtérbe: az innováció mára már nem csupán egy funkcionális vállalati területen végrehajtott fejlesztés, hanem a vállalat határain messze túlnyúló komplex megközelítés a fenntarthatóbb jólét irányába

    Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on software process education, training and professionalism (SPETP 2015)

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    These Proceedings contain the papers accepted for publication and presentation at the first 1st International Workshop on Software Process Education, Training and Professionalism (SPETP 2015) held in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination (SPICE 2015), Gothenburg, Sweden, during June 15-17, 2015. During the 14th International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination (SPICE 2014) held in Vilnius, Lithuania, at a post conference dinner, a group of key individuals from education and industry started to discuss the challenges faced for software process education, training and professionalism, especially with the background of the new modes of learning and teaching in higher education. Further discussions held post conference with key players in the relevant professional and personal certification fields led to a consensus that it is time for the industry to rise to the new challenges and set out in a manifesto a common vision for educators and trainers together with a set of recommendations to address the challenges faced. It was therefore agreed co-located the 1st International Workshop on Software Process Education, Training and Professionalism with the 15th International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination. This workshop focused on the new challenges for and best practices in software process education, training and professionalism. The foundation for learning of software process should be part of a university or college education however software process is often treated as ‘add one’ module to the core curriculum. In a professional context, whilst there have been a number of initiatives focused on the certification related to the software process professional these have had little success for numerous reasons. Cooperation in education between industry, academia and professional bodies is paramount, together with the recognition of how the education world is changing and how education is resourced, delivered (with online and open learning) and taken up. Over the next 10 years on-line learning is projected to grow fifteen fold, accounting for 30% of all education provision, according to the recent report to the European Commission on New modes of learning and teaching in higher education. It is a great pleasure to see the varied contributions to this 1st International Workshop on Software Process Education, Training and Professionalism and we hope that our joint dedication, passion and innovation will lead to success for the profession through the publication of the manifesto as a key outcome from the workshop. On behalf of the SPETP 2015 conference Organizing Committee, we would like to thank all participants. Firstly all the authors, whose quality work is the essence of the conference, and the members of the Program Committee, who helped us with their expertise and diligence in reviewing all of the submissions. As we all know, organizing a conference requires the effort of many individuals. We wish to thank also all the members of our Organizing Committee, whose work and commitment were invaluable

    BPMNt : a proposal for flexible process tailoring representation in BPMN /

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    Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a de-facto standard for business process modeling, which focuses on the representation of the process behavior. However, it can also succeed in representing the behavior of software processes, since they are a type of business process. Although BPMN has been extensively used for modeling processes in different domains, its standard specification does not have any mechanism to support users in activities related to process adaptation (tailoring). Moreover, researches extending BPMN are based on complex consolidated models, which hamper the analysis and maintenance of individual variant process models and are not appropriate for application domains in which process variations are difficult to predict, such as in software development processes. Thus, our objective was to provide a BPMN-compliant extension and associated mechanisms for specifying flexible process tailoring on models produced with this language while ensuring the correctness of adapted process models and explicitly capturing change traces. We have focused our research on the domains of Software Process Engineering (SPE) and Business Process Management (BPM). At last, we evaluated the applicability of the proposal for representing realistic tailoring scenarios in both domains.BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) é um padrão para modelagem de processos de negócio, que tem seu foco na representação do comportamento de processos. No entanto, ele pode também ser usado para representar o comportamento de processos de software, já que eles são um tipo de processo de negócio. Embora BPMN tem sido extensivamente usado para modelar processos em diferentes domínios, sua especificação padrão não possui nenhum mecanismo para apoiar usuários em atividades relacionadas à adaptação de processos. Pesquisas que estendem o padrão são baseadas em modelos complexos, que dificultam a análise e manutenção de modelos variantes, e não são apropriadas para domínios de aplicação onde variações de processo são difíceis de predizer, como em processos de desenvolvimento de software. Assim, nosso objetivo foi fornecer uma extensão para BPMN, chamada BPMNt, e mecanismos de suporte para especificar, de modo flexível, adaptações em processos modelados com esta linguagem. BPMNt deve também garantir a corretude de modelos adaptados e explicitamente capturar rastros de mudanças realizadas. Essa pesquisa teve como foco os domínios de Engenharia de Processos de Software e Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócio. Por fim, nós avaliamos a aplicabilidade da proposta para representar cenários de adaptação reais em ambos os domínios

    A systematic literature review on the industrial use of software process simulation

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    Context Software process simulation modelling (SPSM) captures the dynamic behaviour and uncertainty in the software process. Existing literature has conflicting claims about its practical usefulness: SPSM is useful and has an industrial impact; SPSM is useful and has no industrial impact yet; SPSM is not useful and has little potential for industry. Objective To assess the conflicting standpoints on the usefulness of SPSM. Method A systematic literature review was performed to identify, assess and aggregate empirical evidence on the usefulness of SPSM. Results In the primary studies, to date, the persistent trend is that of proof-of-concept applications of software process simulation for various purposes (e.g. estimation, training, process improvement, etc.). They score poorly on the stated quality criteria. Also only a few studies report some initial evaluation of the simulation models for the intended purposes. Conclusion There is a lack of conclusive evidence to substantiate the claimed usefulness of SPSM for any of the intended purposes. A few studies that report the cost of applying simulation do not support the claim that it is an inexpensive method. Furthermore, there is a paramount need for improvement in conducting and reporting simulation studies with an emphasis on evaluation against the intended purpose

    A systematic literature review on the industrial use of software process simulation

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    Context Software process simulation modelling (SPSM) captures the dynamic behaviour and uncertainty in the software process. Existing literature has conflicting claims about its practical usefulness: SPSM is useful and has an industrial impact; SPSM is useful and has no industrial impact yet; SPSM is not useful and has little potential for industry. Objective To assess the conflicting standpoints on the usefulness of SPSM. Method A systematic literature review was performed to identify, assess and aggregate empirical evidence on the usefulness of SPSM. Results In the primary studies, to date, the persistent trend is that of proof-of-concept applications of software process simulation for various purposes (e.g. estimation, training, process improvement, etc.). They score poorly on the stated quality criteria. Also only a few studies report some initial evaluation of the simulation models for the intended purposes. Conclusion There is a lack of conclusive evidence to substantiate the claimed usefulness of SPSM for any of the intended purposes. A few studies that report the cost of applying simulation do not support the claim that it is an inexpensive method. Furthermore, there is a paramount need for improvement in conducting and reporting simulation studies with an emphasis on evaluation against the intended purpose