211,226 research outputs found

    A Service-oriented Architecture for Ambient-Assisted Living

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    Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL) is currently an important research and development area, mainly due to the rapidly aging society, the increasing cost of health care, and the growing importance that individuals place on living independently. The general goal of AAL solutions is to apply ambient-assisted intelligence to enable people with specific demands (e.g. handicapped or elderly) to live in their preferred environment longer by tools (i.e. smart objects, mobile and wearable sensors, intelligent devices) being sensitive and responsive to the presence of people and their actions. The research describes the design and development of a novel service-oriented system architecture where different smart objects and sensors are combined to offer ambient-assisted living intelligence to older people. The design stage is driven by a user-centred approach to define an interoperable architecture and human-oriented principles to create usable products and well-accepted services. Such architecture has been realized in the context of an Italian research project funded by the Marche Region and promoted by INRCA (National Institute on Health and Science of Aging) in the framework of smart home for active ageing and ambient assisted living. The result is an interoperable and flexible platform that allows creating user-centred services for independent living

    MHARS: A mobile system for human activity recognition and inference of health situations in ambient assisted living

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    This paper presents MHARS (Mobile Human Activity Recognition System), a mobile system designed to monitor patients in the context of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), which allows the recognition of the activities performed by the user as well as the detection of the activities intensity in real time. MHARS was designed to be able to gather data from different sensors, to recognize the activities and measure their intensity in different user mobility scenarios. The system allows the inference of situations regarding the health status of the patient and provides support for executing actions, reacting to events that deserve attention from the patient’s caregivers and family members. Experiments demonstrate that MHARS presents good accuracy and has an affordable consumption of mobile resources.Keywords: Ambient Assisted Living, Human Activity Recognition, situation inference, mobile computing

    Probability and Common-Sense: Tandem Towards Robust Robotic Object Recognition in Ambient Assisted Living

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    The suitable operation of mobile robots when providing Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) services calls for robust object recognition capabilities. Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) have become the de-facto choice in recognition systems aiming to e ciently exploit contextual relations among objects, also dealing with the uncertainty inherent to the robot workspace. However, these models can perform in an inco herent way when operating in a long-term fashion out of the laboratory, e.g. while recognizing objects in peculiar con gurations or belonging to new types. In this work we propose a recognition system that resorts to PGMs and common-sense knowledge, represented in the form of an ontology, to detect those inconsistencies and learn from them. The utilization of the ontology carries additional advantages, e.g. the possibility to verbalize the robot's knowledge. A primary demonstration of the system capabilities has been carried out with very promising results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Fallen Person Detector with a Privacy-Preserving Edge-AI Camera

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    As the population ages, Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL) environments are increasingly used to support older individuals’ safety and autonomy. In this study, we propose a low-cost, privacy-preserving sensor system integrated with mobile robots to enhance fall detection in AAL environments. We utilized the Luxonis OAKD Edge-AI camera mounted on a mobile robot to detect fallen individuals. The system was trained using YOLOv6 network on the E-FPDS dataset and optimized with a knowledge distillation approach onto the more compact YOLOv5 network, which was deployed on the camera. We evaluated the system’s performance using a custom dataset captured with a robot-mounted camera. We achieved a precision of 96.52%, a recall of 95.10%, and a recognition rate of 15 frames per second. The proposed system enhances the safety and autonomy of older individuals by enabling the rapid detection and response to falls.This work has been part supported by the visuAAL project on Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Video-Based Technologies and Services for Active and Assisted Living (https://www.visuaal-itn.eu/) funded by the EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 861091. The project has also been part supported by the SFI Future Innovator Award SFI/21/FIP/DO/9955 project Smart Hangar

    A Mobile Robot System for Ambient Intelligence

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    Over the last years, Ambient Intelligence (AmI) has been pointed out as an alternative to current practices in home care. AmI supports the concept of Ambient Assisted Living, which aims to allow older people to remain independent at their own homes for longer. The integration of a mobile robot into a database-centric platform for Ambient Assisted Living is described in this thesis. The robot serves as a rst-aid agent to respond to emergencies, such as a fall, detected by the intelligent environment. To accomplish that the robot must 1) be able to receive tasks from intelligent environment; 2) execute the task; 3) report the progress and the result of the task back to the intelligent environment. The system of the robot is built on top of the Robot Operating System, while the existing intelligent environment on a PostgreSQL database. To receive tasks from the intelligent environment, the robot maintains an active connection with the database and subscribes to specic tasks. A task, for example, is to nd a person in the environment, which includes asking if the person is doing well. To nd a person a map-based approach and a face recognition are used. The robot can interact with people in the environment using text-to-speech and speech recognition. The active connection with the database enables the robot to report back about the execution of a task and to receive new or abort tasks. As a conclusion, together with an AAL system, mobile robots can support people living alone. The system has been implemented and successfully tested at Halmstad University on a Turtlebot 2. The code is available on Github

    IoT Meets Caregivers: a Healthcare Support System in Assisted Living Facilities

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    This paper presents a system that exploits the synergy between wearable/mobile technology and smart caring environments to support caregivers in Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs) for persons with physical and cognitive disabilities. In particular, this healthcare support system allows caregivers to be automatically alerted of potentially hazardous situations that happen to the inhabitants while these are alone. The design stemmed from six system requirements derived from the results of three focus groups conducted with 30 caregivers of different ALFs in Northern Italy

    In-home monitoring system based on WiFi fingerprints for ambient assisted living

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    This paper presents an in-home monitoring system based on WiFi fingerprints for Ambient Assisted Living. WiFi fingerprints are used to continuously locate a patient at the different rooms in her/his home. The experiments performed provide a correctly location rate of 96% in the best case of all studied scenarios. The behavior obtained by location monitoring allows to detect anomalous behavior such as long stays in rooms out of the common schedule. The main characteristics of the presented system are: a) it is robust enough to work without an own WiFi access point, which in turn means a very affordable solution; b) low obtrusiveness, as it is based on the use of a mobile phone; c) highly interoperable with other wireless connections (bluetooth, RFID) present in current mobile phones; d) alarms are triggered when any anomalous behavior is detected

    ENRICHME integration of ambient intelligence and robotics for AAL

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    Technological advances and affordability of recent smart sensors, as well as the consolidation of common software platforms for the integration of the latter and robotic sensors, are enabling the creation of complex active and assisted living environments for improving the quality of life of the elderly and the less able people. One such example is the integrated system developed by the European project ENRICHME, the aim of which is to monitor and prolong the independent living of old people affected by mild cognitive impairments with a combination of smart-home, robotics and web technologies. This paper presents in particular the design and technological solutions adopted to integrate, process and store the information provided by a set of fixed smart sensors and mobile robot sensors in a domestic scenario, including presence and contact detectors, environmental sensors, and RFID-tagged objects, for long-term user monitoring an

    Towards a Cooperative Security System for Mobile-Health Applications

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    [EN] Mobile Health (m-Health) system architectures are typically based on mobile and wireless communications, and use mobile devices with data exchange supported by Web Services (WS). Although m-Health systems offer mobility as a potential and precious resource they also present several challenged issues and constraints, such as, battery and storage capacity, broadcast constraints, interferences, disconnections, noises, limited bandwidths, and network delays. Furthermore, constant mobility and often-required Internet connectivity also exposes and compromises the privacy and confidentiality of the m-Health system information. This paper proposes a novel data encryption solution for mobile health systems, considering a novel and early-proposed cooperation strategy. This encryption solution, called data encryption for mobile health applications (DE4MHA), tries to guarantee the best confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of m-health systems users data. The paper also presents a performance evaluation study comparing the performance an m-Health application with and without the DE4MHA.This work has been partially supported by National Funding from the FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through the PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 Project; by the AAL4ALL (Ambient Assisted Living for All), project co-funded by COMPETE under FEDER via QREN Programme; by Brazilian National Council for Research and Development (CNPq) via Grant No. 309335/2017-5; and by FINEP, with resources from Funttel, Grant No. 01.14.0231.00, under the Centro de Referencia em Radiocomunicacoes - CRR project of the Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicacoes (Inatel), Brazil.Silva, BM.; Rodrigues, JJPC.; Canelo, F.; Lopes, IMC.; Lloret, J. (2019). Towards a Cooperative Security System for Mobile-Health Applications. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 19(3):629-654. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-014-9154-362965419

    A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments

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    Elderly people need regular healthcare services and, several times, are dependent of physicians’ personal attendance. This dependence raises several issues to elders, such as, the need to travel and mobility support. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and Mobile Health (m-Health) services and applications offer good healthcare solutions that can be used both on indoor and in mobility environments. This dissertation presents an ambient assisted living (AAL) solution for mobile environments. It includes elderly biofeedback monitoring using body sensors for data collection offering support for remote monitoring. The used sensors are attached to the human body (such as the electrocardiogram, blood pressure, and temperature). They collect data providing comfort, mobility, and guaranteeing efficiency and data confidentiality. Periodic collection of patients’ data is important to gather more accurate measurements and to avoid common risky situations, like a physical fall may be considered something natural in life span and it is more dangerous for senior people. One fall can out a life in extreme cases or cause fractures, injuries, but when it is early detected through an accelerometer, for example, it can avoid a tragic outcome. The presented proposal monitors elderly people, storing collected data in a personal computer, tablet, or smartphone through Bluetooth. This application allows an analysis of possible health condition warnings based on the input of supporting charts, and real-time bio-signals monitoring and is able to warn users and the caretakers. These mobile devices are also used to collect data, which allow data storage and its possible consultation in the future. The proposed system is evaluated, demonstrated and validated through a prototype and it is ready for use. The watch Texas ez430-Chronos, which is capable to store information for later analysis and the sensors Shimmer who allow the creation of a personalized application that it is capable of measuring biosignals of the patient in real time is described throughout this dissertation
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