21,708 research outputs found

    Analyzing the evolution of research on social entrepreneurship pre and post Covid-19 crisis

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    The pandemic context has impacted the practice of social entrepreneurship all around the world, creating a new worldwide dynamic.  In order to consider the Covid-19 crisis effect on the academic sphere, we analyzed pre and post covid scientific production to outline the evolution of research in the field of social entrepreneurship since its beginnings to nowadays. To do so, this paper conducted a scoping review analysis based on several articles dealing with social entrepreneurship, regarding the main topic clusters discussed by scholars and their adopted methodologies pre and post Covid-19 crisis. We argue that the advent of the covid-19 crisis has not significantly changed methodological  orientation in social entrepreneurship research, but has instead shifted the focus of academics and practitioners to aspects more related to (1) the agility in the co-creation of solutions and impact in extremely disadvantaged circumstances which reinforce resilience abilities of actors, (2) the importance of social and human capital, and (3) the pressing need to think locally in order to value the knowledge, assets and practices related to each specific context, and even to each community. Keywords : Covid-19 crisis, Research evolution, Social entrepreneurship. Paper Type: Theoretical Research JEL Classification : L31The pandemic context has impacted the practice of social entrepreneurship all around the world, creating a new worldwide dynamic.  In order to consider the Covid-19 crisis effect on the academic sphere, we analyzed pre and post covid scientific production to outline the evolution of research in the field of social entrepreneurship since its beginnings to nowadays. To do so, this paper conducted a scoping review analysis based on several articles dealing with social entrepreneurship, regarding the main topic clusters discussed by scholars and their adopted methodologies pre and post Covid-19 crisis. We argue that the advent of the covid-19 crisis has not significantly changed methodological  orientation in social entrepreneurship research, but has instead shifted the focus of academics and practitioners to aspects more related to (1) the agility in the co-creation of solutions and impact in extremely disadvantaged circumstances which reinforce resilience abilities of actors, (2) the importance of social and human capital, and (3) the pressing need to think locally in order to value the knowledge, assets and practices related to each specific context, and even to each community. Keywords : Covid-19 crisis, Research evolution, Social entrepreneurship. Paper Type: Theoretical Research JEL Classification : L3

    Lean project management an application in reserch and technological development (RTD) projects

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    219 p.Las herramientas y los principios del Lean Thinking se han propuesto como un posible enfoque paracomplementar la gestión de proyectos al centrarse en la creación de valor, la mejora continua y lareducción de actividades que no añaden valor. La aplicación combinada de estos dos conceptos se conocecomo Lean Project Management. El enfoque de Lean Project Management se aplica para la mejora delrendimiento de los proyectos en una amplia gama de sectores, como la construcción, el desarrollo desoftware e incluso recientemente a proyectos de investigación y desarrollo, aunque se ha encontrado pocaevidencia de su aplicación conjunta. Para la mejora continua y la mejora de la gestión, es crucial definirlos Indicadores Clave de Rendimiento (KPI) de la organización. La gestión de proyectos Lean es un granapoyo para este propósito. El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar la integración del Lean con la gestión deproyectos y su aplicación en organizaciones basadas en proyectos. Esta tesis proporciona una exhaustivarevisión sistemática de la literatura publicada y la correlación con los indicadores clave de rendimiento delos proyectos. Se presenta un modelo de Lean Project Management que enmarca las herramientas deLean combinados con conceptos y prácticas de gestión de proyectos. Se realiza un estudio de caso en unaempresa basada en proyectos de Investigación y DesarrolloTecnológico (IDT) aplicando el modelo degestión de proyectos Lean propuesto para la identificación de los K

    ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks: a literature review

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is a complex and vibrant process, one that involves a combination of technological and organizational interactions. Often an ERP implementation project is the single largest IT project that an organization has ever launched and requires a mutual fit of system and organization. Also the concept of an ERP implementation supporting business processes across many different departments is not a generic, rigid and uniform concept and depends on variety of factors. As a result, the issues addressing the ERP implementation process have been one of the major concerns in industry. Therefore ERP implementation receives attention from practitioners and scholars and both, business as well as academic literature is abundant and not always very conclusive or coherent. However, research on ERP systems so far has been mainly focused on diffusion, use and impact issues. Less attention has been given to the methods used during the configuration and the implementation of ERP systems, even though they are commonly used in practice, they still remain largely unexplored and undocumented in Information Systems research. So, the academic relevance of this research is the contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge. An annotated brief literature review is done in order to evaluate the current state of the existing academic literature. The purpose is to present a systematic overview of relevant ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks as a desire for achieving a better taxonomy of ERP implementation methodologies. This paper is useful to researchers who are interested in ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Results will serve as an input for a classification of the existing ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Also, this paper aims also at the professional ERP community involved in the process of ERP implementation by promoting a better understanding of ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks, its variety and history

    Innovation in Sustainability Communication - A proposal towards a holistic communication framework

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    Este trabalho tem dois objetivos principais. O primeiro objetivo deste estudo é mapear as melhores práticas utilizadas para comunicar valores e atividades de sustentabilidade em um número selecionado de EMNs consideradas 'sustentáveis' conforme o Corporate Knights Global 100 Index, de acordo com as seguintes dimensões: objetivos, público-alvo, canais, conteúdos e eficácia da comunicação; O segundo objetivo do estudo é propor uma framework de estrutura holística para padronizar o processo de comunicação de atividades e valores de sustentabilidade, testar a estrutura proposta e iterar, se necessário. Este estudo é desenvolvido por meio de uma metodologia mista e está dividido em duas fases. A fase A, compreende duas etapas (coleta de dados e entrevistas) para propor uma framework. A fase B abrange a etapa de iteração e correção da framework proposta (por meio de novas entrevistas). O estudo atinge com sucesso seu objetivo de desenvolver um framework de comunicação de sustentabilidade (FCS) para ser utilizada por empresas que visam estruturar seu processo de comunicação. As questões de pesquisa que visam estudar e estruturar os processos usados pelo Índice Global 100 para comunicar ações e valores de sustentabilidade aos seus diversos stakeholders - definindo seus principais objetivos, públicos-alvo, canais e conteúdos, e como medem sua eficácia geral de comunicação - são respondidas com sucesso e permitem que o desenvolvimento da FCS seja ancorado nas experiências das EMNs e sustentado pela literatura existente.This work has two main objectives. The first objective of this study is to map out the best practices used to implement projects that communicate sustainability values and activities in a selected number of MNCs considered 'sustainable' by the Corporate Knights Global 100 Index, according to the following dimensions: target audience, content, process and efficacy measurement; The second objective of the study is to propose a holistic framework design to standardize the process of communicating sustainability activities and values, test the proposed framework, and iterate if needed. This study is developed through a mixed methodology and is divided into two phases. Phase A comprises two steps (data collection and interviews) to propose a framework. Phase B covers the stage of iteration and correction of the proposed framework (through new interviews). The study successfully reaches its goal of developing a sustainability communication framework (SCF) to be used by companies that aim to structure their communication process. The research questions that aim to study and structure the processes used by the Global 100 Index to communicate sustainability actions and values to their various stakeholders - by defining their main objectives, target audiences, channels, and contents, and how they measure their overall communication efficacy - are successfully answered and allow for the development of the SCF to be anchored in experiences of MNCs and sustained by existing literature


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    While many authors focus on the outcome of information systems (IS) investments, this paper explores management practices that support the deployment of IS investments so they can ultimately create value to the organisation. Such practices are defined as value management practices that facilitate the identification, creation and capture of value in the deployment of IS investments. Very limited academic research has been oriented towards the identification of such value management practices. Moreover, the limited results are fragmented as many scholars investigate one single practice in isolation. Practitioner frameworks emerged in an attempt to integrate multiple value management practices, yet organisations still struggle with getting such practices and frameworks implemented and embedded into their organisations. In an attempt to contribute to the scarce literature, this research has executed a literature review and exploratory case study to identify and clearly define multiple individual value management practices. These findings are structured within the context of a conceptual framework that previously has been employed by IS scholars. As a result, the practices are categorised into structures, processes and relational mechanisms and together constitute a new value management framework. In addition, this framework portrays the organisational level on which each value management practice can be operational, i.e. at individual IS investment level, portfolio level or enterprise level. By doing so, the value management framework creates a clear vision on the coherence and interrelationship of value management practices which might help organisations in the deployment and value creation of IS investments

    Theory borrowing in IT-rich contexts : lessons from IS strategy research

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    While indigenous theorizing in information systems has clear merits, theory borrowing will not, and should not, be eschewed given its appeal and usefulness. In this article, we aim at increasing our understanding of modifying of borrowed theories in IT-rich contexts. We present a framework in which we discuss how two recontextualization approaches of specification and distinction help with increasing the IT-richness of borrowed constructs and relationships. In doing so, we use several illustrative examples from information systems strategy. The framework can be used by researchers as a tool to explore the multitude of ways in which a theory from another discipline can yield the understanding of IT phenomena

    Strategic use of Scrum framework on BPMS projects

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementIt is rare to find nowadays a business methodology that does not involve any kind of technology, whether in the research or development phases. One methodology that rises above the others when it comes to business processes is BPM. This type of methodology when added a specific software with BPMS integrated becomes highly beneficial to implement. Nevertheless, there are always flaws and gaps that could be filled. On the other hand, software development companies have grown exponentially since the digital transformation was accepted. One reason for that is the working methodology these types of companies follow, as they are known as Agile companies. What this document aims to present is enough artefacts and pros for Scrum, an Agile framework, to rule BPMS projects and minimize the current failures. This dissertation follows a design science research approach to apply multiple analytical methods and perspectives to create an artefact. The type of evidence within this methodology is a systematic literature review, to attain insights into the current state-of-the-art research of BPMS projects and Scrum. Thereby, the systematic literature review shall be used to pinpoint, analyse, and comprehend the obtainable empirical studies and research questions. This approach supports the main goal of this dissertation, to develop and propose evidencebased practise guidelines for the implementation of the Scrum framework on BPMS projects strategy

    Evidence-Based Management in "Macro" Areas: The Case of Strategic Management

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    Despite its intuitive appeal, evidence-based management (EBMgt) faces unique challenges in "macro" areas such as Organization Theory and Strategy Management, which emphasize actions by organizations, and business and corporate leaders. The inherent focus on complex, multi-level and unique problems present serious challenges. EBMgt will nurture the establishment of a new model of research that is not only cumulative in its knowledge-building but also promotes engaged scholarship. Further, the uncertainty and conflict that characterize "macro" decision contexts heighten the need for EBMgt. We put forward four recommendations to advance EBMgt: (1) using more sophisticated meta-analyses; (2) providing syntheses that go beyond quantitative summaries; (3) engaging in a disciplined conversation about our implicit "levels of evidence" frameworks; and (4) developing decision supports.

    The role of relationships in building capabilities for social innovation: The case of social enterprises

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    Increasing societal problems in social welfare, governmental and state systems, and recent cuts in public spending, have raised interest in the role of social innovation as a means of providing potential solutions. Social innovation is defined as the innovative activities derived by organisations with a primary goal to address unmet social needs. The thesis examines how this distinct form of innovation can be fostered through a unique organisational form – the social enterprise. Adopting a dynamic capabilities perspective, the study investigates the role of external relationships in supporting social enterprises engaged in social innovation.The thesis commences with a review of the literature and finds that, in contrast to extensive research into technological innovation, few empirical studies of social innovation exist, highlighting a need for research into the process of social innovation, how it is undertaken by organisations. Drawing on the literature review, a conceptual model is presented that illustrates the social innovation process in two stages: “Seizing and Selection” and “Scaling and Implementation”, and depicts the external relationships engaged by social enterprises to harness the capabilities necessary for social innovation.Using data from a large-scale survey with respondents from 262 UK social enterprises combined with 31 semi-structured interviews in a mixed method design, the study supports the conceptual model and finds that the process of social innovation occurs in two distinct stages. Further, the research identifies a diverse range of external organisations that are key to accessing the capabilities necessary for social innovation, and maps these external relationships to each stage of the innovation process. The study goes on to identify the barriers social enterprises face during the pursuit of social innovation. The thesis concludes with policy and managerial recommendations on fostering social innovation in social enterprises