13 research outputs found

    A survey on probabilistic broadcast schemes for wireless ad hoc networks

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    Broadcast or flooding is a dissemination technique of paramount importance in wireless ad hoc networks. The broadcast scheme is widely used within routing protocols by a wide range of wireless ad hoc networks such as mobile ad hoc networks, vehicular ad hoc networks, and wireless sensor networks, and used to spread emergency messages in critical scenarios after a disaster scenario and/or an accidents. As the type broadcast scheme used plays an important role in the performance of the network, it has to be selected carefully. Though several types of broadcast schemes have been proposed, probabilistic broadcast schemes have been demonstrated to be suitable schemes for wireless ad hoc networks due to a range of benefits offered by them such as low overhead, balanced energy consumption, and robustness against failures and mobility of nodes. In the last decade, many probabilistic broadcast schemes have been proposed by researchers. In addition to reviewing the main features of the probabilistic schemes found in the literature, we also present a classification of the probabilistic schemes, an exhaustive review of the evaluation methodology including their performance metrics, types of network simulators, their comparisons, and present some examples of real implementations, in this paper

    Channel-Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast in Route Discovery Mechanism of MANETs

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    Broadcasting is the backbone of the route discovery process in on-demand routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). Pure flooding is the simplest and most common broadcasting technique for route discovery in on-demand routing protocols. In pure flooding, the route request (RREQ) packet is broadcasted and each receiving node rebroadcasts it. This continues until the RREQ packet arrives at the destination node. The obvious drawback of pure flooding is excessive redundant traffic that degrades the system performance. This is commonly known as broadcast storm problem (BSP). To address BSP, various probabilistic broadcast schemes have been proposed in the literature where a node broadcasts a RREQ packet with a certain probability. However, these schemes do not consider the effects of thermal noise and co-channel interference which cannot be ignored in realistic MANETs, and therefore, these schemes do not perform well in real life MANETs. This paper presents a novel Channel Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast (CAPB) scheme that adapts the rebroadcast probability dynamically to the current SINR (Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio) and node density in the neighborhood. The proposed scheme and two related state of the art (SoA) schemes from the literature are implemented in the standard AODV routing protocol to replace the pure flooding based broadcast. Extensive ns-2 simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the standard AODV, and the two competitors in terms of routing overhead, throughput, end-to-end delay and energy consumption significantly in noisy MANETs

    Design Methodology for Self-organized Mobile Networks Based

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    The methodology proposed in this article enables a systematic design of routing algorithms based on schemes of biclustering, which allows you to respond with timely techniques, clustering heuristics proposed by a researcher, and a focused approach to routing in the choice of clusterhead nodes. This process uses heuristics aimed at improving the different costs in communication surface groups called biclusters. This methodology globally enables a variety of techniques and heuristics of clustering that have been addressed in routing algorithms, but we have not explored all possible alternatives and their different assessments. Therefore, the methodology oriented design research of routing algorithms based on biclustering schemes will allow new concepts of evolutionary routing along with the ability to adapt the topological changes that occur in self-organized data networks

    Performance Analysis of the Gossip based Ad Hoc Routing using Received Signal Strength for AODV

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    In Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), congestion control is a critical issue in controlling the degradation of network performance. During the route discovery process, the MANET routing protocol floods control packets to discover routes which may cause congestion. Currently, routing protocols take the shortest path with the minimum number of hops to reach the destination without considering the effects of Received Signal Strength (RSS). During the route discovery process, each node of MANET should not blindly broadcast without considering RSS to avoid link breakage. This causes excess energy consumption in rediscovering new routes and a greater likelihood of network partition. This paper suggests a modification of the rebroadcasting procedure for Received Requests (RREQ) in AODV using RSS on Gossip algorithm (AODV-RG). The performance of the protocol is measured based on different scenarios through metrics such as packet delivery ratio, throughput and, end-to-end delay using Network Simulator (NS 3.24.1). Experimental results show that thee AODV-RG protocol outperforms that of AODV with gossip probability p=0.66 by minimizing RREQ rebroadcasting messages during route discovery process. The Ad hoc mobile networks are suffering from the scarce power in the nodes. To decrease the amount of power consumption the AODV has been developed by many researchers by introducing the GOSSIP probability to alter the flow of RREQ. The advantage of this scheme is to decrease the overheads and the busy time of the node by detecting the RSS of the receiving node. When RSS is more than the threshold, then the RREQ is forwarded. If RSS is less than the threshold value, then RREQ is ignored. We need to test if the GOSSIP use has affected positively the quality of performance parameters such as utilization, packet delay ratio and throughput of the RREQ rebroadcast and end-to-end delay

    Connectivity Investigation of Channel Quality-Based Adaptive Gossip Flooding Mechanism for AODV

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    To address the “broadcast storm” problem associated with flooding-based route discovery mechanism of reactive routing protocols, probabilistic approaches are suggested in the literature. In the earlier work, Gossip flooding mechanism of Haas et.al. was extended with signal quality, to propose channel quality based adaptive gossip flooding mechanism for AODV (CQAG-AODV). Following the cross-layer design principle, CQAG-AODV algorithm tried to discover robust routes, as well as address the “broadcast storm” problem by controlling the rebroadcast probability of Route request (RREQ) packets on the basis of signal strength experienced at the physical layer. This paper investigates the connectivity of CQAG-AODV through theoretical and simulation analysis. Results show that, by accounting the signal strength in the route discovery process, not only does the proposed algorithm floods  a lesser number of route requests and controls the broadcast storm, but also maintains a higher level of connectivity to offer high packet delivery ratio; independent of network density and node mobility. Moreover, due to controlled routing overhead and robust route discovery, channel quality based adaptive flooding mechanism offers fringe benefit of energy efficiency as well. CQAG-AODV thus proves its suitability in a variety of use cases of multi-hop ad hoc networks including WSNs and VANETs

    Joint routing protocol and image compression algorithm for prolonging node lifetime in wireless sensor network

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) are among the emerging modern technologies, with a vast range of application in different areas. However, the current WSNs technology faces a key challenge in terms of node lifetime and network connectivity due to limited power resource of the node. The conventional data routing protocols do not consider the power available at the node on the path from source to sink, thus they result in the exhaustion and eventual death of nodes surrounding the sink node, thus generating routing holes reducing the network throughput. In order to address the issue in this research presents a novel protocol based on equal power consumption at all network nodes. The consume power fairly (CPF) protocol achieves a high power efficiency by distributing power consumption equal on all the network nodes. The protocol compares the power available on all the paths from source to sink and then selects the path with highest power. Additionally in order to reduce the transmitted data size, a lossy image compression technique based on adaptive Haar wavelet transform has been implemented. The simulation designs based on MATLAB consists of 100 randomly distributed nodes over an area of 100 m2, with 30 Kbits and 40 Kbits of packet sizes. The comparison between the proposed CPF protocol and the energy aware protocol has been carried out on the basis of number of iterations and the dead nodes in the network. Thorough simulations have been carried out based on different number of network iterations to validate the potential of the proposed solution. Moreover the implemenetation of multiscale retinex technique results in image enhancement and impoved classification. An implementation of the CPF protocol and image compression technique on a 100 node network with 500 iterations, results in the death of 13 nodes as compard to 38 dead nodes with energy aware protocol for the same network. Thus the performance comparision of CPF and energy aware protocol demonstrates an improvement of 81.19% for the energy consumption of the network. Thus the proposed algorithm prolongs the network under consideration by 57 – 62% as compared to networks with conventional routing protocols

    Channel-Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast in Route Discovery Mechanism of MANETs

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    Broadcasting is the backbone of the route discovery process in on-demand routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). Pure flooding is the simplest and most common broadcasting technique for route discovery in on-demand routing protocols. In pure flooding, the route request (RREQ) packet is broadcasted and each receiving node rebroadcasts it. This continues until the RREQ packet arrives at the destination node. The obvious drawback of pure flooding is excessive redundant traffic that degrades the system performance. This is commonly known as broadcast storm problem (BSP). To address BSP, various probabilistic broadcast schemes have been proposed in the literature where a node broadcasts a RREQ packet with a certain probability. However, these schemes do not consider the effects of thermal noise and co-channel interference which cannot be ignored in realistic MANETs, and therefore, these schemes do not perform well in real life MANETs. This paper presents a novel Channel Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast (CAPB) scheme that adapts the rebroadcast probability dynamically to the current SINR (Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio) and node density in the neighborhood. The proposed scheme and two related state of the art (SoA) schemes from the literature are implemented in the standard AODV routing protocol to replace the pure flooding based broadcast. Extensive ns-2 simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the standard AODV, and the two competitors in terms of routing overhead, throughput, end-to-end delay and energy consumption significantly in noisy MANETs

    An evaluation methodology for reliable simulation based studies of routing protocols in VANETs

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    Vehicular Ad hoc networks (VANETs) have attracted much attention in the last decade. Many routing protocols have been proposed for VANETs and their performance is usually evaluated and compared using simulation-based studies. However, conducting reliable simulation studies is not a trivial task since many simulation parameters must be configured correctly. The selected parameters configuration can considerably affect the simulation results. This paper presents a methodology for conducting reliable simulations of routing protocols in VANETs urban scenarios. The proposed methodology includes relevant simulation aspects such as measurement period, selection of source-destination pairs for the communication traffic flows, number of simulations, mobility models based on road city maps, performance metrics and different analyses to evaluate routing protocols under different conditions. The proposed methodology is validated by comparing the simulation results obtained for Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with and without using the proposed methodology. The obtained results confirm that by using the proposed methodology, we can achieve more reliable simulations of VANETs routing protocols.Universidad de Sevilla. V Plan Propio de InvestigaciónMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2013-44278-