1,350 research outputs found

    AndroShield:automated Android applications vulnerability detection, a hybrid static and dynamic analysis approach

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    The security of mobile applications has become a major research field which is associated with a lot of challenges. The high rate of developing mobile applications has resulted in less secure applications. This is due to what is called the “rush to release” as defined by Ponemon Institute. Security testing—which is considered one of the main phases of the development life cycle—is either not performed or given minimal time; hence, there is a need for security testing automation. One of the techniques used is Automated Vulnerability Detection. Vulnerability detection is one of the security tests that aims at pinpointing potential security leaks. Fixing those leaks results in protecting smart-phones and tablet mobile device users against attacks. This paper focuses on building a hybrid approach of static and dynamic analysis for detecting the vulnerabilities of Android applications. This approach is capsuled in a usable platform (web application) to make it easy to use for both public users and professional developers. Static analysis, on one hand, performs code analysis. It does not require running the application to detect vulnerabilities. Dynamic analysis, on the other hand, detects the vulnerabilities that are dependent on the run-time behaviour of the application and cannot be detected using static analysis. The model is evaluated against different applications with different security vulnerabilities. Compared with other detection platforms, our model detects information leaks as well as insecure network requests alongside other commonly detected flaws that harm users’ privacy. The code is available through a GitHub repository for public contribution

    Ghera: A Repository of Android App Vulnerability Benchmarks

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    Security of mobile apps affects the security of their users. This has fueled the development of techniques to automatically detect vulnerabilities in mobile apps and help developers secure their apps; specifically, in the context of Android platform due to openness and ubiquitousness of the platform. Despite a slew of research efforts in this space, there is no comprehensive repository of up-to-date and lean benchmarks that contain most of the known Android app vulnerabilities and, consequently, can be used to rigorously evaluate both existing and new vulnerability detection techniques and help developers learn about Android app vulnerabilities. In this paper, we describe Ghera, an open source repository of benchmarks that capture 25 known vulnerabilities in Android apps (as pairs of exploited/benign and exploiting/malicious apps). We also present desirable characteristics of vulnerability benchmarks and repositories that we uncovered while creating Ghera.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted at PROMISE'1

    ACMiner: Extraction and Analysis of Authorization Checks in Android's Middleware

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    Billions of users rely on the security of the Android platform to protect phones, tablets, and many different types of consumer electronics. While Android's permission model is well studied, the enforcement of the protection policy has received relatively little attention. Much of this enforcement is spread across system services, taking the form of hard-coded checks within their implementations. In this paper, we propose Authorization Check Miner (ACMiner), a framework for evaluating the correctness of Android's access control enforcement through consistency analysis of authorization checks. ACMiner combines program and text analysis techniques to generate a rich set of authorization checks, mines the corresponding protection policy for each service entry point, and uses association rule mining at a service granularity to identify inconsistencies that may correspond to vulnerabilities. We used ACMiner to study the AOSP version of Android 7.1.1 to identify 28 vulnerabilities relating to missing authorization checks. In doing so, we demonstrate ACMiner's ability to help domain experts process thousands of authorization checks scattered across millions of lines of code


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    In my thesis, I present three projects on which I have worked during my Ph.D. studies. All of them focus on software protection in the Java environment with static and dynamic techniques for control-flow and data-dependency analysis. More specifically, the first two works are dedicated to the problem of deserialization of untrusted data in Java. In the first, I present a defense system that was designed for protecting the Java Virtual Machine, along with the results that were obtained. In the second, I present a recent research project that aims at automatic generation of deserialization attacks, to help identifying them and increasing protection. The last discussed work concerns another branch of software protection: the authentication on short-distance channels (or the lack thereof) in Android APKs. In said work, I present a tool that was built for automatically identifying the presence of high-level authentication in Android apps. I thoroughly discuss experiments, limitations and future work for all three projects, concluding with general principles that bring these works together, and can be applied when facing related security issues in high-level software protection

    Android source code vulnerability detection: a systematic literature review

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    The use of mobile devices is rising daily in this technological era. A continuous and increasing number of mobile applications are constantly offered on mobile marketplaces to fulfil the needs of smartphone users. Many Android applications do not address the security aspects appropriately. This is often due to a lack of automated mechanisms to identify, test, and fix source code vulnerabilities at the early stages of design and development. Therefore, the need to fix such issues at the initial stages rather than providing updates and patches to the published applications is widely recognized. Researchers have proposed several methods to improve the security of applications by detecting source code vulnerabilities and malicious codes. This Systematic Literature Review (SLR) focuses on Android application analysis and source code vulnerability detection methods and tools by critically evaluating 118 carefully selected technical studies published between 2016 and 2022. It highlights the advantages, disadvantages, applicability of the proposed techniques and potential improvements of those studies. Both Machine Learning (ML) based methods and conventional methods related to vulnerability detection are discussed while focusing more on ML-based methods since many recent studies conducted experiments with ML. Therefore, this paper aims to enable researchers to acquire in-depth knowledge in secure mobile application development while minimizing the vulnerabilities by applying ML methods. Furthermore, researchers can use the discussions and findings of this SLR to identify potential future research and development directions

    Advanced Security Analysis for Emergent Software Platforms

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    Emergent software ecosystems, boomed by the advent of smartphones and the Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, are perpetually sophisticated, deployed into highly dynamic environments, and facilitating interactions across heterogeneous domains. Accordingly, assessing the security thereof is a pressing need, yet requires high levels of scalability and reliability to handle the dynamism involved in such volatile ecosystems. This dissertation seeks to enhance conventional security detection methods to cope with the emergent features of contemporary software ecosystems. In particular, it analyzes the security of Android and IoT ecosystems by developing rigorous vulnerability detection methods. A critical aspect of this work is the focus on detecting vulnerable and unsafe interactions between applications that share common components and devices. Contributions of this work include novel insights and methods for: (1) detecting vulnerable interactions between Android applications that leverage dynamic loading features for concealing the interactions; (2) identifying unsafe interactions between smart home applications by considering physical and cyber channels; (3) detecting malicious IoT applications that are developed to target numerous IoT devices; (4) detecting insecure patterns of emergent security APIs that are reused from open-source software. In all of the four research thrusts, we present thorough security analysis and extensive evaluations based on real-world applications. Our results demonstrate that the proposed detection mechanisms can efficiently and effectively detect vulnerabilities in contemporary software platforms. Advisers: Hamid Bagheri and Qiben Ya

    Securing the Next Generation Web

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    With the ever-increasing digitalization of society, the need for secure systems is growing. While some security features, like HTTPS, are popular, securing web applications, and the clients we use to interact with them remains difficult.To secure web applications we focus on both the client-side and server-side. For the client-side, mainly web browsers, we analyze how new security features might solve a problem but introduce new ones. We show this by performing a systematic analysis of the new Content Security Policy (CSP)\ua0 directive navigate-to. In our research, we find that it does introduce new vulnerabilities, to which we recommend countermeasures. We also create AutoNav, a tool capable of automatically suggesting navigation policies for this directive. Finding server-side vulnerabilities in a black-box setting where\ua0 there is no access to the source code is challenging. To improve this, we develop novel black-box methods for automatically finding vulnerabilities. We\ua0 accomplish this by identifying key challenges in web scanning and combining the best of previous methods. Additionally, we leverage SMT solvers to\ua0 further improve the coverage and vulnerability detection rate of scanners.In addition to browsers, browser extensions also play an important role in the web ecosystem. These small programs, e.g. AdBlockers and password\ua0 managers, have powerful APIs and access to sensitive user data like browsing history. By systematically analyzing the extension ecosystem we find new\ua0 static and dynamic methods for detecting both malicious and vulnerable extensions. In addition, we develop a method for detecting malicious extensions\ua0 solely based on the meta-data of downloads over time. We analyze new attack vectors introduced by Google’s new vehicle OS, Android Automotive. This\ua0 is based on Android with the addition of vehicle APIs. Our analysis results in new attacks pertaining to safety, privacy, and availability. Furthermore, we\ua0 create AutoTame, which is designed to analyze third-party apps for vehicles for the vulnerabilities we found

    R2-D2: ColoR-inspired Convolutional NeuRal Network (CNN)-based AndroiD Malware Detections

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    The influence of Deep Learning on image identification and natural language processing has attracted enormous attention globally. The convolution neural network that can learn without prior extraction of features fits well in response to the rapid iteration of Android malware. The traditional solution for detecting Android malware requires continuous learning through pre-extracted features to maintain high performance of identifying the malware. In order to reduce the manpower of feature engineering prior to the condition of not to extract pre-selected features, we have developed a coloR-inspired convolutional neuRal networks (CNN)-based AndroiD malware Detection (R2-D2) system. The system can convert the bytecode of classes.dex from Android archive file to rgb color code and store it as a color image with fixed size. The color image is input to the convolutional neural network for automatic feature extraction and training. The data was collected from Jan. 2017 to Aug 2017. During the period of time, we have collected approximately 2 million of benign and malicious Android apps for our experiments with the help from our research partner Leopard Mobile Inc. Our experiment results demonstrate that the proposed system has accurate security analysis on contracts. Furthermore, we keep our research results and experiment materials on http://R2D2.TWMAN.ORG.Comment: Verison 2018/11/15, IEEE BigData 2018, Seattle, WA, USA, Dec 10-13, 2018. (Accepted

    Deep Reinforcement Learning Driven Applications Testing

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    Applications have become indispensable in our lives, and ensuring their correctness is now a critical issue. Automatic system test case generation can significantly improve the testing process for these applications, which has recently motivated researchers to work on this problem, defining various approaches. However, most state-of-the-art approaches automatically generate test cases leveraging symbolic execution or random exploration techniques. This led to techniques that lose efficiency when dealing with an increasing number of program constraints and become inapplicable when conditions are too challenging to solve or even to formulate. This Ph.D. thesis proposes addressing current techniques' limitations by exploiting Deep Reinforcement Learning. Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) is a machine learning technique that does not require a labeled training set as input since the learning process is guided by the positive or negative reward experienced during the tentative execution of a task. Hence, it can be used to dynamically learn how to build a test suite based on the feedback obtained during past successful or unsuccessful attempts. This dissertation presents three novel techniques that exploit this intuition: ARES, RONIN, and IFRIT. Since functional testing and security testing are complementary, this Ph.D. thesis explores both testing techniques using the same approach for test cases generation. ARES is a Deep RL approach for functional testing of Android apps. RONIN addresses the issue of generating exploits for a subset of Android ICC vulnerabilities. Subsequently, to better expose the bugs discovered by previous techniques, this thesis presents IFRIT, a focused testing approach capable of increasing the number of test cases that can reach a specific target (i.e., a precise section or statement of an application) and their diversity. IFRIT has the ultimate goal of exposing faults affecting the given program point
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