10 research outputs found

    Development of a Portable IP-Based Remote Controlled System for Mobile Robot

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    The use of Mobile Robots to interact with objects in remote locations has proved to be useful in areas not easily accessible or too dangerous for humans. Various means have been used to remotely operate or control Mobile Robots. These range from wired connection to Wireless connection like radio frequency signal and more recently internet controlled Mobile Robot using the TCP/IP protocol stack. However, the problem of remote control dependence on the Mobile Robot Platform or configuration has made it difficult to switch controllers between Mobile Robots. In this work, a portable IPbased remote control system has been designed and implemented to remove the constraint imposed by the Mobile Robot's platform in choosing the control interface. The system developed was built on three loosely coupled components working together to ensure a high degree of Control interface portability. The Mobile Robot Gateway component was used to receive and send data from the Mobile Robo

    Web Based Interactive Embedded Power Plant Management System

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    In this project, the low operational cost but flexible web based power plant automation system is controlled and monitored. The main core of the system is an embedded hardware device. The embedded device communicates through internet which makes it accessible from anywhere in the world through a web server built into the device. In addition, internet provides a bidire ctional real - time data transfer allowing interaction. The system is implemented for power plant automation by attaching several real - time modules through appropriate interfaces. The purpose of web is to provide a facility to observe and control the power system from anywhere in the world. Data acquisition system plays an important role in the field of control

    Designing a Prototype for Abdullah bin Saud School Webpage

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    Content management systems for the educational environments presents the suitable solution for indicating and managing students, teachers, and staff activities based technology. This study focus on the different issues in managing and determining the school and users performance in Abdullah Bin Saud School. The school lacking to provide the suitable managing services for its contents based on online services. Thus, this study was found to design, develop, and evaluate a website application for Abdullah Bin Saud School (ABSS). SDLC Prototyping Model was used in this study to design, develop, and evaluate the proposed system. As well, PHP and MYSQL were adopted for building the ABSS website. After all, an evaluation was conducted with 30 students to indicate their perceived ease of use and usefulness towards the use of ABSS. The results show that participants were found ABSS to be ease and useful to use

    Designing a Multi-purpose GSM Based Interactive Embedded Data-Acquisition System Providing Solutions for Fire Accidents

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    The Data-Acquisition systems with remote accessibility are greatly demanded in industry and consumer applications. In this paper, a data-acquisition system which can save lives and property, based on GSM communication, accommodating a wide range of electronic devices is presented. The system has the special ability to automatically quench fire by spraying water during fire accidents, simultaneously informing the local fire station and the responsible persons as well, saving loss of life and property. Also the varying status can be instantaneously recorded and uploaded in internet, for failure analysis. By using a GPS receiver it is possible to acquire and display the images of the locations where there are fire accidents by decoding the text SMS data, which helps in continuously tracking the fire accident location using google maps, helping the fire engine to reach instantly. Also the cost-effectiveness of the overall system is proved. The embedded board acts as the main controller of this system which has a SIM card placed in it and thus communicates using GSM, making it accessible from anywhere in the world, providing a faster two-way data transfer between the Embedded system and the client, in real-time

    Open and Flexible Embedded System Applied to Positioning and Telecontrol

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    This paper presents the development and testing of an open and flexible embedded system applied to positioning and telecontrol (OFESAPO) for outdoor applications. The system is composed of a control center (CC) and a set of remote terminal units (RTUs); the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60870-5 series has been chosen for communication among them. This is a standard protocol of real-time telecontrol applications. The CC is a personal computer, and the RTUs are based on open hardware and software. The RTU hardware is an embedded system, i.e., a system-on-chip-type design using fieldprogrammable gate array that has been programmed with the open-core LEON running Linux operating system. For prototyping, the GR-XC3S-1500 board has been used. As there is no open source code available for the IEC standard protocols, an open source code has also been implemented. Hence, both the hardware and the software are open source in OFESAPO. Several tests have been made to show the system鈥檚 limitations and the suitability for real-time applications. A prototype has also been tested in a real environment, where the real position of two moving RTUs was shown by a CC using Google Map.Junta de Andaluc铆a p08-TIC-363

    Simulaci贸n del retraso en la transmisi贸n de datos en una red celular debido al Handoff

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    This paper presents the outputs of numerical simulation of the effect of a mobile device's speed in delay of data transmission in a cellular network, because of Handoff. Code generation and simulations was done using Matlab's development environment. As a result, the responses of cellular network system by varying the parameters of mobile speed and time of completion of the test were analysed, and a model of the proposed system for determining the delay based on these two parameters was obtained.El presente art铆culo presenta el resultado de la simulaci贸n num茅rica del efecto de la velocidad de un dispositivo m贸vil en el retraso de la transmisi贸n de datos en una red celular debido a Handoff. La generaci贸n del c贸digo y realizaci贸n de las simulaciones se hizo por medio del entorno integrado de desarrollo Matlab. Como resultado se analizaron las respuestas del sistema de red celular al variar los par谩metros de velocidad del dispositivo m贸vil y tiempo de realizaci贸n de la prueba, y se obtuvo un modelo del sistema planteado que permite determinar el retraso en funci贸n de estos dos par谩metros

    Simulation of delay in data transmission in a cellular network due to Handoff

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    RESUMEN: El presente art铆culo presenta el resultado de la simulaci贸n num茅rica del efecto de la velocidad de un dispositivo m贸vil en el retraso de la transmisi贸n de datos en una red celular debido a Handoff. La generaci贸n del c贸digo y realizaci贸n de las simulaciones se hizo por medio del entorno integrado de desarrollo Matlab. Como resultado se analizaron las respuestas del sistema de red celular al variar los par谩metros de velocidad del dispositivo m贸vil y tiempo de realizaci贸n de la prueba, y se obtuvo un modelo del sistema planteado que permite determinar el retraso en funci贸n de estos dos par谩metros.ABSTRACT: This paper presents the outputs of numerical simulation of the effect of a mobile device's speed in delay of data transmission in a cellular network, because of Handoff. Code generation and simulations was done using Matlab's development environment. As a result, the responses of cellular network system by varying the parameters of mobile speed and time of completion of the test were analysed, and a model of the proposed system for determining the delay based on these two parameters was obtained

    Designing a Multi-purpose GSM Based Interactive Embedded Data-Acquisition System Providing Solutions for Fire Accidents

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    Modelo de referencia de laboratorios virtuales y aplicaci贸n a sistemas de teleeducaci贸n

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    El origen de esta tesis es encontrar respuestas a la siguiente pregunta: 驴De que forma se puede optimizar el uso de los equipos de laboratorio para que puedan ser utilizados por el m谩ximo n煤mero de personas? La opci贸n b谩sica que se ha elegido es el control remoto de los instrumentos a trav茅s de internet. Con ello se consigue una accesibilidad total del laboratorio: a cualquier hora, en cualquier d铆a, se pueden realizar medidas sencillamente con disponer de una conexi贸n a internet. Partiendo de esta situaci贸n, se ha realizado un estudio de la evoluci贸n y situaci贸n actal de la instrumentaci贸n, de internet y de la teleeducaci贸n, los tres pilares en los que se apoya este trabajo. Se observa c贸mo la instrumentaci贸n est谩 tendiendo a la conectividad global al comenzar a incorporar una conexi贸n a red, y la posibilidad de transferir directamente resultados de medida o incluso el control directo del equipo a trav茅s de un navegador. Comienza una colaboraci贸n que se prev茅 estrecha entre internet y la instrumentaci贸n. La educaci贸n a distancia tambi茅n est谩 tomando un camino similar. El nuevo canal de comunicaci贸n que supone la red y la evoluci贸n de los ordenadores est谩 permitiendo que se puedan conseguir entornos de trabajo para educaci贸n que incorporan desde el sencillo texto con hiperenlaces, herramienta b谩sica del web, hasta transmisi贸n en directo de clases, con v铆deo, audio, transparencias e intercomunicaci贸n entre los usuarios. De esta forma, la distancia que separa al profesor de los estudiantes y a los estudiantes entre s铆, queda minimizada por las capacidades de colaboraci贸n y di谩logo existentes. A partir de aqu铆 en la tesis se ha pasado al estudio de los instrumentos virtuales, las piezas b谩sicas para el montaje de un laboratorio virtual. Se ha hecho una extensa investigaci贸n y clasificaci贸n de unos y otros lo cual ha permitido hacerse una idea de los elementos necesarios para la realizaci贸n de un laboratorio virtual.Rodrigo Pe帽arrocha, VM. (2003). Modelo de referencia de laboratorios virtuales y aplicaci贸n a sistemas de teleeducaci贸n [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7221Palanci