298 research outputs found

    GCOM-W AMSR2 Soil Moisture Product Validation Using Core Validation Sites

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    The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) is part of the Global Change Observation Mission-Water (GCOM-W). AMSR2 has filled the gap in passive microwave observations left by the loss of the Advanced Microwave Scanning RadiometerEarth Observing System (AMSR-E) after almost 10 years of observations. Both missions provide brightness temperature observations that are used to retrieve soil moisture estimates at the near surface. A merged AMSR-E and AMSR2 data product will help build a consistent long-term dataset; however, before this can be done, it is necessary to conduct a thorough validation and assessment of the AMSR2 soil moisture products. This study focuses on the validation of the AMSR2 soil moisture products by comparison with in situ reference data from a set of core validation sites around the world. A total of three soil moisture products that rely on different algorithms were evaluated; the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) soil moisture algorithm, the Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM), and the Single Channel Algorithm (SCA). JAXA, SCA and LPRM soil moisture estimates capture the overall climatological features. The spatial features of the three products have similar overall spatial structure. The JAXA soil moisture product shows a lower dynamic range in the retrieved soil moisture with a satisfactory performance matrix when compared to in situ observations (ubRMSE0.059 m3m3, Bias-0.083 m3m3, R0.465). The SCA performs well over low and moderately vegetated areas (ubRMSE0.053 m3m3, Bias-0.039 m3m3, R0.549). The LPRM product has a large dynamic range compared to in situ observations with a wet bias (ubRMSE0.094 m3m3, Bias0.091 m3m3, R0.577). Some of the error is due to the difference in observation depth between the in situ sensors (5 cm) and satellite estimates (1 cm). Results indicate that overall the JAXA and SCA have the best performance based upon the metrics considered

    AMSR2 Soil Moisture Product Validation

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    The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) is part of the Global Change Observation Mission-Water (GCOM-W) mission. AMSR2 fills the void left by the loss of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) after almost 10 years. Both missions provide brightness temperature observations that are used to retrieve soil moisture. Merging AMSR-E and AMSR2 will help build a consistent long-term dataset. Before tackling the integration of AMSR-E and AMSR2 it is necessary to conduct a thorough validation and assessment of the AMSR2 soil moisture products. This study focuses on validation of the AMSR2 soil moisture products by comparison with in situ reference data from a set of core validation sites. Three products that rely on different algorithms were evaluated; the JAXA Soil Moisture Algorithm (JAXA), the Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM), and the Single Channel Algorithm (SCA). Results indicate that overall the SCA has the best performance based upon the metrics considered

    Global evaluation of SMAP/Sentinel-1 soil moisture products

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    MAP/Sentinel-1 soil moisture is the latest SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) product derived from synergistic utilization of the radiometry observations of SMAP and radar backscattering data of Sentinel-1. This product is the first and only global soil moisture (SM) map at 1 km and 3 km spatial resolutions. In this paper, we evaluated the SMAP/Sentinel-1 SM product from different viewpoints to better understand its quality, advantages, and likely limitations. A comparative analysis of this product and in situ measurements, for the time period March 2015 to January 2022, from 35 dense and sparse SM networks and 561 stations distributed around the world was carried out. We examined the effects of land cover, vegetation fraction, water bodies, urban areas, soil characteristics, and seasonal climatic conditions on the performance of active–passive SMAP/Sentinel-1 in estimating the SM. We also compared the performance metrics of enhanced SMAP (9 km) and SMAP/Sentinel-1 products (3 km) to analyze the effects of the active–passive disaggregation algorithm on various features of the SMAP SM maps. Results showed satisfactory agreement between SMAP/Sentinel-1 and in situ SM measurements for most sites (r values between 0.19 and 0.95 and ub-RMSE between 0.03 and 0.17), especially for dense sites without representativeness errors. Thanks to the vegetation effect correction applied in the active–passive algorithm, the SMAP/Sentinel-1 product had the highest correlation with the reference data in grasslands and croplands. Results also showed that the accuracy of the SMAP/Sentinel-1 SM product in different networks is independent of the presence of water bodies, urban areas, and soil types.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Ground, Proximal, and Satellite Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture

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    Soil moisture (SM) is a key hydrologic state variable that is of significant importance for numerous Earth and environmental science applications that directly impact the global environment and human society. Potential applications include, but are not limited to, forecasting of weather and climate variability; prediction and monitoring of drought conditions; management and allocation of water resources; agricultural plant production and alleviation of famine; prevention of natural disasters such as wild fires, landslides, floods, and dust storms; or monitoring of ecosystem response to climate change. Because of the importance and wide‐ranging applicability of highly variable spatial and temporal SM information that links the water, energy, and carbon cycles, significant efforts and resources have been devoted in recent years to advance SM measurement and monitoring capabilities from the point to the global scales. This review encompasses recent advances and the state‐of‐the‐art of ground, proximal, and novel SM remote sensing techniques at various spatial and temporal scales and identifies critical future research needs and directions to further advance and optimize technology, analysis and retrieval methods, and the application of SM information to improve the understanding of critical zone moisture dynamics. Despite the impressive progress over the last decade, there are still many opportunities and needs to, for example, improve SM retrieval from remotely sensed optical, thermal, and microwave data and opportunities for novel applications of SM information for water resources management, sustainable environmental development, and food security

    Synergistic optical and microwave remote sensing approaches for soil moisture mapping at high resolution

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins al dia 1 d'octubre de 2022Soil moisture is an essential climate variable that plays a crucial role linking the Earth’s water, energy, and carbon cycles. It is responsible for the water exchange between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere, and provides key information about soil evaporation, plant transpiration, and the allocation of precipitation into runoff, surface flow and infiltration. Therefore, an accurate estimation of soil moisture is needed to enhance our current climate and meteorological forecasting skills, and to improve our current understanding of the hydrological cycle and its extremes (e.g., droughts and floods). L-band Microwave passive and active sensors have been used during the last decades to estimate soil moisture, since there is a strong relationship between this variable and the soil dielectric properties. Currently, there are two operational L-band missions specifically devoted to globally measure soil moisture: the ESA’s Soil Moisture and the Ocean Salinity (SMOS), launched in November 2009; and the NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), launched in January 2015. The spatial resolution of the SMOS and SMAP radiometers, in the order of tens of kilometers (~40 km), is adequate for global applications. However, to fulfill the needs of a growing number of applications at local or regional scale, higher spatial detail (< 1 km) is required. To bridge this gap and improve the spatial resolution of the soil moisture maps, a variety of spatial enhancement or spatial (sub-pixel) disaggregation approaches have been proposed. This Ph.D. Thesis focuses on the study of the Earth’s surface soil moisture from remotely sensed observations. This work includes the implementation of several soil moisture retrieval techniques and the development, implementation, validation and comparison of different spatial enhancement or downscaling techniques, applied at local, regional, and continental scale. To meet these objectives, synergies between several active/passive microwave sensors (SMOS, SMAP and Sentinel-1) and optical/thermal sensors (MODIS) have been explored. The results are presented as follows: - Spatially consistent downscaling approach for SMOS using an adaptive moving window A passive microwave/optical downscaling algorithm for SMOS is proposed to obtain fine-scale soil moisture maps (1 km) from the native resolution (~40 km) of the instrument. This algorithm introduces the concept of a shape-adaptive window as a central improvement of the disaggregation technique presented by Piles et al. (2014), allowing its application at continental scales. - Assessment of multi-scale SMOS and SMAP soil moisture products across the Iberian Peninsula The temporal and spatial characteristics of SMOS and SMAP soil moisture products at coarse- and fine-scales are assessed in order to learn about their distinct features and the rationale behind them, tracing back to the physical assumptions they are based upon. - Impact of incidence angle diversity on soil moisture retrievals at coarse and fine scales An incidence angle (32.5°, 42.5° and 52.5°)-adaptive calibration of radiative transfer effective parameters single scattering albedo and soil roughness has been carried out, highlighting the importance of such parameterization to accurately estimate soil moisture at coarse-resolution. Then, these parameterizations are used to examine the potential application of a physically-based active-passive downscaling approach to upcoming microwave missions, namely CIMR, ROSE-L and Sentinel-1 Next Generation. Soil moisture maps obtained for the Iberian Peninsula at the three different angles, and at coarse and fine scales are inter-compared using in situ measurements and model data as benchmarks.La humedad del suelo es una variable climática esencial que juega un papel crucial en la relación de los ciclos del agua, la energía y el carbono de la Tierra. Es responsable del intercambio de agua entre la superficie de la Tierra y la atmósfera, y proporciona información crucial sobre la evaporación del suelo, la transpiración de las plantas y la distribución de la precipitación en escorrentía, flujo superficial e infiltración. Por lo tanto, es necesaria una estimación precisa de la humedad del suelo para mejorar las predicciones climáticas y meteorológicas, y comprender mejor el ciclo hidrológico y sus extremos (v.g., sequías e inundaciones). Los sensores pasivos y activos en banda L se han usado durante las últimas décadas para estimar la humedad del suelo debido a la relación directa que existe entre esta variable y las propiedades dieléctricas del suelo. Actualmente, hay dos misiones operativas en banda L específicamente dedicadas a medir la humedad del suelo a escala global: la misión Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) de la ESA, lanzada en noviembre de 2009; y la misión Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) de la NASA, lanzada en enero de 2015. La resolución espacial de los radiómetros SMOS y SMAP, del orden de unas decenas de kilómetros (~40 km), es adecuada para aplicaciones a escala global. Sin embargo, para satisfacer las necesidades de un número creciente de aplicaciones a escala local o regional, se requiere más detalle espacial (<1 km). Para solventar esta limitación y mejorar la resolución espacial de los mapas de humedad, se han propuesto diferentes técnicas de mejora o desagregación espacial. Esta Tesis se centra en el estudio de la humedad de la superficie terrestre a partir de datos obtenidos a través de teledetección. Este trabajo incluye la implementación de distintos algoritmos de recuperación de la humedad del suelo y el desarrollo, implementación, validación y comparación de distintas técnicas de desagregación, aplicadas a escala local, regional y continental. Para cumplir estos objetivos, se han explorado sinergias entre diferentes sensores de microondas activos/pasivos (SMOS, SMAP y Sentinel-1) y sensores ópticos/térmicos. Los resultados se presentan de la siguiente manera: - Técnica de desagregación espacialmente consistente, basada en una ventana móvil adaptativa, aplicada a los datos SMOS Se propone un algoritmo de desagregación del píxel basado en datos obtenidos de medidas radiométricas de microondas en banda L y datos ópticos, para mejorar la resolución espacial de los mapas de humedad del suelo desde la resolución nativa del instrumento (~40 km) hasta resoluciones de 1 km. El algoritmo introduce el concepto de una ventana de contorno adaptativo, como mejora principal sobre la técnica de desagregación presentada en Piles et al. (2014), permitiendo su implementación a escala continental. - Análisis multiescalar de productos de humedad del suelo SMAP y SMOS sobre la Península Ibérica Se han evaluado las características temporales y espaciales de distintos productos de humedad del suelo SMOS y SMAP, a baja y a alta resolución, para conocer sus características distintivas y comprender las razones de sus diferencias. Para ello, ha sido necesario rastrear los supuestos físicos en los que se basan. - Impacto del ángulo de incidencia en la recuperación de la humedad del suelo a baja y a alta resolución Se ha llevado a cabo una calibración adaptada al ángulo de incidencia (32.5°, 42.5° y 52.5°) de los parámetros efectivos, albedo de dispersión simple y rugosidad del suelo, descritos en el modelo de transferencia radiativa � − �, incidiendo en la importancia de esta parametrización para estimar la humedad del suelo de forma precisa a baja resolución. El resultado de las mismas se ha utilizado para estudiar la potencial aplicación de un algoritmo activo/pasivo de desagregación basado en la física para las próximas misiones de microondas, llamadas CIMR, ROSE-L y Sentinel-1 Next Generation. Los mapas de humedad recuperados a los tres ángulos de incidencia, tanto a baja como a alta resolución, se han obtenido para la Península Ibérica y se han comparado entre ellos usando como referencia mediciones de humedad in situ.Postprint (published version

    Monitoring soil moisture dynamics and energy fluxes using geostationary satellite data

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    Parameter Optimization of a Discrete Scattering Model by Integration of Global Sensitivity Analysis Using SMAP Active and Passive Observations

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    Active and passive microwave signatures respond differently to the land surface and provide complementary information on the characteristics of the observed scenes. The objective of this paper is to explore the synergy of active radar and passive radiometer observations at the same spatial scale to constrain a discrete radiative transfer model, the Tor Vergata (TVG) model, to gain insights into the microwave scattering and emission mechanisms over grasslands. The TVG model can simultaneously simulate the backscattering coefficient and emissivity with a set of input parameters. To calibrate this model, in situ soil moisture and temperature data collected from the Maqu area in the northeastern region of the Tibetan Plateau, interpolated leaf area index (LAI) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer LAI eight-day products, and concurrent and coincident Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) radar and radiometer observations are used. Because this model needs numerous input parameters to be driven, the extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test is first applied to conduct global sensitivity analysis (GSA) to select the sensitive and insensitive parameters. Only the most sensitive parameters are defined as free variables, to separately calibrate the active-only model (TVG-A), the passive-only model (TVG-P), and the active and passive combined model (TVG-AP). The accuracy of the calibrated models is evaluated by comparing the SMAP observations and the model simulations. The results show that TVG-AP can well reproduce the backscattering coefficient and brightness temperature, with correlation coefficients of 0.87, 0.89, 0.78, and 0.43 and root-mean-square errors of 0.49 dB, 0.52 dB, 7.20 K, and 10.47 K for &#x03C3; HH&#x2070; , &#x03C3; VV&#x2070; , TBH, and TBV, respectively. In contrast, TVG-A and TVG-P can only accurately model the backscattering coefficient and brightness temperature, respectively. Without any modifications of the calibrated parameters, the error metrics computed from the validation data are slightly worse than those of the calibration data. These results demonstrate the feasibility of the synergistic use of SMAP active radar and passive radiometer observations under the unified framework of a physical model. In addition, the results demonstrate the necessity and effectiveness of applying GSA in model optimization. It is expected that these findings can contribute to the development of model-based soil moisture retrieval methods using active and passive microwave remote sensing data

    Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission L4_SM Data Product Assessment (Version 2 Validated Release)

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    During the post-launch SMAP calibration and validation (Cal/Val) phase there are two objectives for each science data product team: 1) calibrate, verify, and improve the performance of the science algorithm, and 2) validate the accuracy of the science data product as specified in the science requirements and according to the Cal/Val schedule. This report provides an assessment of the SMAP Level 4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture Passive (L4_SM) product specifically for the product's public Version 2 validated release scheduled for 29 April 2016. The assessment of the Version 2 L4_SM data product includes comparisons of SMAP L4_SM soil moisture estimates with in situ soil moisture observations from core validation sites and sparse networks. The assessment further includes a global evaluation of the internal diagnostics from the ensemble-based data assimilation system that is used to generate the L4_SM product. This evaluation focuses on the statistics of the observation-minus-forecast (O-F) residuals and the analysis increments. Together, the core validation site comparisons and the statistics of the assimilation diagnostics are considered primary validation methodologies for the L4_SM product. Comparisons against in situ measurements from regional-scale sparse networks are considered a secondary validation methodology because such in situ measurements are subject to up-scaling errors from the point-scale to the grid cell scale of the data product. Based on the limited set of core validation sites, the wide geographic range of the sparse network sites, and the global assessment of the assimilation diagnostics, the assessment presented here meets the criteria established by the Committee on Earth Observing Satellites for Stage 2 validation and supports the validated release of the data. An analysis of the time average surface and root zone soil moisture shows that the global pattern of arid and humid regions are captured by the L4_SM estimates. Results from the core validation site comparisons indicate that "Version 2" of the L4_SM data product meets the self-imposed L4_SM accuracy requirement, which is formulated in terms of the ubRMSE: the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) after removal of the long-term mean difference. The overall ubRMSE of the 3-hourly L4_SM surface soil moisture at the 9 km scale is 0.035 cubic meters per cubic meter requirement. The corresponding ubRMSE for L4_SM root zone soil moisture is 0.024 cubic meters per cubic meter requirement. Both of these metrics are comfortably below the 0.04 cubic meters per cubic meter requirement. The L4_SM estimates are an improvement over estimates from a model-only SMAP Nature Run version 4 (NRv4), which demonstrates the beneficial impact of the SMAP brightness temperature data. L4_SM surface soil moisture estimates are consistently more skillful than NRv4 estimates, although not by a statistically significant margin. The lack of statistical significance is not surprising given the limited data record available to date. Root zone soil moisture estimates from L4_SM and NRv4 have similar skill. Results from comparisons of the L4_SM product to in situ measurements from nearly 400 sparse network sites corroborate the core validation site results. The instantaneous soil moisture and soil temperature analysis increments are within a reasonable range and result in spatially smooth soil moisture analyses. The O-F residuals exhibit only small biases on the order of 1-3 degrees Kelvin between the (re-scaled) SMAP brightness temperature observations and the L4_SM model forecast, which indicates that the assimilation system is largely unbiased. The spatially averaged time series standard deviation of the O-F residuals is 5.9 degrees Kelvin, which reduces to 4.0 degrees Kelvin for the observation-minus-analysis (O-A) residuals, reflecting the impact of the SMAP observations on the L4_SM system. Averaged globally, the time series standard deviation of the normalized O-F residuals is close to unity, which would suggest that the magnitude of the modeled errors approximately reflects that of the actual errors. The assessment report also notes several limitations of the "Version 2" L4_SM data product and science algorithm calibration that will be addressed in future releases. Regionally, the time series standard deviation of the normalized O-F residuals deviates considerably from unity, which indicates that the L4_SM assimilation algorithm either over- or under-estimates the actual errors that are present in the system. Planned improvements include revised land model parameters, revised error parameters for the land model and the assimilated SMAP observations, and revised surface meteorological forcing data for the operational period and underlying climatological data. Moreover, a refined analysis of the impact of SMAP observations will be facilitated by the construction of additional variants of the model-only reference data. Nevertheless, the Version 2 validated release of the L4_SM product is sufficiently mature and of adequate quality for distribution to and use by the larger science and application communities

    Assessment of Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimations from SMAP, SMOS and MODIS Observations

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    [EN]In this study, six satellite-based root zone soil moisture (RZSM) estimates from March 2015 to December 2016 were evaluated both temporally and spatially. The first two were the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) and the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) L4 RZSM products. The other four were obtained through the Soil Water Index (SWI) approach, which embedded surface soil moisture (SSM). The SMOS-Barcelona Expert Center (BEC) L4 SSM product and the apparent thermal inertia (ATI)-derived SSM from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data were used as SSM datasets. In the temporal analysis, the RZSM estimates were compared to in situ RZSM from 14 stations of the Soil Moisture Measurements Station Network of the University of Salamanca (REMEDHUS). Regarding the spatial assessment, the resulting RZSM maps of the Iberian Peninsula were compared between them. All RZSM values followed the temporal evolution of the ground-based measurements well, although SMOS and MODIS showed underestimation while SMAP displayed overestimation. The good results obtained from MODIS ATI are notable, notwithstanding they were not estimated through microwave radiometry. A very high agreement was found in terms of spatial patterns for the whole Iberian Peninsula except for the extreme north area, which is dominated by high mountains and dense forests