165 research outputs found

    A Bidirectional Soft-Switched DAB-Based Single-Stage Three-Phase AC–DC Converter for V2G Application

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    In vehicle-to-grid applications, the battery charger of the electric vehicle (EV) needs to have a bidirectional power flow capability. Galvanic isolation is necessary for safety. An ac-dc bidirectional power converter with high-frequency isolation results in high power density, a key requirement for an on-board charger of an EV. Dual-active-bridge (DAB) converters are preferred in medium power and high voltage isolated dc-dc converters due to high power density and better efficiency. This paper presents a DAB-based three-phase ac-dc isolated converter with a novel modulation strategy that results in: 1) single-stage power conversion with no electrolytic capacitor, improving the reliability and power density; 2) open-loop power factor correction; 3) soft-switching of all semiconductor devices; and 4) a simple linear relationship between the control variable and the transferred active power. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the proposed operation, along with simulation results and experimental verification

    Review of Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies, Configurations, and Architectures

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    Electric Vehicles (EVs) are projected to be one of the major contributors to energy transition in the global transportation due to their rapid expansion. The EVs will play a vital role in achieving a sustainable transportation system by reducing fossil fuel dependency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, high level of EVs integration into the distribution grid has introduced many challenges for the power grid operation, safety, and network planning due to the increase in load demand, power quality impacts and power losses. An increasing fleet of electric mobility requires the advanced charging systems to enhance charging efficiency and utility grid support. Innovative EV charging technologies are obtaining much attention in recent research studies aimed at strengthening EV adoption while providing ancillary services. Therefore, analysis of the status of EV charging technologies is significant to accelerate EV adoption with advanced control strategies to discover a remedial solution for negative grid impacts, enhance desired charging efficiency and grid support. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the current deployment of EV charging systems, international standards, charging configurations, EV battery technologies, architecture of EV charging stations, and emerging technical challenges. The charging systems require a dedicated converter topology, a control strategy and international standards for charging and grid interconnection to ensure optimum operation and enhance grid support. An overview of different charging systems in terms of onboard and off-board chargers, AC-DC and DC-DC converter topologies, and AC and DC-based charging station architectures are evaluated

    Bidirectional AC-DC Converter for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Applications

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    Electric vehicles are growing at a rapid pace in the internal combustion engine dominated transportation sector, and bring environmental and economic benefits to society. Electric vehicles produce nearly zero carbon emission, provided that they are charged through renewable energy sources. Electric vehicles reduce our dependency on foreign oil and also offer additional benefits like Vehicle-to-grid (V2G). V2G is a technology that allows electric energy stored in the electric vehicle batteries to be returned to the grid during peak demand. V2G can also provide voltage regulation, voltage shaving, reactive power compensation and distributed generation. This necessitates that an electric vehicle battery charger be bi-directional, capable of sinking or sourcing real and reactive power. The state of the art battery charging converter is unidirectional and has multiple stages of power conversion. In this thesis, a single phase, single stage, isolated, bi-directional Silicon Carbide (SiC) AC-DC converter based on Dual Active Bridge (DAB) topology is proposed and analyzed. Direct-quadrature axis (DQ) current control of the DABbased topology is implemented with phase shift modulation. Simulation results are presented with various operating conditions showing the converter’s ability to sink or source real and reactive power in the AC grid. Hardware and firmware implementation of a single phase bi-directional AC-DC converter operating at 100 kHz utilizing Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs are discussed in detail. Experimental results are shown confirming simulation results. A single phase bi-directional AC-DC converter uses large electrolytic capacitors to filter ripple currents in the DC bus. Electrolytic capacitors are bulky and are prone to failure. These electrolytic capacitors can be eliminated by rejecting the ripple current in the DC bus. The ripple current is rejected by injecting a current of same magnitude and opposite phase to the ripple current. A rigorous analysis is performed on the ripple rejection technique used in single phase bi-directional AC-DC converters. Simulation results are presented to verify the analysis. A three phase bi-directional AC-DC converter improves the charging time of the electric vehicles by charging the batteries at a higher power level. A three phase, single stage, isolated, bi-directional AC-DC converter is analyzed. DQ current control of the three phase AC-DC converter is implemented in simulation to verify the analysis

    A critical review on charging technologies of electric vehicles

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    The enormous number of automobiles across the world has caused a significant increase in emissions of greenhouse gases, which pose a grave and mounting threat to modern life by escalating global warming and polluting air quality. These adverse effects of climate change have motivated the automotive sector to reform and have pushed the drive towards the transformation to fully electric. Charging time has been identified as one of the key barriers in large-scale applications of Electric Vehicles (EVs). In addition, various challenges are associated with the formulation of a safe charging scheme, which is concerned with appropriate charging converter architecture, with the aim of ensuring a safe charging protocol within a range of 5–10 min. This paper provides a systematic review of thharging technologies and their impacts on battery systems, including charger converter design and associated limitations. Furthermore, the knowledge gap and research directions are provided with regard to the challenges associated with the charger converter architecture design at the systems level

    Modelling of phase-shift modulated bidirectional CLLC resonant converter

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    The study proposes the application of two modelling techniques for analysis of bidirectional CLLC resonant converters. The state-variable and cyclic-averaging techniques are applied for converters operating under two types of phase-shift modulation: single-phase-shift and pulse-phase modulation. The converter is analysed considering forward and reverse power flow directions and a state-variable equation description is obtained for both modes. The models are first validated through simulation, comparing the state-variable and cyclic-averaging results to a simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE)-based simulation. Additionally, a low power prototype is built, experimental results are presented and the influence of parasitic elements and system delays is discussed. Simulation and experimental results show the models can accurately represent the behaviour of CLLC converters for both types of phase-shift modulation. In addition, using the cyclic-averaging technique results in a considerably faster execution compared to state-variable and SPICE-based models

    Analysis and Development of Multiple Phase Shift Modulation in A SiC-Based Dual Active Bridge Converter

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    Renewable energy adoption is a popular topic to release the stress of climate change caused by greenhouse gas. Electricity is ideal secondary energy for clean primary energy such as nuclear, wind, photovoltaic, and so on. To extend the application of electricity and reduce fossil energy consumption by transportation sectors, electric vehicles (EVs) become promising technology that can further inspire the development of renewable energy. Battery as the core in an EV provides the energy to the motor and all on-board electric equipment. The battery charger is mainly composed of a power factor correction (PFC) and isolated DC-DC converter. Therefore, power electronics equipment plays an important role in automotive products. Meanwhile, in recent years, the market capacity for wide band-gap devices, SiC MOSFET, continues to increase in EV applications. Dual active bridge (DAB) is an excellent candidate for isolated DC-DC converter in EV battery charger. The characteristics include an easy control algorithm, galvanic isolation and adjustable voltage gain. Different modulation strategies are developed to improve the performance and stability by using multiple phase shift (MPS) control. This thesis focuses on the utilization of different modulation strategies to realize smooth transition among MPS control in full operational range with securing zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) to eliminate the crosstalk in the hard-switching process. The influence of MPS control on ZVS resonance transient is also addressed to find out the accurate minimum required energy of the inductor to finish the ZVS transition. Furthermore, a general common-mode voltage model for DAB is proposed to analyze the impact of MPS control on the common-mode performance

    High-Frequency Bidirectional DC-DC Converters for Electric Vehicle Applications

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    As a part of an electric vehicle (EV) onboard charger, a highly efficient, highly compact, lightweight and isolated DC-DC converter is required to enable battery charging through voltage/current regulation. In addition, a bidirectional on-board charger requires the DC-DC converter to achieve bidirectional power flow: grid-to-vehicle (G2V) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G). In this work, performance characteristics of two popular DC-DC topologies, CLLC and dual active bridge (DAB), are analyzed and compared for EV charging applications. The CLLC topology is selected due to its wide gain range, soft-switching capability over the full load range, and potential for a smaller and more compact size. This dissertation outlines the feasibility, analyses, and performance of a CLLC converter investigated and designed to operate at 1 MHz and 3.3 kW for EV onboard chargers. The proposed design utilizes the emerging wide bandgap (WBG) gallium nitride (GaN) based MOSFETs to enable high-frequency switching without sacrificing the conversion efficiency. One of the major challenges in MHz-level power converter design is to reduce the parasitic components of printed circuit boards (PCBs), which can cause faulty triggering of switches leading to circuit failure. An innovative gate driver is designed and optimized to minimize the effect of parasitic components, which includes a +6/-3 V driving logic enhancing the noise immunity of the system. Another challenge is the efficient design of magnetic components, which requires minimizing the impacts of skin and proximity effects on the transformer winding to reduce the conduction loss at high frequencies. A novel MHz-level planar transformer with adjustable leakage inductance is modeled, designed, and developed for the proposed converter. A comprehensive system level power loss analysis is completed and confirmed with the help of experimental results. This is the first prototype of a 3.3 kW power bidirectional CLLC converter operating at 1 MHz operating frequency with 400-450 V input voltage range, 250-420 V output voltage range. The experiment results have successfully validated the feasibility of the proposed converter conforming to the analysis carried out during the design phase. With an appropriate design of driving circuit and control signal, the prototype achieves a peak efficiency of 97.2% with 9.22 W/cm3 (151.1 W/in3) power density which is twice more power dense than other state-of-the-art isolated DC-DC converters

    Grid Integration of DC Buildings: Standards, Requirements and Power Converter Topologies

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    Residential dc microgrids and nanogrids are the emerging technology that is aimed to promote the transition to energy-efficient buildings and provide simple, highly flexible integration of renewables, storages, and loads. At the same time, the mass acceptance of dc buildings is slowed down by the relative immaturity of the dc technology, lack of standardization and general awareness about its potential. Additional efforts from multiple directions are necessary to promote this technology and increase its market attractiveness. In the near-term, it is highly likely that the dc buildings will be connected to the conventional ac distribution grid by a front-end ac-dc converter that provides all the necessary protection and desired functionality. At the same time, the corresponding requirements for this converter have not been yet consolidated. To address this, present paper focuses on various aspects of the integration of dc buildings and includes analysis of related standards, directives, operational and compatibility requirements as well as classification of voltage levels. In addition, power converter configurations and modulation methods are analyzed and compared. A classification of topologies that can provide the required functionality for the application is proposed. Finally, future trends and remaining challenges pointed out to motivate new contributions to this topic

    Modelling and Analysis of DC-DC Converters for Bidirectional EV Charging Applications

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    This thesis is focused on the modelling and analysis of DC-DC converter topologies used for bidirectional charging of electric vehicles. Bidirectional converters are used in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems to allow bidirectional power transfer between the vehicle and the grid. Following the investigation in the literature review of potential converter topologies used in V2G applications and modelling techniques, this research proposes the application of the cyclic-averaging method for analysis of the Dual Active Bridge, 4th order resonant CLLC converter, and series compensated Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) converter. First, the cyclic-averaging method is applied for analysis of a phase-shift modulated Dual Active Bridge converter (DAB). For implementation of the cyclic analysis, the operation of the converter is first analysed using a Spice simulation to determine the system’s operation modes and duty cycles. The cyclic-averaging model is validated against a Spice simulation and employed to predict the converter’s output and to perform harmonic analysis of the inductor current. Following the analysis of the DAB, a 4th order CLLC converter is evaluated considering frequency and phase-shift modulations. The cyclic-averaging model is derived to model the behaviour of the converter’s output and state-variables in steady state. Additionally, a Fundamental Mode Approximation (FMA) model and a novel piecewise-linear state-variable model are also implemented for comparison. The models obtained are validated using Spice and, for the phase-shift modulated converter, experimental results. Finally, the series compensated IPT converter is analysed considering operation under phase-shift modulation. A FMA model is derived and, using circuit transformation, the state-variable and cyclic-averaging models previously defined for the CLLC converter are adapted for the analysis of the IPT converter. A prototype is built for validation of the cyclic model. Overall, for all converters analysed in this research, the cyclic-averaging method showed good performance with considerably fast execution and accuracy similar to Spice simulations

    Integrated on-board battery chargers for EVs based on multiphase machines and power electronics

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    The concept of integration of an electric vehicle (EV) drivetrain’s components into the charging process is not novel. It has been considered over the years in both industry and academia, which resulted in a number of published papers and patents in this area. Possibilities of charging from single-phase and three-phase mains were both considered. In the former group the charging power rating cannot exceed the limit set by the single-phase mains. Therefore, the topologies are characterised with low charging powers, leading to a long duration of the charging process. Although the topologies supplied form three-phase mains are capable of achieving fast charging, they were considered to a much lesser extent. The main reason is the undesirable torque production in machines integrated into the charging process during the battery charging, which is unavoidable when a three-phase machine of either synchronous or induction type is used. The thesis investigates integrated on-board battery chargers for electric vehicles (EVs) based on multiphase machines and multiphase power electronics. At present, EVs rely on three-phase systems for machine propulsion. However, recent advances in multiphase drive technology have firmly established their potential advantages over their three-phase counterparts for this application. One of the most notable features of multiphase drive systems is their excellent fault tolerance, which is highly desirable in EVs since it enables realisation of the requirement for “limp-home” operation in the propulsion mode, in case of a fault. The thesis demonstrates that multiphase drives have an additional major advantage over three-phase systems in vehicular applications, which is related to the aspect of battery charging. It shows a clear superiority of multiphase over three-phase systems in designing integrated charging topologies for EVs. In order to support the statement, the thesis provides a multitude of novel charging solutions that incorporate multiphase machines and multiphase power electronics into the charging process. The developed solutions could contribute to achieve significantly faster and cost-free (or at a minimum additional cost) on-board chargers in the near future. The thesis demonstrates how additional degrees of freedom that exist in multiphase systems can be conveniently utilised to achieve torque-free charging operation. Therefore, although three-phase currents flow through machines’ stator windings, they are not capable of producing a torque; thus the machines do not have to be mechanically locked. The principal advantage is that either very few or no new elements are required in order to realise the charging process. Thus savings are made with regard to cost and weight, and available spare space in the vehicle is increased. The novel integrated charging solutions, developed in the thesis, are based on primarily five-phase, asymmetrical and symmetrical six-phase, and asymmetrical and symmetrical nine-phase systems. Solutions with other phase numbers are also considered. Thus, in essence, all the possible phase numbers are encompassed by the research and the solutions are valid for both induction and synchronous machines. A common attribute of all discussed topologies is that they do not require a charger as a separate device since the charging function is performed by the drivetrain elements, predominantly a multiphase machine and an inverter. Further, each topology is capable of operating in both charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) mode. Three types of voltage sources are considered as a power supply for the charging process, namely single-phase, three-phase, and multiphase. For each supply type, and each phase number, viability of torque-free charging operation is theoretically assessed. Mathematical models of multiphase rectifiers are developed. For each topology equivalent scheme in the charging/V2G mode of operation is constructed. A control scheme, which aims at achieving unity power factor operation and complete suppression of the low order grid current harmonics, is designed for each solution. Finally, the validity of theoretical considerations and control algorithms for the developed solutions is experimentally assessed in charging, V2G, and propulsion mode of operation. Experimental performances of all discussed topologies are compared, and advantages and shortcomings of each solution are identified and discussed