328 research outputs found

    Approximate Computing Survey, Part II: Application-Specific & Architectural Approximation Techniques and Applications

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    The challenging deployment of compute-intensive applications from domains such Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP), forces the community of computing systems to explore new design approaches. Approximate Computing appears as an emerging solution, allowing to tune the quality of results in the design of a system in order to improve the energy efficiency and/or performance. This radical paradigm shift has attracted interest from both academia and industry, resulting in significant research on approximation techniques and methodologies at different design layers (from system down to integrated circuits). Motivated by the wide appeal of Approximate Computing over the last 10 years, we conduct a two-part survey to cover key aspects (e.g., terminology and applications) and review the state-of-the art approximation techniques from all layers of the traditional computing stack. In Part II of our survey, we classify and present the technical details of application-specific and architectural approximation techniques, which both target the design of resource-efficient processors/accelerators & systems. Moreover, we present a detailed analysis of the application spectrum of Approximate Computing and discuss open challenges and future directions.Comment: Under Review at ACM Computing Survey

    OpenISA, um conjunto de instruções híbrido

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    Orientador: Edson BorinTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: OpenISA é concebido como a interface de processadores que pretendem ser altamente flexíveis. Isto é conseguido por meio de três estratégias: em primeiro lugar, o ISA é empiricamente escolhido para ser facilmente traduzido para outros, possibilitando flexibilidade do software no caso de um processador OpenISA físico não estar disponível. Neste caso, não há nenhuma necessidade de aplicar um processador virtual OpenISA em software. O ISA está preparado para ser estaticamente traduzido para outros ISAs. Segundo, o ISA não é um ISA concreto nem um ISA virtual, mas um híbrido com a capacidade de admitir modificações nos opcodes sem afetar a compatibilidade retroativa. Este mecanismo permite que as futuras versões do ISA possam sofrer modificações em vez de extensões simples das versões anteriores, um problema comum com ISA concretos, como o x86. Em terceiro lugar, a utilização de uma licença permissiva permite o ISA ser usado livremente por qualquer parte interessada no projeto. Nesta tese de doutorado, concentramo-nos nas instruções de nível de usuário do OpenISA. A tese discute (1) alternativas para ISAs, alternativas para distribuição de programas e o impacto de cada opção, (2) características importantes de OpenISA para atingir seus objetivos e (3) fornece uma completa avaliação do ISA escolhido com respeito a emulação de desempenho em duas CPUs populares, uma projetada pela Intel e outra pela ARM. Concluímos que a versão do OpenISA apresentada aqui pode preservar desempenho próximo do nativo quando traduzida para outros hospedeiros, funcionando como um modelo promissor para ISAs flexíveis da próxima geração que podem ser facilmente estendidos preservando a compatibilidade. Ainda, também mostramos como isso pode ser usado como um formato de distribuição de programas no nível de usuárioAbstract: OpenISA is designed as the interface of processors that aim to be highly flexible. This is achieved by means of three strategies: first, the ISA is empirically chosen to be easily translated to others, providing software flexibility in case a physical OpenISA processor is not available. Second, the ISA is not a concrete ISA nor a virtual ISA, but a hybrid one with the capability of admitting modifications to opcodes without impacting backwards compatibility. This mechanism allows future versions of the ISA to have real changes instead of simple extensions of previous versions, a common problem with concrete ISAs such as the x86. Third, the use of a permissive license allows the ISA to be freely used by any party interested in the project. In this PhD. thesis, we focus on the user-level instructions of OpenISA. The thesis discusses (1) ISA alternatives, program distribution alternatives and the impact of each choice, (2) important features of OpenISA to achieve its goals and (3) provides a thorough evaluation of the chosen ISA with respect to emulation performance on two popular host CPUs, one from Intel and another from ARM. We conclude that the version of OpenISA presented here can preserve close-to-native performance when translated to other hosts, working as a promising model for next-generation, flexible ISAs that can be easily extended while preserving backwards compatibility. Furthermore, we show how this can also be a program distribution format at user-levelDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2011/09630-1FAPES

    A Framework for File Format Fuzzing with Genetic Algorithms

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    Secure software, meaning software free from vulnerabilities, is desirable in today\u27s marketplace. Consumers are beginning to value a product\u27s security posture as well as its functionality. Software development companies are recognizing this trend, and they are factoring security into their entire software development lifecycle. Secure development practices like threat modeling, static analysis, safe programming libraries, run-time protections, and software verification are being mandated during product development. Mandating these practices improves a product\u27s security posture before customer delivery, and these practices increase the difficulty of discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities. Since the 1980\u27s, security researchers have uncovered software defects by fuzz testing an application. In fuzz testing\u27s infancy, randomly generated data could discover multiple defects quickly. However, as software matures and software development companies integrate secure development practices into their development life cycles, fuzzers must apply more sophisticated techniques in order to retain their ability to uncover defects. Fuzz testing must evolve, and fuzz testing practitioners must devise new algorithms to exercise an application in unexpected ways. This dissertation\u27s objective is to create a proof-of-concept genetic algorithm fuzz testing framework to exercise an application\u27s file format parsing routines. The framework includes multiple genetic algorithm variations, provides a configuration scheme, and correlates data gathered from static and dynamic analysis to guide negative test case evolution. Experiments conducted for this dissertation illustrate the effectiveness of a genetic algorithm fuzzer in comparison to standard fuzz testing tools. The experiments showcase a genetic algorithm fuzzer\u27s ability to discover multiple unique defects within a limited number of negative test cases. These experiments also highlight an application\u27s increased execution time when fuzzing with a genetic algorithm. To combat increased execution time, a distributed architecture is implemented and additional experiments demonstrate a decrease in execution time comparable to standard fuzz testing tools. A final set of experiments provide guidance on fitness function selection with a CHC genetic algorithm fuzzer with different population size configurations

    Workshop proceedings: Information Systems for Space Astrophysics in the 21st Century, volume 1

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    The Astrophysical Information Systems Workshop was one of the three Integrated Technology Planning workshops. Its objectives were to develop an understanding of future mission requirements for information systems, the potential role of technology in meeting these requirements, and the areas in which NASA investment might have the greatest impact. Workshop participants were briefed on the astrophysical mission set with an emphasis on those missions that drive information systems technology, the existing NASA space-science operations infrastructure, and the ongoing and planned NASA information systems technology programs. Program plans and recommendations were prepared in five technical areas: Mission Planning and Operations; Space-Borne Data Processing; Space-to-Earth Communications; Science Data Systems; and Data Analysis, Integration, and Visualization

    Approximate and timing-speculative hardware design for high-performance and energy-efficient video processing

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    Since the end of transistor scaling in 2-D appeared on the horizon, innovative circuit design paradigms have been on the rise to go beyond the well-established and ultraconservative exact computing. Many compute-intensive applications – such as video processing – exhibit an intrinsic error resilience and do not necessarily require perfect accuracy in their numerical operations. Approximate computing (AxC) is emerging as a design alternative to improve the performance and energy-efficiency requirements for many applications by trading its intrinsic error tolerance with algorithm and circuit efficiency. Exact computing also imposes a worst-case timing to the conventional design of hardware accelerators to ensure reliability, leading to an efficiency loss. Conversely, the timing-speculative (TS) hardware design paradigm allows increasing the frequency or decreasing the voltage beyond the limits determined by static timing analysis (STA), thereby narrowing pessimistic safety margins that conventional design methods implement to prevent hardware timing errors. Timing errors should be evaluated by an accurate gate-level simulation, but a significant gap remains: How these timing errors propagate from the underlying hardware all the way up to the entire algorithm behavior, where they just may degrade the performance and quality of service of the application at stake? This thesis tackles this issue by developing and demonstrating a cross-layer framework capable of performing investigations of both AxC (i.e., from approximate arithmetic operators, approximate synthesis, gate-level pruning) and TS hardware design (i.e., from voltage over-scaling, frequency over-clocking, temperature rising, and device aging). The cross-layer framework can simulate both timing errors and logic errors at the gate-level by crossing them dynamically, linking the hardware result with the algorithm-level, and vice versa during the evolution of the application’s runtime. Existing frameworks perform investigations of AxC and TS techniques at circuit-level (i.e., at the output of the accelerator) agnostic to the ultimate impact at the application level (i.e., where the impact is truly manifested), leading to less optimization. Unlike state of the art, the framework proposed offers a holistic approach to assessing the tradeoff of AxC and TS techniques at the application-level. This framework maximizes energy efficiency and performance by identifying the maximum approximation levels at the application level to fulfill the required good enough quality. This thesis evaluates the framework with an 8-way SAD (Sum of Absolute Differences) hardware accelerator operating into an HEVC encoder as a case study. Application-level results showed that the SAD based on the approximate adders achieve savings of up to 45% of energy/operation with an increase of only 1.9% in BD-BR. On the other hand, VOS (Voltage Over-Scaling) applied to the SAD generates savings of up to 16.5% in energy/operation with around 6% of increase in BD-BR. The framework also reveals that the boost of about 6.96% (at 50°) to 17.41% (at 75° with 10- Y aging) in the maximum clock frequency achieved with TS hardware design is totally lost by the processing overhead from 8.06% to 46.96% when choosing an unreliable algorithm to the blocking match algorithm (BMA). We also show that the overhead can be avoided by adopting a reliable BMA. This thesis also shows approximate DTT (Discrete Tchebichef Transform) hardware proposals by exploring a transform matrix approximation, truncation and pruning. The results show that the approximate DTT hardware proposal increases the maximum frequency up to 64%, minimizes the circuit area in up to 43.6%, and saves up to 65.4% in power dissipation. The DTT proposal mapped for FPGA shows an increase of up to 58.9% on the maximum frequency and savings of about 28.7% and 32.2% on slices and dynamic power, respectively compared with stat

    Combiner approches statique et dynamique pour modéliser la performance de boucles HPC

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    The complexity of CPUs has increased considerably since their beginnings, introducing mechanisms such as register renaming, out-of-order execution, vectorization,prefetchers and multi-core environments to keep performance rising with each product generation. However, so has the difficulty in making proper use of all these mechanisms, or even evaluating whether one’s program makes good use of a machine,whether users’ needs match a CPU’s design, or, for CPU architects, knowing how each feature really affects customers.This thesis focuses on increasing the observability of potential bottlenecks inHPC computational loops and how they relate to each other in modern microarchitectures.We will first introduce a framework combining CQA and DECAN (respectively static and dynamic analysis tools) to get detailed performance metrics on smallcodelets in various execution scenarios.We will then present PAMDA, a performance analysis methodology leveraging elements obtained from codelet analysis to detect potential performance problems in HPC applications and help resolve them. A work extending the Cape linear model to better cover Sandy Bridge and give it more flexibility for HW/SW codesign purposes will also be described. It will bedirectly used in VP3, a tool evaluating the performance gains vectorizing loops could provide.Finally, we will describe UFS, an approach combining static analysis and cycle accurate simulation to very quickly estimate a loop’s execution time while accounting for out-of-order limitations in modern CPUsLa complexité des CPUs s’est accrue considérablement depuis leurs débuts, introduisant des mécanismes comme le renommage de registres, l’exécution dans le désordre, la vectorisation, les préfetchers et les environnements multi-coeurs pour améliorer les performances avec chaque nouvelle génération de processeurs. Cependant, la difficulté a suivi la même tendance pour ce qui est a) d’utiliser ces mêmes mécanismes à leur plein potentiel, b) d’évaluer si un programme utilise une machine correctement, ou c) de savoir si le design d’un processeur répond bien aux besoins des utilisateurs.Cette thèse porte sur l’amélioration de l’observabilité des facteurs limitants dans les boucles de calcul intensif, ainsi que leurs interactions au sein de microarchitectures modernes.Nous introduirons d’abord un framework combinant CQA et DECAN (des outils d’analyse respectivement statique et dynamique) pour obtenir des métriques détaillées de performance sur des petits codelets et dans divers scénarios d’exécution.Nous présenterons ensuite PAMDA, une méthodologie d’analyse de performance tirant partie de l’analyse de codelets pour détecter d’éventuels problèmes de performance dans des applications de calcul à haute performance et en guider la résolution.Un travail permettant au modèle linéaire Cape de couvrir la microarchitecture Sandy Bridge de façon détaillée sera décrit, lui donnant plus de flexibilité pour effectuer du codesign matériel / logiciel. Il sera mis en pratique dans VP3, un outil évaluant les gains de performance atteignables en vectorisant des boucles.Nous décrirons finalement UFS, une approche combinant analyse statique et simulation au cycle près pour permettre l’estimation rapide du temps d’exécution d’une boucle en prenant en compte certaines des limites de l’exécution en désordre dans des microarchitectures moderne

    On robustness for natural language processing

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    As a discipline, machine learning has contributed to significant breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing (NLP), aiming to design algorithms to manipulate text and produce insights, such as classification and summarization, comparable to those of humans. Natural language poses challenges that reflect peculiarities of human intelligence, such as grasping the meaning of a sentence or preserving long-term relationships between words that possibly appear distant from each other. A considerable body of recent literature provides evidence that NLP models behave inconsistently on slight manipulations of a text, as in the case of word substitution. Differently from computer vision (CV), where a pixel manipulation produces a (possibly not natural) image, NLP algorithms rely on text representations in the form of embedded vectors, where the linguistic constituents (i.e., words, phrases, sentences) are transformed into multi-dimensional vectors of real-valued numbers, marking a clear separation between human and machine representation. In this thesis, we investigate guarantees and the formal explainability of NLP models through the lens of adversarial robustness. We review the applicability of adversarial robustness, as defined in CV, as the region of maximal safety of a neural network (NN) decision against discrete and continuous perturbations. We develop an evaluation framework that certifies adversarial robustness for different models, and we analyze how the validity of such certificates vanishes in settings that grow in complexity. This investigation is a prelude to novel definitions of robustness that are aligned with linguistics, aiming to assess a model's syntactic and semantic capabilities. With semantic robustness, we introduce a framework to test a model against linguistic phenomena. In contrast, syntax robustness aims to falsify the hypothesis that NLP models embed high-order linguistic structures such as syntactic trees. Extensive experimentation on various architectures and benchmarks validates the proposed concepts and sheds light on how brittle these architectures are against slight linguistic variations, against which humans are exceptionally robust. We finally investigate the role of robustness as a property to explain neural networks: we propose the notion of optimal robust explanation (ORE) as the robust and optimal portion of an input text that is nevertheless sufficient to imply a model's decision. We implement and test this notion of explanations on various neural networks and datasets to reveal the explanatory landscape of NLP models through the lens of robustness. All the software and tools of this thesis have been released under permissive, open-source licenses to satisfy reproducibility requirements and encourage other researchers to develop tools to assess and improve the robustness of NLP models against edge cases and linguistic phenomena, which by their nature constitute a non-negligible part of the spectrum of human language

    A Unified Framework for Parallel Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation

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    Finite-element methods are a critical component of the design and analysis procedures of many (bio-)engineering applications. Mesh adaptation is one of the most crucial components since it discretizes the physics of the application at a relatively low cost to the solver. Highly scalable parallel mesh adaptation methods for High-Performance Computing (HPC) are essential to meet the ever-growing demand for higher fidelity simulations. Moreover, the continuous growth of the complexity of the HPC systems requires a systematic approach to exploit their full potential. Anisotropic mesh adaptation captures features of the solution at multiple scales while, minimizing the required number of elements. However, it also introduces new challenges on top of mesh generation. Also, the increased complexity of the targeted cases requires departing from traditional surface-constrained approaches to utilizing CAD (Computer-Aided Design) kernels. Alongside the functionality requirements, is the need of taking advantage of the ubiquitous multi-core machines. More importantly, the parallel implementation needs to handle the ever-increasing complexity of the mesh adaptation code. In this work, we develop a parallel mesh adaptation method that utilizes a metric-based approach for generating anisotropic meshes. Moreover, we enhance our method by interfacing with a CAD kernel, thus enabling its use on complex geometries. We evaluate our method both with fixed-resolution benchmarks and within a simulation pipeline, where the resolution of the discretization increases incrementally. With the Telescopic Approach for scalable mesh generation as a guide, we propose a parallel method at the node (multi-core) for mesh adaptation that is expected to scale up efficiently to the upcoming exascale machines. To facilitate an effective implementation, we introduce an abstract layer between the application and the runtime system that enables the use of task-based parallelism for concurrent mesh operations. Our evaluation indicates results comparable to state-of-the-art methods for fixed-resolution meshes both in terms of performance and quality. The integration with an adaptive pipeline offers promising results for the capability of the proposed method to function as part of an adaptive simulation. Moreover, our abstract tasking layer allows the separation of different aspects of the implementation without any impact on the functionality of the method
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