9 research outputs found

    A poroelastic model coupled to a fluid network with applications in lung modelling

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    Here we develop a lung ventilation model, based a continuum poroelastic representation of lung parenchyma and a 0D airway tree flow model. For the poroelastic approximation we design and implement a lowest order stabilised finite element method. This component is strongly coupled to the 0D airway tree model. The framework is applied to a realistic lung anatomical model derived from computed tomography data and an artificially generated airway tree to model the conducting airway region. Numerical simulations produce physiologically realistic solutions, and demonstrate the effect of airway constriction and reduced tissue elasticity on ventilation, tissue stress and alveolar pressure distribution. The key advantage of the model is the ability to provide insight into the mutual dependence between ventilation and deformation. This is essential when studying lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary fibrosis. Thus the model can be used to form a better understanding of integrated lung mechanics in both the healthy and diseased states

    Non-uniform central airways ventilation model based on vascular segmentation

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    Improvements in the understanding of the physiology of the central airways require an appropriate representation of the non-uniform ventilation at its terminal branches. This paper proposes a new technique for estimating the non-uniform ventilation at the terminal branches by modelling the volume change of their distal peripheral airways, based on vascular segmentation. The vascular tree is used for sectioning the dynamic CT-based 3D volume of the lung at 11 time points over the breathing cycle of a research animal. Based on the mechanical coupling between the vascular tree and the remaining lung tissues, the volume change of each individual lung segment over the breathing cycle was used to estimate the non-uniform ventilation of its associated terminal branch. The 3D lung sectioning technique was validated on an airway cast model of the same animal pruned to represent the truncated dynamic CT based airway geometry. The results showed that the 3D lung sectioning technique was able to estimate the volume of the missing peripheral airways within a tolerance of 2%. In addition, the time-varying non-uniform ventilation distribution predicted by the proposed sectioning technique was validated against CT measurements of lobar ventilation and showed good agreement. This significant modelling advance can be used to estimate subject-specific non-uniform boundary conditions to obtain subject-specific numerical models of the central airway flow

    Morphological and functional properties of the conducting human airways investigated by in vivo CT and in vitro MRI

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    The accurate representation of the human airway anatomy is crucial for understanding and modeling the structure-function relationship in both healthy and diseased lungs. The present knowledge in this area is based on morphometric studies of excised lung casts, partially complemented by in vivo studies in which computed tomography (CT) was used on a small number of subjects. In the present study, we analyze CT scans of a cohort of healthy subjects and obtain comprehensive morphometric information down to the seventh generation of bronchial branching, including airway diameter, length, branching angle, and rotation angle. While some of the geometrical parameters (such as the child-to-parent branch diameter ratio) are found to be in line with accepted values, for others (such as the branch length-to-diameter ratio) our findings challenge the common assumptions. We also evaluate several metrics of self-similarity, including the fractal dimension of the airway tree. Additionally, we use phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to obtain the volumetric flow field in the 3D printed airway model of one of the subjects during steady inhalation. This is used to relate structural and functional parameters and, in particular, to close the power-law relationship between branch flow rate and diameter. The diameter exponent is found to be significantly lower than in the usually assumed Poiseuille regime, which we attribute to the strong secondary (i.e. transverse) velocity component. The strength of the secondary velocity with respect to the axial component exceeds the levels found in idealized airway models, and persists within the first seven generations.Funding for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation (CBET-1453538) and the National Institutes of Health (NHLBI-R21HL129906). COPDGene was supported by Award Number R01 HL089897 and Award Number R01 HL089856 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and by the COPD Foundation through contributions made to an Industry Advisory Board comprised of AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Pfizer, Siemens and Sunovion

    A tree-parenchyma coupled model for lung ventilation simulation

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    International audienceIn this article we develop a lung-ventilation model. The parenchyma is described as an elastic homogenized media. It is irrigated by a space-filling dyadic resistive pipe network, which represents the tracheo-bronchial tree. In this model the tree and the parenchyma are strongly coupled. The tree induces an extra viscous term in the system constitutive relation, which leads, in the finite element framework, to a full matrix. We consider an efficient algorithm that takes advantage of the tree dyadic structure to enable a fast matrix-vector product computation. This framework can be used to model both free and mechanically induced respiration, in health and disease. Patient-specific lung geometries acquired from CT scans are considered. Realistic Dirichlet boundary conditions can be deduced from surface registration on CT images. The model is compared to a more classical exit-compartment approach. Results illustrate the coupling between the tree and the parenchyma, at global and regional levels, and how conditions for the purely 0D model can be inferred. Different types of boundary conditions are tested, including a nonlinear Robin model of the surrounding lung structures

    Numerical simulation of human breathing and particle transport through a CT-based pulmonary airway geometry

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    Chronic respiratory illness afflicts more than a billion people worldwide. In recent years computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been established as a paramount tool for studying treatments of respiratory illnesses. This work investigates physiologically appropriate, lobar-specific boundary conditions for numerical simulation of steady and unsteady flow through a computed tomography (CT) based pulmonary airway geometry. Particle transport is modeled in steady and unsteady flow. Analysis is conducted on flow phenomena and particle transport in both steady and inspiratory flow

    Extended Quantitative Computed Tomography Analysis of Lung Structure and Function

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    Computed tomography (CT) imaging and quantitative CT (QCT) analysis for the study of lung health and disease have been rapidly advanced during the past decades, along with the employment of CT-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and machine learning approaches. The work presented in this thesis was devoted to extending the QCT analysis framework from three different perspectives.First, to extend the advanced QCT analysis to more data with undesirably protocolized CT scans, we developed a new deep learning-based automated segmentation of pulmonary lobes, in- corporating z-axis information into the conventional UNet segmentation. The proposed deep learn- ing segmentation, named ZUNet, was successfully applied for QCT analysis of silicosis patients with thick (5 or 10 mm) slices, which used to be excluded in QCT analysis since three-dimensional (3D) volumetric segmentation of the lungs and lobes were hardly successful or not automated. ZUNet outperformed UNet in lobe segmentation of human lungs. In addition, we extended the application of the QCT framework, combining CFD simulations for the entire subjects of the QCT analysis. One-dimensional (1D) CFD simulations of tidal breath- ing have been added to the inspiratory-expiratory CT image matching analysis of 66 asthma pa- tients (M:F=23:43, age=64.4±10.7) for pre- and post-bronchodilator comparison. We aimed to characterize comprehensive airway and lung structure and function relationship in the entire group response and patient-specific response to the bronchodilator. Along with the evidence of large air- way dilatation in the entire asthmatics, the CFD analysis revealed that improvements in regional flow rate fraction, particularly in the right lower lobe (RLL), airway pressure drop, airway resis- tance, and workload of breathing were significantly associated with the degree of large airway dilatation. Finally, we extended the approach using machine learning analysis to integrate numerous QCT variables with clinical features and additional information such as environmental exposure. In pursuit of investigating the effects of particulate matter (PM) exposure on human lung struc- ture and function alteration, principal component analysis (PCA) and k-means clustering iden- tified low, mid, and high exposure groups from directly measured air pollution exposure data of 270 healthy (age=68±10, M:F=15:51), asthma (age=60±12, M:F=39:56), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (age=69±7, M:F=66:10), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) (age=72±7, M:F=43:10) subjects. Based on the exposure clusters, the RLL segmental airway narrowing was observed in the high exposure group. Various associations were found between the exposure data and about 200 multiscale lung features, from quantitative inspiratory and ex- piratory CT image matching and 1D CFD tidal breathing simulations. To highlight, small PM increases small airway disease in asthma. PM at all sizes decreases inspiratory low attenuation area in COPD and diseases luminal diameter of the RLL segmental airways in IPF

    Overcoming conventional modeling limitations using image- driven lattice-boltzmann method simulations for biophysical applications

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    The challenges involved in modeling biological systems are significant and push the boundaries of conventional modeling. This is because biological systems are distinctly complex, and their emergent properties are results of the interplay of numerous components/processes. Unfortunately, conventional modeling approaches are often limited by their inability to capture all these complexities. By using in vivo data derived from biomedical imaging, image-based modeling is able to overcome this limitation. In this work, a combination of imaging data with the Lattice-Boltzmann Method for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is applied to tissue engineering and thrombogenesis. Using this approach, some of the unanswered questions in both application areas are resolved. In the first application, numerical differences between two types of boundary conditions: “wall boundary condition” (WBC) and “periodic boundary condition” (PBC), which are commonly utilized for approximating shear stresses in tissue engineering scaffold simulations is investigated. Surface stresses in 3D scaffold reconstructions, obtained from high resolution microcomputed tomography images are calculated for both boundary condition types and compared with the actual whole scaffold values via image-based CFD simulations. It is found that, both boundary conditions follow the same spatial surface stress patterns as the whole scaffold simulations. However, they under-predict the absolute stress values approximately by a factor of two. Moreover, it is found that the error grows with higher scaffold porosity. Additionally, it is found that the PBC always resulted in a lower error than the WBC. In a second tissue engineering study, the dependence of culture time on the distribution and magnitude of fluid shear in tissue scaffolds cultured under flow perfusion is investigated. In the study, constructs are destructively evaluated with assays for cellularity and calcium deposition, imaged using µCT and reconstructed for CFD simulations. It is found that both the shear stress distributions within scaffolds consistently increase with culture time and correlate with increasing levels of mineralized tissues within the scaffold constructs as seen in calcium deposition data and µCT reconstructions. In the thrombogenesis application, detailed analysis of time lapse microscopy images showing yielding of thrombi in live mouse microvasculature is performed. Using these images, image-based CFD modeling is performed to calculate the fluid-induced shear stresses imposed on the thrombi’s surfaces by the surrounding blood flow. From the results, estimates of the yield stress (A critical parameter for quantifying the extent to which thrombi material can resist deformation and breakage) are obtained for different blood vessels. Further, it is shown that the yielding observed in thrombi occurs mostly in the outer shell region while the inner core remains intact. This suggests that the core material is different from the shell. To that end, we propose an alternative mechanism of thrombogenesis which could help explain this difference. Overall, the findings from this work reveal that image-based modeling is a versatile approach which can be applied to different biomedical application areas while overcoming the difficulties associated with conventional modeling

    Unveiling advanced mechanisms of inhalable drug aerosol dynamics using computational fluid dynamics and discrete element method

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    Capsule-based dry powder inhalers (DPIs) are widely used to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by delivering active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) via inhalation into human respiratory systems. Previous research has shown that the actuation flow rate, aerodynamic particle size distribution (APSD), and particle shape of lactose carriers are factors that can influence the particle deposition patterns in human respiratory systems. Understanding the dynamics of APIs transport in DPIs and airways can provide significant value for the design optimization of DPIs and particle shapes to enhance the delivery of APIs to the designated lung sites, i.e., small airways. Thus, it is necessary to investigate how to modulate the above-mentioned factors to increase the delivery efficacy to small airways and enhance the therapeutic effect to treat COPD. Compared with in vitro and in vivo methods, computational fluid-particle dynamics (CFPD) models allow researchers to study the transport dynamics of inhalable therapeutic dry powders in both DPI and human respiratory systems. However, existing CFPD models neglect particle-particle interactions, and most existing airway models lack peripheral lung airway and neglect the airway deformation kinematics. Such deficiencies can lead to inaccurate predictions of particle transport and deposition. This study developed a one-way coupled computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM) model to simulate the particle-particle and particle-device interactions, and the transport of API-carrier dry powder mixtures with different shapes of carriers in a DPI flow channel. The influence of actuation flow rate (30 to 90 L/min) and particle shape (aspect ratio equals 1, 5, and 10) on lactose carrier dynamics in a representative DPI, i.e., SpirivaTM HandihalerTM, has been investigated. Subsequently, an elastic truncated whole-lung model has also been developed to predict particle transport and deposition from mouth to alveoli, with disease-specific airway deformation kinematics. Numerical results indicate that 90 L/min actuation flow rate generates the highest delivery efficiency of Handihaler, as approximately 26% API reaches the deep lung region. The elastic truncated whole-lung modeling results show that noticeable differences of predictions between static and elastic lung models can be found, which demonstrates the necessity to model airway deformation kinematics in virtual lung models