78 research outputs found

    Intelligent examination timetabling system using hybrid intelligent water drops algorithm

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    This paper proposes Hybrid Intelligent Water Drops (HIWD) algorithm to solve Tamhidi programs uncapacitated examination timetabling problem in Universiti Sains Islamic Malaysia (USIM).Intelligent Water Drops algorithm (IWD) is a population-based algorithm where each drop represents a solution and the sharing between the drops during the search lead to better drops.The results of this study prove that the proposed algorithm can produce a high quality examination timetable in shorter time in comparison with the manual timetable

    An Enhanced Population Selection Algorithm for Timetabling System

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    The timetable preparation for systems that are based on credit hours is a challenge for heads of departments. Departments have to prepare their timetables, where the problem is increased when a department serves other departments with some courses. Also, university’s management cannot assure that the offered courses are more than the needs or not. Many algorithms have been tested without an optimal solution. A new proposed algorithm which is called the Enhanced Population Selection (EPS) Algorithm has been implemented and tested with a suitable number of students, courses, lecturers, and venues that is based on the harmony search algorithm and genetic algorithm. The new proposed EPS algorithm has scheduled the timetables for two semesters with academic advisors satisfaction without conflicts. Furthermore, all specified constraints are tested and satisfied

    Hybrid feature selection method based on particle swarm optimization and adaptive local search method

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    Machine learning has been expansively examined with data classification as the most popularly researched subject. The accurateness of prediction is impacted by the data provided to the classification algorithm. Meanwhile, utilizing a large amount of data may incur costs especially in data collection and preprocessing. Studies on feature selection were mainly to establish techniques that can decrease the number of utilized features (attributes) in classification, also using data that generate accurate prediction is important. Hence, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is suggested in the current article for selecting the ideal set of features. PSO algorithm showed to be superior in different domains in exploring the search space and local search algorithms are good in exploiting the search regions. Thus, we propose the hybridized PSO algorithm with an adaptive local search technique which works based on the current PSO search state and used for accepting the candidate solution. Having this combination balances the local intensification as well as the global diversification of the searching process. Hence, the suggested algorithm surpasses the original PSO algorithm and other comparable approaches, in terms of performance

    Examination timetabling automation using hybrid meta-heuristics

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    Trabalho de projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de ComputadoresNos últimos anos, o tema da geração automática de horários tem sido alvo de muito estudo. Em muitas instituições, a elaboração de horários ainda é feita manualmente, constituindo-se uma tarefa demorada e penosa para instâncias de grande dimensão. Outro problema recorrente na abordagem manual é a existência de falhas dada a dificuldade do processo de verificação, e também a qualidade final do horário produzido. Se este fosse criado por computador, o horário seria válido e seriam de esperar horários com qualidade superior dada a capacidade do computador para pesquisar o espaço de soluções. A elaboração de horários não é uma tarefa fácil, mesmo para uma máquina. Por exemplo, horários escolares necessitam de seguir certas regras para que seja possível a criação de um horário válido. Mas como o espaço de estados (soluções) válidas é tão vasto, é impraticável criar um algoritmo que faça a enumeração completa de soluções a fim de escolher a melhor solução possível. Por outro lado, a utilização de algoritmos que realizam a enumeração implícita de soluções (por exemplo, branch and bound), não é viável para problemas de grande dimensão. A utilização de heurísticas que percorrem de uma forma guiada o espaço de estados, conseguindo assim uma solução razoável em tempo útil, constituem uma abordagem adequada para este tipo de problemas. Um dos objetivos do projeto consiste na criação duma abordagem que siga as regras do International Timetabling Competition (ITC) 2007 incidindo na criação de horários de exames em universidades (Examination timetabling track). Este projeto utiliza uma abordagem de heurísticas híbridas. Isto significa que utiliza múltiplas heurísticas para obter a melhor solução possível. Utiliza uma variação da heurística de Graph Coloring para obter uma solução válida e as meta-heurísticas Simulated Annealing e Hill Climbing para melhorar a solução obtida. Os resultados finais são satisfatórios, pois em algumas instâncias os resultados são melhores do que alguns dos cinco finalistas do concurso ITC 2007.Abstract: In the last few years the automatic creation of timetables is being a well-studied subject. In many institutions, the elaboration of timetables is still manual, thus being a time-consuming and difficulty task for large instances. Another current problem in the manual approach is the existence of failures given the difficulty in the process verification, and so the quality of the produced timetable. If this timetable had been created by a computer, the timetable would be valid and timetables with better quality should be obtained, given the computer’s capacity to search the solution space. It is not easy to elaborate timetables, even for a machine. For example, scholar/university timetables need to follow certain type of constraints or rules for them to be considered valid. But since the solution space is so vast, it is highly unlikely to create an algorithm that completely enumerates the solutions in order to choose the best solution possible, considering the problem structure. The use of algorithms that perform implicit enumeration solutions (for example, an branch bound), is not feasible for large problems. Hence the use of heuristics which navigate through the solution space in a guided way, obtaining then a reasonable solution in acceptable time. One main objective of this project consists in creating an approach that follows the International Timetabling Competition (ITC) 2007 rules, focusing on creating examination timetables. This project will use a hybrid approach. This means it will use an approach that includes multiple heuristics in order to find the best possible solution. This approach uses a variant of the Graph Coloring heuristic to find an initial valid solution, and the metaheuristics Simulated Annealing and Hill Climbing to improve that solution. The final results are satisfactory, as in some instances the obtained results beat the results of some of the five finalists from ITC 2007

    Grammatical evolution hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimization problems

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    Designing generic problem solvers that perform well across a diverse set of problems is a challenging task. In this work, we propose a hyper-heuristic framework to automatically generate an effective and generic solution method by utilizing grammatical evolution. In the proposed framework, grammatical evolution is used as an online solver builder, which takes several heuristic components (e.g., different acceptance criteria and different neighborhood structures) as inputs and evolves templates of perturbation heuristics. The evolved templates are improvement heuristics, which represent a complete search method to solve the problem at hand. To test the generality and the performance of the proposed method, we consider two well-known combinatorial optimization problems: exam timetabling (Carter and ITC 2007 instances) and the capacitated vehicle routing problem (Christofides and Golden instances). We demonstrate that the proposed method is competitive, if not superior, when compared to state-of-the-art hyper-heuristics, as well as bespoke methods for these different problem domains. In order to further improve the performance of the proposed framework we utilize an adaptive memory mechanism, which contains a collection of both high quality and diverse solutions and is updated during the problem solving process. Experimental results show that the grammatical evolution hyper-heuristic, with an adaptive memory, performs better than the grammatical evolution hyper-heuristic without a memory. The improved framework also outperforms some bespoke methodologies, which have reported best known results for some instances in both problem domains

    Ritmos cognitivos y algoritmos evolutivos en la programación de horarios universitarios

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    The main purpose of this research is to design a methodology based on evolutionary algorithms to university timetable scheduling. This methodology will consider the students’ cognitive rhythms, which establish that teaching certain subjects in specific time intervals is much better than other techniques. This project takes place in three phases. First of all, there is a description of the different techniques used to solve this problem. Then, a new methodology based on cognitive rhythms and evolutionary algorithms is proposed, and finally, different methodologies are compared to determine the best. It is concluded that evolutionary algorithms are more efficient than other techniques in the university timetable scheduling. Future lines of research will determine the impact of these techniques within the students’ learning process.El propósito de esta investigación es diseñarr una metodología basada en algoritmos evolutivos para la programación de horarios universitarios. Esta metodología considerará los ritmos cognitivos de los estudiantes, los cuales establecen que enseñar algunas materias en intervalos de tiempo específicos es mejor que otras técnicas. Este proyecto es desarrollado en tres fases. Primero se realiza una descripción de las diferentes técnicas empleadas para solucionar este problema. Posteriormente una nueva metodología basada en ritmos cognitivos y algoritmos evolutivos es propuesta. Finalmente diferentes metodologías son comparadas para determinar la mejor. Se concluye que los algoritmos evolutivos son más eficientes que otras técnicas en la programación de horarios universitarios. Futuras líıneas de investigación determinarán el impacto de estas técnicas en los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes

    Enhancement on the modified artificial bee colony algorithm to optimize the vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    The vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) is a non-deterministictime hard (NP-hard) with combinatorial optimization problem (COP). The Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is a popular swarm intelligence algorithm for COP. In this study, existing Modified ABC (MABC) algorithm is revised to solve the VRPTW. While MABC has been reported to be successful, it does have some drawbacks, including a lack of neighbourhood structure selection during the intensification process, a lack of knowledge in population initialization, and occasional stops proceeding the global optimum. This study proposes an enhanced Modified ABC (E-MABC) algorithm which includes (i) N-MABC that overcomes the shortage of neighborhood selection by exchanging the neighborhood structure between two different routes in the solution; (ii) MABC-ACS that solves the issues of knowledge absence in MABC population initialization by incorporating ant colony system heuristics, and (iii) PMABC which addresses the occasional stops proceeding to the global optimum by introducing perturbation that accepts an abandoned solution and jumps out of a local optimum. The proposed algorithm was evaluated using benchmark datasets comprising 56 VRPTW instances and 56 Pickup and Delivery Problems with Time Windows (PDPTW). The performance has been measured using the travelled distance (TD) and the number of deployed vehicles (NV). The results showed that the proposed E-MABC has lower TD and NV than the benchmarked MABC and other algorithms. The E-MABC algorithm is better than the MABC by 96.62%, MOLNS by 87.5%, GAPSO by 53.57%, MODLEM by 76.78%, and RRGA by 42.85% in terms of TD. Additionally, the E-MABC algorithm is better than the MABC by 42.85%, MOLNS by 17.85%, GA-PSO and RRGA by 28.57%, and MODLEN by 46.42% in terms of NV. This indicates that the proposed E-MABC algorithm is promising and effective for the VRPTW and PDPTW, and thus can compete in other routing problems and COPs

    Investigation of the effect of feeding period in honey bee algorithm

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    In the study, it was investigated the ejaculation ability and semen quality of drones, according to feeding with pollen in different periods. In the first step of the study, 16 %, 32 %, 47 %, 63 %, 79 %, and 100 % feeding periods were applied to the drones, for investigating the effect on ejaculation ability, and the semen quality of drones was investigated. While investigating these feeding period effects “0-1”, bonded, and unbounded knapsack optimization problems were used. After the most effective feeding period was determined, this period was applied to the traveling salesman and liquid storage tank problems in the second step of the study. In the analysis of the traveling salesman problem, it was determined the shortest way between two cities. Analysis of the liquid storage tank problem, it was determined the minimum connector areas. As a result, the analysis results showed that the performance of the artificial bee colony algorithm is very good while solving too complex engineering optimization problems

    Solving Multiple Timetabling Problems at Danish High Schools

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