12 research outputs found

    Dual Heuristic Feature Selection Based on Genetic Algorithm and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization

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    اختيار الصفات هو أحد ادوات تنقيب البيانات الذي يستخدم لاختيار الصفات المهمة للبيانات المعطاة. ان الفائدة من اختيار صفات البيانات هو توفير الوقت وتقليل الذاكرة المستخدمة في معالجة البيانات. حسب تلك المبادئ صممنا خوارزمية اختيار الصفات على اساس دمج خوارزميتين من خوارزميات البحث العشوائي هما خوارزمية الأسراب الثنائية والخوارزمية الجينية لتعملا معاً بشكل منفصل. أستخدم التصنيف على اساس الجيران كدالة لتقييم عمل الخوارزمية المقترحة. فحصت وقورنت مع بيانات مصنفة بدون اختيار الصفات المهمة وبيانات مصنفة باختيار الصفات على اساس خوارزمية الأسراب الثنائية والخوارزمية الجينية. استخدمت في عملية التصنيف 26 مجموعة من البيانات التابعة للـ , UCI نتائج التجارب الرقمية بينت ان الخوارزمية المقترحة أفضل مقارنة مع البيانات بدون اختيار الصفات او باختيار الصفات للخوارزميات المشار اليها سابقاً.The features selection is one of the data mining tools that used to select the most important features of a given dataset. It contributes to save time and memory during the handling a given dataset. According to these principles, we have proposed features selection method based on mixing two metaheuristic algorithms Binary Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm work individually. The K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN) is used as an objective function to evaluate the proposed features selection algorithm. The Dual Heuristic Feature Selection based on Genetic Algorithm and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (DHFS) test, and compared with 26 well-known datasets of UCI machine learning. The numeric experiments result imply that the DHFS better performance compared with full features and that selected by the mentioned algorithms (Genetic Algorithm and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization).&nbsp

    Multilevel Thresholding Segmentation based on Otsu’s Method and Autonomous Groups Particle Swarm Optimization for Multispectral Image

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    Segmentation is a process of division of images into certain regions based on certain similarities. Multispectral image consists of several bands with high dimensions, requiring a different method with the problem of low-dimensional images. Multilevel thresholding problems based on Otsu criteria are discussed in this paper. One disadvantage of the Otsu method is that computing time increases exponentially according to the number of thresholding dimensions. In this paper, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm combined with the Otsu Method called multilevel thresholding Autonomous Groups Particles Swarm Optimization (MAGPSO) is proposed to reduce the two problems of PSO entrapment in the local minima and the slow rate of convergence in solving high dimensional problems. MAGPSO is used for multilevel thresholding image segmentation. The performance of MAGPSO is compared with standard PSO on three natural images. The parameters used to compare the performance of MAGPSO and PSO are the best fitness value, optimal threshold obtained from each algorithm and the measurement of the quality of segmentation results, namely: SSIM, PSNR, and MSE. From the experimental results show that MAGPSO is better when compared to PSO in image segmentation, in terms of the resulting fitness value and higher SSIM and PNSR values

    Neuroendoscopy Adapter Module Development for Better Brain Tumor Image Visualization

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    The issue of brain magnetic resonance image exploration together with classification receives a significant awareness in recent years. Indeed, various computer-aided-diagnosis solutions were suggested to support radiologist in decision-making. In this circumstance, adequate image classification is extremely required as it is the most common critical brain tumors which often develop from subdural hematoma cells, which might be common type in adults. In healthcare milieu, brain MRIs are intended for identification of tumor. In this regard, various computerized diagnosis systems were suggested to help medical professionals in clinical decision-making. As per recent problems, Neuroendoscopy is the gold standard intended for discovering brain tumors; nevertheless, typical Neuroendoscopy can certainly overlook ripped growths. Neuroendoscopy is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure in which the neurosurgeon removes the tumor through small holes in the skull or through the mouth or nose. Neuroendoscopy enables neurosurgeons to access areas of the brain that cannot be reached with traditional surgery to remove the tumor without cutting or harming other parts of the skull. We focused on finding out whether or not visual images of tumor ripped lesions ended up being much better by auto fluorescence image resolution as well as narrow-band image resolution graphic evaluation jointly with the latest neuroendoscopy technique. Also, within the last several years, pathology labs began to proceed in the direction of an entirely digital workflow, using the electronic slides currently being the key element of this technique. Besides lots of benefits regarding storage as well as exploring capabilities with the image information, among the benefits of electronic slides is that they can help the application of image analysis approaches which seek to develop quantitative attributes to assist pathologists in their work. However, systems also have some difficulties in execution and handling. Hence, such conventional method needs automation. We developed and employed to look for the targeted importance along with uncovering the best-focused graphic position by way of aliasing search method incorporated with new Neuroendoscopy Adapter Module (NAM) technique

    HSMA_WOA: A hybrid novel Slime mould algorithm with whale optimization algorithm for tackling the image segmentation problem of chest X-ray images

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    Recently, a novel virus called COVID-19 has pervasive worldwide, starting from China and moving to all the world to eliminate a lot of persons. Many attempts have been experimented to identify the infection with COVID-19. The X-ray images were one of the attempts to detect the influence of COVID-19 on the infected persons from involving those experiments. According to the X-ray analysis, bilateral pulmonary parenchymal ground-glass and consolidative pulmonary opacities can be caused by COVID-19 — sometimes with a rounded morphology and a peripheral lung distribution. But unfortunately, the specification or if the person infected with COVID-19 or not is so hard under the X-ray images. X-ray images could be classified using the machine learning techniques to specify if the person infected severely, mild, or not infected. To improve the classification accuracy of the machine learning, the region of interest within the image that contains the features of COVID-19 must be extracted. This problem is called the image segmentation problem (ISP). Many techniques have been proposed to overcome ISP. The most commonly used technique due to its simplicity, speed, and accuracy are threshold-based segmentation. This paper proposes a new hybrid approach based on the thresholding technique to overcome ISP for COVID-19 chest X-ray images by integrating a novel meta-heuristic algorithm known as a slime mold algorithm (SMA) with the whale optimization algorithm to maximize the Kapur's entropy. The performance of integrated SMA has been evaluated on 12 chest X-ray images with threshold levels up to 30 and compared with five algorithms: Lshade algorithm, whale optimization algorithm (WOA), FireFly algorithm (FFA), Harris-hawks algorithm (HHA), salp swarm algorithms (SSA), and the standard SMA. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms SMA under Kapur's entropy for all the metrics used and the standard SMA could perform better than the other algorithms in the comparison under all the metrics


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    Dental caries are one of the most prevalent chronic diseases. Worldwide 60 to 90 percent of school children and nearly 100 percent of adults experienced dental caries. The management of dental caries demands detection of carious lesions at early stages. The research of designing diagnostic tools in caries has been at peak for the last decade. This research aims to design an automated system to detect and score dental caries according to the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) guidelines using the optical images of the occlusal tooth surface. There have been numerous works that address the problem of caries detection by using new imaging technologies or advanced measurements. However, no such study has been done to detect and score caries with the use of optical images of the tooth surface. The aim of this dissertation is to develop image processing and machine learning algorithms to address the problem of detection and scoring the caries by the use of optical image of the tooth surface

    Improved Bat Algorithm Applied to Multilevel Image Thresholding

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    Current psychometrics tend to model response data hypothesized to arise from multiple attributes. As a result, the estimation complexity has been greatly increased so that traditional approaches such as the expected-maximization algorithm would fail to produce accurate results. To improve the estimation quality, high-dimensional models are estimated via a global optimization approach- particle swarm optimization (PSO), which is an efficient stochastic method of handling the complexity difficulties. The PSO has been widely used in machine learning fields but remains less-known in the psychometrics community. Details on the integration of the proposed approach to current psychometric model estimation practices are provided. The algorithm tuning process and the accuracy of the proposed approach are demonstrated with simulations. As an illustration, the proposed approach is applied to log-linear cognitive diagnosis models and multi-dimensional item response theory models. These two model families are fairly popular yet challenging frameworks used in assessment and evaluation research to explain how participants respond to item level stimuli. The aim of this dissertation is to fill the gap between the field of psychometric modeling and machine learning estimation techniques