17 research outputs found

    Multi objective genetic algorithm for training three term backpropagation network

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    Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithms has been applied for learning problem in Artificial Neural Networks to improve the generalization of the training and testing unseen data.This paper proposes the simultaneous optimization method for training Three Term Back Propagation Network (TTBPN) learning using Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm.The Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II is applied to optimize the TTBPN structure by simultaneously reducing the error and complexity in terms of number of hidden nodes of the network for better accuracy in classification problem.This methodology is applied in two kinds of multiclasses data set obtained from the University of California at Irvine repository.The results obtained for training and testing on the datasets illustrate less network error and better classification accuracy, besides having simple architecture for the TTBPN

    Backpropagation Neural Network Based on Local Search Strategy and Enhanced Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Breast Cancer Diagnosis

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    The role of intelligence techniques is becoming more significant in detecting and diagnosis of medical data. However, the performance of such methods is based on the algorithms or technique. In this paper, we develop an intelligent technique using multiobjective evolutionary method hybrid with a local search approach to enhance the backpropagation neural network. First, we enhance the famous multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, which is a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). Then, we hybrid the enhanced algorithm with the local search strategy to ensures the acceleration of the convergence speed to the non-dominated front. In addition, such hybridization get the solutions achieved are well spread over it. As a result of using a local search method the quality of the Pareto optimal solutions are increased and all individuals in the population are enhanced. The key notion of the proposed algorithm was to  show a new technique to settle automaticly artificial neural network design problem. The empirical results generated by the proposed intelligent technique evaluated by applying to the breast cancer dataset and emphasize the capability of the proposed algorithm to improve the results. The network size and accuracy results of the proposed method are better than the previous methods. Therefore, the method is then capable of finding a proper number of hidden neurons and error rates of the BP algorithm

    Self-Organizing Maps for Pattern Recognition in Design of Alloys

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    A combined experimental\u2013computational methodology for accelerated design of AlNiCo-type permanent magnetic alloys is presented with the objective of simultaneously extremizing several magnetic properties. Chemical concentrations of eight alloying elements were initially generated using a quasirandom number generator so as to achieve a uniform distribution in the design variable space. It was followed by manufacture and experimental evaluation of these alloys using an identical thermo-magnetic protocol. These experimental data were used to develop meta-models capable of directly relating the chemical composition with desired macroscopic properties of the alloys. These properties were simultaneously optimized to predict chemical compositions that result in improvement of properties. These data were further utilized to discover various correlations within the experimental dataset by using several concepts of artificial intelligence. In this work, an unsupervised neural network known as selforganizing maps was used to discover various patterns reported in the literature. These maps were also used to screen the composition of the next set of alloys to be manufactured and tested in the next iterative cycle. Several of these Pareto-optimized predictions out-performed the initial batch of alloys. This approach helps significantly reducing the time and the number of alloys needed in the alloy development process

    A nature-inspired multi-objective optimisation strategy based on a new reduced space searching algorithm for the design of alloy steels

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    In this paper, a salient search and optimisation algorithm based on a new reduced space searching strategy, is presented. This algorithm originates from an idea which relates to a simple experience when humans search for an optimal solution to a ‘real-life’ problem, i.e. when humans search for a candidate solution given a certain objective, a large area tends to be scanned first; should one succeed in finding clues in relation to the predefined objective, then the search space is greatly reduced for a more detailed search. Furthermore, this new algorithm is extended to the multi-objective optimisation case. Simulation results of optimising some challenging benchmark problems suggest that both the proposed single objective and multi-objective optimisation algorithms outperform some of the other well-known Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). The proposed algorithms are further applied successfully to the optimal design problem of alloy steels, which aims at determining the optimal heat treatment regime and the required weight percentages for chemical composites to obtain the desired mechanical properties of steel hence minimising production costs and achieving the overarching aim of ‘right-first-time production’ of metals

    Backpropagation neural network based on local search strategy and enhanced multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis

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    The role of intelligence techniques is becoming more significant in detecting and diagnosis of medical data. However, the performance of such methods is based on the algorithms or technique. In this paper, we develop an intelligent technique using multiobjective evolutionary method hybrid with a local search approach to enhance the backpropagation neural network. First, we enhance the famous multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, which is a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). Then, we hybrid the enhanced algorithm with the local search strategy to ensures the acceleration of the convergence speed to the non-dominated front. In addition, such hybridization get the solutions achieved are well spread over it. As a result of using a local search method the quality of the Pareto optimal solutions are increased and all individuals in the population are enhanced. The key notion of the proposed algorithm was to show a new technique to settle automaticly artificial neural network design problem. The empirical results generated by the proposed intelligent technique evaluated by applying to the breast cancer dataset and emphasize the capability of the proposed algorithm to improve the results. The network size and accuracy results of the proposed method are better than the previous methods. Therefore, the method is then capable of finding a proper number of hidden neurons and error rates of the BP algorithm

    Prediction of silicon content in the hot metal using Bayesian networks and probabilistic reasoning

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    The blast furnace is the principal method of producing cast iron. In the production of cast iron, the control of silicon is vital because this impurity is harmful to almost all steels. Artificial neural networks with Bayesian regularization are more robust than traditional back-propagation networks and can reduce or eliminate the need for tedious cross-validation. Bayesian regularization is a mathematical process that converts a nonlinear regression into a "well-posed" statistical problem in the manner of ridge regression. The main objective of this work was to develop an artificial neural network to predict silicon content in hot metal by varying the number of neurons in the hidden layer by 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, and 100 neurons. The results show that all neural networks converged and presented reliable results, neural networks with 20, 25, and 30 neurons showed the best overall results. However, In short, Bayesian neural networks can be used in practice because the actual values correlate excellently with the values calculated by the neural network

    Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Silicon Content in the Hot Metal Produced in a Blast Furnace Fueled by Metallurgical Coke

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    The main production route for cast iron and steel is through the blast furnace. The silicon content in cast iron is an important indicator of the thermal condition of a blast furnace. High silicon contents indicate an increase in the furnace\u2019s thermal input and, in some cases, may indicate an excess of coke in the reactor. As coke costs predominate in the production of cast iron, tighter control of the silicon content therefore has economic advantages. The main objective of this article was to design an artificial neural network to predict the silicon content in hot metal, varying the number of neurons in the hidden layer by 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 170 and 200 neurons. In general, all neural networks showed excellent results, with the network with 30 neurons showing the best results among the 12 modeled networks. The validation of the models was confirmed using the Mean Square Error (MSE) and Pearson\u2019s correlation coefficient. The cross-validation technique was used to re-evaluate the performance of neural networks. In short, neural networks can be used in practical operations due to the excellent correlations between the real values and those calculated by the neural network

    Creep Crack Growth Modeling of Low Alloy Steel using Artificial Neural Network

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    Abstract: Prediction of crack growth under creep condition is prime requirement in order to avoid costly and timeconsuming creep crack growth tests. To predict, in a reliable way, the growth of a major crack in a structural components operating at high temperatures, requires a fracture mechanics based approach. In this Study a novel technique, which uses Finite Element Method (FEM) together with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) has been developed to predict the fracture mechanics parameter (C*) in a 1%Cr1%MoV low alloy rotor steel under wide range of loading and temperatures. After confirming the validity of the FEM model with experimental data, a collection of numerical and experimental data has been used for training the various neural networks models. Three networks have been used to simulate the process, the perceptron multilayer network with tangent transfer function that uses 9 neurons in the hidden layer, gives the best results. Finally, for validation three case studies at 538°C, 550°C and 594°C temperatures are employed. The proposed model has proved that a combinations of ANN and FEM simulation performs well in estimation of C* and it is a powerful designing tool for creep crack growth characterization

    Optimization of Blast Furnace Parameters using Artificial Neural Network

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    Inside the blast furnace (BF) the process is very complicated and very tough to model mathematically. Blast furnace is the heart of the steel industry as it produces molten pig iron which is the raw material for steel making. It is very important to minimise the operational cost, reduce fuel consumption, and optimise the overall efficiency of the blast furnace and also improve the productivity of the blast furnace. Therefore a multi input multi output (MIMO) artificial neural network (ANN) model has been developed to predict the parameters namely raceway adiabatic flame temperature (RAFT), shaft temperature and uptake temperature. The input parameters in the ANN model are oxygen enrichment, blast volume, blast pressure, top gas pressure, hot blast temperature (HBT), steam injection rate, stove cooler inlet temperature, & stove cooler outlet temperature. For the optimisation of the predictive output back propagation ANN model has been introduced. In this present work, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been used to predict and optimise the output parameters. All the input data were collected from Rourkela steel plant (RSP) of blast number IV during the one month of operation

    Hybrib NSGA-II optimization for improving the three-term BP network for multiclass classification problems

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    Recently, hybrid algorithms have received considerable attention from a number of researchers. This paper presents a hybrid of the multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to gain a better accuracy of the fi nal solutions.The aim of using the hybrid algorithm is to improve the multiobjective evolutionary algorithm performance in terms of the enhancement of all the individuals in the population and increase the quality of the Pareto optimal solutions.The multiobjective evolutionary algorithm used in this study is a nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) together with its hybrid, the backpropagation algorithm (BP), which is used as a local search algorithm to optimize the accuracy and complexity of the three-term backpropagation (TBP) network. The outcome positively demonstrates that the hybrid algorithm is able to improve the classification performance with a smaller number of hidden nodes and is effective in multiclass classifi cation problems.Furthermore, the results indicate that the proposed hybrid method is a potentially useful classifi er for enhancing the classification process ability when compared with the multiobjective genetic algorithm based on the TBP network (MOGATBP) and certain other methods found in the literature