116 research outputs found

    Multi-Mode Virtualization for Soft Real-Time Systems

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    Real-time virtualization is an emerging technology for embedded systems integration and latency-sensitive cloud applications. Earlier real-time virtualization platforms require offline configuration of the scheduling parameters of virtual machines (VMs) based on their worst-case workloads, but this static approach results in pessimistic resource allocation when the workloads in the VMs change dynamically. Here, we present Multi-Mode-Xen (M2-Xen), a real-time virtualization platform for dynamic real-time systems where VMs can operate in modes with different CPU resource requirements at run-time. M2-Xen has three salient capabilities: (1) dynamic allocation of CPU resources among VMs in response to their mode changes, (2) overload avoidance at both the VM and host levels during mode transitions, and (3) fast mode transitions between different modes. M2-Xen has been implemented within Xen 4.8 using the real-time deferrable server (RTDS) scheduler. Experimental results show that M2-Xen maintains real-time performance in different modes, avoids overload during mode changes, and performs fast mode transitions

    Cache-Aware Real-Time Virtualization

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    Virtualization has been adopted in diverse computing environments, ranging from cloud computing to embedded systems. It enables the consolidation of multi-tenant legacy systems onto a multicore processor for Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) benefits. In order to be adopted in timing-critical systems, virtualization must provide real-time guarantee for tasks and virtual machines (VMs). However, existing virtualization technologies cannot offer such timing guarantee. Tasks in VMs can interfere with each other through shared hardware components. CPU cache, in particular, is a major source of interference that is hard to analyze or manage. In this work, we focus on challenges of the impact of cache-related interferences on the real-time guarantee of virtualization systems. We propose the cache-aware real-time virtualization that provides both system techniques and theoretical analysis for tackling the challenges. We start with the challenge of the private cache overhead and propose the private cache-aware compositional analysis. To tackle the challenge of the shared cache interference, we start with non-virtualization systems and propose a shared cache-aware scheduler for operating systems to co-allocate both CPU and cache resources to tasks and develop the analysis. We then investigate virtualization systems and propose a dynamic cache management framework that hierarchically allocates shared cache to tasks. After that, we further investigate the resource allocation and analysis technique that considers not only cache resource but also CPU and memory bandwidth resources. Our solutions are applicable to commodity hardware and are essential steps to advance virtualization technology into timing-critical systems

    Flat but Trustworthy: Security Aspects in Flattened Hierarchical Scheduling *

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    Abstract Virtualization is a well-proven technology for consolidating desktop and server applications onto the same hardware platform while maintaining their native environments. However, although embedded real-time systems start to adopt this technology, constrained resources and strict timeliness demands complicate this consolidation task, in particular if some applications are more critical than others and if the timeliness of the latter may be sacrificed for the sake of completing the former. In a previous publication, we have introduced flattening as a means to integrate mixed-criticality tasks into a single real-time system while maintaining most of their native environment as it is provided by virtual machines (VMs) and their monitors. In this paper, we focus on the security and trustworthiness aspects of flattening and on the interfaces for isolating mixed-criticality VMs on top of our microkernel for embedded real-time systems

    Secure Virtualization of Latency-Constrained Systems

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    Virtualization is a mature technology in server and desktop environments where multiple systems are consolidate onto a single physical hardware platform, increasing the utilization of todays multi-core systems as well as saving resources such as energy, space and costs compared to multiple single systems. Looking at embedded environments reveals that many systems use multiple separate computing systems inside, including requirements for real-time and isolation properties. For example, modern high-comfort cars use up to a hundred embedded computing systems. Consolidating such diverse configurations promises to save resources such as energy and weight. In my work I propose a secure software architecture that allows consolidating multiple embedded software systems with timing constraints. The base of the architecture builds a microkernel-based operating system that supports a variety of different virtualization approaches through a generic interface, supporting hardware-assisted virtualization and paravirtualization as well as multiple architectures. Studying guest systems with latency constraints with regards to virtualization showed that standard techniques such as high-frequency time-slicing are not a viable approach. Generally, guest systems are a combination of best-effort and real-time work and thus form a mixed-criticality system. Further analysis showed that such systems need to export relevant internal scheduling information to the hypervisor to support multiple guests with latency constraints. I propose a mechanism to export those relevant events that is secure, flexible, has good performance and is easy to use. The thesis concludes with an evaluation covering the virtualization approach on the ARM and x86 architectures and two guest operating systems, Linux and FreeRTOS, as well as evaluating the export mechanism

    Co-Simulation of distributed flexibility coordination schemes

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    CĂ­lem prĂĄce je implementovat a otestovat simulačnĂ­ prostƙedĂ­, kterĂ© umoĆŸnĂ­ spojenĂ­ simulĂĄtorĆŻ rĆŻznĂœch typĆŻ Ășloh. Toto prostƙedĂ­ je aplikovĂĄno na simulaci koordinovanĂ©ho optimĂĄlnĂ­ho ƙízenĂ­ spotƙeby energie 20 domĂĄcnostĂ­ s rĆŻznĂœmi poĆŸadavky na velikost spotƙeby a moĆŸnostmi uloĆŸenĂ­ energie. VĂœsledky ukazujĂ­, ĆŸe koordinovanĂ© ƙízenĂ­ spotƙeby energie vĂ­ce domĂĄcnostĂ­ mĆŻĆŸe dosĂĄhnout značnĂœch Ășspor ve srovnĂĄnĂ­ s ƙízenĂ­m spotƙeby jednotlivĂœch domĂĄcnostĂ­ bez ohledu na ostatnĂ­.The goal of the thesis is to implement and test co-simulation environment making it possible to connect simulators of different type. The environment is applied on simulation of coordinated optimal control of energy consumption of 20 households with different preferences on energy supply and its storage capacity. The results show that coordinated control of energy consumption may achieve considerable savings in comparison with control of individual households regardless to the others

    A survey on architectures and energy efficiency in Data Center Networks

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    Data Center Networks (DCNs) are attracting growing interest from both academia and industry to keep pace with the exponential growth in cloud computing and enterprise networks. Modern DCNs are facing two main challenges of scalability and cost-effectiveness. The architecture of a DCN directly impacts on its scalability, while its cost is largely driven by its power consumption. In this paper, we conduct a detailed survey of the most recent advances and research activities in DCNs, with a special focus on the architectural evolution of DCNs and their energy efficiency. The paper provides a qualitative categorization of existing DCN architectures into switch-centric and server-centric topologies as well as their design technologies. Energy efficiency in data centers is discussed in details with survey of existing techniques in energy savings, green data centers and renewable energy approaches. Finally, we outline potential future research directions in DCNs

    Real-Time Sensor Networks and Systems for the Industrial IoT

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    The Industrial Internet of Things (Industrial IoT—IIoT) has emerged as the core construct behind the various cyber-physical systems constituting a principal dimension of the fourth Industrial Revolution. While initially born as the concept behind specific industrial applications of generic IoT technologies, for the optimization of operational efficiency in automation and control, it quickly enabled the achievement of the total convergence of Operational (OT) and Information Technologies (IT). The IIoT has now surpassed the traditional borders of automation and control functions in the process and manufacturing industry, shifting towards a wider domain of functions and industries, embraced under the dominant global initiatives and architectural frameworks of Industry 4.0 (or Industrie 4.0) in Germany, Industrial Internet in the US, Society 5.0 in Japan, and Made-in-China 2025 in China. As real-time embedded systems are quickly achieving ubiquity in everyday life and in industrial environments, and many processes already depend on real-time cyber-physical systems and embedded sensors, the integration of IoT with cognitive computing and real-time data exchange is essential for real-time analytics and realization of digital twins in smart environments and services under the various frameworks’ provisions. In this context, real-time sensor networks and systems for the Industrial IoT encompass multiple technologies and raise significant design, optimization, integration and exploitation challenges. The ten articles in this Special Issue describe advances in real-time sensor networks and systems that are significant enablers of the Industrial IoT paradigm. In the relevant landscape, the domain of wireless networking technologies is centrally positioned, as expected

    Contribution à la convergence d'infrastructure entre le calcul haute performance et le traitement de données à large échelle

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    The amount of produced data, either in the scientific community or the commercialworld, is constantly growing. The field of Big Data has emerged to handle largeamounts of data on distributed computing infrastructures. High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructures are traditionally used for the execution of computeintensive workloads. However, the HPC community is also facing an increasingneed to process large amounts of data derived from high definition sensors andlarge physics apparati. The convergence of the two fields -HPC and Big Data- iscurrently taking place. In fact, the HPC community already uses Big Data tools,which are not always integrated correctly, especially at the level of the file systemand the Resource and Job Management System (RJMS).In order to understand how we can leverage HPC clusters for Big Data usage, andwhat are the challenges for the HPC infrastructures, we have studied multipleaspects of the convergence: We initially provide a survey on the software provisioning methods, with a focus on data-intensive applications. We contribute a newRJMS collaboration technique called BeBiDa which is based on 50 lines of codewhereas similar solutions use at least 1000 times more. We evaluate this mechanism on real conditions and in simulated environment with our simulator Batsim.Furthermore, we provide extensions to Batsim to support I/O, and showcase thedevelopments of a generic file system model along with a Big Data applicationmodel. This allows us to complement BeBiDa real conditions experiments withsimulations while enabling us to study file system dimensioning and trade-offs.All the experiments and analysis of this work have been done with reproducibilityin mind. Based on this experience, we propose to integrate the developmentworkflow and data analysis in the reproducibility mindset, and give feedback onour experiences with a list of best practices.RĂ©sumĂ©La quantitĂ© de donnĂ©es produites, que ce soit dans la communautĂ© scientifiqueou commerciale, est en croissance constante. Le domaine du Big Data a Ă©mergĂ©face au traitement de grandes quantitĂ©s de donnĂ©es sur les infrastructures informatiques distribuĂ©es. Les infrastructures de calcul haute performance (HPC) sont traditionnellement utilisĂ©es pour l’exĂ©cution de charges de travail intensives en calcul. Cependant, la communautĂ© HPC fait Ă©galement face Ă  un nombre croissant debesoin de traitement de grandes quantitĂ©s de donnĂ©es dĂ©rivĂ©es de capteurs hautedĂ©finition et de grands appareils physique. La convergence des deux domaines-HPC et Big Data- est en cours. En fait, la communautĂ© HPC utilise dĂ©jĂ  des outilsBig Data, qui ne sont pas toujours correctement intĂ©grĂ©s, en particulier au niveaudu systĂšme de fichiers ainsi que du systĂšme de gestion des ressources (RJMS).Afin de comprendre comment nous pouvons tirer parti des clusters HPC pourl’utilisation du Big Data, et quels sont les dĂ©fis pour les infrastructures HPC, nousavons Ă©tudiĂ© plusieurs aspects de la convergence: nous avons d’abord proposĂ© uneĂ©tude sur les mĂ©thodes de provisionnement logiciel, en mettant l’accent sur lesapplications utilisant beaucoup de donnĂ©es. Nous contribuons a l’état de l’art avecune nouvelle technique de collaboration entre RJMS appelĂ©e BeBiDa basĂ©e sur 50lignes de code alors que des solutions similaires en utilisent au moins 1000 fois plus.Nous Ă©valuons ce mĂ©canisme en conditions rĂ©elles et en environnement simulĂ©avec notre simulateur Batsim. En outre, nous fournissons des extensions Ă  Batsimpour prendre en charge les entrĂ©es/sorties et prĂ©sentons le dĂ©veloppements d’unmodĂšle de systĂšme de fichiers gĂ©nĂ©rique accompagnĂ© d’un modĂšle d’applicationBig Data. Cela nous permet de complĂ©ter les expĂ©riences en conditions rĂ©ellesde BeBiDa en simulation tout en Ă©tudiant le dimensionnement et les diffĂ©rentscompromis autours des systĂšmes de fichiers.Toutes les expĂ©riences et analyses de ce travail ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es avec la reproductibilitĂ© Ă  l’esprit. Sur la base de cette expĂ©rience, nous proposons d’intĂ©grerle flux de travail du dĂ©veloppement et de l’analyse des donnĂ©es dans l’esprit dela reproductibilitĂ©, et de donner un retour sur nos expĂ©riences avec une liste debonnes pratiques
