51 research outputs found

    Parameter Box: High Performance Parameter Servers for Efficient Distributed Deep Neural Network Training

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    Most work in the deep learning systems community has focused on faster inference, but arriving at a trained model requires lengthy experiments. Accelerating training lets developers iterate faster and come up with better models. DNN training is often seen as a compute-bound problem, best done in a single large compute node with many GPUs. As DNNs get bigger, training requires going distributed. Distributed deep neural network (DDNN) training constitutes an important workload on the cloud. Larger DNN models and faster compute engines shift the training performance bottleneck from computation to communication. Our experiments show existing DNN training frameworks do not scale in a typical cloud environment due to insufficient bandwidth and inefficient parameter server software stacks.We propose PBox, a balanced, scalable central PS hardware that balances compute and communication resources, and PHub, a high performance parameter server (PS) software design that provides an optimized network stack and a streamlined gradient processing pipeline to benefit common PS setups to utilize PBox. We show that in a typical cloud environment, PBox can achieve up to 3.8x speedup over state-of-the-art designs when training ImageNet. We discuss future directions of integrating PBox with programmable switches for in-network aggregation during training, leveraging the datacenter network topology to reduce bandwidth usage and localize data movement

    Daydream: Accurately Estimating the Efficacy of Optimizations for DNN Training

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    Modern deep neural network (DNN) training jobs use complex and heterogeneous software/hardware stacks. The efficacy of software-level optimizations can vary significantly when used in different deployment configurations. It is onerous and error-prone for ML practitioners and system developers to implement each optimization separately, and determine which ones will improve performance in their own configurations. Unfortunately, existing profiling tools do not aim to answer predictive questions such as "How will optimization X affect the performance of my model?". We address this critical limitation, and proposes a new profiling tool, Daydream, to help programmers efficiently explore the efficacy of DNN optimizations. Daydream models DNN execution with a fine-grained dependency graph based on low-level traces collected by CUPTI, and predicts runtime by simulating execution based on the dependency graph. Daydream maps the low-level traces using DNN domain-specific knowledge, and introduces a set of graph-transformation primitives that can easily model a wide variety of optimizations. We show that Daydream is able to model most mainstream DNN optimization techniques, and accurately predict the efficacy of optimizations that will result in significant performance improvements

    TBD: Benchmarking and Analyzing Deep Neural Network Training

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    The recent popularity of deep neural networks (DNNs) has generated a lot of research interest in performing DNN-related computation efficiently. However, the primary focus is usually very narrow and limited to (i) inference -- i.e. how to efficiently execute already trained models and (ii) image classification networks as the primary benchmark for evaluation. Our primary goal in this work is to break this myopic view by (i) proposing a new benchmark for DNN training, called TBD (TBD is short for Training Benchmark for DNNs), that uses a representative set of DNN models that cover a wide range of machine learning applications: image classification, machine translation, speech recognition, object detection, adversarial networks, reinforcement learning, and (ii) by performing an extensive performance analysis of training these different applications on three major deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, MXNet, CNTK) across different hardware configurations (single-GPU, multi-GPU, and multi-machine). TBD currently covers six major application domains and eight different state-of-the-art models. We present a new toolchain for performance analysis for these models that combines the targeted usage of existing performance analysis tools, careful selection of new and existing metrics and methodologies to analyze the results, and utilization of domain specific characteristics of DNN training. We also build a new set of tools for memory profiling in all three major frameworks; much needed tools that can finally shed some light on precisely how much memory is consumed by different data structures (weights, activations, gradients, workspace) in DNN training. By using our tools and methodologies, we make several important observations and recommendations on where the future research and optimization of DNN training should be focused

    PipeDream: Fast and Efficient Pipeline Parallel DNN Training

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    PipeDream is a Deep Neural Network(DNN) training system for GPUs that parallelizes computation by pipelining execution across multiple machines. Its pipeline parallel computing model avoids the slowdowns faced by data-parallel training when large models and/or limited network bandwidth induce high communication-to-computation ratios. PipeDream reduces communication by up to 95% for large DNNs relative to data-parallel training, and allows perfect overlap of communication and computation. PipeDream keeps all available GPUs productive by systematically partitioning DNN layers among them to balance work and minimize communication, versions model parameters for backward pass correctness, and schedules the forward and backward passes of different inputs in round-robin fashion to optimize "time to target accuracy". Experiments with five different DNNs on two different clusters show that PipeDream is up to 5x faster in time-to-accuracy compared to data-parallel training

    Analyzing and Mitigating Data Stalls in DNN Training

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    Training Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) is resource-intensive and time-consuming. While prior research has explored many different ways of reducing DNN training time, the impact of input data pipeline, i.e., fetching raw data items from storage and performing data pre-processing in memory, has been relatively unexplored. This paper makes the following contributions: (1) We present the first comprehensive analysis of how the input data pipeline affects the training time of widely-used computer vision and audio Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), that typically involve complex data preprocessing. We analyze nine different models across three tasks and four datasets while varying factors such as the amount of memory, number of CPU threads, storage device, GPU generation etc on servers that are a part of a large production cluster at Microsoft. We find that in many cases, DNN training time is dominated by data stall time: time spent waiting for data to be fetched and preprocessed. (2) We build a tool, DS-Analyzer to precisely measure data stalls using a differential technique, and perform predictive what-if analysis on data stalls. (3) Finally, based on the insights from our analysis, we design and implement three simple but effective techniques in a data-loading library, CoorDL, to mitigate data stalls. Our experiments on a range of DNN tasks, models, datasets, and hardware configs show that when PyTorch uses CoorDL instead of the state-of-the-art DALI data loading library, DNN training time is reduced significantly (by as much as 5x on a single server)

    The Non-IID Data Quagmire of Decentralized Machine Learning

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    Many large-scale machine learning (ML) applications need to perform decentralized learning over datasets generated at different devices and locations. Such datasets pose a significant challenge to decentralized learning because their different contexts result in significant data distribution skew across devices/locations. In this paper, we take a step toward better understanding this challenge by presenting a detailed experimental study of decentralized DNN training on a common type of data skew: skewed distribution of data labels across devices/locations. Our study shows that: (i) skewed data labels are a fundamental and pervasive problem for decentralized learning, causing significant accuracy loss across many ML applications, DNN models, training datasets, and decentralized learning algorithms; (ii) the problem is particularly challenging for DNN models with batch normalization; and (iii) the degree of data skew is a key determinant of the difficulty of the problem. Based on these findings, we present SkewScout, a system-level approach that adapts the communication frequency of decentralized learning algorithms to the (skew-induced) accuracy loss between data partitions. We also show that group normalization can recover much of the accuracy loss of batch normalization

    Heterogeneity-Aware Cluster Scheduling Policies for Deep Learning Workloads

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    Specialized accelerators such as GPUs, TPUs, FPGAs, and custom ASICs have been increasingly deployed to train deep learning models. These accelerators exhibit heterogeneous performance behavior across model architectures. Existing schedulers for clusters of accelerators, which are used to arbitrate these expensive training resources across many users, have shown how to optimize for various multi-job, multi-user objectives, like fairness and makespan. Unfortunately, existing schedulers largely do not consider performance heterogeneity. In this paper, we propose Gavel, a heterogeneity-aware scheduler that systematically generalizes a wide range of existing scheduling policies. Gavel expresses these policies as optimization problems, making it easy to optimize for objectives in a heterogeneity-aware way, while also being cognizant of performance optimizations like space sharing. Gavel then uses a round-based scheduling mechanism to ensure jobs receive their ideal allocation given the target scheduling policy. Gavel's heterogeneity-aware policies allow a heterogeneous cluster to sustain higher input load, and improve end objectives such as average job completion time and makespan by up to 3.5x compared to heterogeneity-agnostic policies

    Memory-Efficient Pipeline-Parallel DNN Training

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    Many state-of-the-art ML results have been obtained by scaling up the number of parameters in existing models. However, parameters and activations for such large models often do not fit in the memory of a single accelerator device; this means that it is necessary to distribute training of large models over multiple accelerators. In this work, we propose PipeDream-2BW, a system that supports memory-efficient pipeline parallelism. PipeDream-2BW uses a novel pipelining and weight gradient coalescing strategy, combined with the double buffering of weights, to ensure high throughput, low memory footprint, and weight update semantics similar to data parallelism. In addition, PipeDream-2BW automatically partitions the model over the available hardware resources, while respecting hardware constraints such as memory capacities of accelerators and interconnect topologies. PipeDream-2BW can accelerate the training of large GPT and BERT language models by up to 20×\times with similar final model accuracy.Comment: Accepted to ICML 202

    Parameter Hub: a Rack-Scale Parameter Server for Distributed Deep Neural Network Training

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    Distributed deep neural network (DDNN) training constitutes an increasingly important workload that frequently runs in the cloud. Larger DNN models and faster compute engines are shifting DDNN training bottlenecks from computation to communication. This paper characterizes DDNN training to precisely pinpoint these bottlenecks. We found that timely training requires high performance parameter servers (PSs) with optimized network stacks and gradient processing pipelines, as well as server and network hardware with balanced computation and communication resources. We therefore propose PHub, a high performance multi-tenant, rack-scale PS design. PHub co-designs the PS software and hardware to accelerate rack-level and hierarchical cross-rack parameter exchange, with an API compatible with many DDNN training frameworks. PHub provides a performance improvement of up to 2.7x compared to state-of-the-art distributed training techniques for cloud-based ImageNet workloads, with 25% better throughput per dollar

    Efficient Algorithms for Device Placement of DNN Graph Operators

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    Modern machine learning workloads use large models, with complex structures, that are very expensive to execute. The devices that execute complex models are becoming increasingly heterogeneous as we see a flourishing of domain-specific accelerators being offered as hardware accelerators in addition to CPUs. These trends necessitate distributing the workload across multiple devices. Recent work has shown that significant gains can be obtained with model parallelism, i.e, partitioning a neural network's computational graph onto multiple devices. In particular, this form of parallelism assumes a pipeline of devices, which is fed a stream of samples and yields high throughput for training and inference of DNNs. However, for such settings (large models and multiple heterogeneous devices), we require automated algorithms and toolchains that can partition the ML workload across devices. In this paper, we identify and isolate the structured optimization problem at the core of device placement of DNN operators, for both inference and training, especially in modern pipelined settings. We then provide algorithms that solve this problem to optimality. We demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of our approaches using several contemporary DNN computation graphs.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 202