21 research outputs found

    Deadlock Prevention Policy with Behavioral Optimality or Suboptimality Achieved by the Redundancy Identification of Constraints and the Rearrangement of Monitors

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    This work develops an iterative deadlock prevention method for a special class of Petri nets that can well model a variety of flexible manufacturing systems. A deadlock detection technique, called mixed integer programming (MIP), is used to find a strict minimal siphon (SMS) in a plant model without a complete enumeration of siphons. The policy consists of two phases. At the first phase, SMSs are obtained by MIP technique iteratively and monitors are added to the complementary sets of the SMSs. For the possible existence of new siphons generated after the first phase, we add monitors with their output arcs first pointed to source transitions at the second phase to avoid new siphons generating and then rearrange the output arcs step by step on condition that liveness is preserved. In addition, an algorithm is proposed to remove the redundant constraints of the MIP problem in this paper. The policy improves the behavioral permissiveness of the resulting net and greatly enhances the structural simplicity of the supervisor. Theoretical analysis and experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Synthesis of Liveness-Enforcing Petri Net Supervisors Based on a Think-Globally-Act-Locally Approach and a Structurally Minimal Method for Flexible Manufacturing Systems

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    This paper proposes a deadlock prevention policy for flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) based on a think-globally-act-locally approach and a structurally minimal method. First, by using the think-globally-act-locally approach, a global idle place is temporarily added to a Petri net model with deadlocks. Then, at each iteration, an integer linear programming problem is formulated to design a minimal number of maximally permissive control places. Therefore, a supervisor with a low structural complexity is obtained since the number of control places is greatly compressed. Finally, by adding the designed supervisor, the resulting net model is optimally or near-optimally controlled. Three examples from the literature are used to illustrate the proposed method

    Comparison and Evaluation of Deadlock Prevention Methods for Different Size Automated Manufacturing Systems

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    In automated manufacturing systems (AMSs), deadlocks problems can arise due to limited shared resources. Petri nets are an effective tool to prevent deadlocks in AMSs. In this paper, a simulation based on existing deadlock prevention policies and different Petri net models are considered to explore whether a permissive liveness-enforcing Petri net supervisor can provide better time performance. The work of simulation is implemented as follows. (1) Assign the time to the controlled Petri net models, which leads to timed Petri nets. (2) Build the Petri net model using MATLAB software. (3) Run and simulate the model, and simulation results are analyzed to determine which existing policies are suitable for different systems. Siphons and iterative methods are used for deadlocks prevention. Finally, the computational results show that the selected deadlock policies may not imply high resource utilization and plant productivity, which have been shown theoretically in previous publications. However, for all selected AMSs, the iterative methods always lead to structurally and computationally complex liveness-enforcing net supervisors compared to the siphons methods. Moreover, they can provide better behavioral permissiveness than siphons methods for small systems. For large systems, a strict minimal siphon method leads to better behavioral permissiveness than the other methods

    Computationally Improved Optimal Control Methodology for Linear Programming Problems of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

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    Deadlock prevention policies are used to solve the deadlock problems of FMSs. It is well known that the theory of regions is the efficient method for obtaining optimal (i.e., maximally permissive) controllers. All legal and live maximal behaviors of Petri net models can be preserved by using marking/transition-separation instances (MTSIs) or event-state-separation-problem (ESSP) methods. However, they encountered great difficulties in solving all sets of inequalities that is an extremely time consuming problem. Moreover, the number of linear programming problems (LPPs) of legal markings is also exponential with net size when a plant net grows exponentially. This paper proposes a novel methodology to reduce the number of MTSIs/ESSPs and LPPs. In this paper, we used the well-known reduction approach Murata (1989) to simply the construct of system such that the problem of LPPs can then be reduced. Additionally, critical ones of crucial marking/transition-separation instances (COCMTSI) are developed and used in our deadlock prevention policy that allows designers to employ few MTSIs to deal with deadlocks. Experimental results indicate that the computational cost can be reduced. To our knowledge, this deadlock prevention policy is the most efficient policy to obtain maximal permissive behavior of Petri net models than past approaches

    Contributions to the deadlock problem in multithreaded software applications observed as Resource Allocation Systems

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    Desde el punto de vista de la competencia por recursos compartidos sucesivamente reutilizables, se dice que un sistema concurrente compuesto por procesos secuenciales est谩 en situaci贸n de bloqueo si existe en 茅l un conjunto de procesos que est谩n indefinidamente esperando la liberaci贸n de ciertos recursos retenidos por miembros del mismo conjunto de procesos. En sistemas razonablemente complejos o distribuidos, establecer una pol铆tica de asignaci贸n de recursos que sea libre de bloqueos puede ser un problema muy dif铆cil de resolver de forma eficiente. En este sentido, los modelos formales, y particularmente las redes de Petri, se han ido afianzando como herramientas fruct铆feras que permiten abstraer el problema de asignaci贸n de recursos en este tipo de sistemas, con el fin de abordarlo anal铆ticamente y proveer m茅todos eficientes para la correcta construcci贸n o correcci贸n de estos sistemas. En particular, la teor铆a estructural de redes de Petri se postula como un potente aliado para lidiar con el problema de la explosi贸n de estados inherente a aqu茅llos. En este f茅rtil contexto han florecido una serie de trabajos que defienden una propuesta metodol贸gica de dise帽o orientada al estudio estructural y la correspondiente correcci贸n f铆sica del problema de asignaci贸n de recursos en familias de sistemas muy significativas en determinados contextos de aplicaci贸n, como el de los Sistemas de Fabricaci贸n Flexible. Las clases de modelos de redes de Petri resultantes asumen ciertas restricciones, con significado f铆sico en el contexto de aplicaci贸n para el que est谩n destinadas, que alivian en buena medida la complejidad del problema. En la presente tesis, se intenta acercar ese tipo de aproximaci贸n metodol贸gica al dise帽o de aplicaciones software multihilo libres de bloqueos. A tal efecto, se pone de manifiesto c贸mo aquellas restricciones procedentes del mundo de los Sistemas de Fabricaci贸n Flexible se muestran demasiado severas para aprehender la versatilidad inherente a los sistemas software en lo que respecta a la interacci贸n de los procesos con los recursos compartidos. En particular, se han de resaltar dos necesidades de modelado fundamentales que obstaculizan la mera adopci贸n de antiguas aproximaciones surgidas bajo el prisma de otros dominios: (1) la necesidad de soportar el anidamiento de bucles no desplegables en el interior de los procesos, y (2) la posible compartici贸n de recursos no disponibles en el arranque del sistema pero que son creados o declarados por un proceso en ejecuci贸n. A resultas, se identifica una serie de requerimientos b谩sicos para la definici贸n de un tipo de modelos orientado al estudio de sistemas software multihilo y se presenta una clase de redes de Petri, llamada PC2R, que cumple dicha lista de requerimientos, manteni茅ndose a su vez respetuosa con la filosof铆a de dise帽o de anteriores subclases enfocadas a otros contextos de aplicaci贸n. Junto con la revisi贸n e integraci贸n de anteriores resultados en el nuevo marco conceptual, se aborda el estudio de propiedades inherentes a los sistemas resultantes y su relaci贸n profunda con otros tipos de modelos, la confecci贸n de resultados y algoritmos eficientes para el an谩lisis estructural de vivacidad en la nueva clase, as铆 como la revisi贸n y propuesta de m茅todos de resoluci贸n de los problemas de bloqueo adaptadas a las particularidades f铆sicas del dominio de aplicaci贸n. Asimismo, se estudia la complejidad computacional de ciertas vertientes relacionadas con el problema de asignaci贸n de recursos en el nuevo contexto, as铆 como la traslaci贸n de los resultados anteriormente mencionados sobre el dominio de la ingenier铆a de software multihilo, donde la nueva clase de redes permite afrontar problemas inabordables considerando el marco te贸rico y las herramientas suministradas para subclases anteriormente explotadas

    Petri Nets at Modelling and Control of Discrete-Event Systems with Nondeterminism - Part 2

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    Discrete-Event Systems (DES) are discrete in nature. Petri Nets (PN) are one of the most widespread tools for DES modelling, analyzing and control. Different kinds of PN can be used for such purposes. Some of them were described in [3], being the first part of this paper. Here, the applicability of Labelled PN (LbPN) and Interpreted PN (IPN) for modelling and control of nondeterministic DES, especially with uncontrollable and/or unobservable transitions in the models, will be pointed out. Moreover, another kinds of nondeterminism in DES (errors, failures) will be modelled, and the possibilities of the error recovery of failed system will be presented

    On the Enforcement of a Class of Nonlinear Constraints on Petri Nets

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on the enforcement of nonlinear constraints in Petri nets. First, a supervisory structure is proposed for a nonlinear constraint. The proposed structure consists of added places and transitions. It controls the transitions in the net to be controlled only but does not change its states since there is no arc between the added transitions and the places in the original net. Second, an integer linear programming model is proposed to transform a nonlinear constraint to a minimal number of conjunc-tive linear constraints that have the same control performance as the nonlinear one. By using a place invariant based method, the obtained linear constraints can be easily enforced by a set of control places. The control places consist to a supervisor that can enforce the given nonlinear constraint. On condition that the admissible markings space of a nonlinear constraint is non-convex, another integer linear programming model is developed to obtain a minimal number of constraints whose disjunctions are equivalent to the nonlinear constraint. Finally, a number of examples are provided to demonstrate the proposed approach