19 research outputs found

    Dynamic Weighted Round Robin Approach in Software-Defined Networks Using Pox Controller

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    Load balancing is important in solving over-load traffic problems in the network. Therefore, it has been among the first appealing applications in Software Defined Networking (SDN) networks. Numerous SDN-based load-balancing approaches have been recommended to enhance the performance of SDN networks. However, network control could be more manageable in large networks with hundreds of switches and routers. The SDN is a unique way of building, controlling, and developing networks to modify this unpleasant situation. The major concept of SDN contains logically centralizing network management in an SDN controller, which manages and observes the behaviour of the network. Numerous load-balancing approaches are known, such as Round Robin (RR), random policy, Weighted randomized policy (WRP), etc. Every load-balancing policy approach has some benefits and detriments. This paper developed an advanced load-balancing algorithm, a dynamic weighted round-robin (DWRR), and ran it on the top of the SDN controller. Then we calculate the result of our proposed load-balancing approach by comparing it with the current round-robin (RR) and weighted round-robin (WRR) approaches. Mininet tool is utilized for the investigation, and the controller utilized as the control plane is named the POX controller

    Актуальні напрямки підвищення ефективності роботи програмно-визначених мереж

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    У роботі розглянуто проблему підвищення ефективності роботи корпоративних мереж в умовах змінних навантажень. Проаналізовано застосування, ключові виклики, відкриті питання та напрямки майбутніх досліджень в галузі моніторингу і аналізу мережевого трафіку з метою виявлення аномалій та вузьких місць на основі використання технологій програмновизначених мереж. Проаналізовано інтегровані та окремі системи моніторингу. Сформульовано вимоги до об'єктів моніторингу та визначені суттєві метрики. На верхньому рівні для визначення аномалії, що виникає під час експлуатації мережі, запропоновано використовувати підхід до розпізнавання образів з використанням суттєвих метрик. Запропоновано також використання глибокого навчання при розробленні моделей і методів розпізнавання аномалій у потоках трафіку та автоматизованого конфігурування мережевого обладнання.The paper examines the problem of increasing the efficiency of corporate networks in conditions of variable workloads. Applications, key challenges, open questions, and directions of future research in the field of monitoring and analysis of network traffic with the aim of identifying anomalies and bottlenecks based on the use of software-defined network technologies are analyzed. Integrated and separate monitoring systems were analyzed. Requirements for monitoring facilities were formulated and essential metrics were determined. At the top level, it is proposed to use a pattern recognition approach using significant metrics to determine the anomaly that occurs during network operation. The use of deep learning in the development of models and methods for recognizing anomalies in traffic flows and automated configuration of network equipment is also proposed

    Abnormal traffic detection system in SDN based on deep learning hybrid models

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    Software defined network (SDN) provides technical support for network construction in smart cities, However, the openness of SDN is also prone to more network attacks. Traditional abnormal traffic detection methods have complex algorithms and find it difficult to detect abnormalities in the network promptly, which cannot meet the demand for abnormal detection in the SDN environment. Therefore, we propose an abnormal traffic detection system based on deep learning hybrid model. The system adopts a hierarchical detection technique, which first achieves rough detection of abnormal traffic based on port information. Then it uses wavelet transform and deep learning techniques for fine detection of all traffic data flowing through suspicious switches. The experimental results show that the proposed detection method based on port information can quickly complete the approximate localization of the source of abnormal traffic. the accuracy, precision, and recall of the fine detection are significantly improved compared with the traditional method of abnormal traffic detection in SDN

    Detailed Review on The Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks in Software Defined Networks (SDNs) and Defense Strategies

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    The development of Software Defined Networking (SDN) has altered the landscape of computer networking in recent years. Its scalable architecture has become a blueprint for the design of several advanced future networks. To achieve improve and efficient monitoring, control and management capabilities of the network, software defined networks differentiate or decouple the control logic from the data forwarding plane. As a result, logical control is centralized solely in the controller. Due to the centralized nature, SDNs are exposed to several vulnerabilities such as Spoofing, Flooding, and primarily Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) among other attacks. In effect, the performance of SDN degrades based on these attacks. This paper presents a comprehensive review of several DoS and DDoS defense/mitigation strategies and classifies them into distinct classes with regards to the methodologies employed. Furthermore, suggestions were made to enhance current mitigation strategies accordingly

    Aplicaciones de SDN en infraestructura de redes educativas

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    Introducción: Aunque el SDN se originó en el mundo académico, los REN académicos no han implementado ampliamente SDN en su red de producción, SDN nos da un nuevo rumbo arquitectónico que permite a la red ser controlada de manera inteligente y central, también permite ser programada, utilizando aplicaciones de software. Lo cual contribuye a que los operadores administren toda la red de manera eficiente, integral y constante, independientemente de la tecnología de red subyacente. Objetivo: Determinar los parámetros para aplicar SDN correctamente en infraestructura de redes educativas Método: Para poder contestar la pregunta de investigación planteada, se planifica un proceso metodológico dividido en 2 etapas: Análisis teórico y Análisis de los factores que influyen al aplicar SDN en redes educativas. Resultado: Se presentan una perspectiva basada en los servicios de los usuarios de las redes de comunicaciones de universidades, y a su vez en base a la investigación se proponen factores relacionados con SDN al implementar este tipo de redes. Conclusiones Los factores que se añaden al diseño de infraestructura de telecomunicaciones al aplicar a una red universitaria son: Gestión automatizada de la red. Gestión de actualizaciones de la red. Lenguaje de políticas de red. Seguridad. Eficiencia energética. Virtualización de redes. Controladores SDN distribuidos. Medidas de red, Calidad de servicio y calidad de la experiencia del usuario QoE. Dispositivos IoT, en la universidad inteligente, Seguridad de la red.Introduction: Although the SDN originated in the academic world, the academic RENs have not widely implemented SDN in their production network, SDN gives us a new architectural direction that allows the network to be controlled in an intelligent and central way, it also allows to be programmed, using software applications. This helps operators manage the entire network efficiently, comprehensively and consistently, regardless of the underlying network technology. Objective: Determine the parameters to apply SDN correctly in educational network infrastructure Method: In order to answer the proposed research question, a methodological process divided into 2 stages is planned: Theoretical analysis and Analysis of the factors that influence the application of SDN in educational networks. Result: A perspective based on the services of the users of university communication networks is presented, and in turn, based on the research, factors related to SDN are proposed when implementing this type of networks. Conclusions The factors that are added to the design of telecommunications infrastructure when applied to a university network are: Automated management of the network. Management of network updates. Network policy language. Security. Energy efficiency. Network virtualization. Distributed SDN controllers. Network measures, Quality of service and quality of user experience QoE. IoT Devices, Smart University, Network Security

    Application and research perspectives in software defined networking SDN

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    Introducción: La infraestructura de redes de comunicaciones han evolucionado para convertirse en el soporte de empresas, actualmente existe un aumento de empresas de compañías que toman mayor importancia sobre la tecnología, así también las telecomunicaciones son una parte fundamental del crecimiento de las empresas a nivel mundial y del desarrollo económico. Por lo cual existen grandes esfuerzos para la investigación en nuevas tecnologías de software y de hardware de redes de comunicaciones. Objetivo: el objetivo de la investigación es contestar las interrogantes ¿Cuáles son las perspectivas de investigaciones en SDN? ¿Cuáles son las perspectivas de aplicaciones de SDN? Método: Se planifica un proceso de 3 etapas: Análisis teórico: recopilación detallada de información, para conceptualizar SDN, las perspectivas de aplicaciones e investigación en SDN. Análisis de las perspectivas de investigaciones en SDN. Y establecer las perspectivas de aplicaciones de SDN. Resultado: Se presentan varias perspectivas sobre las líneas de investigación de SDN de las cuales destacan es la calidad de servicio, la gestión y automatización de la red, la virtualización de la red y los medios de simulación de las redes SDN. Y dentro de las perspectivas de las aplicaciones de SDN destacan, aplicaciones de ciberseguridad, redes autoconscientes para mejorar la calidad de servicio y la eficiencia energética, mecanismos de enrutamiento inteligente y redes domésticas. Conclusión Una de las principales líneas de investigación que se presentan en SDN es la seguridad de la red, también se encuentra el SDN aplicado a ciberseguridad. SDN se convierte en un nicho muy grande para realizar investigaciones y encontrar de esta manera la forma de perfeccionarlo y también aplicar en un mayor número de realidades propias de las redes de comunicaciones.Introduction: The infrastructure of communications networks have evolved to become the support of companies, currently there is an increase in companies of companies that take greater importance on technology, currently there is an increase in companies of companies that take greater importance on technology, as well as telecommunications are a fundamental part of the growth of companies worldwide and economic development. For this reason, there are great efforts for research into new communications network hardware and software technologies. Objective: the objective of the research is to answer the questions: What are the perspectives of research in SDN? What are the prospects for SDN applications. Method: A 3-stage process is planned: Theoretical analysis: detailed information gathering, to conceptualize SDN, application perspectives and research in SDN. Analysis of research perspectives in SDN. And it established the prospects for SDN applications. Result: Several perspectives on SDN research lines are presented, the most important of which are the quality of service, the management and automation of the network, the virtualization of the network and the means of simulation of the SDN networks. And within the perspectives of SDN applications, cybersecurity applications, self-aware networks to improve service quality and energy efficiency, intelligent routing mechanisms and home networks stand out. Conclusions One of the main lines of research presented in SDN is network security, there is also SDN applied to cybersecurity. SDN becomes a very large niche to carry out research and thus find a way to improve it and apply it in a greater number of realities typical of communications networks

    Software defined internet of things in smart city: A review

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    The concept of smart cities has gained traction to enhance citizens’ quality of life amidst rapid urbanization. Integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) is a key component that allows for gathering real-time data to inform decision-making and drive innovation in urban planning and management. However, managing the amount of data generated and the IoT devices rapid growth poses a challenge that leads to network management, interoperability, security, and scalability issues in smart cities. To overcome such problems, integrating Software Define Networking (SDN) in IoT provides a flexible, scalable, and efficient network architecture that can better support the unique demands of IoT devices and applications. Motivated by the extensive research efforts in the Software Defined Internet of Things (SDIoT), this paper aims to review SDIoT implementation in smart cities. It first introduces the underlying technology along with various practical applications of SDIoT. The comprehension of SDIoT in smart cities focus on IoT application requirements, including interoperability, scalability, low latency requirement, handling of big data, security, and privacy, energy consumption, Quality of Service (QoS), and task offloading. The paper concludes by discussing the future research directions that need to be examined in greater depth

    Towards a software defined network based multi-domain architecture for the internet of things

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    The current communication networks are heterogeneous, with a diversity of devices and services that challenge traditional networks, making it difficult to meet quality of service (QoS) requirements. With the advent of software-defined networks (SDN), new tools have emerged to design more flexible networks. SDN offers centralized management for data streams in distributed sensor networks. Thus, the main goal of this dissertation is to investigate a solution that meets the QoS requirements of traffic originating on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This traffic is transmitted to the Internet in a distributed system with multiple SDN controllers. To achieve the goal, we designed a multi-controller network topology, each managed by its controller. Communication between the domains is done via an SDN traffic domain with the Open Network Operating System (ONOS) controller SDN-IP application. We also emulated a network to test QoS through OpenvSwitch queues. The goal is to create traffic priorities in a network with traditional and simulated IoT devices. According to our tests, we have been able to ensure the SDN inter-domain communication and have proven that our proposal is reactive to a topology failure. In the QoS scenario we have shown that through the insertion of OpenFlow rules, we are able to prioritize traffic and provide guarantees of quality of service. This proves that our proposal is promising for use in scenarios with multiple administrative domains.As redes atuais de comunicação são heterogéneas, com uma diversidade de dispositivos e serviços, que desafiam as redes tradicionais, dificultando a satisfação dos requisitos de qualidade de serviço (QoS). Com o advento das Redes Definidas por Software (SDN), novas ferramentas surgiram para projetar redes mais flexíveis. O SDN oferece uma gestão centralizada para os fluxos de dados em redes distribuídas de sensores. Assim, o principal objetivo desta dissertação é de investigar uma solução que cumpra os requisitos de QoS do tráfego originado em dispositivos de Internet das coisas (IoT). Este tráfego é transmitido para a Internet, num sistema distribuído com múltiplos controladores SDN. Para atingir o objetivo, projetamos uma topologia de rede com múltiplos domínios, cada um gerido pelo seu controlador. A comunicação entre os domínios, é feita através dum domínio de trânsito SDN com a aplicação SDN-IP do controlador Sistema Operativo de Rede Aberta (ONOS). Emulamos também uma rede para testar a QoS através de filas de espera do OpenvSwitch. O objetivo é criar prioridades de tráfego numa rede com dispositivos tradicionais e de IoT simulados. De acordo com os testes realizados, conseguimos garantir a comunicação entre domínios SDN e comprovamos que a nossa proposta é reativa a uma falha na topologia. No cenário do QoS demostramos que, através da inserção de regras OpenFlow, conseguimos priorizar o tráfego e oferecer garantias de qualidade de serviço. Desta forma comprovamos que a nossa proposta é promissora para ser utilizada em cenários com múltiplos domínios administrativos

    DyNetKAT: An Algebra of Dynamic Networks

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    We introduce a formal language for specifying dynamic updates for Software Defined Networks. Our language builds upon Network Kleene Algebra with Tests (NetKAT) and adds constructs for synchronisations and multi-packet behaviour to capture the interaction between the control- and data-plane in dynamic updates. We provide a sound and ground-complete axiomatisation of our language. We exploit the equational theory to provide an efficient reasoning method about safety properties for dynamic networks. We implement our equational theory in DyNetiKAT -- a tool prototype, based on the Maude Rewriting Logic and the NetKAT tool, and apply it to a case study. We show that we can analyse the case study for networks with hundreds of switches using our initial tool prototype