87 research outputs found

    Czytelnictwo tradycyjne vs. cyfrowe – zmiany w kulturze czytelniczej

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    Changes in expectations and mentality of the modern reader make classic approach to the process of reading out of date. Nowadays the reader has a choice between two parallel media: traditional and digital. They both present the same information but in different ways. The user may choose to use the traditional form or turn to digital media. Users often end up switching between both forms of presentation. One of the problems related to this change in reading paradigm is identifying reading habits transferred by users from traditional to electronic media and vice versa. The article attempts to answer this question as well as discuss the future of traditional media in the context of the evolving digital forms.Zmiany w oczekiwaniach i mentalności współczesnego odbiorcy powodują, że klasyczne podejście do procesu czytania wydaje się nieaktualne. Recepcja treści dla czytelnika mającego do wyboru dwa równoległe nośniki – często tej samej – informacji, ale zaprezentowanej w inny sposób sprawia, że decyduje się na pozostanie przy tradycyjnej formie, zmienia go na nośnik cyfrowy, albo wykorzystuje obydwie formy prezentacji treści. Jednym z problemów powstałych wskutek takich działań jest to, jakie praktyki przenoszą użytkownicy tradycyjnych mediów na elektroniczne i odwrotnie? Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na powyższe pytania i usystematyzowaniem dyskusji na temat przyszłości tradycyjnych nośników treści w kontekście rozwijającej się formy cyfrowej


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk buku elektronik (E-Book) fisika SMA yang berorientasi keseimbangan literasi sains pada topik teori kinetik gas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dari Dick dan Carry yang telah dimodifikasi hingga tahap pengembangan produk. Tahap penelitian meliputi Analisis (Analysis), Perencanaan (Design), dan Pengembangan (Development). Pada tahap pengembangan dilakukan dengan cara validasi kelayakan E-Book oleh 6 validator ahli dan produk E-Book diuji coba secara terbatas. Partisipan penelitian adalah 24 siswa salah satu SMA Negeri di Kota Bandung kelas XII. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen lembar validasi dan tes uji rumpang. E-Book dikatakan memiliki keseimbangan aspek literasi sains apabila memenuhi persentase dari Wilkinson (1999) untuk aspek pengetahuan sains (38%–42%), penyelidikan hakikat sains(19%–26%), sains sebagai cara berpikir (13%–19%), interaksi sains, teknologi, dan masyarakat (20%–23%). E-Book dikatakan layak apabila persentase penilaian dari validator ≥ 61% dengan kategori layak menurut Ridwan (2010). Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, E-Book secara keseluruhan telah memenuhi kriteria keseimbangan literasi sains. Persentase kelayakan E-Book pada kriteria materi sebesar 72,7% dengan kategori layak dan pada kriteria media sebesar 87,0% dengan kategori sangat layak. Berdasarkan uji rumpang diperoleh materi pada E-Book memiliki keterbacaan yaitu sebesar 53,3% dengan kategori sedang dan tergolong tingkat instruksional. Kata-kata kunci: E-Book, Literasi Sains, Teori Kinetik Gas ABSTRACT This research aims to produce a product electronic book (E-Book) physics senior high school oriented balance of science literacy on the topic gas kinetic theory. The method of research using a Research and Development (R&D) from Dick and Carry has been modified to the product development stage. The research stage includes analysis, design, and development. At this stage of development is carried out by means of a suitable validation E-Book by six expert validator and product E-Book tested on a limited basis. The research subject were 24 students of SMA Negeri in Kota Bandung class XII. The research instrument used are the instrument of validation and cloze test. The E-Book is balance if has percentage of science literacy from Wilkinson (1999) for aspects the knowledge of science (38%–42%), the investigative nature of science(19%–26%), science as a way of thinking(13%–19%), and interaction of science, technology, and society(20%–23%). The E-Book is feasible if the percentage of assessment from validator ≥ 61% with category feasible according to Ridwan (2010). Based on the research that has been carried out, E-Book as a whole has criteria of balace science literacy. The feasibility percentage E-Book to the criteria material is 72,7% with a feasible category and to the criteria media is 87,0% with a very feasible category. Based on the cloze test material on E-Book has legibility is 53,5% with a medium category and classified as an instructional


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    The present study reports students’ responses on the usage of e-books as well as its effectiveness following their experience. This study also examines the students’ preference and experience for printed books and e-books. The method of this research is qualitative method. The data was collected through observation, interview, and documentation. Qualitative findings show that: (1) All of the students had an interest in using e-book in pandemic situation; (2) the use of e-book in in pandemic situation made students independent and active in reading comprehension; (3) e-book engaged them in reading comprehension rather than printed book; (4) e-book motivated students in reading comprehension. The findings of this study may be useful to other researchers who are interested in EFL teaching innovation or teachers who seek effective reading teaching method

    Exploratory Research: The Effects of Electronic Books on College Students

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    In recent years, the e-book has become more and more popular among college students, and it is much easier to be installed and set up in electronic equipment, such as laptop, Kindle, or IPad. A random sample (N=80) of undergraduate (n=25) and graduate (n=55) students not only use the e-book to read in class and library, but also at public places and at home. Of the respondents, 46% have a part-time job, 32% have a full-time job, and 22% are not employed. Fifty-five percent of the sample was male and 45% were female. The results of the survey questionnaire indicate that 55% sample claimed to spend hours on learning every week by using electronic tools, especially reading articles. Twenty-eight percent of the participants would take their electronic equipment to class instead of traditional textbooks; and 17% of them own at least two pieces of electronic equipment. Although most students rely on traditional paper print books, the population of college students applying e-book in their study life is increasing rapidly because many more “smart” and inexpensive electronic equipment (hardware) are displayed in markets in which an e-book can be installed. As everyone knows, textbooks in the United States are very expensive to be afforded by all college students. Consequently, the e-book offers a far less expensive alternative than paper print books


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    Internet activity is an ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) provides opportunities for students in learning through digital story books that are presented in an interesting way and directly contribute to the improvement of the ability to write narrative. The think-talk-write strategy (TTW) is based on the development of thinking skills, verbal and written communication. The flow of progress of this strategy starts from the involvement of students in thinking or dialogue with themselves after the process of reading the story and share ideas with friends before writing. This research used collaborative classroom action research designs, researchers and teachers worked together in conducting research. This study was carried out in a series of cycles that refer to class action research procedures namely, planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research data was collected through several instruments, namely the students' writing sheets, questionnaires, and observation checklist. The subjects of this study were 30 seventh graders of junior high school. The average value obtained during the preliminary study was 62. The value increased to 75 in cycle 1. In cycle 2, the average value obtained increased again to 80.5. The use of digital storybook is highly recommended to improve the ability to write narrative

    Digital Storybook to Improve Writing Narrative: the Ttw Strategy Presented and Tested

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    Internet activity is an ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) provides opportunities for students in learning through digital story books that are presented in an interesting way and directly contribute to the improvement of the ability to write narrative. The think-talk-write strategy (TTW) is based on the development of thinking skills, verbal and written communication. The flow of progress of this strategy starts from the involvement of students in thinking or dialogue with themselves after the process of reading the story and share ideas with friends before writing. This research used collaborative classroom action research designs, researchers and teachers worked together in conducting research. This study was carried out in a series of cycles that refer to class action research procedures namely, planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research data was collected through several instruments, namely the students' writing sheets, questionnaires, and observation checklist. The subjects of this study were 30 seventh graders of junior high school. The average value obtained during the preliminary study was 62. The value increased to 75 in cycle 1. In cycle 2, the average value obtained increased again to 80.5. The use of digital storybook is highly recommended to improve the ability to write narrative

    Mobile Assisted Language Learning: Platfoms To Support Students Teacher Improving Reading Skill

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    This study was investigating the platforms on Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) that mostly used by students teachers on first and second year to improve their reading skill. Qualitative research design which used questionnaire and interview was employed to gain and analyze the data. The result showed that 79.3% students benefited various platforms, while the rest never used any platforms to support improving their reading skill. The top-five platforms were; (1) Wattpad, (2) Social Media, (3) Duolingo, (4) U-Dictionary, and (5) Quora. Students favored those platforms due to its popularity, attractiveness, efficiency, and benefit. The up-to-date and popular platform such as various social media and Quora were used to improve reading skill by connecting them to communicate to English native. Attractive platform such as Wattpad, where they could read countless stories was demanded to please their soul of readers. The efficient ones, Duolingo and U-Dictionary were chosen by them who prefer to learn in organized way. Fortunately, all of those platforms offered advantages for students such as improving their vocabulary acquisition, grammar competence, reading speed, and reading comprehension as well

    EFL Learners Perception Toward Digital Texts Reading

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    Membaca teks digital adalah topik minat yang meningkat pesat di perpustakaan digital, terutama dalam hal meningkatkan pengalaman membaca. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pandangan mahasiswa terhadap sikap membaca mereka ketika menggunakan teks digital. Dua belas mahasiswa program studi bahasa Inggris dari Universitas di Karawang terdaftar sebagai subjek penelitian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Kuesioner Skala Likert digunakan sebagai instrumen yang terdiri dari sepuluh pernyataan mengenai pandangan dan pengalaman dalam membaca teks digital. Temuan diklasifikasikan ke dalam empat dimensi: minat, efektivitas, kesulitan, dan preferensi. Berdasarkan temuan, ditemukan bahwa peserta memiliki sikap positif. Membaca dalam Teks Digital sangat membantu siswa karena mendorong mereka untuk membaca serta teks digital sudah tersedia, nyaman, dan dapat diakses. Namun, agar lebih aman untuk digeneralisasi, disarankan agar penelitian selanjutnya mencakup mahasiswa dari program studi lain

    An Examination of Student-Librarians’ Reading Preference: Print Materials or Electronic Materials

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    Reading a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning is an essential skill for academic success. This implies that in any institution of higher learning a lot of readings are done on all programmes by students for them to excel academically. This study therefore examined student-librarians’ reading preference considering the fact that today students are exposed to two main reading material, print materials and electronic materials. The study employed a descriptive survey method with a student-librarian population of 120 randomly selected from four federal universities offering library and information science in Nigeria. The study was guided by three research questions while the main instrument used for data collection was a four-point Likert Scale structured questionnaire validated by three experts two from the department of library and information science and one from the department of educational measurement and evaluation. The data collected were presented in tables and charts analyzed using frequencies and percentages. The outcome of the study did show that despite the emergence of information and communication technologies (ICTs) which have transformed the way information resources are accessed as a result of digitalization of most information materials, student-librarians in Nigeria still preferred reading print materials to electronic materials (e-materials) though they showed acceptability for electronic resources. It was based on the finding that the following recommendations were made; librarians should as a matter of need go for hybrid collections (i.e. both print and electronic format of information sources) and student-librarians as librarians in the making should from the start be exposure to electronic literacy skills so as to gain adeptness in the use of electronic information resources

    Usability evaluation model for mobile e-book applications

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    Evaluation for mobile e-book applications are limited and did not address all the important usability measurements. Hence, this study aimed to identify the characteristics that affect user satisfaction on the usability of mobile e-book applications. Five characteristics that have a significant effect on the user satisfaction of mobile e-book applications have been identified namely readability, effectiveness, accessibility, efficiency, and navigation. A usability evaluation was conducted on three mobile e-book applications namely Adobe Acrobat Reader, Ebook Reader, and Amazon Kindle. 30 students from Universiti Utara Malaysia evaluated the mobile e-book applications and their satisfaction was measured using questionnaire. The outcomes discovered that the five characteristics (i.e., readability, effectiveness, accessibility, efficiency, and navigation) have a significant positive relationship with user satisfaction. This provides insights into the main characteristics that increase user satisfaction. It also designed a task scenario and a satisfaction questionnaire which help in evaluating mobile e-book applications
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