475,324 research outputs found


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    Education is very necessary, not to be separated from human life. The expansion and planting of education play an important role in shaping the personality of a student who has the quality and moral morality. Therefore, educators must make and think of the design in the future with an intimal that may be used to achieve the increasing learning activities of students by continuing to improve quality and professionalism in teaching an educator. So, it is expected that educators can play a maximum role in the learning process.This type of research is field research, namely research in which data collection is carried out in the field. In this case, this was done at Mes SAD, Muratara Regency. The method in research is used in research that produces qualitative descriptive data.In Mes Suku Anak Dalam (SAD), Muratara Regency, there are SAD children who are nurtured and guided by their caregivers and teachers to be directed and made like other modern children so that they can achieve their goals and be useful for the country and the nation. The Anak Dalam tribe is underestimated by others, other people think that SAD children are not the same as modern children, even though they are also ordinary humans, it's just that from their childhood they lived in remote places so they didn't keep up with the times, but now they It has changed a lot differently from the previous one, before they didn't want to wear clothes, didn't want to wear sandals, no cellphones, didn't go to school and so on, but now these SAD children in Mes have changed although little by little, now they are in the process of coaching by Mes SAD teachers and caregivers, they are guided and mentored by Mes SAD teachers and caregivers to study science and religious sciences

    Stock market returns and football match results

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    Classificação JEL: G14 – Information and Market Efficiency; Event StudiesTendo em consideração a escassa pesquisa acerca do comportamento dos investidores no que diz respeito às ações de clubes, este estudo tem como maior preocupação verificar a componente emocional presente na transação deste tipo de ações. Além disso, sabendo que atualmente a performance financeira é de extrema importância para os presidentes e diretores dos clubes de futebol, considerámos ser um bom momento para investigar e adquirir mais conhecimento sobre este tópico. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar o efeito da performance desportiva no retorno das ações dos clubes de futebol através de um estudo empírico aplicado ao caso português. A dissertação é baseada num estudo anterior feito por Stadtmann (2006), na tentativa de aplicar a sua metodologia ao caso português. Este estudo é baseado na informação do Sport Lisboa e Benfica SAD (Sociedade Anónima Desportiva), Futebol Clube do Porto SAD e Sporting Clube de Portugal SAD, considerados os “três grandes” clubes em Portugal. O método dos mínimos quadrados ordinários foi aplicado para estimar os modelos de modo a verificar o efeito da performance desportiva e a informação não esperada que advém da mesma no retorno das ações, considerando variáveis como os pontos não esperados, o índice de mercado, o tipo de encontro (internacional ou nacional) e o tipo de competição.Considering that research of the investors’ behavior regarding football clubs’ shares is very scarce, this study is particularly concerned in trying to assess the emotional component present in these transactions. Moreover, since financial performance is of extreme importance to football clubs’ presidents and directors, we considered this as a relevant and adequate time to further investigate and gain more insight into this topic. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of performance on the stock return of football clubs through an empirical analysis applied to the Portuguese case. The study is based on a previous work done by Stadtmann (2006), trying to apply its methodology to the Portuguese case. Data of Sport Lisboa e Benfica SAD (Sociedade Anónima Desportiva), Futebol Clube do Porto SAD and Sporting Clube de Portugal SAD, considered the “big three” clubs in Portugal was used as the basis of this study. The ordinary least squares method will be employed in order to determine the effect of sporting performance and its unexpected information on the stock returns, controlling variables as unexpected points, market index, type of match (international or national) and type of competition

    Fulfillment of Rights of Victims of Rape in the Decision of the Court for State Number: 512 / Pid.Sus / 2017 / Pn.Bil

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    The purpose of writing this article is the Fulfillment of the Rights of Children of Rape Victims in District Court Decision Number: 512 / Pid.Sus / 2017 / Pn.Bil. The study method uses a statutory approach (statue approach), a case approach (case approach), and a conceptual approach (Conceptual Approach). The rape crime is very worrying especially if the victim is a child who is still under age, because this will affect the psychological development of the child and cause lifelong trauma. Rape according to the legal construction of Indonesian law (KUHP) is an act of forcing a woman who is not his wife to have intercourse with him with violence or threats of violence. The state provides protection by regulating it in various laws, one of which is contained in Article 76D of the Child Protection Act. Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting a research related to the issue of "Fulfilling the Rights of Children of Rape Victims in the Decision of the District Court of Part Number: 512 / Pid.Sus / 2017 / Pn.Bil". Because in this case the writer is very sad about the verdict, what about the victim's witness whether the criminal sentence given to the defendant's children's rights has been fulfilled. Considering the crime of rape is often experienced by children, girls, adult women, including those who are mentally, physically and socially vulnerable who are sensitive to various threats from within and from outside their family. The threat of violence from outside his family, his house can often be driven out, because it can be seen by the surroundings

    The radial structure of protostellar accretion disks: influence of jets

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    The radial structure of accretion disks is a fundamental issue regarding star and planet formation. Many theoretical studies, focussing on different aspects such as e.g. disk emissivity or ionization, have been conducted in the context of the Standard Accretion Disk (SAD) model, where no jet is present. We wish to calculate the structure of YSO accretion disks in an approach that takes into account the presence of the protostellar jets. The radial structure of these Jet Emitting Disks (JED) should then be compared to that of standard accretion disks. The analytical treatment used in this work is very similar to that of standard accretion disks but is using the parameter space of Magnetised Accretion-Ejection Structures that include the jet torque on the underlying disk. In this framework, the analytical expressions of key quantities, such as mid-plane temperatures, surface densities or disk aspect ratio are derived. It is found that JEDs present a structure very different from the SADs and that can be observationally tested. The implications on planet formation in the inner regions of accretion disks are briefly discussed. We also supply sets of analytical formulae, valid in different opacity regimes, for the disk quantities. These expressions can be readily used for any work where the disk structure is needed as an input for the model.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    The Recent History of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

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    Seminar TranscriptPsychiatric diagnosis is controversial and is regarded by some principally as a means of reinforcing the vested interests of medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies. On the other hand, the phenomena that are described in clinical psychiatric practice are real and clearly extend across time and between cultures. ‘In every culture there is some notion of emotional or psychological difference. Not all cultures identify these differences in the same way, nor do they use identical terms. Equally, however no culture is indifferent to those who are sad, frightened or unintelligible in their conduct.’ 1 The description and diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or ‘winter depression’ is a comparatively recent development which provides an unrivalled opportunity to explore the construction of a psychopathological entity through the relevant peer-reviewed publications, as well as the professional and public reaction to these scientific discoveries. This Witness Seminar provides a riveting insight into the thinking of some key protagonists, both the scientists who developed the diagnosis of SAD as well as those for whom this new clinical entity resonated so clearly with their own experiences. What is the point of diagnosis? Ideally a diagnosis should point to a particular disease process, though even in general medicine this is often not the case. However, in a pragmatic sense the value of diagnosis is that it enables a group of people manifesting particular clinical phenomena to be identified as sharing a common prognosis and response to treatment – in the case of SAD a therapeutic response to artificial bright light. Indeed with SAD, it may be that increasing knowledge about the circadian effects of bright light stimulated a search for medical conditions in which it might be effective, that is, in some sense the availability of a treatment led to the identification of the condition. How truly recent is the identification of SAD as a diagnostic entity? In fact, seasonal variation in mood disorder has long been recognized and Rosenthal and colleagues (1984) quote the eminent nineteenth-century psychiatrist, Emil Kraepelin, as commenting in his standard textbook: ‘Repeatedly I saw in these cases moodiness set in in autumn and pass over in spring ... corresponding in a certain sense to the emotional changes which come over even healthy individuals at the changes of the seaso

    A unified accretion-ejection paradigm for Black Hole X-ray Binaries

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    We present a new picture for the central regions of Black Hole X-ray Binaries. In our view, these central regions have a multi-flow configuration which consists in (1) an outer standard accretion disc down to a transition radius r_J, (2) an inner magnetized accretion disc below r_J driving (3) a non relativistic self-collimated electron-proton jet surrounding, when adequate conditions for pair creation are met, (4) a ultra relativistic electron-positron beam. This accretion-ejection paradigm provides a simple explanation to the canonical spectral states by varying the transition radius r_J and disc accretion rate independently. Large values of r_J correspond to the Quiescent state for low m˙\dot m and the Hard state for larger m˙\dot m. These states are characterized by the presence of a steady electron-proton MHD jet emitted by the disc below r_J. The hard X-ray component is expected to form at the jet basis. When r_j becomes smaller than the marginally stable orbit r_i, the whole disc resembles a standard accretion disc, characteristic of the Soft state. Intermediate states correspond to situations where r_J ~ r_i. At large m˙\dot m, an unsteady pair cascade process is triggered within the jet axis, giving birth to ejection of relativistic pair blobs. This would correspond to the luminous intermediate state, with its associated superluminal motions. The variation of r_J independently of m˙\dot m is a necessary ingredient in this picture, arising from the presence of a large scale vertical magnetic field threading the disc.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by A&A main journa