158 research outputs found

    Remote AFIS: Development and Validation of low-cost Remote Tower Concepts for uncontrolled Aerodromes

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    Remote tower systems are widely established as a means to provide efcient air trafc control (ATC) from a remote location. However, even these cost-efective systems cause procurement, implementation, and maintenance costs, which make them unafordable for non-ATC aerodromes with low revenues, often only ofering an aerodrome fight information service (AFIS) or UNICOM information service. In this paper, two more inexpensive concepts enabling remote control at these aerodromes are presented. They are based on a simplifed camera set-up comprising a pan-tilt-zoom-camera (PTZ-camera) and a simple panoramic camera. A virtual reality-headset (VR-headset) is used to display the video streams and to control the PTZ-camera. The results of a validation study with nine ATC and AFIS ofcers using live trafc at the Braunschweig-Wolfsburg aerodrome (BWE) are presented. They are discussed with respect to perceived usability, virtual reality induced cybersickness, and operator acceptance. The system’s cost is compared to that of a conventional remote tower set-up. Furthermore, measured objective data in the form of angular head rotation velocities are presented and requirements for the camera set-up are deduced. In conclusion, the developed concept utilizing both the panorama camera and PTZ-camera was found to be sufciently usable and accepted by the validation participants. In contrast, the concept based only on the PTZ-camera sufered from jerky and delayed camera movements leading to considerable cybersickness and making it barely usable

    The oculometer

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    Automatic acquisition and tracking of pupil-iris boundary and of corneal reflection of light source in oculometer using electro-optic method for eye direction measuremen

    Development of new methodologies for the clinical, objective and automated evaluation of visual function based on the analysis of ocular movements : application in visual health

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    Healthy visual function not only relies on good visual acuity. Other systems such as accommodation or binocular vision need to be effective. Binocular vision is the ability of the visual system to coordinate and integrate the information received separately from the two eyes into a single binocular percept. Anomalies in the binocular vision system lead to dysfunctions which are often associated with symptoms like asthenopia, diplopia, or ocular strain. The most prevalent non-strabismic binocular dysfunction is convergence insufficiency. The tests typically used to evaluate binocular vision and diagnose binocular dysfunctions essentially consist in eliciting eye movements and asking the patients to report when they perceive diplopia or single vision. In a conventional optometric clinical setting, they are generally run subjectively, as their results depend on the answers of the patients or on the examiner’s criteria. However, there exist instruments to determine the gaze position and measure ocular movements objectively, i.e. eye-trackers. These instruments are used as research tools in a wide range of applications (neuroscience, psychology, marketing, computer science, ophthalmology, etc.). Eye tracking systems are seldom used in optometric clinical practice, although it seems reasonable to think that the evaluation of binocular vision could better rely on eye tracking systems rather than subjective observations. In this context, the main objective of this thesis is to develop new methodologies for the clinical, objective and automated evaluation of visual function based on the analysis of ocular movements. This thesis is divided in 4 studies. In the first study, new methods for an eye tracking system based on multiple corneal reflections are proposed. The other 3 studies aim to analyze ocular movements in clinically interesting situations for the objective and automated evaluation of binocular vision. The results of the first study showed that the light sources configurations that produced the reflections in the lower region of the cornea showed higher accuracy. Vertical accuracy was slightly better with a higher number of corneal reflections. However, the proposed normalization methods improved vertical accuracy and counteracted the tendency for increasing accuracy with the number of glints. As a result, if the light sources are optimally positioned to avoid the interference of the eyelids and the normalization methods are applied, there is no need for more than two light sources. In the second study, an automated and objective method to measure phoria was proposed. It was significantly more repeatable than two other conventional clinical methods. However, the phoria results of the three tests were not interchangeable. This study brings to light several advantages of using eye-trackers in optometric clinical settings. The third study analyzes the characteristics of saccadic movements that occur during the near point of convergence test. The results showed that saccadic amplitude increased and rate decrease at closer viewing distances. These changes might be explained by the more rapid change of vergence demand and the greater angular size of the fixation target at near than at far. In general, saccades contributed to correct vergence errors and fixation position errors of the dominant eye. Finally, the fourth study focuses on the effects of the stimulus’ predictability on the latency and response time of vergence step movements. The results confirmed that vergence movements to predictable stimulus had shorter latency and response time than when the stimulus was random. Latency of convergence and divergence movements was influenced by the direction of the phoria. Other factors such as attention or voluntary effort might also affect vergence responses. All these effects might influence the final result of the vergence facility test, although further research is needed to specify the impact on the clinical test.Una bona funció visual no és sinònim exclusivament de bona agudesa visual. Cal que altres sistemes com l’acomodatiu o la visió binocular siguin eficaços. La visió binocular és la capacitat del sistema visual per coordinar i integrar la informació que reben els dos ulls en una única percepció. Anomalies en el sistema de visió binocular poden donar lloc a disfuncions associades a símptomes com astenopia, o visió doble. La disfunció no estràbica de la visió binocular més prevalent és la insuficiència de convergència. Els tests que normalment es fan per avaluar la visió binocular es basen en estimular moviments oculars i demanar als pacients que indiquin quan veuen doble i quan fusionen. A la pràctica clínica convencional, aquests tests solen ser subjectius. No obstant, hi ha instruments que serveixen per determinar objectivament la posició de mirada i mesurar els moviments oculars: els eye-trackers o instruments de seguiment de mirada. Aquests instruments s’utilitzen en recerca en moltes disciplines (neurociència, psicologia, marketing, oftalmologia, etc.). Tot i que una aplicació directa dels eye-trackers podria ser en l’avaluació de la visió binocular, els sistemes de seguiment de mirada gairebé no s’utilitzen en la pràctica clínica optomètrica. En aquest context, l’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi és desenvolupar noves metodologies per a l’avaluació clínica, objectiva i automatitzada de la funció visual basades en l’anàlisi dels moviments oculars. La tesi està estructurada en 4 estudis. En el primer, es proposen nous mètodes per a un eye-tracker basat en múltiples reflexos corneals. Els altres 3 estudis tenen com a objectiu analitzar els moviments oculars en situacions d’interès clínic per avaluar objectiva i automàticament la visió binocular. Els resultats del primer estudi demostren que les configuracions d’il·luminació dels eye-trackers que formen les reflexions corneals a la zona inferior de la còrnia són més precises. La precisió vertical és lleugerament millor amb més fonts de llum. Tot i això, els mètodes de normalització proposats milloren considerablement la precisió vertical i contraresten la tendència de més precisió amb més fonts de llum. D’aquesta manera, si les fonts de llum no interfereixen amb les parpelles i s’apliquen els mètodes de normalització, no cal que els eye-trackers tinguin més de dues fonts de llum. En el segon estudi s’ha proposat un mètode automàtic i objectiu per mesurar la fòria. Aquest mètode és significativament més repetitiu que dos altres mètodes clínics. Tot i això, els resultats amb els tres mètodes no són intercanviables. Aquest estudi posa de manifest avantatges que podrien tenir els eye-trackers a la pràctica clínica optomètrica. En el tercer estudi s’analitzen les característiques dels moviments sacàdics que es produeixen durant la prova del punt proper de convergència. Els resultats demostren que l’amplitud dels sacàdics augmenta i la freqüència disminueix a mesura que s’escurça la distància. Aquests canvis poden ser deguts a que la demanda de vergència canvia més ràpid a distàncies properes que llunyanes, i a l’increment de la mida angular de l’objecte de fixació. En general, els sacàdics contribueixen a corregir els errors de vergència i els errors de fixació de l’ull dominant. Finalment, el quart estudi se centra en els efectes de la predictibilitat de l’estímul en la latència i temps de resposta dels salts de vergència. Els resultats confirmen que els moviments de vergència tenen una latència i temps de resposta més curts quan l’estímul es predictible que quan és aleatori. La latència dels moviments de convergència i divergència està influenciada per la direcció de la fòria. Altres factors com el grau d’atenció o d’esforç voluntari pot ser que afectin els moviments de vergència. Tots aquests efectes probablement influencien en el resultat final de la prova de la instal·lació de vergència, encara que es necessiten més investigacions per especificar l'impacte en la prova clínica

    Market study: 3-D eyetracker

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    A market study of a proposed version of a 3-D eyetracker for initial use at NASA's Ames Research Center was made. The commercialization potential of a simplified, less expensive 3-D eyetracker was ascertained. Primary focus on present and potential users of eyetrackers, as well as present and potential manufacturers has provided an effective means of analyzing the prospects for commercialization

    Development of new methodologies for the clinical, objective and automated evaluation of visual function based on the analysis of ocular movements : application in visual health

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    Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit de CiènciesHealthy visual function not only relies on good visual acuity. Other systems such as accommodation or binocular vision need to be effective. Binocular vision is the ability of the visual system to coordinate and integrate the information received separately from the two eyes into a single binocular percept. Anomalies in the binocular vision system lead to dysfunctions which are often associated with symptoms like asthenopia, diplopia, or ocular strain. The most prevalent non-strabismic binocular dysfunction is convergence insufficiency. The tests typically used to evaluate binocular vision and diagnose binocular dysfunctions essentially consist in eliciting eye movements and asking the patients to report when they perceive diplopia or single vision. In a conventional optometric clinical setting, they are generally run subjectively, as their results depend on the answers of the patients or on the examiner’s criteria. However, there exist instruments to determine the gaze position and measure ocular movements objectively, i.e. eye-trackers. These instruments are used as research tools in a wide range of applications (neuroscience, psychology, marketing, computer science, ophthalmology, etc.). Eye tracking systems are seldom used in optometric clinical practice, although it seems reasonable to think that the evaluation of binocular vision could better rely on eye tracking systems rather than subjective observations. In this context, the main objective of this thesis is to develop new methodologies for the clinical, objective and automated evaluation of visual function based on the analysis of ocular movements. This thesis is divided in 4 studies. In the first study, new methods for an eye tracking system based on multiple corneal reflections are proposed. The other 3 studies aim to analyze ocular movements in clinically interesting situations for the objective and automated evaluation of binocular vision. The results of the first study showed that the light sources configurations that produced the reflections in the lower region of the cornea showed higher accuracy. Vertical accuracy was slightly better with a higher number of corneal reflections. However, the proposed normalization methods improved vertical accuracy and counteracted the tendency for increasing accuracy with the number of glints. As a result, if the light sources are optimally positioned to avoid the interference of the eyelids and the normalization methods are applied, there is no need for more than two light sources. In the second study, an automated and objective method to measure phoria was proposed. It was significantly more repeatable than two other conventional clinical methods. However, the phoria results of the three tests were not interchangeable. This study brings to light several advantages of using eye-trackers in optometric clinical settings. The third study analyzes the characteristics of saccadic movements that occur during the near point of convergence test. The results showed that saccadic amplitude increased and rate decrease at closer viewing distances. These changes might be explained by the more rapid change of vergence demand and the greater angular size of the fixation target at near than at far. In general, saccades contributed to correct vergence errors and fixation position errors of the dominant eye. Finally, the fourth study focuses on the effects of the stimulus’ predictability on the latency and response time of vergence step movements. The results confirmed that vergence movements to predictable stimulus had shorter latency and response time than when the stimulus was random. Latency of convergence and divergence movements was influenced by the direction of the phoria. Other factors such as attention or voluntary effort might also affect vergence responses. All these effects might influence the final result of the vergence facility test, although further research is needed to specify the impact on the clinical test.Una bona funció visual no és sinònim exclusivament de bona agudesa visual. Cal que altres sistemes com l’acomodatiu o la visió binocular siguin eficaços. La visió binocular és la capacitat del sistema visual per coordinar i integrar la informació que reben els dos ulls en una única percepció. Anomalies en el sistema de visió binocular poden donar lloc a disfuncions associades a símptomes com astenopia, o visió doble. La disfunció no estràbica de la visió binocular més prevalent és la insuficiència de convergència. Els tests que normalment es fan per avaluar la visió binocular es basen en estimular moviments oculars i demanar als pacients que indiquin quan veuen doble i quan fusionen. A la pràctica clínica convencional, aquests tests solen ser subjectius. No obstant, hi ha instruments que serveixen per determinar objectivament la posició de mirada i mesurar els moviments oculars: els eye-trackers o instruments de seguiment de mirada. Aquests instruments s’utilitzen en recerca en moltes disciplines (neurociència, psicologia, marketing, oftalmologia, etc.). Tot i que una aplicació directa dels eye-trackers podria ser en l’avaluació de la visió binocular, els sistemes de seguiment de mirada gairebé no s’utilitzen en la pràctica clínica optomètrica. En aquest context, l’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi és desenvolupar noves metodologies per a l’avaluació clínica, objectiva i automatitzada de la funció visual basades en l’anàlisi dels moviments oculars. La tesi està estructurada en 4 estudis. En el primer, es proposen nous mètodes per a un eye-tracker basat en múltiples reflexos corneals. Els altres 3 estudis tenen com a objectiu analitzar els moviments oculars en situacions d’interès clínic per avaluar objectiva i automàticament la visió binocular. Els resultats del primer estudi demostren que les configuracions d’il·luminació dels eye-trackers que formen les reflexions corneals a la zona inferior de la còrnia són més precises. La precisió vertical és lleugerament millor amb més fonts de llum. Tot i això, els mètodes de normalització proposats milloren considerablement la precisió vertical i contraresten la tendència de més precisió amb més fonts de llum. D’aquesta manera, si les fonts de llum no interfereixen amb les parpelles i s’apliquen els mètodes de normalització, no cal que els eye-trackers tinguin més de dues fonts de llum. En el segon estudi s’ha proposat un mètode automàtic i objectiu per mesurar la fòria. Aquest mètode és significativament més repetitiu que dos altres mètodes clínics. Tot i això, els resultats amb els tres mètodes no són intercanviables. Aquest estudi posa de manifest avantatges que podrien tenir els eye-trackers a la pràctica clínica optomètrica. En el tercer estudi s’analitzen les característiques dels moviments sacàdics que es produeixen durant la prova del punt proper de convergència. Els resultats demostren que l’amplitud dels sacàdics augmenta i la freqüència disminueix a mesura que s’escurça la distància. Aquests canvis poden ser deguts a que la demanda de vergència canvia més ràpid a distàncies properes que llunyanes, i a l’increment de la mida angular de l’objecte de fixació. En general, els sacàdics contribueixen a corregir els errors de vergència i els errors de fixació de l’ull dominant. Finalment, el quart estudi se centra en els efectes de la predictibilitat de l’estímul en la latència i temps de resposta dels salts de vergència. Els resultats confirmen que els moviments de vergència tenen una latència i temps de resposta més curts quan l’estímul es predictible que quan és aleatori. La latència dels moviments de convergència i divergència està influenciada per la direcció de la fòria. Altres factors com el grau d’atenció o d’esforç voluntari pot ser que afectin els moviments de vergència. Tots aquests efectes probablement influencien en el resultat final de la prova de la instal·lació de vergència, encara que es necessiten més investigacions per especificar l'impacte en la prova clínica.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Noise Challenges in Monomodal Gaze Interaction

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    Modern graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are designed with able-bodied users in mind. Operating these interfaces can be impossible for some users who are unable to control the conventional mouse and keyboard. An eye tracking system offers possibilities for independent use and improved quality of life via dedicated interface tools especially tailored to the users ’ needs (e.g., interaction, communication, e-mailing, web browsing and entertainment). Much effort has been put towards robustness, accuracy and precision of modern eyetracking systems and there are many available on the market. Even though gaze tracking technologies have undergone dramatic improvements over the past years, the systems are still very imprecise. This thesis deals with current challenges of mono-modal gaze interaction and aims at improving access to technology and interface control for users who are limited to the eyes only. Low-cost equipment in eye tracking contributes toward improved affordability but potentially at the cost of introducing more noise in the system due to the lower quality of hardware. This implies that methods of dealing with noise and creative approaches towards getting the best out of the data stream are most wanted. The work in this thesis presents three contributions that may advance the use of low-cost mono-modal gaze tracking and research in the field:- An assessment of a low-cost open-source gaze tracker and two eye tracking systems through an accuracy and precision test and a performance evaluation.- Development and evaluation of a novel innovative 3D typing system with high tolerance to noise that is based on continuous panning and zooming.- Development and evaluation of novel selection tools that compensate for noisy input during small-target selections in modern GUIs. This thesis may be of particular interest for those working on the use of eye trackers for gaze interaction and how to deal with reduced data quality. The work in this thesis is accompanied by several software applications developed for the research projects that can be freely downloaded from the eyeInteract appstore 1

    Ambiguous Perception and Selective Attention - Competitive Processes in Complex Scenarios

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    Unser visuelles System wird jeden Tag mit komplexen und mehrdeutigen Szenen und Ereignissen konfrontiert. Diese Informationen müssen weitergeleitet, gefiltert und verarbeitet werden, um uns ein angemessenes Verhalten in unserer Umwelt zu ermöglichen. Visuelle Wahrnehmung ist dieser Prozess der Interpretation auf der Basis von Informationen, die im sichtbaren Licht enthalten sind. Die Herausforderungen, denen sich unsere Wahrnehmung stellen muss, sind vielfältig. Fehlende Informationen erschweren die Interpretation von Situationen und das Erlangen einer kohärenten Sinneserfahrung, insbesondere da ein und dieselbe visuelle Szene oftmals verschiedene Interpretationen zulassen kann. Diese Doktorarbeit umfasst fünf Studien, die sich mit der Wahrnehmung von mehrdeutigen oder komplexen Reizen unter Laborbedingungen und in realen Situationen befassen. Hierbei wurden sowohl gesunde Probanden als auch Patienten mit neurodegenerativen Krankheiten untersucht und ein neuronales Netzwerk für das bessere Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Verarbeitungsmechanismen im Gehirn herangezogen

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    How to improve learning from video, using an eye tracker

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    The initial trigger of this research about learning from video was the availability of log files from users of video material. Video modality is seen as attractive as it is associated with the relaxed mood of watching TV. The experiments in this research have the goal to gain more insight in viewing patterns of students when viewing video. Students received an awareness instruction about the use of possible alternative viewing behaviors to see whether this would enhance their learning effects. We found that: - the learning effects of students with a narrow viewing repertoire were less than the learning effects of students with a broad viewing repertoire or strategic viewers. - students with some basic knowledge of the topics covered in the videos benefited most from the use of possible alternative viewing behaviors and students with low prior knowledge benefited the least. - the knowledge gain of students with low prior knowledge disappeared after a few weeks; knowledge construction seems worse when doing two things at the same time. - media players could offer more options to help students with their search for the content they want to view again. - there was no correlation between pervasive personality traits and viewing behavior of students. The right use of video in higher education will lead to students and teachers that are more aware of their learning and teaching behavior, to better videos, to enhanced media players, and, finally, to higher learning effects that let users improve their learning from video

    Hyväksy kaikki evästeet - Käyttöliittymäkomponenttien näkyvyyden vaikutus käyttäjän suorituskykyyn

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    Tässä pro gradu -työssä tutkitaan miten käyttöliittymäkomponenttien näkyvyys vaikuttaa käyttäjään hänen valitessa kahden vaihtoehdon välillä. Monet palvelut ovat digitalisaatiosta johtuen siirtyneet verkkopalveluiksi ja ne pyytävät aluksi käyttäjiänsä hyväksymään palvelun käytön edellyttämiä tai palvelua parantavia evästeitä. Käyttäjiä ohjataan toimimaan palvelun tarjoajan kannalta edullisesti tarjoamalla huomiota herättävä vaihtoehto hyväksyttäväksi. Työtä varten laadittiin ohjelmisto, jossa käyttäjille esitettiin kolmenlaisia dialogeja, joissa kahdessa käyttöliittymän valittavien vaihtoehtojen välillä oli näkyvyysero. Käyttäjän valittavaksi tarjottiin kahta tavallista painiketta, tai tavallista painiketta taustavärittömän painikkeen tai linkin kanssa. Kokeeseen osallistuneiden 20 käyttäjän toimintaa seurattiin silmänliikekameralasien avulla ja heidän tehtävien suoritusnopeus ja -tarkkuus mitattiin napinpainallusten aikaleimojen avulla. Tehtävät olivat niin helppoja, että melkein kaikki osasivat valita pyydetyn vaihtoehdon, vaikka tehtävä pyydettiin tekemään mahdollisimman nopeasti. Painikkeiden ulkoasulla ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää merkitystä nopeuteen, mutta painikkeen tekstillä oli: nopeinta oli valita OK-tekstin sisältänyt painike. Katseen suunnan alueiden merkitseminen ei ollut kyllin tarkkaa, jotta kokeessa olisi selvinnyt, mihin käyttäjä katsoo ensin. Tilastollisesti merkitsevästi nopeinta kuitenkin oli suoriutua tehtävästä, jossa näkyvin vaihtoehto oli oikea vaihtoehto, riippumatta katsoiko käyttäjä vain tämän vaihtoehdon puolelle vai molemmille puolille dialogia, sekä kun valittavana oli positiivinen vaihtoehto dialogin oikealla puolella. Yllättävästi, ilman tehtävän luomaa ekologisesti validia kehystystä pelkkä komponentin näkyvyys ei ollut merkitsevä tekijä, vaan merkitsevää oli käyttöliittymäkomponentin teksti.This master's thesis investigates how the saliency of user interface components affect users when they choose between two options. Many services have moved online and they usually ask their users to accept web cookies that are either necessary for the functioning of the service or improve it. Users are enticed to operate to the advantage of the service provider by offering an attention-grabbing salient option for acceptance. For this thesis, software was developed, in which users were presented with three types of dialogues, with a difference in visibility between the two UI components. The user was offered two normal buttons to choose from, a normal button with a background-free button, or a normal button with a link. The experiment had 20 participants who were monitored using eye-tracking camera glasses, and the speed and accuracy of their tasks were measured using timestamps at the clicking of a button. The tasks were so easy that almost all participants were able to choose requested action even though the task was asked to be done as fast as possible. The layout of the buttons had no statistically significant effect on speed, but the text of the button had: the quickest was to select the button that contained the text OK. In the experiment, the marking of the areas of the direction of the gaze was not precise enough to determine where the user first looks. However, statistically significant the fastest was to complete the task where the most salient option was the correct option, regardless of whether the user looked at only this side or both sides of the dialogue, or those cases where the right answer was a positive option on the right side of the dialog. Surprisingly, without the ecologically valid framing created by the task, the mere visibility of the component was not a significant factor, but the text of the UI component was
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