20,235 research outputs found

    A non-homogeneous dynamic Bayesian network with sequentially coupled interaction parameters for applications in systems and synthetic biology

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    An important and challenging problem in systems biology is the inference of gene regulatory networks from short non-stationary time series of transcriptional profiles. A popular approach that has been widely applied to this end is based on dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs), although traditional homogeneous DBNs fail to model the non-stationarity and time-varying nature of the gene regulatory processes. Various authors have therefore recently proposed combining DBNs with multiple changepoint processes to obtain time varying dynamic Bayesian networks (TV-DBNs). However, TV-DBNs are not without problems. Gene expression time series are typically short, which leaves the model over-flexible, leading to over-fitting or inflated inference uncertainty. In the present paper, we introduce a Bayesian regularization scheme that addresses this difficulty. Our approach is based on the rationale that changes in gene regulatory processes appear gradually during an organism's life cycle or in response to a changing environment, and we have integrated this notion in the prior distribution of the TV-DBN parameters. We have extensively tested our regularized TV-DBN model on synthetic data, in which we have simulated short non-homogeneous time series produced from a system subject to gradual change. We have then applied our method to real-world gene expression time series, measured during the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster, under artificially generated constant light condition in Arabidopsis thaliana, and from a synthetically designed strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to a changing environment

    Dynamic Bayesian networks in molecular plant science: inferring gene regulatory networks from multiple gene expression time series

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    To understand the processes of growth and biomass production in plants, we ultimately need to elucidate the structure of the underlying regulatory networks at the molecular level. The advent of high-throughput postgenomic technologies has spurred substantial interest in reverse engineering these networks from data, and several techniques from machine learning and multivariate statistics have recently been proposed. The present article discusses the problem of inferring gene regulatory networks from gene expression time series, and we focus our exposition on the methodology of Bayesian networks. We describe dynamic Bayesian networks and explain their advantages over other statistical methods. We introduce a novel information sharing scheme, which allows us to infer gene regulatory networks from multiple sources of gene expression data more accurately. We illustrate and test this method on a set of synthetic data, using three different measures to quantify the network reconstruction accuracy. The main application of our method is related to the problem of circadian regulation in plants, where we aim to reconstruct the regulatory networks of nine circadian genes in Arabidopsis thaliana from four gene expression time series obtained under different experimental conditions

    Improvements in the reconstruction of time-varying gene regulatory networks: dynamic programming and regularization by information sharing among genes

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    <b>Method:</b> Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) have been applied widely to reconstruct the structure of regulatory processes from time series data, and they have established themselves as a standard modelling tool in computational systems biology. The conventional approach is based on the assumption of a homogeneous Markov chain, and many recent research efforts have focused on relaxing this restriction. An approach that enjoys particular popularity is based on a combination of a DBN with a multiple changepoint process, and the application of a Bayesian inference scheme via reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC). In the present article, we expand this approach in two ways. First, we show that a dynamic programming scheme allows the changepoints to be sampled from the correct conditional distribution, which results in improved convergence over RJMCMC. Second, we introduce a novel Bayesian clustering and information sharing scheme among nodes, which provides a mechanism for automatic model complexity tuning. <b>Results:</b> We evaluate the dynamic programming scheme on expression time series for Arabidopsis thaliana genes involved in circadian regulation. In a simulation study we demonstrate that the regularization scheme improves the network reconstruction accuracy over that obtained with recently proposed inhomogeneous DBNs. For gene expression profiles from a synthetically designed Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain under switching carbon metabolism we show that the combination of both: dynamic programming and regularization yields an inference procedure that outperforms two alternative established network reconstruction methods from the biology literature

    Bayesian regularization of non-homogeneous dynamic Bayesian networks by globally coupling interaction parameters

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    To relax the homogeneity assumption of classical dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs), various recent studies have combined DBNs with multiple changepoint processes. The underlying assumption is that the parameters associated with time series segments delimited by multiple changepoints are a priori independent. Under weak regularity conditions, the parameters can be integrated out in the likelihood, leading to a closed-form expression of the marginal likelihood. However, the assumption of prior independence is unrealistic in many real-world applications, where the segment-specific regulatory relationships among the interdependent quantities tend to undergo gradual evolutionary adaptations. We therefore propose a Bayesian coupling scheme to introduce systematic information sharing among the segment-specific interaction parameters. We investigate the effect this model improvement has on the network reconstruction accuracy in a reverse engineering context, where the objective is to learn the structure of a gene regulatory network from temporal gene expression profiles

    Heterogeneous continuous dynamic Bayesian networks with flexible structure and inter-time segment information sharing

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    Classical dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) are based on the homogeneous Markov assumption and cannot deal with heterogeneity and non-stationarity in temporal processes. Various approaches to relax the homogeneity assumption have recently been proposed. The present paper aims to improve the shortcomings of three recent versions of heterogeneous DBNs along the following lines: (i) avoiding the need for data discretization, (ii) increasing the flexibility over a time-invariant network structure, (iii) avoiding over-flexibility and overfitting by introducing a regularization scheme based in inter-time segment information sharing. The improved method is evaluated on synthetic data and compared with alternative published methods on gene expression time series from Drosophila melanogaster. 1

    Stochastic neural network models for gene regulatory networks

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    Recent advances in gene-expression profiling technologies provide large amounts of gene expression data. This raises the possibility for a functional understanding of genome dynamics by means of mathematical modelling. As gene expression involves intrinsic noise, stochastic models are essential for better descriptions of gene regulatory networks. However, stochastic modelling for large scale gene expression data sets is still in the very early developmental stage. In this paper we present some stochastic models by introducing stochastic processes into neural network models that can describe intermediate regulation for large scale gene networks. Poisson random variables are used to represent chance events in the processes of synthesis and degradation. For expression data with normalized concentrations, exponential or normal random variables are used to realize fluctuations. Using a network with three genes, we show how to use stochastic simulations for studying robustness and stability properties of gene expression patterns under the influence of noise, and how to use stochastic models to predict statistical distributions of expression levels in population of cells. The discussion suggest that stochastic neural network models can give better description of gene regulatory networks and provide criteria for measuring the reasonableness o mathematical models