462,943 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of good enterprise data management practices:insights from literature and artificial intelligence perspectives for business efficiency and effectiveness

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    Abstract. This thesis presents a comparative analysis of enterprise data management practices based on literature and artificial intelligence (AI) perspectives, focusing on their impact on data quality, business efficiency, and effectiveness. It employs a systematic research methodology comprising of a literature review, an AI-based examination of current practices using ChatGPT, and a comparative analysis of findings. The study highlights the importance of robust data governance, high data quality, data integration, and security, alongside the transformative potential of AI. The limitations revolve around the primarily qualitative nature of the study and potential restrictions in the generalizability of the findings. However, the thesis offers valuable insights and recommendations for enterprises to optimize their data management strategies, underscoring the enhancement potential of AI in traditional practices. The research contributes to scientific discourse in information systems, data science, and business management

    Comparative Study Of Implementing The On-Premises and Cloud Business Intelligence On Business Problems In a Multi-National Software Development Company

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceNowadays every enterprise wants to be competitive. In the last decade, the data volumes are increased dramatically. As each year data in the market increases, the ability to extract, analyze and manage the data become the backbone condition for the organization to be competitive. In this condition, organizations need to adapt their technologies to the new business reality in order to be competitive and provide new solutions that meet new requests. Business Intelligence by the main definition is the ability to extract analyze and manage the data through which an organization gain a competitive advantage. Before using this approach, it’s important to decide on which computing system it will base on, considering the volume of data, business context of the organization and technologies requirements of the market. In the last 10 years, the popularity of cloud computing increased and divided the computing Systems into On-Premises and cloud. The cloud benefits are based on providing scalability, availability and fewer costs. On another hand, traditional On-Premises provides independence of software configuration, control over data and high security. The final decision as to which computing paradigm to follow in the organization it’s not an easy task as well as depends on the business context of the organization, and the characteristics of the performance of the current On-Premises systems in business processes. In this case, Business Intelligence functions and requires in-depth analysis in order to understand if cloud computing technologies could better perform in those processes than traditional systems. The objective of this internship is to conduct a comparative study between 2 computing systems in Business Intelligence routine functions. The study will compare the On-Premises Business Intelligence Based on Oracle Architecture with Cloud Business Intelligence based on Google Cloud Services. A comparative study will be conducted through participation in activities and projects in the Business Intelligence department, of a company that develops software digital solutions to serve the telecommunications market for 12 months, as an internship student in the 2nd year of a master’s degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence at Nova Information Management School (NOVA IMS)

    Segurança da configuração por omissão de sistemas de gestão de bases de dados

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    Tese de mestrado em Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2007Os sistemas de gestão de base de dados relacionais constituem a pedra basilar dos sistemas de informação actuais. O elevado valor económico desses sistemas, conjugado com o elevado risco a que estão expostos quando ligados à Internet, tornam a questão da sua segurança premente. No entanto, frequentemente os administradores de sistemas descuram a segurança desses sistemas. Por essa razão, é fundamental que esses sistemas forneçam segurança por omissão, ou seja, que sejam seguros out of the box, sem configuração adicional. Esta tese apresenta um estudo comparativo da segurança por omissão de seis sistemas de gestão de bases de dados comerciais e de código aberto. O estudo foi baseado em análise documental e, sobretudo, no teste desses sistemas usando um conjunto de ferramentas de software.Relational Database Management Systems are the cornerstone of current information systems. The high economical value of these systems in conjunction with their high risk exposure when connected to the Internet makes their security an urgent matter. However, system administrators frequently neglect the security of these systems. For that reason, it is essential that these systems provide security by default, i. e., that these systems are secure out of the box without additional configuration. This thesis presents a comparative study of the default security of six commercial and open source database management systems. The study was based on an analysis of documentation and especially on the test of these systems using a set of software tools

    Punched-Card Systems and the Early Information Explosion, 1880–1945

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    At a time when Internet use is closely tracked and social networking sites supply data for targeted advertising, Lars Heide presents the first academic study of the invention that fueled today’s information revolution: the punched card. Early punched cards helped to process the United States census in 1890. They soon proved useful in calculating invoices and issuing pay slips. As demand for more sophisticated systems and reading machines increased in both the United States and Europe, punched cards served ever-larger data-processing purposes. Insurance companies, public utilities, businesses, and governments all used them to keep detailed records of their customers, competitors, employees, citizens, and enemies. The United States used punched-card registers in the late 1930s to pay roughly 21 million Americans their Social Security pensions, Vichy France used similar technologies in an attempt to mobilize an army against the occupying German forces, and the Germans in 1941 developed several punched-card registers to make the war effort—and surveillance of minorities—more effective. Heide’s analysis of these three major punched-card systems, as well as the impact of the invention on Great Britain, illustrates how different cultures collected personal and financial data and how they adapted to new technologies.This comparative study will interest students and scholars from a wide range of disciplines, including the history of technology, computer science, business history, and management and organizational studies

    Análisis de las características de seguridad de una muestra de gestores de bases de datos para determinar indicadores que permita hacer una elección adecuada en pymes.

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    Mediante el presente estudio monográfico se desarrolló un análisis conceptual a las características de los Sistemas de Gestión de Bases de Datos [SGBD] enfatizando en la seguridad como aspecto clave para el respaldo de la información. En este sentido, el estudio se desarrolló con una metodología tipo compilación, bajo una modalidad descriptiva, mediante la cual se analizó información escrita sobre los sistemas de gestión de bases de datos y se establecieron características, factores de vulnerabilidad y demás aspectos que al final permitieron la definición de indicadores enfocados a la seguridad de los gestores, para la elección adecuada de las MiPymes. Pudiendo establecerse con el análisis comparativo de un caso supuesto para una MiPymes, que PostgreSQL, se detalla como una opción viable por sus características de seguridad y código abierto que le permite a las medianas y pequeñas empresas respaldar su información mediante un gestor con muy buena reputación y con baja inversión monetaria.Through the present monographic study, a conceptual analysis of the characteristics of the Database Management Systems [DBMS] will be considered, emphasizing security as a key aspect for information backup. In this sense, the study will be analyzed with a compilation-type methodology, under a descriptive methodology, through which written information on database management systems was analyzed and characteristics, protection factors and other aspects were established that ultimately allowed the definition of indicators focused on the safety of managers, for the proper choice of MSMEs. Being able to establish itself with the comparative analysis of a supposed case for a MyPymes, which PostgreSQL, is detailed as a viable option for its security features and open source that allows medium and small companies backed up their information by a manager with a very good reputation. and with low monetary investmen

    Quality system certification in institutions of social responses

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    Trabalho apresentado em 16th Toulon - Verona Conference, 29-30 agosto 2013, Ljubljana, SloveniaThe major challenge of the European Economy on the crises time is to give adequate and answer to social necessities of the European population. The severe financial crisis is reflected in the answers given by the states social needs. The effectiveness and quality of such services is becoming a very complex subject and often difficult to solve, but the urge to respond. The emergence of many private companies that seek to give answers to the growing social needs is another element to consider in the context of the social economy. The competitiveness of this sector, particularly in terms of financial profitability, assumes that service quality is an essential component. In recent years there has been significant increase in the quality system certification of the answers members. In Portugal there are two specific certification schemes social responses EQUASS certification (European Quality Assurance in Social Services) and certified according to the models of the ISS (Institute of Social Security). The existence of these schemes together with certification based on ISO 9001, created the need for this comparative analysis and discussion of the experiences gained, to give more accurate information to the market of social services, as well as identify key training needs professional sector. The onset of the work of a Technical Committee for Standardization of quality management systems in social responses came also reinforce the need already identified. The objective of this work is to analyze the differences and similarities of different certification systems and identify which kind of certification are uses in different social institution and why This will be a first step to the future work of comparison of those different certification systems and elaboration of the one certification systems based on the experience and study of the existent ones.N/

    Dynamic real-time risk analytics of uncontrollable states in complex internet of things systems, cyber risk at the edge

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) triggers new types of cyber risks. Therefore, the integration of new IoT devices and services requires a self-assessment of IoT cyber security posture. By security posture this article refers to the cybersecurity strength of an organisation to predict, prevent and respond to cyberthreats. At present, there is a gap in the state of the art, because there are no self-assessment methods for quantifying IoT cyber risk posture. To address this gap, an empirical analysis is performed of 12 cyber risk assessment approaches. The results and the main findings from the analysis is presented as the current and a target risk state for IoT systems, followed by conclusions and recommendations on a transformation roadmap, describing how IoT systems can achieve the target state with a new goal-oriented dependency model. By target state, we refer to the cyber security target that matches the generic security requirements of an organisation. The research paper studies and adapts four alternatives for IoT risk assessment and identifies the goal-oriented dependency modelling as a dominant approach among the risk assessment models studied. The new goal-oriented dependency model in this article enables the assessment of uncontrollable risk states in complex IoT systems and can be used for a quantitative self-assessment of IoT cyber risk posture

    Prospects for the development of modern interstate legal systems in the context of globalization challenges

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    Mankind is facing new civilizational problems (management of global processes, environmental safety, health care, etc.). A significant role in their solution is given to international organizations, interstate legal systems. Analysis of actions to solve global problems raises before legal science questions about the real capabilities of international organizations, interstate legal systems, their ability to adequately respond to globalization challenges, the need to clarify their role in the new reality, as well as their nature, form, and significance. This is a new model of interaction between states within the international system, which could ensure not only their cooperation but also integration through a new institutional mechanism and system of legal acts. The study uses universal and European international legal acts (in particular, sources of law) and other documents that offer a description of their nature, form, significance, ability to adequately respond to the globalization challenges of today. The main in the research process were: globalization approach, logical methods, general theoretical, sociological, comparative law, and international legal methodology. An analysis of the provisions of international, foreign, and Ukrainian legal science, sources of law, and legal practice revealed that modern international organizations arose in connection with the need to ensure the functioning of sovereign states and their cooperation. After the Second World War, those were formed that are designed to ensure closer cooperation based on universal and regional cooperation (United Nations, Council of Europe, European Union). New world order and interstate legal systems are being formed, which structure it. Their forms of integration are emerging, such as the legal system of the European Union. These systems have successfully fulfilled their role in streamlining the regional (European) and universal space. Although new globalization challenges of socio-economic, security, information, health, and environment necessitated the formation of a new model of interstate legal systems, which would ensure not only cooperation but also integration, through the creation of a new institutional mechanism and an effective system of legal acts
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