16 research outputs found

    The Potential of Using Augmented Reality (AR) Technology as Learning Material in TVET

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    In the field of education today, people can choose from a variety of ways and methods to acquire specific information and skills; here are some good examples: classroom lectures with textbooks, computers, hand-held devices, and other electronics appliances such as tablets and smartphones. In a rapidly changing society, there are countless sources of knowledge and a great deal of available information; hence, adopting an appropriate method and applying relevant information at the right time and place are important in both schools and business settings. The augmented reality (AR) technology is one of the most advanced developments in the education sector tailored for 21st Century learning. With so much to offer, it is worthwhile to investigate the potential of integrating AR into the teaching-learning processes. This study focuses on exploring the possibility of merging TVET learning materials with the AR technology; the survey was carried out among the lecturers to gauge their knowledge and perception of AR as well as the relationship between the two elements. This quantitative study includes randomly selected samples of 230 lecturers from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The respondents were given a questionnaire to answer. The SPSS version 22 software package was used to analyse the data collected. Overall, the mean score indicates that the lecturers' knowledge level for AR technology is high. The lecturers also have a positive perception of using AR as a tool to incorporate and present the learning materials. Finally, this study discovers that there is a positive relationship between the lecturers’ information about AR and their perception of using AR as a vehicle to deliver the learning materials. AR is expected to achieve widespread adoption in schools, universities and colleges,  TVET and other higher learning institutions. Therefore, this study may be useful to the developers and providers of augmented reality solutions, end users of these solutions, teachers and students, and the experimenting digital communities.&nbsp

    Augmented reality in University Education

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    El aumento del uso, así como de las posibilidades que ofrecen los dispositivos móviles, tablets o los smartphones en nuestra vida diaria, conlleva que dichas herramientas puedan ser incorporadas, sin costes adicionales, y con grandes posibilidades didácticas, en los contextos de formación universitaria. Este aspecto contribuye, sin lugar a duda, a la proliferación de tecnologías como la Realidad Aumentada (RA), que permite, apoyándose en los dispositivos anteriormente comentados, facilitar la combinación de información digital e información física en tiempo real. En el presente artículo no se presentará la problemática de la conceptualización de la RA, sino que se pretende ofrecer una visión a través del análisis de dos de las variables que pueden ser consideradas como limitantes en el uso de ésta tecnología en los contextos universitarios: la falta de investigaciones, y los pocos objetos de aprendizaje generados en formato RA (todo ello sin olvidar la necesidad de contar con marcos teóricos para facilitar su incorporación educativa). Asimismo, es necesario partir de hecho de que, si se pretende que dicha tecnología se incorpore a la formación universitaria, es imprescincible que las Universidades creen y potencien centros de producción que faciliten y/o ayuden al docente para su producción. Y ello, no porque algunos objetos no puedan ser producidos por los propios docentes, sino porque objetos complejos requieren el manejo de programas complejos, así como de la elaboración de recursos de cierta, mucha, dificultad.The increase in use, as well as the possibilities offered by mobile devices, tablets or smartphones in our daily lives, means that these tools can be incorporated, without additional costs, and with great didactic possibilities, in the contexts of university education. This aspect contributes without a doubt, to the proliferation of technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), which allows, using the aforementioned devices, to facilitate the combination of digital information and physical information in real time. In this article the problem of the conceptualization of the RA wont be presented, but its intended to offer a vision through the analysis of two of the variables that can be considered as limiting in the use of this technology in the university contexts: lack of research, and the few learning objects generated in RA format (all without forgetting the need to have theoretical frameworks to facilitate their educational incorporation). Likewise, its necessary to start from the fact that, if this technology is to be incorporated into university education, its essential that universities create and strengthen production centers that facilitate and/or help the teacher to produce them. And this, not because some objects can not be produced by the teachers themselves, but because complex objects require the management of complex programs, as well as the elaboration of resources of certain, much, difficult

    Augmented reality in university education

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    [EN] The increase in use, as well as the possibilities offered by mobile devices, tablets or smartphones in our daily lives, means that these tools can be incorporated, without additional costs, and with great didactic possibilities, in the contexts of university education. This aspect contributes without a doubt, to the proliferation of technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), which allows, using the aforementioned devices, to facilitate the combination of digital information and physical information in real time. In this article the problem of the conceptualization of the RA wont be presented, but its intended to offer a vision through the analysis of two of the variables that can be considered as limiting in the use of this technology in the university contexts: lack of research, and the few learning objects generated in RA format (all without forgetting the need to have theoretical frameworks to facilitate their educational incorporation). Likewise, its necessary to start from the fact that, if this technology is to be incorporated into university education, its essential that universities create and strengthen production centers that facilitate and/or help the teacher to produce them. And this, not because some objects can not be produced by the teachers themselves, but because complex objects require the management of complex programs, as well as the elaboration of resources of certain, much, difficulty.[ES] El aumento del uso, así como de las posibilidades que ofrecen los dispositivos móviles, tablets o los smartphones en nuestra vida diaria, conlleva que dichas herramientas puedan ser incorporadas, sin costes adicionales, y con grandes posibilidades didácticas, en los contextos de formación universitaria. Este aspecto contribuye, sin lugar a duda, a la proliferación de tecnologías como la Realidad Aumentada (RA), que permite, apoyándose en los dispositivos anteriormente comentados, facilitar la combinación de información digital e información física en tiempo real. En el presente artículo no se presentará la problemática de la conceptualización de la RA, sino que se pretende ofrecer una visión a través del análisis de dos de las variables que pueden ser consideradas como limitantes en el uso de ésta tecnología en los contextos universitarios: la falta de investigaciones, y los pocos objetos de aprendizaje generados en formato RA (todo ello sin olvidar la necesidad de contar con marcos teóricos para facilitar su incorporación educativa). Asimismo, es necesario partir de hecho de que, si se pretende que dicha tecnología se incorpore a la formación universitaria, es imprescincible que las Universidades creen y potencien centros de producción que faciliten y/o ayuden al docente para su producción. Y ello, no porque algunos objetos no puedan ser producidos por los propios docentes, sino porque objetos complejos requieren el manejo de programas complejos, así como de la elaboración de recursos de cierta, mucha, dificultad.Cabero, J.; Barroso, J.; Llorente, C. (2019). La realidad aumentada en la enseñanza universitaria. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 17(1):105-118. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2019.11256SWORD10511817

    A Mobile Augmented Reality System for the Learning of Dental Morphology

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    [EN] Three-dimensional models are important when the learning content is difficult to acquire from 2D images or other traditional methods. This is the case for learning dental morphology. In this paper, we present a mobile augmented reality (AR) system for learning dental morphology. A study with students was carried out to determine whether learning outcomes were greater using the AR system or following a video session that was recorded in a real class. Other aspects were also considered. Thirty-eight undergraduate students, 6 Master's students and 11 employees of the center (most of them lecturers) participated in the study. The analysis about the acquired knowledge indicates that the students increased their knowledge using the two methods. When the post-knowledge scores for the two methods were compared, no statistically significant differences were found. Therefore, the AR system could be used as an effective transmitter of knowledge. The rest of the questions, which all of the participants answered, indicated that they were highly satisfied with the AR system, they considered the AR system to be very easy to use, and they would like to use it for dental learning. Moreover, as a mobile AR system, it could facilitate versatility in the learning process.Juan, M.; Alexandrescu, L.; Folguera, F.; García García, I. (2016). A Mobile Augmented Reality System for the Learning of Dental Morphology. Digital Education Review. (30):234-247. https://doi.org/10.1344/der.2016.30.234-247S2342473

    Moving learning into a smart urban park: students' perceptions of the Augmented Reality EduPARK mobile game

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    The EduPARK game is developed under a game-based learning methodology. It is designed for outdoor learning settings by employing geocaching principles and mobile Augmented Reality technologies. The game aims to develop users’ authentic and autonomous learning about diverse interdisciplinary themes in a smart urban park. It integrates learning guides for different target groups of basic education. The purpose of this paper is to present the game prototype development, and its first cycle of refinement, as the study followed a design-based research approach. The game evaluation involved 74 students from two school levels (aged 9-10 and 13-14). They explored and evaluated the game. Participant observation and focus groups were conducted. The evaluation allowed identifying positive characteristics of the game, such as immediate feedback and collaborative dynamics. Some questions included in the learning guides were perceived as difficult to understand and also some features came out to be considered for future improvements.publishe

    Emerging digital technologies come into the University: AR and VR

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    En la última década están emergiendo un conjunto de tecnologías que se están acercando a la educación universitaria como no había sucedido en épocas anteriores. Muchas de estas tecnologías pueden ser consideradas como disruptivas, puesto que están transformando y mejorando los escenarios formativos. Entre las tecnologías que están tomando mayor impulso e importancia encontramos la realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual, tal y como han puesto de manifiesto diversos informes Horizon y Edutrens. A pesar de que las investigaciones sobre la integración de estas tecnologías se encuentran en un estado incipiente, podemos afirmar que las realizadas hasta el momento demuestran los grandes beneficios que aportan al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Entre estas contribuciones podemos destacar la mejora de la motivación, de la satisfacción y del rendimiento de los alumnos. En el presente artículo mostramos el estado actual de la Universidad en lo que a integración de TIC respecta, haciendo alusión a las tecnologías que están irrumpiendo con mayor fuerza en los últimos tiempos. Además nos centramos en dos de las tecnologías “realidad aumentada y realidad virtual” que están teniendo mayor repercusión en los últimos años, demostrando evidencias al respecto y haciendo mención a su incorporación en el ámbito universitario.A set of emerging technologies have been approaching university education in the last decade as it had not happened in previous times. Many of these technologies can be considered as disruptive, since they are transforming and improving the training scenarios. Among the technologies that are taking greater momentum and importance we find augmented reality and virtual reality, as evidenced by various reports Horizon and Edutrens. Although the research on the integration of these technologies is in an early stage, we can affirm that those carried out so far demonstrate the great benefits they incorporate into the teaching-learning process. Among these contributions we can highlight the improvement of the motivation, the satisfaction and the performance of the students. In this article, we will cover the current state of the University regarding ICT integration, focusing on the technologies that have been bursting with greater force in recent times. In addition, we will focus on two of the technologies “augmented reality and virtual reality” that are experiencing more impact in recent years, showing evidences and mentioning their implementation in the university environment

    Una mirada a la Educación Ubicua

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    The incorporation of Information, Communication and Technologies in the field of education has allowed for great changes in both teaching and learning. This incorporation has led to the generation of new scenarios in which these processes are developed. Ubiquitous education arises from the evolution of Information Technology and its incorporation into the teaching-learning processes, seeking to bring learning closer to the learners, thus achieving a context-based education. This paper is a state of the art presentation of the identification of four main aspects that must be taken into account, for the adequate inclusion of ubiquitous education in a training process. The four aspects identified here are: areas of knowledge in which it can be applied, educational levels in which it can be implemented, information technologies that facilitate the implementation of digital resources to carry out this type of learning, and learning models that intervene in ubiquitous learning These aspects are covered from the perspective of authors who have worked on them, providing a perspective of the aspects that should be considered for an adequate incorporation of ubiquitous education in an appropriate context. Finally, a generalized context of what has been presented and the conclusions obtained from its development are presented through a mental map.La incorporación de las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el campo de la educación ha permitido grandes cambios en la forma tanto de enseñar como de aprender. Dicha incorporación ha llevado a generar nuevos escenarios en los cuales estos procesos se desarrollan de mejor manera. La educación Ubicua surge de la evolución de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y su incorporación dentro de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, buscando acercar el aprendizaje a contextos cercanos a los aprendices, logrando así una formación basada en el contexto. El artículo presenta un estado de arte acerca de la identificación de cuatro aspectos principales que deben ser tenidos en cuenta para la adecuada inclusión de la educación ubicua en un proceso de formación. Los cuatro aspectos identificados son: áreas de conocimiento en las cuales se puede aplicar, niveles educativos en los que se puede implementar, tecnologías de información que facilitan la implementación de recursos digitales para realizar este tipo de aprendizaje y se mencionan modelos de aprendizaje que intervienen en el aprendizaje ubicuo. Estos aspectos se abarcan desde la perspectiva de autores que han trabajado sobre los mismos, dando una visión de los aspectos que se deben considerar para una adecuada incorporación de la educación ubicua en un contexto adecuado. Al finalizar el artículo, se presenta mediante un mapa mental un contexto generalizado de lo expuesto y las conclusiones que se obtienen del desarrollo del mismo

    Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Scaffoldings in Improving the Abstract Genre Structure in a Collaborative Learning Environment: A CALL Study

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    The marriage between technology and teaching in educational milieus in recent years has been a major concern among educational researchers in general and applied linguists in particular as far as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are concerned. Augmented reality after virtual reality received much attention over the last decades in mobile assisted language learning context. AR mixes virtual world onto real environment, VR delve the participants in to the virtual world. To examine the effect of AR and VR on abstract writing of EFL students, 12 intermediate proficiency pairs (high and low proficiency) participated based on their scores on TOEFL and a hypothetical abstract writing task. The participants were required to write an abstract according to the sub-moves of Hyland's (2000) move analysis provided through three mobile applications including AR-, VR HeadSet virtual reality-, and paper-based scaffoldings for four weeks in a collaborative context. In evaluating the groups' abstract writing scores before and after the treatment, no significant differences were found among the three groups. However, the AR group revealed better mean average results (M = 33) compared to the other VR (M = 24) and paper-based groups (M = 29). Besides, the low intermediate proficiency subjects in the AR group received higher scores (M = 40) compared to heir higher counterpart (M = 37). Results imply that the integration of real and unreal worlds might be a good asset in teaching the genre of abstracts to EFL learners in general and low intermediate proficiency learners in particular

    Augmented reality (AR) and its possibilities of use in education: evaluation of the contribution of AR for teaching vocabulary in German based on a comparison of classical and experimental learning methods

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    Název diplomové práce: Rozšířená realita (AR) a její možnosti využití ve vzdělávání: Zhodnocení přínosu AR pro výuku lexika v němčině na základě komparace klasické a experimentální metody učení Abstrakt: Diplomová práce se zabývá využitím rozšířené reality (AR) v kontextu vzdělávání, jež v současnosti představuje dynamicky se rozvíjející technologii. Cílem práce bylo prozkoumat přínos užití AR pro výuku cizího jazyka, porovnat možnosti jejího didaktického uplatnění s tradičním způsobem výuky a zjistit, zda v rámci této komparace představuje učení se pomocí AR motivační faktor podněcující zájem studentů a nástroj k lepšímu porozumění a zapamatování si učební látky díky vizualizaci a působení na emoce. Teoretická část práce představila charakteristické znaky rozšířené reality, srovnala ji s virtuální a mixovanou realitou, uvedla její typy a oblasti využití. Krátce se zmínila o historii, výhodách i negativních stránkách použití této metody, věnovala se současnému stavu výzkumu didaktiky jazyků a případům využití AR v oblasti vzdělávání u nás i v zahraničí. V rámci praktické části bylo vytvořeno webové rozhraní pomocí nástroje Model Viewer umožňujícího zobrazit 3D objekty v rozšířené realitě. Poté byl proveden kvantitativní výzkum se studenty, kteří si vyzkoušeli učení se cizojazyčné slovní zásoby jak v AR...Title of the master's thesis: Augmented reality (AR) and its possibilities of use in education: Evaluation of the contribution of AR for teaching vocabulary in German based on a comparison of classical and experimental learning methods Abstract: This master's thesis focuses on the use of augmented reality (AR) in the context of education. AR currently represents a dynamically evolving technology. The aim was to explore the benefits of using AR for foreign language teaching, to compare the possibilities of didactic application with the traditional way of teaching and to find out whether learning with AR is a motivating factor stimulating students' interest and a tool for better understanding and memorizing through visualization and acting on emotions. The theoretical part of the work presented the characteristics of augmented reality, its types and areas of use and compared it with virtual and mixed reality. It briefly mentioned the history of AR, the advantages and negative aspects of the use of this method, the current state of research in language didactics and cases of the use of AR in education in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the practical part, a web interface was created using the Model Viewer tool, which allows users to view 3D objects in augmented reality. Then, quantitative research was...Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media StudiesÚstav informačních studií - studia nových médiíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Η αξιοποίηση βιβλίου Επαυξημένης Πραγματικότητας για την ενίσχυση της χωρικής σκέψης στο Νηπιαγωγείο

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    Ο ορισμός του χωρικού συλλογισμού φαίνεται ότι έχει απασχολήσει έντονα πολλούς ψυχολόγους και ερευνητές της διδακτικής των Μαθηματικών ήδη από τις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα. Η αναζήτηση των παραγόντων που τον συνιστούν και η ανάλυσή τους οδήγησε στη διαπίστωση της πολυσύνθετης φύσης του, γεγονός που φανέρωσε και την πολυδιάστατη προσέγγισή του στον χώρο της εκπαίδευσης. Μελέτη βιβλιογραφικής ανασκόπησης ανέδειξε τη συμβολή της τεχνολογίας της Επαυξημένης Πραγματικότητας (Ε.Π.) στη διδασκαλία της χωρικής σκέψης, καθώς φαίνεται να προσφέρει νέες δυνατότητες μάθησης. Ωστόσο, παρά τα θετικά ευρήματα στον ελληνικό εκπαιδευτικό χώρο, στην προσχολική εκπαίδευση παρατηρήθηκε απουσία ευρημάτων σχετικά με την ένταξη της Ε.Π. στη διδασκαλία χωρικής σκέψης. Η παρούσα εργασία, υιοθετώντας τη μεθοδολογία της έρευνας που βασίζεται στον σχεδιασμό, στοχεύει στην παρουσίαση της ανάπτυξης και αξιολόγησης διδακτικού σεναρίου για τη χωρική σκέψη στο Νηπιαγωγείο με τη χρήση βιβλίου Ε.Π. και τη χρήση παραδοσιακών μεθόδων. Ο σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας έγκειται στη διερεύνηση της ανάπτυξης της χωρικής σκέψης με τη χρήση της τεχνολογίας Ε.Π. Στο διδακτικό σενάριο αξιοποιούνται σελίδες επαυξημένου βιβλίου του εμπορίου για την πειραματική ομάδα (Π.Ο.) και συμβατική μέθοδος για την ομάδα ελέγχου (Ο.Ε.). Οι μαθητές/τριες και στις δύο περιπτώσεις (Π.Ο. και Ο.Ε.) εμπλέκονται σε δραστηριότητες χωρικού προσανατολισμού και λήψης προοπτικής, ώστε να αναπτύξουν τη χωρική τους σκέψη. Τα ευρήματα της έρευνας δεν έδειξαν σημαντική διαφορά στην ανάπτυξη χωρικού προσανατολισμού και λήψης προοπτικής ανάμεσα στις δύο ομάδες του δείγματος.The definition of spatial reasoning seems to have been of intense concern to many psychologists and mathematics teaching researchers since the beginning of the 20th century. The search for the factors that constitute it and their analysis led to the finding of its complex nature, which revealed its multidimensional approach to the field of education. A literature review study highlighted the contribution of Augmented Reality (AR) technology to the teaching of spatial thinking, as it seems to offer new learning possibilities. However, despite the positive findings, in the Greek educational field and especially in pre-school education, there was an absence of findings regarding the integration of AR in teaching spatial thinking. This paper, adopting the design-based research methodology, aims to present the development and evaluation of a teaching scenario for spatial thinking in Kindergarten using an augmented reality book and the use of traditional methods. The purpose of this thesis lies in the investigation of the development of spatial thinking with the use of AR technology. In the teaching scenario, augmented book pages of the trade are used for the experimental group and conventional method for the control group. Students in both cases (E.G and C.G.) are involved in spatial orientation and perspective-taking activities in order to develop their spatial thinking. The research findings did not show a significant difference in the development of spatial orientation and perspective taking between the two sample groups