34 research outputs found

    The Utilization of Instructional Processes in Higher Education Institutions of the Amhara Region, Ethiopia

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    This study focused on re-visiting the instructional processes in Universities and Colleges ofTeacher Education (CTEs) of the Amhara Region, Ethiopia. The research design was ofdescriptive survey type and data were obtained from 204 instructors, department heads anddeans. Both University and CTE instructors’ practices of the instructional processes and theirconceptions on effective teaching were examined. Results indicated that in order to bringlearning into effect, the three interactive instructional processes (instructional planning,teaching and assessment) were not adequately implemented in an integrated manner.Significant differences were observed between Universities and CTEs in the application ofinstructional planning and various continuous assessment techniques. CTEs were in a goodposition than universities. However active learning strategies that enhance higher orderthinking and assessment for learning were not adequately applied in both institutions.Attitudinal problems, lack of knowledge, work load and shortage of time were taken asfactors affecting the instructional processes in Universities and CTEs

    The use of communicative language teaching approach to improve english oral production skills

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    The present research work has as purpose to analyze the features and foundations of Communicative Language Teaching approach in young learners in English classrooms and to examine the effectiveness that this approach might have in oral production skills in Ecuadorian public high schools. Ecuador has been evidenced as a country with low English proficiency and this is mainly the response of several factors, such as the methodology that teachers use in class and the motivation students have in the foreign language

    Conceptual Change in Life Sciences Learning: The Impact of Teaching Tools on Knowledge Representation

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    This article explores the impact of tool-method combinations on conceptual changes, comparing the use of interactive whiteboards (TFM-IWBs) and traditional blackboards (TFM-TBBs). These combinations are integrated with traditional teaching methods (TFM) for educational purposes, focusing on natural science topics in Grade 9. The study analyzes specific changes in knowledge representation using qualitative approaches and a quasi-experimental design. The results show student knowledge structure variations depending on the tool-method combination used. The TFM-TBB combination primarily affects declarative knowledge, while TFM-IWB more significantly influences procedural and conditional knowledge. Hence, there is an impact of tool-method combinations on conceptual changes. This research recommends further investigating how different tool-method combinations affect learning outcomes across various subjects and educational levels

    Management of wastewater trough theatre

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    [EN] Compulsory study course on wastewater treatment and sewage systems contains lectures, classroom calculations, technical project and laboratory practicum. The course is addressing not only the developing skills in wastewater treatment technologies but also provides preparation of professionals that can communicate with institutions involved in water and wastewater sector. Over the years it has been observed that even after receiving the most sophisticated knowledge and highest markings, students often lack skills in practical communication with industry and implementation of theoretical knowledge in praxis. Here we describe student-centred teaching method that is based on the activities that are similar to theatre and allow: (i) the teacher to find and understand the weaker places in student knowledge gained during the semester; (ii) the students to form professional skills during the active communication with colleagues and mentors from industry. The students work in several groups “INDUSTRY”, “MUNICIPALITY” and EXPERTS”, try to find better solution for industrial sewage treatment and cooperation model with the municipality and present their results. After 2 years of the modernisation and adjustment, the training course has created an interest not only from student side but also from the industry representatives that are interested in communication with the new specialists and develop strong contacts with the university.This work has been supported by the INTERREG Baltic Sea region program project BEST (Better Efficiency for Industrial Sewage Treatment, #R054).Tihomirova, K.; Mezule, L. (2019). Management of wastewater trough theatre. En HEAD'19. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1137-1144. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9162OCS1137114

    Scientific digital poster assignments: strengthen concepts, train creativity, and communication skills

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    Student-centered learning promotes the development of students’ knowledge and skills with poster assignments used to ensure their active participation in academics. Therefore, this research aims to explore student competencies in concept strengthening, creativity, and communication skills from working on digital poster project assignments. Research using observation method with a quantitative approach. Data were collected from 86 participants learning plant systematics in their first semester based on the criteria for strengthening the concept, creativity, communication, and student responses. The instruments used for data collection were a poster scoring rubric and a closed questionnaire. Data were analyzed descriptively with simple statistics in the form of average, standard deviation, and percentage. The hypothesis about the correlation of concept strengthening, creativity, and communication was tested with Spearman’s coefficient. The result showed that students made 29 posters with concept strengthening, creativity and communication skills in the very good (3.42±0.49), very good (3.57±0.26), and very good (3.41±0.25) categories, respectively. Student competency shows a positive correlation between communication skills and concept reinforcement and between communication skills and creativity. Students give a positive response to the application of posters in learning in terms of learning experiences, concept strengthening, creativity and communication. Hence, using posters as project assignments in learning helps develop students’ knowledge and skills by acquiring varied experiences

    Overseas and home students’ perspectives towards the implementation of portfolio-based timed-writing technique in composition class

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    This inquiry addressed students’ perspectives towards the implementation of the Portfolio-Based Timed-Writing Technique (PBTHT) under an international transfer credit (ICT) program at Universitas Muria Kudus. It is to answer the following questions: (1) What are the overseas students’ perspectives towards the PBTHT implementation? (2) How do their perspectives compare to their home counterparts? Using narrative analysis, this study qualitatively revealed that PBTHT is a new technique for overseas students. Their perspectives show their composition strengths cover the use of proper grammar, spelling, and mutually supportive essay elements. Meanwhile, their weaknesses include the content and mechanics. Overseas and home students expressed different perspectives due to different experiences, abilities, and teaching processes in their respective countries. Both groups acknowledged that the PBTHT implementation help them with the improvement of their writing skills

    Teacher’s and learner’s roles in autonomy-oriented foreign language teaching: a theoretical investigation

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    The global language teaching community has largely spotlighted students’ autonomous learning for the last few decades. Through the thorough review of the existing literature on learner autonomy, this article aims to theoretically investigate this concept as well as clearly specify the roles played by teachers and students in an autonomy-oriented classroom. Autonomous learning is not at all synonymous with the absolute elimination of teacher’s role and learner-learner relationships. In fact, language instructors need to comprehend their roles in a multidimensional way, and students are supposed to be responsibly active for their own learning process as well as positively interdependent for academic cooperation

    Pengembangan modul pembelajaran segitiga berbasis metakognisi dan integrasi

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    Metakognisi memiliki peran penting terhadap keberhasilan dalam proses pemecahan masalah. Penguasaan peserta didik terhadap metakognisi untuk memecahkan masalah, perlu diimbangi dengan spiritual yang kuat. Selain itu, segitiga sebagai materi yang dipelajari di sekolah, masih memiliki masalah terkait pemecahan masalah. Dengan demikian, mengembangkan modul pembelajaran berbasis metakognisi dan integrasi dapat menjadi salah satu solusi. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni mengetahui kevalidan modul pembelajaran segitiga berbasis metakognisi dan integrasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan angket validasi kepada 5 ahli dan 3 praktisi pendidikan. Data kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik untuk menghitung persentase skor angket. Hasil komentar dan saran pada angket, digunakan sebagai acuan untuk melakukan revisi modul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul pembelajaran segitiga berbasis metakognisi dan integrasi berada pada kualifikasi valid dengan persentase nilai akhir 85%

    Trifecta of Student Engagement: A Framework for Engaging Students in Online Courses

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    This chapter describes a framework adapted from Michael Moore\u27s three essential areas: student-content interaction, student-student interaction, and student-instructor interaction for engaging students in online courses. To be fully engaged in an online course, students need to be engaged with the course curriculum content, with their peers, and with their instructor. When students are engaged in all three areas, it is referred to as the Trifecta of Student Engagement. This chapter incorporates literature on each area of the Trifecta of Student Engagement: student-to-content engagement, student-to-student engagement, and student-to-instructor engagement as well as some suggested synchronous and asynchronous digital tools

    Train academics to design and assess using learning outcomes: new challenges in Higher Education

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    The paper reflects on the topic of learning outcomes in Higher Education. The emphasis on the education process and learning benefits students, faculty, and institution. The theme of learning outcomes in relation to instructional design and assessment becomes the subject of faculty development programs; a three-level training is hypothesized and discussed, starting with the IRIDI training program for faculties at the University of Turin. The first level is the exploration of learning outcomes' topic, which can start from the syllabus development. The second level refers to the reinforcement of the use of learning outcomes in the didactic and assessment practices. The last level emphasizes the importance of providing faculty with specific training, with a collegial and institutional focus. This training model will be able to support and promote student-centered, inclusive, and quality teaching in Higher Education. Formare i docenti universitari a progettare e valutare secondo i learning outcomes: nuove sfide in Higher Education. Il contributo presenta una riflessione sul tema dei learning outcomes nella didattica universitaria. L'attenzione per il processo didattico e l'apprendimento portano benefici per studenti, docenti e istituzione. Il tema dei learning outcomes in relazione alla progettazione didattica e alla valutazione diventa oggetto della formazione dei docenti universitari; viene ipotizzata e discussa una formazione a tre livelli, partendo dalla analisi del programma di formazione IRIDI per i docenti universitari dell'Università di Torino. Il primo livello è quello della esplorazione del tema dei learning outcomes, che può partire dalla redazione della scheda di insegnamento. Il secondo livello si riferisce al consolidamento dell'uso dei learning outcomes nella pratica didattica a valutativa dei docenti universitari. L'ultimo livello sottolinea l'importanza di offrire ai docenti una formazione specifica sul tema, con una attenzione collegiale e istituzionale. Questo modello di formazione potrà sostenere e promuovere una didattica centrata sullo studente, inclusiva e di qualità