16 research outputs found

    Acceleration of Seed Ordering and Selection for High Quality Delay Test

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    Seed ordering and selection is a key technique to provide high-test quality with limited resources in Built-In Self Test (BIST) environment. We present a hard-to-detect delay fault selection method to accelerate the computation time in seed ordering and selection processes. This selection method can be used to restrict faults for test generation executed in an early stage in seed ordering and selection processes, and reduce a test pattern count and therefore a computation time. We evaluate the impact of the selection method both in deterministic BIST, where one test pattern is decoded from one seed, and mixed-mode BIST, where one seed is expanded to two or more patterns. The statistical delay quality level (SDQL) is adopted as test quality measure, to represent ability to detect small delay defects (SDDs). Experimental results show that our proposed method can significantly reduce computation time from 28% to 63% and base set seed counts from 21% to 67% while slightly sacrificing test quality

    Acceleration of Seed Ordering and Selection For High Quality VLSI Delay Test

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    Seed ordering and selection is a key technique to provide high-test quality with limited resources in Built-In Self Test (BIST) environment. We present a hard-to-detect delay fault selection method to optimize the computation time in seed ordering and selection processes. This selection method can be used to select faults for test generation when it is impractical to target all delay faults resulting large test pattern count and long Computation time. Three types of selection categories are considered, ranged in the number of seeds it produced, which is useful when we consider computing resources, such as memory and storage. We also evaluate the impact of the selection method in mixed-mode BIST when seed are expanded to more patterns, and evaluate the statistical delay quality level (SDQL) with the original work. Experimental results show that our proposed method can significantly reduce computation time while slightly sacrificing test quality

    Embedding deterministic patterns in partial pseudo-exhaustive test

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    The topic of this thesis is related to testing of very large scale integration circuits. The thesis presents the idea of optimizing mixed-mode built-in self-test (BIST) scheme. Mixed-mode BIST consists of two phases. The first phase is pseudo-random testing or partial pseudo-exhaustive testing (P-PET). For the faults not detected by the first phase, deterministic test patterns are generated and applied in the second phase. Hence, the defect coverage of the first phase influences the number of patterns to be generated and stored. The advantages of P-PET in comparison with usual pseudo-random test are in obtaining higher fault coverage and reducing the number of deterministic patterns in the second phase of mixed-mode BIST. Test pattern generation for P-PET is achieved by selecting characteristic polynomials of multiple-polynomial linear feedback shift register (MP-LFSR). In this thesis, the mixed-mode BIST scheme with P-PET in the first phase is further improved in terms of the fault coverage of the first phase. This is achieved by optimization of polynomial selection of P-PET. In usual mixed-mode BIST, the set of undetected by the first phase faults is handled in the second phase by generating deterministic test patterns for them. The method in the thesis is based on consideration of these patterns during polynomial selection. In other words, we are embedding deterministic test patterns in P-PET. In order to solve the problem, the algorithm for the selection of characteristic polynomials covering the pre-generated patterns is developed. The advantages of the proposed approach in terms of the defect coverage and the number of faults left after the first phase are presented using contemporary industrial circuits. A comparison with usual pseudo-random testing is also performed. The results prove the benefits of P-PET with embedded test patterns in terms of the fault coverage, while maintaining comparable test length and time

    A Total Self Checking Comparator Implementable on FPGAS Using Bist Technology

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    an integrated circuits (IC) "manufacturing tests" may be made easier to administer with the use of design for testability (DFT). Integrated circuits' embedded memory tests make use of the TSC (TSC) approach. We have shown the TSC method and several algorithms used in TSC for the purpose of testing embedded memory in this article. An address generator, controller, comparator, and memory are the four main components of this kind of memory TSC technology. This paper details the three memory TSC controller implementation techniques. The memory TSC controller is modelled in Verilog HDL, and its accuracy is checked using the RTL compiler before synthesis. Here we provide a way to build TSC comparators for TSC systems that may be implemented on FPGAs—totally self-checking (TSC) systems—that can be used online. By directly measuring the output of each lookup table (LUT), this approach may be utilised to do comprehensive online diagnostics of all LUTs. This entails mapping the basic components of the comparator with a limited number of test patterns. With our technique, we can achieve exhaustive diagnosis with a small number of test patterns on the order of n [O(n)] (where n is the input number to the comparator) while yet covering all bases 100% of the time, even if we are just aware of the LUT's specs and not its exact structure. For systems that need absolute reliability, FPGAs will be a perfect fit. Our experiment also included a single-event upset (SEU) induced by neutron radiation to validate the soft error rate (SER) in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based on static random-access memory (SRAM)

    Testing PUF-Based Secure Key Storage Circuits

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    Abstract-Design for test is an integral part of any VLSI chip. However, for secure systems extra precautions have to be taken to prevent that the test circuitry could reveal secret information. This paper addresses secure test for Physical Unclonable Function based systems. In particular it provides the testability analysis and a secure Built-In Self-Test (BIST) solution for Fuzzy Extractor (FE) which is the main component of PUF-based systems. The scheme targets high stuck-at-fault (SAF) coverage by performing scan-chain free functional testing, to prevent scan-chain abuse for attacks. The scheme reuses existing FE sub-blocks (for pattern generation and compression) to minimize the area overhead. The scheme is integrated in FE design and simulated; the results show that a SAF fault coverage of 95.1% can be realized with no more than 50k clock cycles at the cost of a negligible area overhead of only 2.2%. Higher fault coverage is possible to realize at extra cost

    Transition Faults and Transition Path Delay Faults: Test Generation, Path Selection, and Built-In Generation of Functional Broadside Tests

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    As the clock frequency and complexity of digital integrated circuits increase rapidly, delay testing is indispensable to guarantee the correct timing behavior of the circuits. In this dissertation, we describe methods developed for three aspects of delay testing in scan-based circuits: test generation, path selection and built-in test generation. We first describe a deterministic broadside test generation procedure for a path delay fault model named the transition path delay fault model, which captures both large and small delay defects. Under this fault model, a path delay fault is detected only if all the individual transition faults along the path are detected by the same test. To reduce the complexity of test generation, sub-procedures with low complexity are applied before a complete branch-and-bound procedure. Next, we describe a method based on static timing analysis to select critical paths for test generation. Logic conditions that are necessary for detecting a path delay fault are considered to refine the accuracy of static timing analysis, using input necessary assignments. Input necessary assignments are input values that must be assigned to detect a fault. The method calculates more accurate path delays, selects paths that are critical during test application, and identifies undetectable path delay faults. These two methods are applicable to off-line test generation. For large circuits with high complexity and frequency, built-in test generation is a cost-effective method for delay testing. For a circuit that is embedded in a larger design, we developed a method for built-in generation of functional broadside tests to avoid excessive power dissipation during test application and the overtesting of delay faults, taking the functional constraints on the primary input sequences of the circuit into consideration. Functional broadside tests are scan-based two-pattern tests for delay faults that create functional operation conditions during test application. To avoid the potential fault coverage loss due to the exclusive use of functional broadside tests, we also developed an optional DFT method based on state holding to improve fault coverage. High delay fault coverage can be achieved by the developed method for benchmark circuits using simple hardware

    A Flexible Scan-in Power Control Method in Logic BIST and Its Evaluation with TEG Chips

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    High power dissipation in scan-based logic built-in self-test (LBIST) is a crucial issue that can cause over-testing, reliability degradation, chip damage, and so on. While many sophisticated approaches to low-power testing have been proposed in the past, it remains a serious problem to control the test power of LBIST to a predetermined appropriate level that matches the power requirements of the circuit-under-test. This paper proposes a novel power-control method for LBIST that can control the scan-shift power to an arbitrary level. The proposed method modifies pseudo-random patterns generated by an embedded test pattern generator (TPG) so that the modified patterns have the specific toggle rate without sacrificing fault coverage and test time. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, this paper shows not only simulation-based experimental results but also measurement results on test element group (TEG) chips

    A Lightweight N-Cover Algorithm For Diagnostic Fail Data Minimization

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    The increasing design complexity of modern ICs has made it extremely difficult and expensive to test them comprehensively. As the transistor count and density of circuits increase, a large volume of fail data is collected by the tester for a single failing IC. The diagnosis procedure analyzes this fail data to give valuable information about the possible defects that may have caused the circuit to fail. However, without any feedback from the diagnosis procedure, the tester may often collect fail data which is potentially not useful for identifying the defects in the failing circuit. This not only consumes tester memory but also increases tester data logging time and diagnosis run time. In this work, we present an algorithm to minimize the amount of fail data used for high quality diagnosis of the failing ICs. The developed algorithm analyzes outputs at which the tests failed and determines which failing tests can be eliminated from the fail data without compromising diagnosis accuracy. The proposed algorithm is used as a preprocessing step between the tester data logs and the diagnosis procedure. The performance of the algorithm was evaluated using fail data from industry manufactured ICs. Experiments demonstrate that on average, 43% of fail data was eliminated by our algorithm while maintaining an average diagnosis accuracy of 93%. With this reduction in fail data, the diagnosis speed was also increased by 46%