752 research outputs found

    A Rollback Mechanism to Recover from Software Failures in Role-based Adaptive Software Systems

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    Context-dependent applications are relatively complex due to their multiple variations caused by context activation, especially in the presence of unanticipated adaptation. Testing these systems is challenging, as it is hard to reproduce the same execution environments. Therefore, a software failure caused by bugs is no exception. This paper presents a rollback mechanism to recover from software failures as part of a role-based runtime with support for unanticipated adaptation. The mechanism performs checkpoints before each adaptation and employs specialized sensors to detect bugs resulting from recent configuration changes. When the runtime detects a bug, it assumes that the bug belongs to the latest configuration. The runtime rolls back to the recent checkpoint to recover and subsequently notifes the developer to fix the bug and re-applying the adaptation through unanticipated adaptation. We prototype the concept as part of our role-based runtime engine LyRT and demonstrate the applicability of the rollback recovery mechanism for unanticipated adaptation in erroneous situations

    Optimistic Adaptation of Decentralised Role-based Software Systems

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    The complexity of computer networks has been rising over the last decades. Increasing interconnectivity between multiple devices, growing complexity of performed tasks and a strong collaboration between nodes are drivers for this phenomenon. An example is represented by Internet-of-Things devices, whose relevance has been rising in recent years. The increasing number of devices requiring updates and supervision makes maintenance more difficult. Human interaction, in this case, is costly and requires a lot of time. To overcome this, self-adaptive software systems (SAS) can be used. SAS are a subset of autonomous systems which can monitor themselves and their environment to adapt to changes without human interaction. In the literature, different approaches for engineering SAS were proposed, including techniques for executing adaptations on multiple devices based on generated plans for reacting to changes. Among those solutions, also decentralised approaches can be found. To the best of our knowledge, no approach for engineering a SAS exists which tolerates errors during the execution of adaptation in a decentralised setting. While some approaches for role-based execution reset the application in case of a single failure during the adaptation process, others do not make assumptions about errors or do not consider an erroneous environment. In a real-world environment, errors will likely occur during run-time, and the adaptation process could be disturbed. This work aims to perform adaptations in a decentralised way on role-based systems with a relaxed consistency constraint, i.e., errors during the adaptation phase are tolerated. This increases the availability of nodes since no rollbacks are required in case of a failure. Moreover, a subset of applications, such as drone swarms, would benefit from an approach with a relaxed consistency model since parts of the system that adapted successfully can already operate in an adapted configuration instead of waiting for other peers to apply the changes in a later iteration. Moreover, if we eliminate the need for an atomic adaptation execution, asynchronous execution of adaptation would be possible. In that case, we can supervise the adaptation process for a long time and ensure that every peer takes the planned actions as soon as the internal task execution allows it. To allow for a relaxed consistent way of adaptation execution, we develop a decentralised adaptation execution protocol, which supports the notion of eventual consistency. As soon as devices reconnect after network congestion or restore their internal state after local failures, our protocol can coordinate the recovery process among multiple devices to attempt recovery of a globally consistent state after errors occur. By superseding the need for a central instance, every peer who received information about failing peers can start the recovery process. The developed approach can restore a consistent global configuration if almost all peers fail. Moreover, the approach supports asynchronous adaptations, i.e., the peers can execute planned adaptations as soon as they are ready, which increases overall availability in case of delayed adaptation of single nodes. The developed protocol is evaluated with the help of a proof-of-concept implementation. The approach was run in five different experiments with thousands of iterations to show the applicability and reliability of this novel approach. The time for execution of the protocol and the number of exchanged messages has been measured to compare the protocol for different error cases and system sizes, as well as to show the scalability of the approach. The developed solution has been compared to a blocking approach to show the feasibility compared to an atomic approach. The applicability in a real-world scenario has been described in an empirical study using an example of a fire-extinguishing drone swarm. The results show that an optimistic approach to adaptation is suitable and specific scenarios can benefit from the improved availability since no rollbacks are required. Systems can continue their work regardless of the failures of participating nodes in large-scale systems.:Abstract VI 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Motivational Use-Case 2 1.2. Problem Definition 3 1.3. Objectives 4 1.4. Research Questions 5 1.5. Contributions 5 1.6. Outline 6 2. Foundation 7 2.1. Role Concept 7 2.2. Self-Adaptive Software Systems 13 2.3. Terminology for Role-Based Self-Adaptation 15 2.4. Consistency Preservation and Consistency Models 17 2.5. Summary 20 3. Related Work 21 3.1. Role-Based Approaches 22 3.2. Actor Model of Computation and Akka 23 3.3. Adaptation Execution in Self-Adaptive Software Systems 24 3.4. Change Consistency in Distributed Systems 33 3.5. Comparison of the Evaluated Approaches 40 4. The Decentralised Consistency Compensation Protocol 43 4.1. System and Error Model 43 4.2. Requirements to the Concept 44 4.3. The Usage of Roles in Adaptations 45 4.4. Protocol Overview 47 4.5. Protocol Description 51 4.6. Protocol Corner- and Error Cases 64 4.7. Summary 66 5. Prototypical Implementation 67 5.1. Technology Overview 67 5.2. Reused Artifacts 68 5.3. Implementation Details 70 5.4. Setup of the Prototypical Implementation 76 5.5. Summary 77 6. Evaluation 79 6.1. Evaluation Methodology 79 6.2. Evaluation Setup 80 6.3. Experiment Overview 81 6.4. Default Case: Successful Adaptation 84 6.5. Compensation on Disconnection of Peers 85 6.6. Recovery from Failed Adaptation 88 6.7. Impact of Early Activation of Adaptations 91 6.8. Comparison with a Blocking Approach 92 6.9. Empirical Study: Fire Extinguishing Drones 95 6.10. Summary 97 7. Conclusion and Future Work 99 7.1. Recap of the Research Questions 99 7.2. Discussion 101 7.3. Future Work 101 A. Protocol Buffer Definition 103 Acronyms 108 Bibliography 10

    Run-time Variability with Roles

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    Adaptability is an intrinsic property of software systems that require adaptation to cope with dynamically changing environments. Achieving adaptability is challenging. Variability is a key solution as it enables a software system to change its behavior which corresponds to a specific need. The abstraction of variability is to manage variants, which are dynamic parts to be composed to the base system. Run-time variability realizes these variant compositions dynamically at run time to enable adaptation. Adaptation, relying on variants specified at build time, is called anticipated adaptation, which allows the system behavior to change with respect to a set of predefined execution environments. This implies the inability to solve practical problems in which the execution environment is not completely fixed and often unknown until run time. Enabling unanticipated adaptation, which allows variants to be dynamically added at run time, alleviates this inability, but it holds several implications yielding system instability such as inconsistency and run-time failures. Adaptation should be performed only when a system reaches a consistent state to avoid inconsistency. Inconsistency is an effect of adaptation happening when the system changes the state and behavior while a series of methods is still invoking. A software bug is another source of system instability. It often appears in a variant composition and is brought to the system during adaptation. The problem is even more critical for unanticipated adaptation as the system has no prior knowledge of the new variants. This dissertation aims to achieve anticipated and unanticipated adaptation. In achieving adaptation, the issues of inconsistency and software failures, which may happen as a consequence of run-time adaptation, are evidently addressed as well. Roles encapsulate dynamic behavior used to adapt players representing the base system, which is the rationale to select roles as the software system's variants. Based on the role concept, this dissertation presents three mechanisms to comprehensively address adaptation. First, a dynamic instance binding mechanism is proposed to loosely bind players and roles. Dynamic binding of roles enables anticipated and unanticipated adaptation. Second, an object-level tranquility mechanism is proposed to avoid inconsistency by allowing a player object to adapt only when its consistent state is reached. Last, a rollback recovery mechanism is proposed as a proactive mechanism to embrace and handle failures resulting from a defective composition of variants. A checkpoint of a system configuration is created before adaptation. If a specialized bug sensor detects a failure, the system rolls back to the most recent checkpoint. These mechanisms are integrated into a role-based runtime, called LyRT. LyRT was validated with three case studies to demonstrate the practical feasibility. This validation showed that LyRT is more advanced than the existing variability approaches with respect to adaptation due to its consistency control and failure handling. Besides, several benchmarks were set up to quantify the overhead of LyRT concerning the execution time of adaptation. The results revealed that the overhead introduced to achieve anticipated and unanticipated adaptation to be small enough for practical use in adaptive software systems. Thus, LyRT is suitable for adaptive software systems that frequently require the adaptation of large sets of objects

    Computing in the RAIN: a reliable array of independent nodes

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    The RAIN project is a research collaboration between Caltech and NASA-JPL on distributed computing and data-storage systems for future spaceborne missions. The goal of the project is to identify and develop key building blocks for reliable distributed systems built with inexpensive off-the-shelf components. The RAIN platform consists of a heterogeneous cluster of computing and/or storage nodes connected via multiple interfaces to networks configured in fault-tolerant topologies. The RAIN software components run in conjunction with operating system services and standard network protocols. Through software-implemented fault tolerance, the system tolerates multiple node, link, and switch failures, with no single point of failure. The RAIN-technology has been transferred to Rainfinity, a start-up company focusing on creating clustered solutions for improving the performance and availability of Internet data centers. In this paper, we describe the following contributions: 1) fault-tolerant interconnect topologies and communication protocols providing consistent error reporting of link failures, 2) fault management techniques based on group membership, and 3) data storage schemes based on computationally efficient error-control codes. We present several proof-of-concept applications: a highly-available video server, a highly-available Web server, and a distributed checkpointing system. Also, we describe a commercial product, Rainwall, built with the RAIN technology

    REASSURE: A Self-contained Mechanism for Healing Software Using Rescue Points

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    Software errors are frequently responsible for the limited availability of Internet Services, loss of data, and many security compromises. Self-healing using rescue points (RPs) is a mechanism that can be used to recover software from unforeseen errors until a more permanent remedy, like a patch or update, is available. We present REASSURE, a self-contained mechanism for recovering from such errors using RPs. Essentially, RPs are existing code locations that handle certain anticipated errors in the target application, usually by returning an error code. REASSURE enables the use of these locations to also handle unexpected faults. This is achieved by rolling back execution to a RP when a fault occurs, returning a valid error code, and enabling the application to gracefully handle the unexpected error itself. REASSURE can be applied on already running applications, while disabling and removing it is equally facile. We tested REASSURE with various applications, including the MySQL and Apache servers, and show that it allows them to successfully recover from errors, while incurring moderate overhead between 1% and 115%. We also show that even under very adverse conditions, like their continuous bombardment with errors, REASSURE protected applications remain operational

    Definition and trade-off study of reconfigurable airborne digital computer system organizations

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    A highly-reliable, fault-tolerant reconfigurable computer system for aircraft applications was developed. The development and application reliability and fault-tolerance assessment techniques are described. Particular emphasis is placed on the needs of an all-digital, fly-by-wire control system appropriate for a passenger-carrying airplane

    RADIC II : a fault tolerant architecture with flexible dynamic redundancy

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    The demand for computational power has been leading the improvement of the High Performance Computing (HPC) area, generally represented by the use of distributed systems like clusters of computers running parallel applications. In this area, fault tolerance plays an important role in order to provide high availability isolating the application from the faults effects. Performance and availability form an undissociable binomial for some kind of applications. Therefore, the fault tolerant solutions must take into consideration these two constraints when it has been designed. In this dissertation, we present a few side-effects that some fault tolerant solutions may presents when recovering a failed process. These effects may causes degradation of the system, affecting mainly the overall performance and availability. We introduce RADIC-II, a fault tolerant architecture for message passing based on RADIC (Redundant Array of Distributed Independent Fault Tolerance Controllers) architecture. RADIC-II keeps as maximum as possible the RADIC features of transparency, decentralization, flexibility and scalability, incorporating a flexible dynamic redundancy feature, allowing to mitigate or to avoid some recovery side-effects.La demanda de computadores más veloces ha provocado el incremento del área de computación de altas prestaciones, generalmente representado por el uso de sistemas distribuidos como los clusters de computadores ejecutando aplicaciones paralelas. En esta área, la tolerancia a fallos juega un papel muy importante a la hora de proveer alta disponibilidad, aislando los efectos causados por los fallos. Prestaciones y disponibilidad componen un binomio indisociable para algunos tipos de aplicaciones. Por eso, las soluciones de tolerancia a fallos deben tener en consideración estas dos restricciones desde el momento de su diseño. En esta disertación, presentamos algunos efectos colaterales que se puede presentar en ciertas soluciones tolerantes a fallos cuando recuperan un proceso fallado. Estos efectos pueden causar una degradación del sistema, afectando las prestaciones y disponibilidad finales. Presentamos RADIC-II, una arquitectura tolerante a fallos para paso de mensajes basada en la arquitectura RADIC (Redundant Array of Distributed Independent Fault Tolerance Controllers). RADIC-II mantiene al máximo posible las características de transparencia, descentralización, flexibilidad y escalabilidad existentes en RADIC, e incorpora una flexible funcionalidad de redundancia dinámica, que permite mitigar o evitar algunos efectos colaterales en la recuperación

    A self-healing framework for general software systems

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    Modern systems must guarantee high reliability, availability, and efficiency. Their complexity, exacerbated by the dynamic integration with other systems, the use of third- party services and the various different environments where they run, challenges development practices, tools and testing techniques. Testing cannot identify and remove all possible faults, thus faulty conditions may escape verification and validation activities and manifest themselves only after the system deployment. To cope with those failures, researchers have proposed the concept of self-healing systems. Such systems have the ability to examine their failures and to automatically take corrective actions. The idea is to create software systems that can integrate the knowledge that is needed to compensate for the effects of their imperfections. This knowledge is usually codified into the systems in the form of redundancy. Redundancy can be deliberately added into the systems as part of the design and the development process, as it occurs for many fault tolerance techniques. Although this kind of redundancy is widely applied, especially for safety- critical systems, it is however generally expensive to be used for common use software systems. We have some evidence that modern software systems are characterized by a different type of redundancy, which is not deliberately introduced but is naturally present due to the modern modular software design. We call it intrinsic redundancy. This thesis proposes a way to use the intrinsic redundancy of software systems to increase their reliability at a low cost. We first study the nature of the intrinsic redundancy to demonstrate that it actually exists. We then propose a way to express and encode such redundancy and an approach, Java Automatic Workaround, to exploit it automatically and at runtime to avoid system failures. Fundamentally, the Java Automatic Workaround approach replaces some failing operations with other alternative operations that are semantically equivalent in terms of the expected results and in the developer’s intent, but that they might have some syntactic difference that can ultimately overcome the failure. We qualitatively discuss the reasons of the presence of the intrinsic redundancy and we quantitatively study four large libraries to show that such redundancy is indeed a characteristic of modern software systems. We then develop the approach into a prototype and we evaluate it with four open source applications. Our studies show that the approach effectively exploits the intrinsic redundancy in avoiding failures automatically and at runtime