125 research outputs found

    Hardware Implementation of Classical Conditioning of Rescorla-Wagner Model with Timing Drift-Diffusion Model

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    A novel hardware-efficient neuronal network having conditioning functions is proposed, where its nonlinear dynamics is designed based on ergodic cellular automaton. The proposed network is implemented by an FPGA and experiments validate its conditioning functions. It is shown that the network can be implemented by fewer circuit elements and consumes lower power than a conventional conditioning model

    The impact of prediction errors on perception and learning: a systems approach

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    The role of reinforcement learning in perceptual decision-making

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    Evidence accumulation is an important core component of perceptual decision-making that allows organisms to mitigate the e ects of environmental uncertainty by combining information in time. Simple theoretical models of evidence accumulation have been successful in critical aspects of performance in psychophysical tasks, capturing the inter-dependence between accuracy and reaction time (RT). Yet substantial ambiguity remains concerning key features of this class of models.(...

    A learning perspective on individual differences in skilled reading: Exploring and exploiting orthographic and semantic discrimination cues

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    The goal of the present study is to understand the role orthographic and semantic information play in the behaviour of skilled readers. Reading latencies from a self-paced sentence reading experiment in which Russian near-synonymous verbs were manipulated appear well-predicted by a combination of bottom-up sub-lexical letter triplets (trigraphs) and top-down semantic generalizations, modelled using the Naive Discrimination Learner. The results reveal a complex interplay of bottom-up and top-down support from orthography and semantics to the target verbs, whereby activations from orthography only are modulated by individual differences. Using performance on a serial reaction time task for a novel operationalization of the mental speed hypothesis, we explain the observed individual differences in reading behaviour in terms of the exploration/exploitation hypothesis from Reinforcement Learning, where initially slower and more variable behaviour leads to better performance overall

    Pavlovian control of escape and avoidance

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    Contains fulltext : 195168.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)To survive in complex environments, animals need to have mechanisms to select effective actions quickly, with minimal computational costs. As perhaps the computationally most parsimonious of these systems, Pavlovian control accomplishes this by hardwiring specific stereotyped responses to certain classes of stimuli. It is well documented that appetitive cues initiate a Pavlovian bias toward vigorous approach; however, Pavlovian responses to aversive stimuli are less well understood. Gaining a deeper understanding of aversive Pavlovian responses, such as active avoidance, is important given the critical role these behaviors play in several psychiatric conditions. The goal of the current study was to establish a behavioral and computational framework to examine aversive Pavlovian responses (activation vs. inhibition) depending on the proximity of an aversive state (escape vs. avoidance). We introduce a novel task in which participants are exposed to primary aversive (noise) stimuli and characterized behavior using a novel generative computational model. This model combines reinforcement learning and drift-diffusion models so as to capture effects of invigoration/inhibition in both explicit choice behavior as well as changes in RT. Choice and RT results both suggest that escape is associated with a bias for vigorous action, whereas avoidance is associated with behavioral inhibition. These results lay a foundation for future work that promise to provide insights into typical and atypical aversive Pavlovian responses involved in psychiatric disorders, allowing us to quantify both implicit and explicit indices of vigorous choice behavior in the context of aversion.12 p

    Evidence accumulation in a Laplace domain decision space

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    Evidence accumulation models of simple decision-making have long assumed that the brain estimates a scalar decision variable corresponding to the log-likelihood ratio of the two alternatives. Typical neural implementations of this algorithmic cognitive model assume that large numbers of neurons are each noisy exemplars of the scalar decision variable. Here we propose a neural implementation of the diffusion model in which many neurons construct and maintain the Laplace transform of the distance to each of the decision bounds. As in classic findings from brain regions including LIP, the firing rate of neurons coding for the Laplace transform of net accumulated evidence grows to a bound during random dot motion tasks. However, rather than noisy exemplars of a single mean value, this approach makes the novel prediction that firing rates grow to the bound exponentially, across neurons there should be a distribution of different rates. A second set of neurons records an approximate inversion of the Laplace transform, these neurons directly estimate net accumulated evidence. In analogy to time cells and place cells observed in the hippocampus and other brain regions, the neurons in this second set have receptive fields along a "decision axis." This finding is consistent with recent findings from rodent recordings. This theoretical approach places simple evidence accumulation models in the same mathematical language as recent proposals for representing time and space in cognitive models for memory.Comment: Revised for CB