34 research outputs found

    Mobile and Wireless Communications

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    Mobile and Wireless Communications have been one of the major revolutions of the late twentieth century. We are witnessing a very fast growth in these technologies where mobile and wireless communications have become so ubiquitous in our society and indispensable for our daily lives. The relentless demand for higher data rates with better quality of services to comply with state-of-the art applications has revolutionized the wireless communication field and led to the emergence of new technologies such as Bluetooth, WiFi, Wimax, Ultra wideband, OFDMA. Moreover, the market tendency confirms that this revolution is not ready to stop in the foreseen future. Mobile and wireless communications applications cover diverse areas including entertainment, industrialist, biomedical, medicine, safety and security, and others, which definitely are improving our daily life. Wireless communication network is a multidisciplinary field addressing different aspects raging from theoretical analysis, system architecture design, and hardware and software implementations. While different new applications are requiring higher data rates and better quality of service and prolonging the mobile battery life, new development and advanced research studies and systems and circuits designs are necessary to keep pace with the market requirements. This book covers the most advanced research and development topics in mobile and wireless communication networks. It is divided into two parts with a total of thirty-four stand-alone chapters covering various areas of wireless communications of special topics including: physical layer and network layer, access methods and scheduling, techniques and technologies, antenna and amplifier design, integrated circuit design, applications and systems. These chapters present advanced novel and cutting-edge results and development related to wireless communication offering the readers the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in specific topics as well as to explore the whole field of rapidly emerging mobile and wireless networks. We hope that this book will be useful for students, researchers and practitioners in their research studies

    Deteção espetral de banda larga para rádio cógnitivo

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    Doutoramento em TelecomunicaçõesEsta tese tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma unidade autónoma de deteção espetral em tempo real. Para tal são analisadas várias implementações para a estimação do nível de ruído de fundo de forma a se poder criar um limiar adaptativo para um detetor com uma taxa constante de falso alarme. Além da identificação binária da utilização do espetro, pretende-se também obter a classificação individual de cada transmissor e a sua ocupação ao longo do tempo. Para tal são exploradas duas soluções baseadas no algoritmo, de agrupamento de dados, conhecido como maximização de expectativas que permite identificar os sinais analisados pela potência recebida e relação de fase entre dois recetores. Um algoritmo de deteção de sinal baseado também na relação de fase de dois recetores e sem necessidade de estimação do ruído de fundo é também demonstrado. Este algoritmo foi otimizado para permitir uma implementação eficiente num arranjo de portas programáveis em campo a funcionar em tempo real para uma elevada largura de banda, permitindo também estimar a direção da transmissão detetada.The purpose of this thesis is to develop an autonomous unit for real time spectrum sensing. For this purpose, several implementations for the estimation of the background noise level are analysed to create an adaptive threshold and ensure a constant false alarm rate detector. In addition to the binary identification of the spectrum usage, it is also intended to obtain an individual classification of each transmitter occupation and its spectrum usage over time. To do so, two solutions based on the expectation maximization data clustering, that allow to identify the analyzed signals by the received power and phase relation between two receivers, were explored. A signal detection algorithm, also based on the phase relationship between two receivers and with no need for noise estimation is also demonstrated. This algorithm has been optimized to allow an efficient implementation in a FPGA operating in real time for a high bandwidth and it also allows the estimation of the direction of arrival of the detected transmission

    Removing non-stationary noise in spectrum sensing using matrix factorization

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    Spectrum sensing is key to many applications like dynamicspectrum access (DSA) systems or telecom regulators who need to measure utilization of frequency bands. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recommends a 10 dB threshold above the noise to decide whether a channel is occupied or not. However, radio frequency (RF) receiver front-ends are non-ideal. This means that the obtained data is distorted with noise and imperfections from the analog front-end. As part of the front-end the automatic gain control (AGC) circuitry mainly affects the sensing performance as strong adjacent signals lift the noise level. To enhance the performance of spectrum sensing significantly we focus in this article on techniques to remove the noise caused by the AGC from the sensing data. In order to do this we have applied matrix factorization techniques, i.e., SVD (singular value decomposition) and NMF (non-negative matrix factorization), which enables signal space analysis. In addition, we use live measurement results to verify the performance and to remove the effects of the AGC from the sensing data using above mentioned techniques, i.e., applied on block-wise available spectrum data. In this article it is shown that the occupancy in the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band, obtained by using energy detection (ITU recommended threshold), can be an overestimation of spectrum usage by 60%

    Applications of nonuniform sampling in wideband multichannel communication systems

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    This research is an investigation into utilising randomised sampling in communication systems to ease the sampling rate requirements of digitally processing narrowband signals residing within a wide range of overseen frequencies. By harnessing the aliasing suppression capabilities of such sampling schemes, it is shown that certain processing tasks, namely spectrum sensing, can be performed at significantly low sampling rates compared to those demanded by uniform-sampling-based digital signal processing. The latter imposes sampling frequencies of at least twice the monitored bandwidth regardless of the spectral activity within. Aliasing can otherwise result in irresolvable processing problems, as the spectral support of the present signal is a priori unknown. Lower sampling rates exploit the processing module(s) resources (such as power) more efficiently and avoid the possible need for premium specialised high-cost DSP, especially if the handled bandwidth is considerably wide. A number of randomised sampling schemes are examined and appropriate spectral analysis tools are used to furnish their salient features. The adopted periodogram-type estimators are tailored to each of the schemes and their statistical characteristics are assessed for stationary, and cyclostationary signals. Their ability to alleviate the bandwidth limitation of uniform sampling is demonstrated and the smeared-aliasing defect that accompanies randomised sampling is also quantified. In employing the aforementioned analysis tools a novel wideband spectrum sensing approach is introduced. It permits the simultaneous sensing of a number of nonoverlapping spectral subbands constituting a wide range of monitored frequencies. The operational sampling rates of the sensing procedure are not limited or dictated by the overseen bandwidth antithetical to uniform-sampling-based techniques. Prescriptive guidelines are developed to ensure that the proposed technique satisfies certain detection probabilities predefined by the user. These recommendations address the trade-off between the required sampling rate and the length of the signal observation window (sensing time) in a given scenario. Various aspects of the introduced multiband spectrum sensing approach are investigated and its applicability highlighted

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWireless communications pervade all avenues of modern life. The rapid expansion of wireless services has increased the need for transmission schemes that are more spectrally efficient. Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) systems attempt to address this need by building a network where the spectrum is used opportunistically by all users based on local and regional measurements of its availability. One of the principal requirements in DSA systems is to initialize and maintain a control channel to link the nodes together. This should be done even before a complete spectral usage map is available. Additionally, with more users accessing the spectrum, it is important to maintain a stable link in the presence of significant interference in emergency first-responders, rescue, and defense applications. In this thesis, a new multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS) technique based on filter banks is presented. The new technique is called filter bank multicarrier spread spectrum (FB-MC-SS). A detailed theory of the underlying properties of this signal are given, with emphasis on the properties that lend themselves to synchronization at the receiver. Proposed algorithms for synchronization, channel estimation, and detection are implemented on a software-defined radio platform to complete an FB-MC-SS transceiver and to prove the practicality of the technique. FB-MC-SS is shown through physical experimentation to be significantly more robust to partial band interference compared to direct sequence spread spectrum. With a higher power interfering signal occupying 90% of its band, FB-MC-SS maintains a low bit error rate. Under the same interference conditions, DS-SS fails completely. This experimentation leads to a theoretical analysis that shows in a frequency selective channel with additive white noise, the FB-MC-SS system has performance that equals that obtained by a DS-SS system employing an optimal rake receiver. This thesis contains a detailed chapter on implementation and design, including lessons learned while prototyping the system. This is to assist future system designers to quickly gain proficiency in further development of this technology

    Contribution à la conception d'un système de radio impulsionnelle ultra large bande intelligent

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    Faced with an ever increasing demand of high data-rates and improved adaptability among existing systems, which inturn is resulting in spectrum scarcity, the development of new radio solutions becomes mandatory in order to answer the requirements of these emergent applications. Among the recent innovations in the field of wireless communications,ultra wideband (UWB) has generated significant interest. Impulse based UWB (IR-UWB) is one attractive way of realizing UWB systems, which is characterized by the transmission of sub nanoseconds UWB pulses, occupying a band width up to 7.5 GHz with extremely low power density. This large band width results in several captivating features such as low-complexity low-cost transceiver, ability to overlay existing narrowband systems, ample multipath diversity, and precise ranging at centimeter level due to extremely fine temporal resolution.In this PhD dissertation, we investigate some of the key elements in the realization of an intelligent time-hopping based IR-UWB system. Due to striking resemblance of IR-UWB inherent features with cognitive radio (CR) requirements, acognitive UWB based system is first studied. A CR in its simplest form can be described as a radio, which is aware ofits surroundings and adapts intelligently. As sensing the environment for the availability of resources and then consequently adapting radio’s internal parameters to exploit them opportunistically constitute the major blocks of any CR, we first focus on robust spectrum sensing algorithms and the design of adaptive UWB waveforms for realizing a cognitive UWB radio. The spectrum sensing module needs to function with minimum a-priori knowledge available about the operating characteristics and detect the primary users as quickly as possible. Keeping this in mind, we develop several spectrum sensing algorithms invoking recent results on the random matrix theory, which can provide efficient performance with a few number of samples. Next, we design the UWB waveform using a linear combination of Bsp lines with weight coefficients being optimized by genetic algorithms. This results in a UWB waveform that is spectrally efficient and at the same time adaptable to incorporate the cognitive radio requirements. In the 2nd part of this thesis, some research challenges related to signal processing in UWB systems, namely synchronization and dense multipath channel estimation are addressed. Several low-complexity non-data-aided (NDA) synchronization algorithms are proposed for BPSK and PSM modulations, exploiting either the orthogonality of UWB waveforms or theinherent cyclostationarity of IR-UWB signaling. Finally, we look into the channel estimation problem in UWB, whichis very demanding due to particular nature of UWB channels and at the same time very critical for the coherent Rake receivers. A method based on a joint maximum-likelihood (ML) and orthogonal subspace (OS) approaches is proposed which exhibits improved performance than both of these methods individually.Face à une demande sans cesse croissante de haut débit et d’adaptabilité des systèmes existants, qui à son tour se traduit par l’encombrement du spectre, le développement de nouvelles solutions dans le domaine des communications sans fil devient nécessaire afin de répondre aux exigences des applications émergentes. Parmi les innovations récentes dans ce domaine, l’ultra large bande (UWB) a suscité un vif intérêt. La radio impulsionnelle UWB (IR-UWB), qui est une solution intéressante pour réaliser des systèmes UWB, est caractérisée par la transmission des impulsions de très courte durée, occupant une largeur de bande allant jusqu’à 7,5 GHz, avec une densité spectrale de puissance extrêmement faible. Cette largeur de bande importante permet de réaliser plusieurs fonctionnalités intéressantes, telles que l’implémentation à faible complexité et à coût réduit, la possibilité de se superposer aux systèmes à bande étroite, la diversité spatiale et la localisation très précise de l’ordre centimétrique, en raison de la résolution temporelle très fine.Dans cette thèse, nous examinons certains éléments clés dans la réalisation d'un système IR-UWB intelligent. Nous avons tout d’abord proposé le concept de radio UWB cognitive à partir des similarités existantes entre l'IR-UWB et la radio cognitive. Dans sa définition la plus simple, un tel système est conscient de son environnement et s'y adapte intelligemment. Ainsi, nous avons tout d’abord focalisé notre recherché sur l’analyse de la disponibilité des ressources spectrales (spectrum sensing) et la conception d’une forme d’onde UWB adaptative, considérées comme deux étapes importantes dans la réalisation d'une radio cognitive UWB. Les algorithmes de spectrum sensing devraient fonctionner avec un minimum de connaissances a priori et détecter rapidement les utilisateurs primaires. Nous avons donc développé de tels algorithmes utilisant des résultats récents sur la théorie des matrices aléatoires, qui sont capables de fournir de bonnes performances, avec un petit nombre d'échantillons. Ensuite, nous avons proposé une méthode de conception de la forme d'onde UWB, vue comme une superposition de fonctions B-splines, dont les coefficients de pondération sont optimisés par des algorithmes génétiques. Il en résulte une forme d'onde UWB qui est spectralement efficace et peut s’adapter pour intégrer les contraintes liées à la radio cognitive. Dans la 2ème partie de cette thèse, nous nous sommes attaqués à deux autres problématiques importantes pour le fonctionnement des systèmes UWB, à savoir la synchronisation et l’estimation du canal UWB, qui est très dense en trajets multiples. Ainsi, nous avons proposé plusieurs algorithmes de synchronisation, de faible complexité et sans séquence d’apprentissage, pour les modulations BPSK et PSM, en exploitant l'orthogonalité des formes d'onde UWB ou la cyclostationnarité inhérente à la signalisation IR-UWB. Enfin, nous avons travaillé sur l'estimation du canal UWB, qui est un élément critique pour les récepteurs Rake cohérents. Ainsi, nous avons proposé une méthode d’estimation du canal basée sur une combinaison de deux approches complémentaires, le maximum de vraisemblance et la décomposition en sous-espaces orthogonaux,d’améliorer globalement les performances

    The relationship between choice of spectrum sensing device and secondary-user intrusion in database-driven cognitive radio systems

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    As radios in future wireless systems become more flexible and reconfigurable whilst available radio spectrum becomes scarce, the possibility of using TV White Space devices (WSD) as secondary users in the TV Broadcast Bands (without causing harmful interference to licensed incumbents) becomes ever more attractive. Cognitive Radio encompasses a number of technologies which enable adaptive self-programming of systems at different levels to provide more effective use of the increasingly congested radio spectrum. Cognitive Radio has the potential to use spectrum allocated to TV services, which is not actually being used by these services, without causing disruptive interference to licensed users by using channel selection aided by use of appropriate propagation modelling in TV White Spaces.The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the potential of the Cognitive Radio concept to provide additional bandwidth and improved efficiency to help accelerate the development and acceptance of Cognitive Radio technology. Specifically, firstly: three main classes of spectrum sensing techniques (Energy Detection, Matched Filtering and Cyclostationary Feature Detection) have compare in terms of time and spectrum resources consumed, required prior knowledge and complexity, ranking the three classes according to accuracy and performance. Secondly, investigate spectrum occupancy of the UHF TV band in the frequency range from 470 to 862 MHz by undertaking spectrum occupancy measurements in different locations around the Hull area in the UK, using two different receiver devices; a low cost Software-Defined Radio device and a laboratory-quality spectrum analyser. Thirdly, investigate the best propagation model among three propagation models (Extended-Hata, Davidson-Hata and Egli) for use in the TV band, whilst also finding the optimum terrain data resolution to use (1000, 100 or 30 m). it compares modelled results with the previously-mentioned practical measurements and then describe how such models can be integrated into a database-driven tool for Cognitive Radio channel selection within the TV White Space environment. Fourthly, create a flexible simulation system for creating a TV White Space database by using different propagation models. Finally, design a flexible system which uses a combination of Geolocation Database and Spectrum Sensing in the TV band, comparing the performance of two spectrum analysers (Agilent E4407B and Agilent EXA N9010A) with that of a low cost Software-Defined Radio in the real radio environment. The results shows that white space devices can be designed using SDRs based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip (RTL-SDR), combined with a geolocation database for identifying the primary user in the specific location in a cost-effective manner. Furthermore it is shown that improving the sensitivity of RTL-SDR will affect the accuracy and performance of the WSD

    Collaborative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks

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    The radio frequency (RF) spectrum is a scarce natural resource, currently regulated by government agencies. With the explosive emergence of wireless applications, the demands for the RF spectrum are constantly increasing. On the other hand, it has been reported that localised temporal and geographic spectrum utilisation efficiency is extremely low. Cognitive radio is an innovative technology designed to improve spectrum utilisation by exploiting those spectrum opportunities. This ability is dependent upon spectrum sensing, which is one of most critical components in a cognitive radio system. A significant challenge is to sense the whole RF spectrum at a particular physical location in a short observation time. Otherwise, performance degrades with longer observation times since the lagging response to spectrum holes implies low spectrum utilisation efficiency. Hence, developing an efficient wideband spectrum sensing technique is prime important. In this thesis, a multirate asynchronous sub-Nyquist sampling (MASS) system that employs multiple low-rate analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) is developed that implements wideband spectrum sensing. The key features of the MASS system are, 1) low implementation complexity, 2) energy-efficiency for sharing spectrum sensing data, and 3) robustness against the lack of time synchronisation. The conditions under which recovery of the full spectrum is unique are presented using compressive sensing (CS) analysis. The MASS system is applied to both centralised and distributed cognitive radio networks. When the spectra of the cognitive radio nodes have a common spectral support, using one low-rate ADC in each cognitive radio node can successfully recover the full spectrum. This is obtained by applying a hybrid matching pursuit (HMP) algorithm - a synthesis of distributed compressive sensing simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit (DCS-SOMP) and compressive sampling matching pursuit (CoSaMP). Moreover, a multirate spectrum detection (MSD) system is introduced to detect the primary users from a small number of measurements without ever reconstructing the full spectrum. To achieve a better detection performance, a data fusion strategy is developed for combining sensing data from all cognitive radio nodes. Theoretical bounds on detection performance are derived for distributed cognitive radio nodes suffering from additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), Rayleigh fading, and log-normal fading channels. In conclusion, MASS and MSD both have a low implementation complexity, high energy efficiency, good data compression capability, and are applicable to distributed cognitive radio networks