48 research outputs found

    Collective program analysis

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    Encouraged by the success of data-driven software engineering (SE) techniques that have found numerous applications e.g. in defect prediction, specification inference, etc, the demand for mining and analyzing source code repositories at scale has significantly increased. However, analyzing source code at scale remains expensive to the extent that data-driven solutions to certain SE problems are beyond our reach today. Extant techniques have focused on leveraging distributed computing to solve this problem, but with a concomitant increase in computational resource needs. In this thesis, we propose collective program analysis (CPA), a technique to accelerate ultra-large-scale source code mining without demanding more computational resources and by utilizing the similarity between millions of source code artifacts. First, we describe the general concept of collective program analysis. Given a mining task that is required to be run on thousands of artifacts, the artifacts with similar interactions are clustered together, such that the mining task is required to be run on only one candidate from each cluster to produce the mining result and the results for other candidates in the same cluster can be produced using extrapolation. The two technical innovations of collective program analysis are: mining task specific similarity and interaction pattern graph. Mining task specific similarity is about whether two or more artifacts can be considered similar for a given mining task. An interaction pattern graph represents the interaction between the mining task and the artifact when the mining task is run on the artifact. An interaction pattern graph is used to determine mining task specific similarity between artifacts. Given a mining task and an artifact producing an interaction pattern graph soundly and efficiently can be very challenging. We propose a pre-analysis and program compaction technique to achieve this. Given a source code mining task and thousands of input programs on which the mining task needs to be run, our technique first extracts the information about what parts of an input program are relevant for the mining task and then removes the irrelevant parts from input programs, prior to running the mining task on them. Our key technical contributions are a static analysis to extract information about the parts of program that are relevant for a mining task and a sound program compaction technique that produces a reduced program on which the mining task has similar output as original program. Upon producing interaction pattern graphs of thousands of artifacts, they have to be clustered and the mining task results have to be reused between similar artifacts to achieve acceleration. In the final part of this thesis, we fully describes collective program analysis and illustrate mining millions of control flow graphs (CFGs) by clustering similar CFGs

    Control flow graphs for real-time systems analysis: reconstruction from binary executables and usage in ILP-based path analysis

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    Real-time systems have to complete their actions w.r.t. given timing constraints. In order to validate that these constraints are met, static timing analysis is usually performed to compute an upper bound of the worst-case execution times (WCET) of all the involved tasks. This thesis identifies the requirements of real-time system analysis on the control flow graph that the static analyses work on. A novel approach is presented that extracts a control flow graph from binary executables, which are typically used when performing WCET analysis of real-time systems. Timing analysis can be split into two steps: a) the analysis of the behaviour of the hardware components, b) finding the worst-case path. A novel approach to path analysis is described in this thesis that introduces sophisticated interprocedural analysis techniques that were not available before.Echtzeitsysteme müssen ihre Aufgaben innerhalb vorgegebener Zeitschranken abwickeln. Um die Einhaltung der Zeitschranken zu überprüfen, sind für gewöhnlich statische Analysen der schlimmsten Ausführzeiten der Teilprogramme des Echtzeitsystems nötig. Diese Arbeit stellt die Anforderungen von Echtzeitsystem an den Kontrollflussgraphen vor, auf dem die statischen Analysen arbeiten. Ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Rückberechnung von Kontrollflußgraphen aus Maschinenprogrammen, die häufig die Grundlage der WCET-Analyse von Echtzeitsystemen bilden, wird vorgestellt. WCET-Analysen können in zwei Teile zerlegt werden: a) die Analyse des Verhaltens der Hardwarebausteine, b) die Suche nach dem schlimmsten Ausführpfad. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz der Pfadanalyse vorgestellt, der für ausgefeilte interprozedurale Analysemethoden ausgelegt ist, die vorher hier nicht verfügbar waren

    Sound Static Deadlock Analysis for C/Pthreads (Extended Version)

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    We present a static deadlock analysis approach for C/pthreads. The design of our method has been guided by the requirement to analyse real-world code. Our approach is sound (i.e., misses no deadlocks) for programs that have defined behaviour according to the C standard, and precise enough to prove deadlock-freedom for a large number of programs. The method consists of a pipeline of several analyses that build on a new context- and thread-sensitive abstract interpretation framework. We further present a lightweight dependency analysis to identify statements relevant to deadlock analysis and thus speed up the overall analysis. In our experimental evaluation, we succeeded to prove deadlock-freedom for 262 programs from the Debian GNU/Linux distribution with in total 2.6 MLOC in less than 11 hours

    Control flow graphs for real-time systems analysis: reconstruction from binary executables and usage in ILP-based path analysis

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    Real-time systems have to complete their actions w.r.t. given timing constraints. In order to validate that these constraints are met, static timing analysis is usually performed to compute an upper bound of the worst-case execution times (WCET) of all the involved tasks. This thesis identifies the requirements of real-time system analysis on the control flow graph that the static analyses work on. A novel approach is presented that extracts a control flow graph from binary executables, which are typically used when performing WCET analysis of real-time systems. Timing analysis can be split into two steps: a) the analysis of the behaviour of the hardware components, b) finding the worst-case path. A novel approach to path analysis is described in this thesis that introduces sophisticated interprocedural analysis techniques that were not available before.Echtzeitsysteme müssen ihre Aufgaben innerhalb vorgegebener Zeitschranken abwickeln. Um die Einhaltung der Zeitschranken zu überprüfen, sind für gewöhnlich statische Analysen der schlimmsten Ausführzeiten der Teilprogramme des Echtzeitsystems nötig. Diese Arbeit stellt die Anforderungen von Echtzeitsystem an den Kontrollflussgraphen vor, auf dem die statischen Analysen arbeiten. Ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Rückberechnung von Kontrollflußgraphen aus Maschinenprogrammen, die häufig die Grundlage der WCET-Analyse von Echtzeitsystemen bilden, wird vorgestellt. WCET-Analysen können in zwei Teile zerlegt werden: a) die Analyse des Verhaltens der Hardwarebausteine, b) die Suche nach dem schlimmsten Ausführpfad. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz der Pfadanalyse vorgestellt, der für ausgefeilte interprozedurale Analysemethoden ausgelegt ist, die vorher hier nicht verfügbar waren

    A Theoretical Approach Involving Recurrence Resolution, Dependence Cycle Statement Ordering and Subroutine Transformation for the Exploitation of Parallelism in Sequential Code.

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    To exploit parallelism in Fortran code, this dissertation consists of a study of the following three issues: (1) recurrence resolution in Do-loops for vector processing, (2) dependence cycle statement ordering in Do-loops for parallel processing, and (3) sub-routine parallelization. For recurrence resolution, the major findings include: (1) the node splitting algorithm cannot be used directly to break an essential antidependence link, of which the source variable that results in antidependence is itself the sink variable of another true dependence so a correction method is proposed, (2) a sink variable renaming technique is capable of breaking an antidependence and/or output-dependence link, (3) for recurrences formed by only true dependences, a dynamic dependence concept and the derived technique are powerful, and (4) by integrating related techniques, an algorithm for resolving a general multistatement recurrence is developed. The performance of a parallel loop is determined by the level of parallelism and the time delay due to interprocessor communication and synchronization. For a dependence cycle of a single parallel loop executed in a general synchronization mode, the parallelism exposed varies with the alignment of statements. Statements are reordered on the basis of execution-time of the loop as estimated at compile-time. An improved timing formula and a derived statement ordering algorithm are proposed. Further extension of this algorithm to multiple perfectly nested Do-loops with simple global dependence cycle is also presented. The subroutine is a potential source for parallel processing. Several problems must be solved for subroutine parallelization: (1) the precedence of parallel executions of subroutines, (2) identification of the optimum execution mode for each subroutine and (3) the restructuring of a serial program. A five-step approach to parallelize called subroutines for a calling subroutine is proposed: (1) computation of control dependence, (2) approximation of the global effects of subroutines, (3) analysis of data dependence, (4) identification of execution mode, and (5) restructuring of calling and called subroutines. Application of these five steps in a recursive manner to different levels of calling subroutines in a program addresses the parallelization of subroutines

    A survey of program slicing for software engineering

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    This research concerns program slicing which is used as a tool for program maintainence of software systems. Program slicing decreases the level of effort required to understand and maintain complex software systems. It was first designed as a debugging aid, but it has since been generalized into various tools and extended to include program comprehension, module cohesion estimation, requirements verification, dead code elimination, and maintainence of several software systems, including reverse engineering, parallelization, portability, and reuse component generation. This paper seeks to address and define terminology, theoretical concepts, program representation, different program graphs, developments in static slicing, dynamic slicing, and semantics and mathematical models. Applications for conventional slicing are presented, along with a prognosis of future work in this field


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    A combined representation for the maintenance of C programs

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    A programmer wishing to make a change to a piece of code must first gain a full understanding of the behaviours and functionality involved. This process of program comprehension is difficult and time consuming, and often hindered by the absence of useful program documentation. Where documentation is absent, static analysis techniques are often employed to gather programming level information in the form of data and control flow relationships, directly from the source code itself. Software maintenance environments are created by grouping together a number of different static analysis tools such as program sheers, call graph builders and data flow analysis tools, providing a maintainer with a selection of 'views' of the subject code. However, each analysis tool often requires its own intermediate program representation (IPR). For example, an environment comprising five tools may require five different IPRs, giving repetition of information and inefficient use of storage space. A solution to this problem is to develop a single combined representation which contains all the program relationships required to present a maintainer with each required code view. The research presented in this thesis describes the Combined C Graph (CCG), a dependence-based representation for C programs from which a maintainer is able to construct data and control dependence views, interprocedural control flow views, program slices and ripple analyses. The CCG extends earlier dependence-based program representations, introducing language features such as expressions with embedded side effects and control flows, value returning functions, pointer variables, pointer parameters, array variables and structure variables. Algorithms for the construction of the CCG are described and the feasibility of the CCG demonstrated by means of a C/Prolog based prototype implementation

    Optimizing Service Orchestration in OutSystems

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    The growing demand for continuous development and deployment is causing many to steer away from the traditional monolithic architectural style and opt instead for Service- Oriented Architectures (SOAs). Adopting an architecture that is based on loosely-coupled services leads to enhanced modularity and flexibility, further translated into a philosophy of iterative, evolutionary development. The benefits of this development pattern were also made available in the OutSystems low-code platform, with the introduction of services as a new development building-block. Moreover, the independence innate to the multiple services that comprise a SOA hints at possible opportunities for task parallelism: as long as different remote calls to services don’t interfere with each other, they could be performed in parallel. As an immediate result, there could be speedups in multiple parts of an application’s layers. Idle time waiting for data could be reduced, along with internal business logic that could be carried out faster, factors that would positively impact the overall flow of any application. In this thesis we propose the design and implementation of an optimization process that targets the heart of the SOA: the orchestrator itself, the conductor of service interaction that enables the different business processes involved in a software system. The work produced comprises a set of data analysis and representation techniques that work together with the goal of detecting and informing opportunities for safe parallelism in the interaction and composition of the services that make up software factories. The formal definition of the algorithm is accompanied with a prototype that targets the OutSystems platform, with the achievement of considerable speedups in common scenarios. The results obtained suggest the viability of such a mechanism in the world of SOAs