315 research outputs found

    A novel spatial TDMA scheduler for concurrent transmit/receive wireless mesh networks

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    The success of wireless mesh networks hinges on their ability to support bandwidth intensive, multi-media applications. A key approach to increasing network capacity is to equip wireless routers with smart antennas. These routers, therefore, are capable of focusing their transmission on specific neighbours whilst causing little interference to other nodes. This, however, assumes there is a link scheduling algorithm that activates links in a way that maximizes network capacity. To this end, we propose a novel link activation algorithm that maximally creates a bipartite graph, which is then used to derive the link activation schedule of each router. We have verified the proposed algorithm on various topologies with increasing node degrees as well as node numbers. From extensive simulation studies, we find that our algorithm outperforms existing algorithms in terms of the number of links activated per slot, superframe length, computation time, route length and end-to-end delay

    Reducing Communication Delay Variability for a Group of Robots

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    A novel architecture is presented for reducing communication delay variability for a group of robots. This architecture relies on using three components: a microprocessor architecture that allows deterministic real-time tasks; an event-based communication protocol in which nodes transmit in a TDMA fashion, without the need of global clock synchronization techniques; and a novel communication scheme that enables deterministic communications by allowing senders to transmit without regard for the state of the medium or coordination with other senders, and receivers can tease apart messages sent simultaneously with a high probability of success. This approach compared to others, allows simultaneous communications without regard for the state of the transmission medium, it allows deterministic communications, and it enables ordered communications that can be a applied in a team of robots. Simulations and experimental results are also included

    Link Scheduling Algorithms For In-Band Full-Duplex Wireless Networks

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    In the last two decades, wireless networks and their corresponding data traffic have grown significantly. This is because wireless networks have become an indispens- able and critical communication infrastructure in a modern society. An on-going challenge in communication systems is meeting the continuous increase in traffic de- mands. This is driven by the proliferation of electronic devices such as smartphones with a WiFi interface along with their bandwidth intensive applications. Moreover, in the near future, sensor devices that form the Internet of Things (IoTs) ecosystem will also add to future traffic growth. One promising approach to meet growing traffic demands is to equip nodes with an In-band-Full-Duplex (IBFD) radio. This radio thus allows nodes to transmit and receive data concurrently over the same frequency band. Another approach to in- crease network or link capacity is to exploit the benefits of Multiple-Input-Multiple- Output (MIMO) technologies; namely, (i) spatial diversity gain, which improves Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and thus has a direct impact on the data rate used by nodes, and (ii) spatial multiplexing gain, whereby nodes are able to form concurrent links to neighbors

    Modified Greedy Physical Link Scheduling Algorithm for Improving Wireless Mesh Network Performance

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    The algorithm to allocate mesh active link to radio resource timeslot in wireless mesh network (WMN) is investigated. This paper proposes the novel method to allocate multiple links in one timeslot for improving the wireless mesh network throughput via spatial time division multiple access (STDMA) protocol. The throughput improvement is obtained by modifying greedy based algorithm that is widely known as a low complexity algorithm. We propose and investigate new parameters in the greedy based algorithm that can be used as scheduling control parameters, i.e. interference weight, scheduling weight, and the sum of link’s degree. Simulation results indicate that this approximation increases network performance in throughput and length of scheduling performance closed to the upper bound performance that is achieved by the algorithm that uses the physical interference model.

    Throughput optimization in MPR-capable multi-hop wireless networks

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    Recent advances in the physical layer have enabled the simultaneous reception of multiple packets by a node in wireless networks. This capability has the potential of improving the performance of multi-hop wireless networks by a logarithmic factor with respect to current technologies. However, to fully exploit multiple packet reception (MPR) capability, new routing and scheduling schemes must be designed. These schemes need to reformulate a historically underlying assumption in wireless networks which states that any concurrent transmission of two or more packets results in a collision and failure of all packet receptions. In this work, we present a generalized model for the throughput optimization problem in MPR-capable multi-hop wireless networks. The formulation incorporates not only the MPR protocol model to quantify interference, but also the multi-access channel. The former is related with the MAC and routing layers, and considers a packet as the unit of transmission. The latter accounts for the achievable capacity of links used by simultaneous packet transmissions. The problem is modeled as a joint routing and scheduling problem. The scheduling subproblem deals with finding the optimal schedulable sets, which are defined as subsets of links that can be scheduled or activated simultaneously. Among other results, we demonstrate that any solution of the scheduling subproblem can be built with |E| + 1 or fewer schedulable sets, where |E| is the number of links of the network. This result contrasts with a conjecture that states that a solution of the scheduling subproblem, in general, is composed of an exponential number of schedulable sets. The model can be applied to a wide range of networks, such as half and full duplex systems, networks with directional and omni-directional antennas with one or multiple transmit antennas per node. Due to the hardness of the problem, we propose several polynomial time schemes based on a combination of linear programming, approximation algorithm and greedy paradigms. We illustrate the use of the proposed schemes to study the impact of several design parameters such as decoding capability and number of transmit antennas on the performance of MPR-capable networks

    Millimeter Wave Ad Hoc Networks: Noise-limited or Interference-limited?

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    In millimeter wave (mmWave) communication systems, narrow beam operations overcome severe channel attenuations, reduce multiuser interference, and thus introduce the new concept of noise-limited mmWave wireless networks. The regime of the network, whether noise-limited or interference-limited, heavily reflects on the medium access control (MAC) layer throughput and on proper resource allocation and interference management strategies. Yet, alternating presence of these regimes and, more importantly, their dependence on the mmWave design parameters are ignored in the current approaches to mmWave MAC layer design, with the potential disastrous consequences on the throughput/delay performance. In this paper, tractable closed-form expressions for collision probability and MAC layer throughput of mmWave networks, operating under slotted ALOHA and TDMA, are derived. The new analysis reveals that mmWave networks may exhibit a non-negligible transitional behavior from a noise-limited regime to an interference-limited regime, depending on the density of the transmitters, density and size of obstacles, transmission probability, beamwidth, and transmit power. It is concluded that a new framework of adaptive hybrid resource allocation procedure, containing a proactive contention-based phase followed by a reactive contention-free one with dynamic phase durations, is necessary to cope with such transitional behavior.Comment: accepted in IEEE GLOBECOM'1

    A Survey on Scheduling in IEEE 802.16 Mesh Mode

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.IEEE 802.16 standard (also known as WiMAX) defines the wireless broadband network technology which aims to solve the so called last mile problem via providing high bandwidth Internet even to the rural areas for which the cable deployment is very costly. The standard mainly focuses on the MAC and PHY layer issues, supporting two transmission modes: PMP (Point-to-Multipoint) and mesh modes. Mesh mode is an optional mode developed as an extension to PMP mode and it has the advantage of having an improving performance as more subscribers are added to the system using multi-hop routes. In 802.16 MAC protocol, mesh mode slot allocation and reservation mechanisms are left open which makes this topic a hot research area. Hence, the focus of this survey will mostly be on the mesh mode, and the proposed scheduling algorithms and performance evaluation methods

    High Performance Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Industrial Internet of Things

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    Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks (WSANs) enable cost-effective communication for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). To achieve predictability and reliability demanded by industrial applications, industrial wireless standards (e.g., WirelessHART) incorporate a set of unique features such as a centralized management architecture, Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH), and conservative channel selection. However, those features also incur significant degradation in performance, efficiency, and agility. To overcome these key limitations of existing industrial wireless technologies, this thesis work develops and empirically evaluates a suite of novel network protocols and algorithms. The primary contributions of this thesis are four-fold. (1) We first build an experimental testbed realizing key features of the WirelessHART protocol stack, and perform a series of empirical studies to uncover the limitations and potential improvements of existing network features. (2) We then investigate the impacts of the industrial WSAN protocol’s channel selection mechanism on routing and real-time performance, and present new channel and link selection strategies that improve route diversity and real-time performance. (3) To further enhance performance, we propose and design conservative channel reuse, a novel approach to support concurrent transmissions in a same wireless channel while maintaining a high degree of reliability. (4) Lastly, to address the limitation of the centralized architecture in handling network dynamics, we develop REACT, a Reliable, Efficient, and Adaptive Control Plane for centralized network management. REACT is designed to reduce the latency and energy cost of network reconfiguration by incorporating a reconfiguration planner to reduce a rescheduling cost, and an update engine providing efficient and reliable mechanisms to support schedule reconfiguration. All the network protocols and algorithms developed in this thesis have been empirically evaluated on the wireless testbed. This thesis represents a step toward next-generation IIoT for industrial automation that demands high-performance and agile wireless communication

    Long-Term Stable Communication in Centrally Scheduled Low-Power Wireless Networks

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    With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), more devices are connected than ever before. Most of these communicate wirelessly, forming Wireless Sensor Networks. In recent years, there has been a shift from personal networks, like Smart Home, to industrial networks. Industrial networks monitor pipelines or handle the communication between robots in factories. These new applications form the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Many industrial applications have high requirements for communication, higher than the requirements of common IoT networks. Communications must stick to hard deadlines to avoid harm, and they must be highly reliable as skipping information is not a viable option when communicating critical information. Moreover, communication has to remain reliable over longer periods of time. As many sensor locations do not offer a power source, the devices have to run on battery and thus have to be power efficient. Current systems offer solutions for some of these requirements. However, they especially lack long-term stable communication that can dynamically adapt to changes in the wireless medium.In this thesis, we study the problem of stable and reliable communication in centrally scheduled low-power wireless networks. This communication ought to be stable when it can dynamically adapt to changes in the wireless medium while keeping latency at a minimum. We design and investigate approaches to solve the problem of low to high degrees of interference in the wireless medium. We propose three solutions to overcome interference: MASTER with Sliding Windows brings dynamic numbers of retransmissions to centrally scheduled low-power wireless networks, OVERTAKE allows to skip nodes affected by interference along the path, and AUTOBAHN combines opportunistic routing and synchronous transmissions with the Time-Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) MAC protocol to overcome local wide-band interference with the lowest possible latency. We evaluate our approaches in detail on testbed deployments and provide open-source implementations of the protocols to enable others to build their work upon them
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